David Personette 62e06a63e2 first commit
2015-01-01 23:03:52 -05:00

86 lines
2.9 KiB

# Samba
Samba docker container
# What is Samba?
Since 1992, Samba has provided secure, stable and fast file and print services
for all clients using the SMB/CIFS protocol, such as all versions of DOS and
Windows, OS/2, Linux and many others.
# How to use this image
By default there are no shares configured, additional ones can be added.
## Hosting a Samba instance
sudo docker run --rm -p 139:139 -p 445:445 -d dperson/samba
OR set local storage:
sudo docker run --name samba -p 139:139 -p 445:445 \
-v /path/to/directory:/mount \
-d dperson/samba
## Configuration
sudo docker run -it --rm dperson/samba -h
Usage: [-opt] [command]
Options (fields in '[]' are optional, '<>' are required):
-h This help
-s "<name;/path>[;browse;readonly;guest;users]" Configure a share
required arg: "<name>;<comment>;</path>"
<name> is how it's called for clients
<path> path to share
[browseable] default:'yes' or 'no'
[readonly] default:'yes' or 'no'
[guest] allowed default:'yes' or 'no'
[users] allowed default:'all' or list of allowed users
-t "" Configure timezone
possible arg: "[timezone]" - zoneinfo timezone for container
-u "<username;password>" Add a user
required arg: "<username>;<passwd>"
<username> for user
<password> for user
The 'command' (if provided and valid) will be run instead of samba
ENVIROMENT VARIABLES (only available with `docker run`)
* `TIMEZONE` - As above, set a zoneinfo timezone, IE `EST5EDT`
## Examples
### Start an instance and set the timezone:
Any of the commands can be run at creation with `docker run` or later with
`docker exec` (as of version 1.3 of docker).
sudo docker run --rm -p 139:139 -p 445:445 -d dperson/samba -t EST5EDT
Will get you the same settings as
sudo docker run --name samba -p 139:139 -p 445:445 -d dperson/samba
sudo docker exec samba -t EST5EDT ls -AlF /etc/localtime
sudo docker restart samba
### Start an instance creating users and shares:
sudo docker run --rm -p 139:139 -p 445:445 -d dperson/samba \
-u "example1;badpass" \
-u "example2;badpass" \
-s "public;/share" \
-s "users;/srv;no;no;no;example1,example2" \
-s "example1 private;/example1;no;no;no;example1" \
-s "example2 private;/example2;no;no;no;example2"
# User Feedback
## Issues
If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact me
through a [GitHub issue](