Take a video and replace the face in it with a face of your choice. You only need one image of the desired face. No dataset, no training. That's it, that's the software. You can watch some demos [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KHv8n_rd3Lcr2v7jBq1yPSTWM554Gq8e?usp=sharing). ![demo-gif](demo.gif) ## Installation > Do not create any issues regarding installation problems. I am only responsible for issues in this program, use google for help. 1. install `python`, `pip` and `git` 2. install `ffmpeg` 3. run the following commands in terminal: ``` git clone https://github.com/s0md3v/roop cd roop pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 4. Download [this file](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jbDUGrADco9A1MutWjO6d_1dwizh9w9P/view?usp=sharing) and keep it in **roop** directory. [Mirror #1](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eu60OrRtn4WhKrzM4mQv4F3rIuyUXqfl/view?usp=drive_link), [Mirror #2](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsHA3Xbnj6uAgxhb_tmQ7egHACOR?e=CPoThO) ### GPU Accleration (Optional) If you have a good enough GPU, you can use it to speed-up the face-swapping process by running `run.py` with `--gpu` flag. If you plan on doing it, you will need to install the appropriate `onnxruntime-*` package as follows: #### NVIDIA Install `cuda` and then, ``` pip install onnxruntime-gpu ``` #### AMD Install ROCM-based torch packages from [here](https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/) and then, ``` git clone https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime cd onnxruntime ./build.sh --config Release --build_wheel --update --build --parallel --cmake_extra_defines CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/rocm/lib/cmake ONNXRUNTIME_VERSION=$ONNXRUNTIME_VERSION onnxruntime_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS=off --use_rocm --rocm_home=/opt/rocm pip install build/Linux/Release/dist/*.whl ``` ## Usage > Note: When you run this program for the first time, it will download some models ~300MB in size. Executing `python run.py` command will launch this window: ![gui-demo](gui-demo.png) Choose a face (image with desired face) and the target image/video (image/video in which you want to replace the face) and click on `Start`. Open file explorer and navigate to the directory you launched `run.py` from. You will find a directory named `` where you can see the frames being swapped in realtime. Once the processing is done, it will create a video file named `swapped-.mp4`. That's it. Don't touch the FPS checkbox unless you know what you are doing. Additional command line arguments are given below: ``` -h, --help show this help message and exit -f SOURCE_IMG, --face SOURCE_IMG use this face -t TARGET_PATH, --target TARGET_PATH replace this face --keep-fps keep original fps --gpu use gpu --keep-frames don't delete frames directory ``` Looking for a CLI mode? Using the -f/--face argument will make the program in cli mode. ## Future plans - [ ] Replace a selective face throughout the video - [ ] Support for replacing multiple faces ## Credits - [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/): for making video related operations easy - [deepinsight](https://github.com/deepinsight): for their [insightface](https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface) project which provided a well-made library and models. - and all developers behind libraries used in this project.