{ "categories": { "Flowchart": "Flowchart", "SequenceDiagram": "SequenceDiagram", "ClassDiagram": "ClassDiagram", "StateDiagram": "StateDiagram", "EntityRelationshipDiagram": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "UserJourneyDiagram": "UserJourneyDiagram", "GanttChart": "GanttChart", "PieChart": "PieChart", "RequirementDiagram": "RequirementDiagram", "GitGraph": "GitGraph", "Mindmap": "Mindmap", "Timeline": "Timeline", "C4Diagram": "C4Diagram", "QuadrantChart": "QuadrantChart" }, "elements": [ { "id": "211d5bb4-9e8a-41d1-bdd8-81b6159467d7", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "a simple flowchart with top to down direction", "content": "flowchart TD\nStart --> Stop", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "44a0ae51-cbd1-4c33-b483-c953e89300a3", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "a simple flowchart with left to right direction", "content": "flowchart LR\nStart --> Stop", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "b212ee44-acff-477c-be91-4c795d0db18f", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "A node with round edges", "content": "id1(Some text)", "sortingOrder": 3, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "99898251-6222-4b10-8a01-1e54dffe9a1e", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "A stadium-shaped node", "content": "id1([Some text])", "sortingOrder": 4, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "7bda53d9-f79a-4c29-a14b-7116fd21c4c1", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "A node in a cylindrical shape", "content": "id1[(Database)]", "sortingOrder": 5, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "d392cb11-9710-490f-a22f-6223f2d18b83", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "A node in the form of a circle", "content": "id1((Some text))", "sortingOrder": 6, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "9f8ff100-a277-4a9c-afb8-7afbb8b06ceb", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "A node (rhombus)", "content": "id1{Some text}", "sortingOrder": 7, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "bc38ebe3-b3ff-4293-9997-e4ecac78e794", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "A link with arrow head", "content": "A-->B", "sortingOrder": 8, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "11065710-a5c3-48d4-927c-9c65e1df5724", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "An open link", "content": "A --- B", "sortingOrder": 9, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "2054d62c-66c0-4326-ab54-dd9b6d2ae434", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "Text on links", "content": "A-- This is the text! ---B", "sortingOrder": 10, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "170c6750-afed-4d4e-a90c-482e465e987a", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "A link with arrow head and text", "content": "A-->|text|B", "sortingOrder": 11, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "ea3557a6-f6c1-4b0b-a56b-a7d635086e79", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "Dotted link", "content": "A-.->B", "sortingOrder": 12, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "93c18714-0d6b-4f73-b88c-8feab6a0648f", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "Thick link", "content": "A ==> B", "sortingOrder": 13, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "b3e2ca05-e430-4e45-a128-2174bd271667", "category": "Flowchart", "description": "Subgraph", "content": "subgraph one\na1-->a2\nend", "sortingOrder": 14, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "9773b8b7-0bcf-45a1-8d57-5890121db00c", "category": "SequenceDiagram", "description": "a simple sequence diagram", "content": "sequenceDiagram\nAlice->>John: Hello John, how are you?\nJohn-->>Alice: Great!\nAlice-)John: See you later!", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "39212ebd-3951-421d-b63e-aed044efc16c", "category": "SequenceDiagram", "description": "a simple sequence diagram with actors", "content": "sequenceDiagram\nactor Alice\nactor John\nAlice->>John: Hello John, how are you?\nJohn-->>Alice: Great!\nAlice-)John: See you later!", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "ffd5b190-61af-4de6-8489-ea016bc32940", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "sample class", "content": "class Duck{\n +String beakColor\n +swim()\n +quack()\n }", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "91768994-d7c9-4e08-9cba-974661f0e176", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "sample class", "content": "class BankAccount\n BankAccount : +String owner\n BankAccount : +Bigdecimal balance\n BankAccount : +deposit(amount)\n BankAccount : +withdrawal(amount)", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "69620fcf-1e82-4a64-ac1a-eb73839d2b67", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "generic class", "content": "class Square~Shape~{\n int id\n List~int~ position\n setPoints(List~int~ points)\n getPoints() List~int~\n }\n \n Square : -List~string~ messages\n Square : +setMessages(List~string~ messages)\n Square : +getMessages() List~string~", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "7a12fa6a-d5ac-434f-895c-936e6eed56a8", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "inheritance", "content": "classA <|-- classB", "sortingOrder": 3, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "006f3500-3322-47d7-a991-acc49272eb40", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "composition", "content": "classC *-- classD", "sortingOrder": 4, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "48af15d1-4f15-4976-a276-1c92ee76a737", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "aggregation", "content": "classE o-- classF", "sortingOrder": 5, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "50d1e798-4a43-4462-997c-1be667628da1", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "association", "content": "classG <-- classH", "sortingOrder": 6, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "0dda7535-d4bb-48f8-8f25-13de922950d3", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "solid link", "content": "classI -- classJ", "sortingOrder": 7, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "ccbbb59f-f790-47dc-b484-7f058a491b66", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "dependency", "content": "classK <.. classL", "sortingOrder": 8, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "85caec24-728e-4d97-a6cd-c37f87811054", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "realization", "content": "classM <|.. classN", "sortingOrder": 9, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "97f58dc9-4ca5-47c7-86e2-2b93a972654e", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "dashed link", "content": "classO .. classP", "sortingOrder": 10, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "f5d5770a-7526-4b4d-8eb5-d067a5519187", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "two-way relation", "content": "Animal <|--|> Zebra", "sortingOrder": 11, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "f9a52111-c90e-4df4-8dad-eeacdf641956", "category": "ClassDiagram", "description": "sample class diagram", "content": "classDiagram\n Animal <|-- Duck\n Animal <|-- Fish\n Animal <|-- Zebra\n Animal : +int age\n Animal : +String gender\n Animal: +isMammal()\n Animal: +mate()\n class Duck{\n +String beakColor\n +swim()\n +quack()\n }\n class Fish{\n -int sizeInFeet\n -canEat()\n }\n class Zebra{\n +bool is_wild\n +run()\n }", "sortingOrder": 12, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "7cf8e31c-aee5-4edb-ad75-55db317f6076", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "a sample state diagram", "content": "stateDiagram-v2\n [*] --> Still\n Still --> [*]\n \n Still --> Moving\n Moving --> Still\n Moving --> Crash\n Crash --> [*]", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "a782e94b-2c67-4176-8388-4d4c98f43a85", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "a sample state diagram with left-to-right direction", "content": "stateDiagram-v2\n direction LR\n [*] --> Still\n Still --> [*]\n \n Still --> Moving\n Moving --> Still\n Moving --> Crash\n Crash --> [*]", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "624f1d27-3ac9-472b-b480-a746525b458f", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "node with description", "content": "s2 : This is a state description", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "5a9b927b-d789-4ab6-979f-044fad3438c9", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "a transition", "content": "s1 --> s2", "sortingOrder": 3, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "03ad52a8-7bea-4aaa-b755-e26c59072039", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "a transition with label", "content": "s1 --> s2: A transition", "sortingOrder": 4, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "9b3f6a0b-0dfb-4d1b-8df4-64bc8921f0fd", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "composite state", "content": "\n [*] --> First\n state First {\n [*] --> second\n second --> [*]\n }", "sortingOrder": 5, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "3145bb16-66bf-44e5-84df-6e97a49b46ab", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "diagram with choice", "content": "stateDiagram-v2\n state if_state <>\n [*] --> IsPositive\n IsPositive --> if_state\n if_state --> False: if n < 0\n if_state --> True : if n >= 0", "sortingOrder": 6, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "2fe2e44f-a681-42ea-a891-a4c53a9bc2ab", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "diagram with fork", "content": "stateDiagram-v2\n state fork_state <>\n [*] --> fork_state\n fork_state --> State2\n fork_state --> State3\n \n state join_state <>\n State2 --> join_state\n State3 --> join_state\n join_state --> State4\n State4 --> [*]", "sortingOrder": 7, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "21c4236b-673f-4457-9ec9-00b72ff5b121", "category": "StateDiagram", "description": "a diagram with concurrency", "content": "stateDiagram-v2\n [*] --> Active\n \n state Active {\n [*] --> NumLockOff\n NumLockOff --> NumLockOn : EvNumLockPressed\n NumLockOn --> NumLockOff : EvNumLockPressed\n --\n [*] --> CapsLockOff\n CapsLockOff --> CapsLockOn : EvCapsLockPressed\n CapsLockOn --> CapsLockOff : EvCapsLockPressed\n --\n [*] --> ScrollLockOff\n ScrollLockOff --> ScrollLockOn : EvScrollLockPressed\n ScrollLockOn --> ScrollLockOff : EvScrollLockPressed\n }", "sortingOrder": 8, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "bebaecf5-f13c-4ac5-8990-9997f3335e1b", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "a sample entity relationship diagram", "content": "erDiagram\n CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places\n ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains\n CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : uses", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "4c4128c9-b24b-4893-be80-4ca19857f820", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "an entity", "content": " CUSTOMER {\n string name\n string custNumber\n string sector\n }", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "59d2d35f-1c98-47a2-b237-f5b0427927c9", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "one-to-many relationship", "content": "A ||--|{ B : label", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "62d98429-11a1-493a-b0a5-82a38d383b0f", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "many-to-many relationship", "content": "A }|--|{ B : label", "sortingOrder": 3, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "166bd481-eeb2-4ebd-8f86-60a05707cf7e", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "one-to-one relationship", "content": "A ||--|| B : label", "sortingOrder": 4, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "39c69800-6b20-4526-84b6-aa28053e0090", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "many-to-one relationship", "content": "A }|--|| B : label", "sortingOrder": 5, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "663dc40e-d973-497e-a7f6-28c106ed818a", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "zero/one-to-one relationship", "content": "A |o--|| B : label", "sortingOrder": 6, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "e0a7645b-7112-4c6a-8ee7-9145bb615a56", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "one-to-one/zero relationship", "content": "A ||--o| B : label", "sortingOrder": 7, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "799af643-104e-47f2-b35b-0b7934ede69e", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "zero-or-more-to-one relationship", "content": "A }o--|| B : label", "sortingOrder": 8, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "489a730d-258d-4ee0-8020-dbcaefa3132a", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "one-to-zero-or-more relationship", "content": "A ||--o{ B : label", "sortingOrder": 9, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "4c6ec50d-b24f-4b43-bbab-d54430a8252b", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "zero-or-more-to-many relationship", "content": "A }o--|{ B : label", "sortingOrder": 10, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "efd9197a-4bcf-4a36-83ea-40f18ec21132", "category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram", "description": "many-to-zero-or-more relationship", "content": "A }|--o{ B : label", "sortingOrder": 11, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "4cd9f0bb-86d9-4167-b403-3b7afccbe9ef", "category": "UserJourneyDiagram", "description": "a sample user journey diagram", "content": "journey\n title My working day\n section Go to work\n Make tea: 5: Me\n Go upstairs: 3: Me\n Do work: 1: Me, Cat\n section Go home\n Go downstairs: 5: Me\n Sit down: 5: Me", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "0c711899-de1c-4cd4-b14c-8b352b3f410b", "category": "UserJourneyDiagram", "description": "a step in user journey", "content": " Step Title: 5: ActorName", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "6989d125-2b56-4bfc-8653-22d6231bf05e", "category": "GanttChart", "description": "simple gantt chart", "content": "gantt\n title A Gantt Diagram\n dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD\n section Section\n A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d\n Another task :after a1 , 20d\n section Another\n Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d\n another task : 24d", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "2c2db193-9320-43d1-ba57-dd8144a12b1d", "category": "GanttChart", "description": "rich gantt chart", "content": "gantt\n dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD\n title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid\n excludes weekends\n \n section A section\n Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08\n Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d\n Future task : des3, after des2, 5d\n Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d\n \n section Critical tasks\n Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h\n Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d\n Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d\n Future task in critical line :crit, 5d\n Create tests for renderer :2d\n Add to mermaid :1d\n Functionality added :milestone, 2014-01-25, 0d\n \n section Documentation\n Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d\n Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h\n Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h\n \n section Last section\n Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d\n Add gantt diagram to demo page :20h\n Add another diagram to demo page :48h", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "ba141bb5-0896-4efc-ba93-cdf24fd0e763", "category": "GanttChart", "description": "milestones example", "content": "gantt\n dateFormat HH:mm\n axisFormat %H:%M\n Initial milestone : milestone, m1, 17:49,2min\n taska2 : 10min\n taska3 : 5min\n Final milestone : milestone, m2, 18:14, 2min", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "92ad00dd-9241-4cf3-898d-397ed2ba245c", "category": "PieChart", "description": "sample pie chart", "content": "pie title /r/obsidianmd posts by type\n \"Look at my awesome graph\" : 85\n \"Look at my cool dashboard\" : 14\n \"Moved from Notion, liking it\" : 1", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "555da550-65b8-4717-8610-ca40f2f380e5", "category": "PieChart", "description": "sample pie chart with values shown in legend", "content": "pie showdata\n title /r/obsidianmd posts by type\n \"Graphs\" : 85\n \"Dashboards\" : 14\n \"Tips\" : 1", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "11bc8556-00e0-4552-b38b-a5597bb92a4e", "category": "RequirementDiagram", "description": "sample requirements diagram", "content": " requirementDiagram\n\n requirement test_req {\n id: 1\n text: the test text.\n risk: high\n verifymethod: test\n }\n \n element test_entity {\n type: simulation\n }\n \n test_entity - satisfies -> test_req", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "f9e1f306-d5a4-465a-9864-b28d3410f2c1", "category": "RequirementDiagram", "description": "sample requirements diagram", "content": "element customElement {\n type: customType\n docref: customDocRef\n }", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "5389c158-c042-4590-ab77-5b14952b2fc2", "category": "RequirementDiagram", "description": "a requirement with high risk", "content": "functionalRequirement myReq {\n id: reqId\n text: someText\n risk: High\n verifymethod: analysis\n }", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "78a940eb-a084-447b-9289-67b80f9a90f6", "category": "RequirementDiagram", "description": "sample requirements diagram", "content": "interfaceRequirement myReq2 {\n id: reqId\n text: someText\n risk: Medium\n verifymethod: demonstration\n }", "sortingOrder": 3, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "7ee21f42-3ba5-43db-b584-74b1059151c2", "category": "RequirementDiagram", "description": "sample requirements diagram", "content": "designConstraint myReq3 {\n id: reqId\n text: someText\n risk: Low\n verifymethod: test\n }", "sortingOrder": 4, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "02d67f38-6a7c-461d-a66d-7fbfa7e624d8", "category": "GitGraph", "description": "simple git graph", "content": "gitGraph\n commit\n commit\n branch develop\n checkout develop\n commit\n commit\n checkout main\n merge develop\n commit\n commit", "sortingOrder": 0, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "5123f361-4f99-46c1-9bd4-6e3e0ef7046d", "category": "GitGraph", "description": "tagged commit", "content": "commit id: \"Normal\" tag: \"v1.0.0\"", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "05c9c257-e293-4e68-a160-50596acf7293", "category": "GitGraph", "description": "reverse commit", "content": "commit id: \"Reverse\" type: REVERSE", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "8f3d74b5-c039-4751-a959-e6f8c25ad77a", "category": "GitGraph", "description": "highlighted commit", "content": "commit id: \"Highlight\" type: HIGHLIGHT", "sortingOrder": 3, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "ec2cb160-a176-4f6a-b73b-64608f804cdd", "category": "GitGraph", "description": "reverse commit", "content": "commit id: \"Reverse\" type: REVERSE", "sortingOrder": 4, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "40ca8e57-6506-43ab-aebc-75e03346b824", "category": "GitGraph", "description": "git graph with cherry-pick", "content": "gitGraph\n commit id: \"ZERO\"\n branch develop\n commit id:\"A\"\n checkout main\n commit id:\"ONE\"\n checkout develop\n commit id:\"B\"\n checkout main\n commit id:\"TWO\"\n cherry-pick id:\"A\"\n commit id:\"THREE\"\n checkout develop\n commit id:\"C\"", "sortingOrder": 5, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "0ef1e81d-170e-4a40-9e44-2c2bd1f64312", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "a simple mindmap", "content": "mindmap\n Root\n A\n B\n C", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "5422357f-6def-4ca4-98f2-cf1fb452d53d", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "square", "content": "id[I am a square]", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "ee395301-967b-4b53-9fc7-48b4ccdf589e", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "rounded square", "content": "id(I am a rounded square)", "sortingOrder": 3, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "0c8312b1-b417-4d5d-8c02-1271c3624d03", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "circle", "content": "id((I am a circle))", "sortingOrder": 4, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "0071ca0c-a2ff-4b09-a4d4-df79544fab01", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "bang", "content": "id))I am a bang((", "sortingOrder": 5, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "eda80e74-703f-43f8-a3e5-70d1a14ebd8f", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "cloud", "content": "id)I am a cloud(", "sortingOrder": 6, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "de618678-03da-4003-8b01-e1bcce541c4f", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "hexagon", "content": "id{{I am a hexagon}}", "sortingOrder": 7, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "dc3c0f45-ed37-4ec2-8087-0a266cc1c10c", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "default", "content": "I am the default shape", "sortingOrder": 8, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "61dcc109-2327-4fa0-8227-44c048c9a174", "category": "Mindmap", "description": "sample mindmap", "content": "mindmap\n root((mindmap))\n Origins\n Long history\n Popularisation\n British popular psychology author Tony Buzan\n Research\n On effectiveness
and features\n On Automatic creation\n Uses\n Creative techniques\n Strategic planning\n Argument mapping\n Tools\n Pen and paper\n Mermaid", "sortingOrder": 9, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "9b866fcc-57f7-4faa-ace1-a0a85ce187f7", "category": "Timeline", "description": "sample timeline", "content": "timeline\n\t\ttitle History of Social Media Platform\n\t\t2002 : LinkedIn\n\t\t2004 : Facebook\n\t\t\t : Google\n\t\t2005 : Youtube\n\t\t2006 : Twitter", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "51632013-3f22-43b5-9f27-f84d8a93ab28", "category": "Timeline", "description": "timeline with grouping", "content": "timeline\n\t\ttitle Timeline of Industrial Revolution\n\t\tsection 17th-20th century\n\t\t\tIndustry 1.0 : Machinery, Water power, Steam
power\n\t\t\tIndustry 2.0 : Electricity, Internal combustion engine, Mass production\n\t\t\tIndustry 3.0 : Electronics, Computers, Automation\n\t\tsection 21st century\n\t\t\tIndustry 4.0 : Internet, Robotics, Internet of Things\n\t\t\tIndustry 5.0 : Artificial intelligence, Big data,3D printing", "sortingOrder": 2, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "9180c3c3-c6c9-48ea-9fab-8edef6c28f47", "category": "Timeline", "description": "timeline with Forest theme. see the docs for additional themes", "content": "%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%%\n\t\ttimeline\n\t\t\ttitle History of Social Media Platform\n\t\t\t 2002 : LinkedIn\n\t\t\t 2004 : Facebook : Google\n\t\t\t 2005 : Youtube\n\t\t\t 2006 : Twitter\n\t\t\t 2007 : Tumblr\n\t\t\t 2008 : Instagram\n\t\t\t 2010 : Pinterest", "sortingOrder": 3, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "a9c7f1c7-6393-452c-a069-6a11dac1473d", "category": "QuadrantChart", "description": "sample quadrant chart", "content": "quadrantChart\n\t\ttitle Reach and engagement of campaigns\n\t\tx-axis Low Reach --> High Reach\n\t\ty-axis Low Engagement --> High Engagement\n\t\tquadrant-1 We should expand\n\t\tquadrant-2 Need to promote\n\t\tquadrant-3 Re-evaluate\n\t\tquadrant-4 May be improved\n\t\tCampaign A: [0.3, 0.6]\n\t\tCampaign B: [0.45, 0.23]\n\t\tCampaign C: [0.57, 0.69]\n\t\tCampaign D: [0.78, 0.34]\n\t\tCampaign E: [0.40, 0.34]\n\t\tCampaign F: [0.35, 0.78]", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "08a32666-8f7c-4ae8-bcef-2ad3d5ca4b89", "category": "QuadrantChart", "description": "themed quadrant chart", "content": "%%{init: {\"quadrantChart\": {\"chartWidth\": 400, \"chartHeight\": 400}, \"themeVariables\": {\"quadrant1TextFill\": \"#ff0000\"} }}%%\n\t\tquadrantChart\n\t\t x-axis Urgent --> Not Urgent\n\t\t y-axis Not Important --> \"Important ❤\"\n\t\t quadrant-1 Plan\n\t\t quadrant-2 Do\n\t\t quadrant-3 Delegate\n\t\t quadrant-4 Delete", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false }, { "id": "91a064da-8e9b-4326-af9e-b5cc7b1ecfa8", "category": "C4Diagram", "description": "sample C4 diagram (compatible with PlantUML)", "content": "C4Context\n\t\ttitle System Context diagram for Internet Banking System\n\t\tEnterprise_Boundary(b0, \"BankBoundary0\") {\n\t\t Person(customerA, \"Banking Customer A\", \"A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.\")\n\t\t Person(customerB, \"Banking Customer B\")\n\t\t Person_Ext(customerC, \"Banking Customer C\", \"desc\")\n \n\t\t Person(customerD, \"Banking Customer D\", \"A customer of the bank,
with personal bank accounts.\")\n \n\t\t System(SystemAA, \"Internet Banking System\", \"Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.\")\n \n\t\t Enterprise_Boundary(b1, \"BankBoundary\") {\n \n\t\t\tSystemDb_Ext(SystemE, \"Mainframe Banking System\", \"Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.\")\n \n\t\t\tSystem_Boundary(b2, \"BankBoundary2\") {\n\t\t\t System(SystemA, \"Banking System A\")\n\t\t\t System(SystemB, \"Banking System B\", \"A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts. next line.\")\n\t\t\t}\n \n\t\t\tSystem_Ext(SystemC, \"E-mail system\", \"The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.\")\n\t\t\tSystemDb(SystemD, \"Banking System D Database\", \"A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.\")\n \n\t\t\tBoundary(b3, \"BankBoundary3\", \"boundary\") {\n\t\t\t SystemQueue(SystemF, \"Banking System F Queue\", \"A system of the bank.\")\n\t\t\t SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, \"Banking System G Queue\", \"A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.\")\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n \n\t\tBiRel(customerA, SystemAA, \"Uses\")\n\t\tBiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, \"Uses\")\n\t\tRel(SystemAA, SystemC, \"Sends e-mails\", \"SMTP\")\n\t\tRel(SystemC, customerA, \"Sends e-mails to\")\n \n\t\tUpdateElementStyle(customerA, $fontColor=\"red\", $bgColor=\"grey\", $borderColor=\"red\")\n\t\tUpdateRelStyle(customerA, SystemAA, $textColor=\"blue\", $lineColor=\"blue\", $offsetX=\"5\")\n\t\tUpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemE, $textColor=\"blue\", $lineColor=\"blue\", $offsetY=\"-10\")\n\t\tUpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemC, $textColor=\"blue\", $lineColor=\"blue\", $offsetY=\"-40\", $offsetX=\"-50\")\n\t\tUpdateRelStyle(SystemC, customerA, $textColor=\"red\", $lineColor=\"red\", $offsetX=\"-50\", $offsetY=\"20\")\n \n\t\tUpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow=\"3\", $c4BoundaryInRow=\"1\")", "sortingOrder": 1, "isPinned": false } ], "selectedCategory": "Flowchart" }