import { MarkdownView, Menu, Plugin, TAbstractFile, TFile } from "obsidian"; import { NoteSharingService } from "src/NoteSharingService"; import { DEFAULT_SETTINGS } from "src/obsidian/PluginSettings"; import SettingsTab from "src/obsidian/SettingsTab"; import { SharedNoteSuccessModal } from "src/ui/SharedNoteSuccessModal"; import type { EventRef } from "obsidian"; import type { PluginSettings } from "src/obsidian/PluginSettings"; // Remember to rename these classes and interfaces! export default class NoteSharingPlugin extends Plugin { private settings: PluginSettings; private noteSharingService: NoteSharingService; private eventRef: EventRef; async onload() { await this.loadSettings(); this.noteSharingService = new NoteSharingService( this.settings.serverUrl ); // Init settings tab this.addSettingTab(new SettingsTab(, this)); // Add note sharing command this.addCommands(); this.eventRef = "file-menu", (menu, file, source) => this.onMenuOpenCallback(menu, file, source) ); this.registerEvent(this.eventRef); } onunload() {} async loadSettings() { this.settings = Object.assign( {}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, await this.loadData() ); } async saveSettings() { await this.saveData(this.settings); this.noteSharingService.serverUrl = this.settings.serverUrl; } addCommands() { this.addCommand({ id: "obsidian-note-sharing-share-note", name: "Create share link", checkCallback: (checking: boolean) => { // Only works on Markdown views const activeView =; if (!activeView) return false; if (checking) return true; this.shareNote(activeView.getViewData()); }, }); } // onMenuOpenCallback(menu: Menu, file: TAbstractFile, source: string) { if (file instanceof TFile && file.extension === "md") { menu.addItem((item) => { item.setIcon("paper-plane-glyph"); item.setTitle("Share note"); item.onClick(async (evt) => { this.shareNote(await; }); }); } } async shareNote(mdText: string) { const res = await this.noteSharingService.shareNote(mdText); new SharedNoteSuccessModal(this, res.view_url, res.expire_time).open(); } }