import { PageLayout, SharedLayout } from "./quartz/cfg" import * as Component from "./quartz/components" // components shared across all pages export const sharedPageComponents: SharedLayout = { head: Component.Head(), header: [], afterBody: [], footer: Component.Footer({ links: { "B.log": "" }, }), } // components for pages that display a single page (e.g. a single note) export const defaultContentPageLayout: PageLayout = { beforeBody: [ Component.Breadcrumbs(), Component.ArticleTitle(), Component.ContentMeta(), ], left: [ Component.PageTitle(), Component.MobileOnly(Component.Spacer()), Component.Search(), Component.Darkmode(), Component.DesktopOnly(Component.Explorer()), ], right: [ Component.Graph({ localGraph: { drag: true, // whether to allow panning the view around zoom: true, // whether to allow zooming in and out depth: 1, // how many hops of notes to display scale: 2, // default view scale repelForce: 0.5, // how much nodes should repel each other centerForce: 0.3, // how much force to use when trying to center the nodes linkDistance: 30, // how long should the links be by default? fontSize: 0.5, // what size should the node labels be? opacityScale: 2, // how quickly do we fade out the labels when zooming out? removeTags: [], // what tags to remove from the graph showTags: false, // whether to show tags in the graph }, globalGraph: { drag: true, zoom: true, depth: -1, scale: 2, repelForce: 0.5, centerForce: 0.3, linkDistance: 30, fontSize: 0.5, opacityScale: 1, removeTags: [], // what tags to remove from the graph showTags: false, // whether to show tags in the graph }, }), Component.DesktopOnly(Component.TableOfContents()), Component.Backlinks(), ], } // components for pages that display lists of pages (e.g. tags or folders) export const defaultListPageLayout: PageLayout = { beforeBody: [Component.Breadcrumbs(), Component.ArticleTitle(), Component.ContentMeta()], left: [ Component.PageTitle(), Component.MobileOnly(Component.Spacer()), Component.Search(), Component.Darkmode(), Component.DesktopOnly(Component.Explorer()), ], right: [], }