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Material for MkDocs
!!! seealso "User Survey 2020{ target="_blank" rel="noopener" } – tell us about you, it takes only 2 minutes of your time!"
__Material for MkDocs 5__ is around the corner and we would like to learn
more __about you__ and __how you use__ this project. [Take the survey][0]{ target="_blank" rel="noopener" }
and help us learn about your experiences, so we can make this project even
Create beautiful project documentation
Material is a theme for MkDocs, an excellent static site generator geared towards project documentation. It is built using Google's Material Design guidelines.
Quick start
Install the latest version of Material with pip
pip install mkdocs-material
Add the following line to mkdocs.yml
name: material
What to expect
Responsive design and fluid layout for all kinds of screens and devices, designed to serve your project documentation in a user-friendly way in 41 languages with optimal readability.
Easily customizable primary and accent color, fonts, favicon and logo; straight forward localization through theme extension; integrated with Google Analytics, Disqus and GitHub.
Well-designed search interface accessible through hotkeys (F or S), intelligent grouping of search results, search term highlighting and lazy loading.
For detailed instructions see the getting started guide.