/* THIS IS A GENERATED/BUNDLED FILE BY ESBUILD if you want to view the source, please visit the github repository of this plugin */ var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name41 in all) __defProp(target, name41, { get: all[name41], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // manifest.json var require_manifest = __commonJS({ "manifest.json"(exports, module2) { module2.exports = { id: "share-note", name: "Share Note", version: "0.8.15", minAppVersion: "0.15.0", description: "Instantly share a note, with the full theme and content exactly like you see in Reading View. Data is shared encrypted by default, and only you and the person you send it to have the key.", author: "Alan Grainger", authorUrl: "https://github.com/alangrainger", fundingUrl: "https://ko-fi.com/alan_", isDesktopOnly: false }; } }); // node_modules/data-uri-to-buffer/dist/index.js var require_dist = __commonJS({ "node_modules/data-uri-to-buffer/dist/index.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.dataUriToBuffer = void 0; function base64ToArrayBuffer2(base64) { const chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; const bytes = []; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < base64.length; i2 += 4) { const idx0 = chars.indexOf(base64.charAt(i2)); const idx1 = chars.indexOf(base64.charAt(i2 + 1)); const idx2 = base64.charAt(i2 + 2) === "=" ? 0 : chars.indexOf(base64.charAt(i2 + 2)); const idx3 = base64.charAt(i2 + 3) === "=" ? 0 : chars.indexOf(base64.charAt(i2 + 3)); const bin0 = idx0 << 2 | idx1 >> 4; const bin1 = (idx1 & 15) << 4 | idx2 >> 2; const bin2 = (idx2 & 3) << 6 | idx3; bytes.push(bin0); if (base64.charAt(i2 + 2) !== "=") bytes.push(bin1); if (base64.charAt(i2 + 3) !== "=") bytes.push(bin2); } const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); view.set(bytes); return buffer; } function stringToBuffer(str) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i2 = 0; i2 < str.length; i2++) { view[i2] = str.charCodeAt(i2); } return buffer; } function dataUriToBuffer2(uri) { uri = String(uri); if (!/^data:/i.test(uri)) { throw new TypeError('`uri` does not appear to be a Data URI (must begin with "data:")'); } uri = uri.replace(/\r?\n/g, ""); const firstComma = uri.indexOf(","); if (firstComma === -1 || firstComma <= 4) { throw new TypeError("malformed data: URI"); } const meta = uri.substring(5, firstComma).split(";"); let charset = ""; let base64 = false; const type = meta[0] || "text/plain"; let typeFull = type; for (let i2 = 1; i2 < meta.length; i2++) { if (meta[i2] === "base64") { base64 = true; } else if (meta[i2]) { typeFull += `;${meta[i2]}`; if (meta[i2].indexOf("charset=") === 0) { charset = meta[i2].substring(8); } } } if (!meta[0] && !charset.length) { typeFull += ";charset=US-ASCII"; charset = "US-ASCII"; } const data = unescape(uri.substring(firstComma + 1)); const buffer = base64 ? base64ToArrayBuffer2(data) : stringToBuffer(data); return { type, typeFull, charset, buffer }; } exports.dataUriToBuffer = dataUriToBuffer2; } }); // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/base64.js var require_base64 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/base64.js"(exports) { var intToCharMap = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split(""); exports.encode = function(number2) { if (0 <= number2 && number2 < intToCharMap.length) { return intToCharMap[number2]; } throw new TypeError("Must be between 0 and 63: " + number2); }; exports.decode = function(charCode) { var bigA = 65; var bigZ = 90; var littleA = 97; var littleZ = 122; var zero2 = 48; var nine = 57; var plus = 43; var slash = 47; var littleOffset = 26; var numberOffset = 52; if (bigA <= charCode && charCode <= bigZ) { return charCode - bigA; } if (littleA <= charCode && charCode <= littleZ) { return charCode - littleA + littleOffset; } if (zero2 <= charCode && charCode <= nine) { return charCode - zero2 + numberOffset; } if (charCode == plus) { return 62; } if (charCode == slash) { return 63; } return -1; }; } }); // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/base64-vlq.js var require_base64_vlq = __commonJS({ "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/base64-vlq.js"(exports) { var base64 = require_base64(); var VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5; var VLQ_BASE = 1 << VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; var VLQ_BASE_MASK = VLQ_BASE - 1; var VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = VLQ_BASE; function toVLQSigned(aValue) { return aValue < 0 ? (-aValue << 1) + 1 : (aValue << 1) + 0; } function fromVLQSigned(aValue) { var isNegative = (aValue & 1) === 1; var shifted = aValue >> 1; return isNegative ? -shifted : shifted; } exports.encode = function base64VLQ_encode(aValue) { var encoded = ""; var digit; var vlq = toVLQSigned(aValue); do { digit = vlq & VLQ_BASE_MASK; vlq >>>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; if (vlq > 0) { digit |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT; } encoded += base64.encode(digit); } while (vlq > 0); return encoded; }; exports.decode = function base64VLQ_decode(aStr, aIndex, aOutParam) { var strLen = aStr.length; var result = 0; var shift = 0; var continuation, digit; do { if (aIndex >= strLen) { throw new Error("Expected more digits in base 64 VLQ value."); } digit = base64.decode(aStr.charCodeAt(aIndex++)); if (digit === -1) { throw new Error("Invalid base64 digit: " + aStr.charAt(aIndex - 1)); } continuation = !!(digit & VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT); digit &= VLQ_BASE_MASK; result = result + (digit << shift); shift += VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; } while (continuation); aOutParam.value = fromVLQSigned(result); aOutParam.rest = aIndex; }; } }); // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/util.js var require_util = __commonJS({ "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/util.js"(exports) { function getArg(aArgs, aName, aDefaultValue) { if (aName in aArgs) { return aArgs[aName]; } else if (arguments.length === 3) { return aDefaultValue; } else { throw new Error('"' + aName + '" is a required argument.'); } } exports.getArg = getArg; var urlRegexp = /^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.-]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/; var dataUrlRegexp = /^data:.+\,.+$/; function urlParse(aUrl) { var match = aUrl.match(urlRegexp); if (!match) { return null; } return { scheme: match[1], auth: match[2], host: match[3], port: match[4], path: match[5] }; } exports.urlParse = urlParse; function urlGenerate(aParsedUrl) { var url = ""; if (aParsedUrl.scheme) { url += aParsedUrl.scheme + ":"; } url += "//"; if (aParsedUrl.auth) { url += aParsedUrl.auth + "@"; } if (aParsedUrl.host) { url += aParsedUrl.host; } if (aParsedUrl.port) { url += ":" + aParsedUrl.port; } if (aParsedUrl.path) { url += aParsedUrl.path; } return url; } exports.urlGenerate = urlGenerate; var MAX_CACHED_INPUTS = 32; function lruMemoize(f2) { var cache = []; return function(input) { for (var i2 = 0; i2 < cache.length; i2++) { if (cache[i2].input === input) { var temp = cache[0]; cache[0] = cache[i2]; cache[i2] = temp; return cache[0].result; } } var result = f2(input); cache.unshift({ input, result }); if (cache.length > MAX_CACHED_INPUTS) { cache.pop(); } return result; }; } var normalize = lruMemoize(function normalize2(aPath) { var path = aPath; var url = urlParse(aPath); if (url) { if (!url.path) { return aPath; } path = url.path; } var isAbsolute = exports.isAbsolute(path); var parts = []; var start = 0; var i2 = 0; while (true) { start = i2; i2 = path.indexOf("/", start); if (i2 === -1) { parts.push(path.slice(start)); break; } else { parts.push(path.slice(start, i2)); while (i2 < path.length && path[i2] === "/") { i2++; } } } for (var part, up = 0, i2 = parts.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) { part = parts[i2]; if (part === ".") { parts.splice(i2, 1); } else if (part === "..") { up++; } else if (up > 0) { if (part === "") { parts.splice(i2 + 1, up); up = 0; } else { parts.splice(i2, 2); up--; } } } path = parts.join("/"); if (path === "") { path = isAbsolute ? "/" : "."; } if (url) { url.path = path; return urlGenerate(url); } return path; }); exports.normalize = normalize; function join(aRoot, aPath) { if (aRoot === "") { aRoot = "."; } if (aPath === "") { aPath = "."; } var aPathUrl = urlParse(aPath); var aRootUrl = urlParse(aRoot); if (aRootUrl) { aRoot = aRootUrl.path || "/"; } if (aPathUrl && !aPathUrl.scheme) { if (aRootUrl) { aPathUrl.scheme = aRootUrl.scheme; } return urlGenerate(aPathUrl); } if (aPathUrl || aPath.match(dataUrlRegexp)) { return aPath; } if (aRootUrl && !aRootUrl.host && !aRootUrl.path) { aRootUrl.host = aPath; return urlGenerate(aRootUrl); } var joined = aPath.charAt(0) === "/" ? aPath : normalize(aRoot.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/" + aPath); if (aRootUrl) { aRootUrl.path = joined; return urlGenerate(aRootUrl); } return joined; } exports.join = join; exports.isAbsolute = function(aPath) { return aPath.charAt(0) === "/" || urlRegexp.test(aPath); }; function relative(aRoot, aPath) { if (aRoot === "") { aRoot = "."; } aRoot = aRoot.replace(/\/$/, ""); var level = 0; while (aPath.indexOf(aRoot + "/") !== 0) { var index = aRoot.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index < 0) { return aPath; } aRoot = aRoot.slice(0, index); if (aRoot.match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/)) { return aPath; } ++level; } return Array(level + 1).join("../") + aPath.substr(aRoot.length + 1); } exports.relative = relative; var supportsNullProto = function() { var obj = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); return !("__proto__" in obj); }(); function identity(s2) { return s2; } function toSetString(aStr) { if (isProtoString(aStr)) { return "$" + aStr; } return aStr; } exports.toSetString = supportsNullProto ? identity : toSetString; function fromSetString(aStr) { if (isProtoString(aStr)) { return aStr.slice(1); } return aStr; } exports.fromSetString = supportsNullProto ? identity : fromSetString; function isProtoString(s2) { if (!s2) { return false; } var length = s2.length; if (length < 9) { return false; } if (s2.charCodeAt(length - 1) !== 95 || s2.charCodeAt(length - 2) !== 95 || s2.charCodeAt(length - 3) !== 111 || s2.charCodeAt(length - 4) !== 116 || s2.charCodeAt(length - 5) !== 111 || s2.charCodeAt(length - 6) !== 114 || s2.charCodeAt(length - 7) !== 112 || s2.charCodeAt(length - 8) !== 95 || s2.charCodeAt(length - 9) !== 95) { return false; } for (var i2 = length - 10; i2 >= 0; i2--) { if (s2.charCodeAt(i2) !== 36) { return false; } } return true; } function compareByOriginalPositions(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareOriginal) { var cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareOriginal) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } return strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); } exports.compareByOriginalPositions = compareByOriginalPositions; function compareByOriginalPositionsNoSource(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareOriginal) { var cmp; cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareOriginal) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } return strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); } exports.compareByOriginalPositionsNoSource = compareByOriginalPositionsNoSource; function compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareGenerated) { var cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareGenerated) { return cmp; } cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } return strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); } exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated; function compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflatedNoLine(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareGenerated) { var cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareGenerated) { return cmp; } cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } return strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); } exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflatedNoLine = compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflatedNoLine; function strcmp(aStr1, aStr2) { if (aStr1 === aStr2) { return 0; } if (aStr1 === null) { return 1; } if (aStr2 === null) { return -1; } if (aStr1 > aStr2) { return 1; } return -1; } function compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mappingA, mappingB) { var cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } return strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); } exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated; function parseSourceMapInput(str) { return JSON.parse(str.replace(/^\)]}'[^\n]*\n/, "")); } exports.parseSourceMapInput = parseSourceMapInput; function computeSourceURL(sourceRoot, sourceURL, sourceMapURL) { sourceURL = sourceURL || ""; if (sourceRoot) { if (sourceRoot[sourceRoot.length - 1] !== "/" && sourceURL[0] !== "/") { sourceRoot += "/"; } sourceURL = sourceRoot + sourceURL; } if (sourceMapURL) { var parsed = urlParse(sourceMapURL); if (!parsed) { throw new Error("sourceMapURL could not be parsed"); } if (parsed.path) { var index = parsed.path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index >= 0) { parsed.path = parsed.path.substring(0, index + 1); } } sourceURL = join(urlGenerate(parsed), sourceURL); } return normalize(sourceURL); } exports.computeSourceURL = computeSourceURL; } }); // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/array-set.js var require_array_set = __commonJS({ "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/array-set.js"(exports) { var util = require_util(); var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var hasNativeMap = typeof Map !== "undefined"; function ArraySet() { this._array = []; this._set = hasNativeMap ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } ArraySet.fromArray = function ArraySet_fromArray(aArray, aAllowDuplicates) { var set = new ArraySet(); for (var i2 = 0, len = aArray.length; i2 < len; i2++) { set.add(aArray[i2], aAllowDuplicates); } return set; }; ArraySet.prototype.size = function ArraySet_size() { return hasNativeMap ? this._set.size : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this._set).length; }; ArraySet.prototype.add = function ArraySet_add(aStr, aAllowDuplicates) { var sStr = hasNativeMap ? aStr : util.toSetString(aStr); var isDuplicate = hasNativeMap ? this.has(aStr) : has.call(this._set, sStr); var idx = this._array.length; if (!isDuplicate || aAllowDuplicates) { this._array.push(aStr); } if (!isDuplicate) { if (hasNativeMap) { this._set.set(aStr, idx); } else { this._set[sStr] = idx; } } }; ArraySet.prototype.has = function ArraySet_has(aStr) { if (hasNativeMap) { return this._set.has(aStr); } else { var sStr = util.toSetString(aStr); return has.call(this._set, sStr); } }; ArraySet.prototype.indexOf = function ArraySet_indexOf(aStr) { if (hasNativeMap) { var idx = this._set.get(aStr); if (idx >= 0) { return idx; } } else { var sStr = util.toSetString(aStr); if (has.call(this._set, sStr)) { return this._set[sStr]; } } throw new Error('"' + aStr + '" is not in the set.'); }; ArraySet.prototype.at = function ArraySet_at(aIdx) { if (aIdx >= 0 && aIdx < this._array.length) { return this._array[aIdx]; } throw new Error("No element indexed by " + aIdx); }; ArraySet.prototype.toArray = function ArraySet_toArray() { return this._array.slice(); }; exports.ArraySet = ArraySet; } }); // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/mapping-list.js var require_mapping_list = __commonJS({ "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/mapping-list.js"(exports) { var util = require_util(); function generatedPositionAfter(mappingA, mappingB) { var lineA = mappingA.generatedLine; var lineB = mappingB.generatedLine; var columnA = mappingA.generatedColumn; var columnB = mappingB.generatedColumn; return lineB > lineA || lineB == lineA && columnB >= columnA || util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mappingA, mappingB) <= 0; } function MappingList() { this._array = []; this._sorted = true; this._last = { generatedLine: -1, generatedColumn: 0 }; } MappingList.prototype.unsortedForEach = function MappingList_forEach(aCallback, aThisArg) { this._array.forEach(aCallback, aThisArg); }; MappingList.prototype.add = function MappingList_add(aMapping) { if (generatedPositionAfter(this._last, aMapping)) { this._last = aMapping; this._array.push(aMapping); } else { this._sorted = false; this._array.push(aMapping); } }; MappingList.prototype.toArray = function MappingList_toArray() { if (!this._sorted) { this._array.sort(util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated); this._sorted = true; } return this._array; }; exports.MappingList = MappingList; } }); // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/source-map-generator.js var require_source_map_generator = __commonJS({ "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/source-map-generator.js"(exports) { var base64VLQ = require_base64_vlq(); var util = require_util(); var ArraySet = require_array_set().ArraySet; var MappingList = require_mapping_list().MappingList; function SourceMapGenerator2(aArgs) { if (!aArgs) { aArgs = {}; } this._file = util.getArg(aArgs, "file", null); this._sourceRoot = util.getArg(aArgs, "sourceRoot", null); this._skipValidation = util.getArg(aArgs, "skipValidation", false); this._sources = new ArraySet(); this._names = new ArraySet(); this._mappings = new MappingList(); this._sourcesContents = null; } SourceMapGenerator2.prototype._version = 3; SourceMapGenerator2.fromSourceMap = function SourceMapGenerator_fromSourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer) { var sourceRoot = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceRoot; var generator = new SourceMapGenerator2({ file: aSourceMapConsumer.file, sourceRoot }); aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function(mapping) { var newMapping = { generated: { line: mapping.generatedLine, column: mapping.generatedColumn } }; if (mapping.source != null) { newMapping.source = mapping.source; if (sourceRoot != null) { newMapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, newMapping.source); } newMapping.original = { line: mapping.originalLine, column: mapping.originalColumn }; if (mapping.name != null) { newMapping.name = mapping.name; } } generator.addMapping(newMapping); }); aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile) { var sourceRelative = sourceFile; if (sourceRoot !== null) { sourceRelative = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile); } if (!generator._sources.has(sourceRelative)) { generator._sources.add(sourceRelative); } var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile); if (content != null) { generator.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content); } }); return generator; }; SourceMapGenerator2.prototype.addMapping = function SourceMapGenerator_addMapping(aArgs) { var generated = util.getArg(aArgs, "generated"); var original = util.getArg(aArgs, "original", null); var source = util.getArg(aArgs, "source", null); var name41 = util.getArg(aArgs, "name", null); if (!this._skipValidation) { this._validateMapping(generated, original, source, name41); } if (source != null) { source = String(source); if (!this._sources.has(source)) { this._sources.add(source); } } if (name41 != null) { name41 = String(name41); if (!this._names.has(name41)) { this._names.add(name41); } } this._mappings.add({ generatedLine: generated.line, generatedColumn: generated.column, originalLine: original != null && original.line, originalColumn: original != null && original.column, source, name: name41 }); }; SourceMapGenerator2.prototype.setSourceContent = function SourceMapGenerator_setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) { var source = aSourceFile; if (this._sourceRoot != null) { source = util.relative(this._sourceRoot, source); } if (aSourceContent != null) { if (!this._sourcesContents) { this._sourcesContents = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)] = aSourceContent; } else if (this._sourcesContents) { delete this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)]; if (Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length === 0) { this._sourcesContents = null; } } }; SourceMapGenerator2.prototype.applySourceMap = function SourceMapGenerator_applySourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer, aSourceFile, aSourceMapPath) { var sourceFile = aSourceFile; if (aSourceFile == null) { if (aSourceMapConsumer.file == null) { throw new Error( `SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, or the source map's "file" property. Both were omitted.` ); } sourceFile = aSourceMapConsumer.file; } var sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot; if (sourceRoot != null) { sourceFile = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile); } var newSources = new ArraySet(); var newNames = new ArraySet(); this._mappings.unsortedForEach(function(mapping) { if (mapping.source === sourceFile && mapping.originalLine != null) { var original = aSourceMapConsumer.originalPositionFor({ line: mapping.originalLine, column: mapping.originalColumn }); if (original.source != null) { mapping.source = original.source; if (aSourceMapPath != null) { mapping.source = util.join(aSourceMapPath, mapping.source); } if (sourceRoot != null) { mapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, mapping.source); } mapping.originalLine = original.line; mapping.originalColumn = original.column; if (original.name != null) { mapping.name = original.name; } } } var source = mapping.source; if (source != null && !newSources.has(source)) { newSources.add(source); } var name41 = mapping.name; if (name41 != null && !newNames.has(name41)) { newNames.add(name41); } }, this); this._sources = newSources; this._names = newNames; aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile2) { var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile2); if (content != null) { if (aSourceMapPath != null) { sourceFile2 = util.join(aSourceMapPath, sourceFile2); } if (sourceRoot != null) { sourceFile2 = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile2); } this.setSourceContent(sourceFile2, content); } }, this); }; SourceMapGenerator2.prototype._validateMapping = function SourceMapGenerator_validateMapping(aGenerated, aOriginal, aSource, aName) { if (aOriginal && typeof aOriginal.line !== "number" && typeof aOriginal.column !== "number") { throw new Error( "original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values." ); } if (aGenerated && "line" in aGenerated && "column" in aGenerated && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && !aOriginal && !aSource && !aName) { return; } else if (aGenerated && "line" in aGenerated && "column" in aGenerated && aOriginal && "line" in aOriginal && "column" in aOriginal && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && aOriginal.line > 0 && aOriginal.column >= 0 && aSource) { return; } else { throw new Error("Invalid mapping: " + JSON.stringify({ generated: aGenerated, source: aSource, original: aOriginal, name: aName })); } }; SourceMapGenerator2.prototype._serializeMappings = function SourceMapGenerator_serializeMappings() { var previousGeneratedColumn = 0; var previousGeneratedLine = 1; var previousOriginalColumn = 0; var previousOriginalLine = 0; var previousName = 0; var previousSource = 0; var result = ""; var next; var mapping; var nameIdx; var sourceIdx; var mappings = this._mappings.toArray(); for (var i2 = 0, len = mappings.length; i2 < len; i2++) { mapping = mappings[i2]; next = ""; if (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) { previousGeneratedColumn = 0; while (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) { next += ";"; previousGeneratedLine++; } } else { if (i2 > 0) { if (!util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mapping, mappings[i2 - 1])) { continue; } next += ","; } } next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.generatedColumn - previousGeneratedColumn); previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; if (mapping.source != null) { sourceIdx = this._sources.indexOf(mapping.source); next += base64VLQ.encode(sourceIdx - previousSource); previousSource = sourceIdx; next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalLine - 1 - previousOriginalLine); previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine - 1; next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalColumn - previousOriginalColumn); previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn; if (mapping.name != null) { nameIdx = this._names.indexOf(mapping.name); next += base64VLQ.encode(nameIdx - previousName); previousName = nameIdx; } } result += next; } return result; }; SourceMapGenerator2.prototype._generateSourcesContent = function SourceMapGenerator_generateSourcesContent(aSources, aSourceRoot) { return aSources.map(function(source) { if (!this._sourcesContents) { return null; } if (aSourceRoot != null) { source = util.relative(aSourceRoot, source); } var key = util.toSetString(source); return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._sourcesContents, key) ? this._sourcesContents[key] : null; }, this); }; SourceMapGenerator2.prototype.toJSON = function SourceMapGenerator_toJSON() { var map = { version: this._version, sources: this._sources.toArray(), names: this._names.toArray(), mappings: this._serializeMappings() }; if (this._file != null) { map.file = this._file; } if (this._sourceRoot != null) { map.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot; } if (this._sourcesContents) { map.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(map.sources, map.sourceRoot); } return map; }; SourceMapGenerator2.prototype.toString = function SourceMapGenerator_toString() { return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON()); }; exports.SourceMapGenerator = SourceMapGenerator2; } }); // src/main.ts var main_exports = {}; __export(main_exports, { default: () => SharePlugin }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(main_exports); var import_obsidian6 = require("obsidian"); // src/settings.ts var import_obsidian = require("obsidian"); var ThemeMode = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ThemeMode2) => { ThemeMode2[ThemeMode2["Same as theme"] = 0] = "Same as theme"; ThemeMode2[ThemeMode2["Dark"] = 1] = "Dark"; ThemeMode2[ThemeMode2["Light"] = 2] = "Light"; return ThemeMode2; })(ThemeMode || {}); var TitleSource = /* @__PURE__ */ ((TitleSource2) => { TitleSource2[TitleSource2["Note title"] = 0] = "Note title"; TitleSource2[TitleSource2["First H1"] = 1] = "First H1"; TitleSource2[TitleSource2["Frontmatter property"] = 2] = "Frontmatter property"; return TitleSource2; })(TitleSource || {}); var YamlField = /* @__PURE__ */ ((YamlField2) => { YamlField2[YamlField2["link"] = 0] = "link"; YamlField2[YamlField2["updated"] = 1] = "updated"; YamlField2[YamlField2["encrypted"] = 2] = "encrypted"; YamlField2[YamlField2["unencrypted"] = 3] = "unencrypted"; YamlField2[YamlField2["title"] = 4] = "title"; YamlField2[YamlField2["expires"] = 5] = "expires"; return YamlField2; })(YamlField || {}); var DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { server: "https://api.note.sx", uid: "", apiKey: "", yamlField: "share", noteWidth: "", theme: "", themeMode: 0 /* Same as theme */, titleSource: 0 /* Note title */, removeYaml: true, removeBacklinksFooter: true, expiry: "", clipboard: true, shareUnencrypted: false, authRedirect: null, debug: 0 }; var ShareSettingsTab = class extends import_obsidian.PluginSettingTab { constructor(app, plugin) { super(app, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } display() { const { containerEl } = this; containerEl.empty(); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("API key").setDesc("Click the button to request a new API key").addButton((btn) => btn.setButtonText("Connect plugin").setCta().onClick(() => { window.open(this.plugin.settings.server + "/v1/account/get-key?id=" + this.plugin.settings.uid); })).addText((inputEl) => { this.apikeyEl = inputEl; inputEl.setPlaceholder("API key").setValue(this.plugin.settings.apiKey).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.apiKey = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Frontmatter property prefix").setDesc("The frontmatter property for storing the shared link and updated time. A value of `share` will create frontmatter fields of `share_link` and `share_updated`.").addText((text) => text.setPlaceholder(DEFAULT_SETTINGS.yamlField).setValue(this.plugin.settings.yamlField).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.yamlField = value || DEFAULT_SETTINGS.yamlField; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); })); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Upload options").setHeading(); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName(`\u2B50 Your shared note theme is "${this.plugin.settings.theme || "Obsidian default theme"}"`).setDesc("To set a new theme, change the theme in Obsidian to your desired theme and then use the `Force re-upload all data` command. You can change your Obsidian theme after that without affecting the theme for your shared notes.").then((setting) => addDocs(setting, "https://docs.note.sx/notes/theme")); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Light/Dark mode").setDesc("Choose the mode with which your files will be shared").addDropdown((dropdown) => { dropdown.addOption("Same as theme", "Same as theme").addOption("Dark", "Dark").addOption("Light", "Light").setValue(ThemeMode[this.plugin.settings.themeMode]).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.themeMode = ThemeMode[value]; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Copy the link to clipboard after sharing").addToggle((toggle) => { toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.clipboard).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.clipboard = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Note options").setHeading(); const defaultTitleDesc = "Select the location to source the published note title. It will default to the note title if nothing is found for the selected option."; const titleSetting = new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Note title source").setDesc(defaultTitleDesc).addDropdown((dropdown) => { for (const enumKey in TitleSource) { if (isNaN(Number(enumKey))) { dropdown.addOption(enumKey, enumKey); } } dropdown.setValue(TitleSource[this.plugin.settings.titleSource]).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.titleSource = TitleSource[value]; if (this.plugin.settings.titleSource === 2 /* Frontmatter property */) { titleSetting.setDesc("Set the title you want to use in a frontmatter property called `" + this.plugin.field(4 /* title */) + "`"); } else { titleSetting.setDesc(defaultTitleDesc); } await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Note reading width").setDesc("The max width for the content of your shared note, accepts any CSS unit. Leave this value empty if you want to use the theme's width.").addText((text) => text.setValue(this.plugin.settings.noteWidth).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.noteWidth = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); })); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Remove published frontmatter/YAML").setDesc("Remove frontmatter/YAML/properties from the shared note").addToggle((toggle) => { toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.removeYaml).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.removeYaml = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Remove backlinks footer").setDesc("Remove backlinks footer from the shared note").addToggle((toggle) => { toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.removeBacklinksFooter).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.removeBacklinksFooter = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Share as encrypted by default").setDesc("If you turn this off, you can enable encryption for individual notes by adding a `share_encrypted` checkbox into a note and ticking it.").addToggle((toggle) => { toggle.setValue(!this.plugin.settings.shareUnencrypted).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.shareUnencrypted = !value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); this.display(); }); }).then((setting) => addDocs(setting, "https://docs.note.sx/notes/encryption")); new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Default note expiry").setDesc("If you want, your notes can auto-delete themselves after a period of time. You can set this as a default for all notes here, or you can set it on a per-note basis.").addText((text) => text.setValue(this.plugin.settings.expiry).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.expiry = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); })).then((setting) => addDocs(setting, "https://docs.note.sx/notes/self-deleting-notes")); } }; function addDocs(setting, url) { setting.descEl.createEl("br"); setting.descEl.createEl("a", { text: "View the documentation", href: url }); } // src/note.ts var import_obsidian4 = require("obsidian"); // src/crypto.ts async function _generateKey(seed) { const keyMaterial = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", seed, { name: "PBKDF2" }, false, ["deriveBits"] ); const masterKey = await window.crypto.subtle.deriveBits( { name: "PBKDF2", salt: new Uint8Array(16), iterations: 1e5, hash: "SHA-256" }, keyMaterial, 256 ); return new Uint8Array(masterKey); } function masterKeyToString(masterKey) { return arrayBufferToBase64(masterKey); } function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) { let binary = ""; const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i2 = 0; i2 < bytes.byteLength; i2++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i2]); } return window.btoa(binary); } function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64) { return Uint8Array.from(window.atob(base64), (c2) => c2.charCodeAt(0)); } function _getAesGcmKey(secret) { return window.crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", secret, { name: "AES-GCM", length: 256 }, false, ["encrypt", "decrypt"] ); } async function encryptString(plaintext, existingKey) { let key; if (existingKey) { key = base64ToArrayBuffer(existingKey); } else { key = await _generateKey(window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(64))); } const iv = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); const aesKey = await _getAesGcmKey(key); const ciphertext = []; const length = plaintext.length; const chunkSize = 1e3; let index = 0; while (index * chunkSize < length) { const plaintextChunk = plaintext.slice(index * chunkSize, (index + 1) * chunkSize); const encodedText = new TextEncoder().encode(plaintextChunk); const bufCiphertext = await window.crypto.subtle.encrypt( { name: "AES-GCM", iv }, aesKey, encodedText ); ciphertext.push(arrayBufferToBase64(bufCiphertext)); index++; } return { ciphertext, iv: arrayBufferToBase64(iv), key: masterKeyToString(key).slice(0, 43) }; } async function sha(algorithm, data) { let uint8Array; if (typeof data === "string") { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); uint8Array = encoder.encode(data); } else { uint8Array = data; } const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest(algorithm, uint8Array); return Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash)).map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(""); } async function sha256(data) { return sha("SHA-256", data); } async function sha1(data) { return sha("SHA-1", data); } async function shortHash(text) { return (await sha256(text)).slice(0, 32); } // src/StatusMessage.ts var import_obsidian2 = require("obsidian"); var pluginName = require_manifest().name; var statuses = { [2 /* Error */]: { class: "share-note-status-error", icon: "\u274C " }, [1 /* Info */]: { class: "share-note-status-info", icon: "" }, [3 /* Success */]: { class: "share-note-status-success", icon: "\u2714 " } }; var StatusMessage = class extends import_obsidian2.Notice { constructor(text, type = 0 /* Default */, duration = 5e3) { var _a; const messageDoc = new DocumentFragment(); const icon = ((_a = statuses[type]) == null ? void 0 : _a.icon) || ""; const messageEl = messageDoc.createEl("div", { text: `${icon}${pluginName}: ${text}` }); super(messageDoc, duration); if (messageEl.parentElement) { if (statuses[type]) { messageEl.parentElement.classList.add(statuses[type].class); } } this.icon = icon; this.messageEl = messageEl; } setStatus(message) { this.messageEl.innerText = `${this.icon}${pluginName}: ${message}`; } }; // src/NoteTemplate.ts function getElementStyle(key, element) { const elementStyle = { element: key, classes: [], style: "" }; try { elementStyle.classes = Array.from(element.classList); const style = element.style; if (element.classList.contains("markdown-preview-pusher")) { style.removeProperty("margin-bottom"); } elementStyle.style = style.cssText; } catch (e2) { console.log(e2); } return elementStyle; } var NoteTemplate = class { constructor() { this.elements = []; } }; // src/note.ts var import_data_uri_to_buffer = __toESM(require_dist()); // src/libraries/FileTypes.ts var FileType = class { constructor(fileType) { this.extension = fileType.extension; this.mimetypes = fileType.mimetypes; this.signature = fileType.signature; } get mimetype() { return this.mimetypes[0]; } }; var types = [ { extension: "ttf", mimetypes: ["font/ttf", "application/x-font-ttf", "application/x-font-truetype", "font/truetype"], signature: new Uint8Array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0]) }, { extension: "otf", mimetypes: ["font/otf", "application/x-font-opentype"], signature: new Uint8Array([79, 84, 84, 79]) }, { extension: "woff", mimetypes: ["font/woff", "application/font-woff", "application/x-font-woff"], signature: new Uint8Array([119, 79, 70, 70]) }, { extension: "woff2", mimetypes: ["font/woff2", "application/font-woff2", "application/x-font-woff2"], signature: new Uint8Array([119, 79, 70, 50]) }, { extension: "svg", mimetypes: ["image/svg+xml"] } ]; var FileTypes = class { getFromMimetype(mimetype) { const type = types.find((x) => x.mimetypes.includes(mimetype)); return type ? new FileType(type) : void 0; } getFromExtension(extension) { const type = types.find((x) => x.extension === extension.toLowerCase()); return type ? new FileType(type) : void 0; } getFromSignature(signature) { if (signature instanceof ArrayBuffer) { signature = new Uint8Array(signature, 0, 10); } const type = types.find((library) => library.signature && this.bufferIsEqual(library.signature, signature)); return type ? new FileType(type) : void 0; } bufferIsEqual(librarySignature, userSignature) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < librarySignature.length; i2++) { if (librarySignature[i2] !== (userSignature == null ? void 0 : userSignature[i2])) { return false; } } return true; } }; var FileTypes_default = new FileTypes(); // src/api.ts var import_obsidian3 = require("obsidian"); // node_modules/browser-image-compression/dist/browser-image-compression.mjs function _mergeNamespaces(e2, t2) { return t2.forEach(function(t3) { t3 && "string" != typeof t3 && !Array.isArray(t3) && Object.keys(t3).forEach(function(r2) { if ("default" !== r2 && !(r2 in e2)) { var i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t3, r2); Object.defineProperty(e2, r2, i2.get ? i2 : { enumerable: true, get: function() { return t3[r2]; } }); } }); }), Object.freeze(e2); } function copyExifWithoutOrientation(e2, t2) { return new Promise(function(r2, i2) { let o2; return getApp1Segment(e2).then(function(e3) { try { return o2 = e3, r2(new Blob([t2.slice(0, 2), o2, t2.slice(2)], { type: "image/jpeg" })); } catch (e4) { return i2(e4); } }, i2); }); } var getApp1Segment = (e2) => new Promise((t2, r2) => { const i2 = new FileReader(); i2.addEventListener("load", ({ target: { result: e3 } }) => { const i3 = new DataView(e3); let o2 = 0; if (65496 !== i3.getUint16(o2)) return r2("not a valid JPEG"); for (o2 += 2; ; ) { const a2 = i3.getUint16(o2); if (65498 === a2) break; const s2 = i3.getUint16(o2 + 2); if (65505 === a2 && 1165519206 === i3.getUint32(o2 + 4)) { const a3 = o2 + 10; let f2; switch (i3.getUint16(a3)) { case 18761: f2 = true; break; case 19789: f2 = false; break; default: return r2("TIFF header contains invalid endian"); } if (42 !== i3.getUint16(a3 + 2, f2)) return r2("TIFF header contains invalid version"); const l2 = i3.getUint32(a3 + 4, f2), c2 = a3 + l2 + 2 + 12 * i3.getUint16(a3 + l2, f2); for (let e4 = a3 + l2 + 2; e4 < c2; e4 += 12) { if (274 == i3.getUint16(e4, f2)) { if (3 !== i3.getUint16(e4 + 2, f2)) return r2("Orientation data type is invalid"); if (1 !== i3.getUint32(e4 + 4, f2)) return r2("Orientation data count is invalid"); i3.setUint16(e4 + 8, 1, f2); break; } } return t2(e3.slice(o2, o2 + 2 + s2)); } o2 += 2 + s2; } return t2(new Blob()); }), i2.readAsArrayBuffer(e2); }); var e = {}; var t = { get exports() { return e; }, set exports(t2) { e = t2; } }; !function(e2) { var r2, i2, UZIP2 = {}; t.exports = UZIP2, UZIP2.parse = function(e3, t2) { for (var r3 = UZIP2.bin.readUshort, i3 = UZIP2.bin.readUint, o2 = 0, a2 = {}, s2 = new Uint8Array(e3), f2 = s2.length - 4; 101010256 != i3(s2, f2); ) f2--; o2 = f2; o2 += 4; var l2 = r3(s2, o2 += 4); r3(s2, o2 += 2); var c2 = i3(s2, o2 += 2), u = i3(s2, o2 += 4); o2 += 4, o2 = u; for (var h = 0; h < l2; h++) { i3(s2, o2), o2 += 4, o2 += 4, o2 += 4, i3(s2, o2 += 4); c2 = i3(s2, o2 += 4); var d = i3(s2, o2 += 4), A = r3(s2, o2 += 4), g = r3(s2, o2 + 2), p = r3(s2, o2 + 4); o2 += 6; var m = i3(s2, o2 += 8); o2 += 4, o2 += A + g + p, UZIP2._readLocal(s2, m, a2, c2, d, t2); } return a2; }, UZIP2._readLocal = function(e3, t2, r3, i3, o2, a2) { var s2 = UZIP2.bin.readUshort, f2 = UZIP2.bin.readUint; f2(e3, t2), s2(e3, t2 += 4), s2(e3, t2 += 2); var l2 = s2(e3, t2 += 2); f2(e3, t2 += 2), f2(e3, t2 += 4), t2 += 4; var c2 = s2(e3, t2 += 8), u = s2(e3, t2 += 2); t2 += 2; var h = UZIP2.bin.readUTF8(e3, t2, c2); if (t2 += c2, t2 += u, a2) r3[h] = { size: o2, csize: i3 }; else { var d = new Uint8Array(e3.buffer, t2); if (0 == l2) r3[h] = new Uint8Array(d.buffer.slice(t2, t2 + i3)); else { if (8 != l2) throw "unknown compression method: " + l2; var A = new Uint8Array(o2); UZIP2.inflateRaw(d, A), r3[h] = A; } } }, UZIP2.inflateRaw = function(e3, t2) { return UZIP2.F.inflate(e3, t2); }, UZIP2.inflate = function(e3, t2) { return e3[0], e3[1], UZIP2.inflateRaw(new Uint8Array(e3.buffer, e3.byteOffset + 2, e3.length - 6), t2); }, UZIP2.deflate = function(e3, t2) { null == t2 && (t2 = { level: 6 }); var r3 = 0, i3 = new Uint8Array(50 + Math.floor(1.1 * e3.length)); i3[r3] = 120, i3[r3 + 1] = 156, r3 += 2, r3 = UZIP2.F.deflateRaw(e3, i3, r3, t2.level); var o2 = UZIP2.adler(e3, 0, e3.length); return i3[r3 + 0] = o2 >>> 24 & 255, i3[r3 + 1] = o2 >>> 16 & 255, i3[r3 + 2] = o2 >>> 8 & 255, i3[r3 + 3] = o2 >>> 0 & 255, new Uint8Array(i3.buffer, 0, r3 + 4); }, UZIP2.deflateRaw = function(e3, t2) { null == t2 && (t2 = { level: 6 }); var r3 = new Uint8Array(50 + Math.floor(1.1 * e3.length)), i3 = UZIP2.F.deflateRaw(e3, r3, i3, t2.level); return new Uint8Array(r3.buffer, 0, i3); }, UZIP2.encode = function(e3, t2) { null == t2 && (t2 = false); var r3 = 0, i3 = UZIP2.bin.writeUint, o2 = UZIP2.bin.writeUshort, a2 = {}; for (var s2 in e3) { var f2 = !UZIP2._noNeed(s2) && !t2, l2 = e3[s2], c2 = UZIP2.crc.crc(l2, 0, l2.length); a2[s2] = { cpr: f2, usize: l2.length, crc: c2, file: f2 ? UZIP2.deflateRaw(l2) : l2 }; } for (var s2 in a2) r3 += a2[s2].file.length + 30 + 46 + 2 * UZIP2.bin.sizeUTF8(s2); r3 += 22; var u = new Uint8Array(r3), h = 0, d = []; for (var s2 in a2) { var A = a2[s2]; d.push(h), h = UZIP2._writeHeader(u, h, s2, A, 0); } var g = 0, p = h; for (var s2 in a2) { A = a2[s2]; d.push(h), h = UZIP2._writeHeader(u, h, s2, A, 1, d[g++]); } var m = h - p; return i3(u, h, 101010256), h += 4, o2(u, h += 4, g), o2(u, h += 2, g), i3(u, h += 2, m), i3(u, h += 4, p), h += 4, h += 2, u.buffer; }, UZIP2._noNeed = function(e3) { var t2 = e3.split(".").pop().toLowerCase(); return -1 != "png,jpg,jpeg,zip".indexOf(t2); }, UZIP2._writeHeader = function(e3, t2, r3, i3, o2, a2) { var s2 = UZIP2.bin.writeUint, f2 = UZIP2.bin.writeUshort, l2 = i3.file; return s2(e3, t2, 0 == o2 ? 67324752 : 33639248), t2 += 4, 1 == o2 && (t2 += 2), f2(e3, t2, 20), f2(e3, t2 += 2, 0), f2(e3, t2 += 2, i3.cpr ? 8 : 0), s2(e3, t2 += 2, 0), s2(e3, t2 += 4, i3.crc), s2(e3, t2 += 4, l2.length), s2(e3, t2 += 4, i3.usize), f2(e3, t2 += 4, UZIP2.bin.sizeUTF8(r3)), f2(e3, t2 += 2, 0), t2 += 2, 1 == o2 && (t2 += 2, t2 += 2, s2(e3, t2 += 6, a2), t2 += 4), t2 += UZIP2.bin.writeUTF8(e3, t2, r3), 0 == o2 && (e3.set(l2, t2), t2 += l2.length), t2; }, UZIP2.crc = { table: function() { for (var e3 = new Uint32Array(256), t2 = 0; t2 < 256; t2++) { for (var r3 = t2, i3 = 0; i3 < 8; i3++) 1 & r3 ? r3 = 3988292384 ^ r3 >>> 1 : r3 >>>= 1; e3[t2] = r3; } return e3; }(), update: function(e3, t2, r3, i3) { for (var o2 = 0; o2 < i3; o2++) e3 = UZIP2.crc.table[255 & (e3 ^ t2[r3 + o2])] ^ e3 >>> 8; return e3; }, crc: function(e3, t2, r3) { return 4294967295 ^ UZIP2.crc.update(4294967295, e3, t2, r3); } }, UZIP2.adler = function(e3, t2, r3) { for (var i3 = 1, o2 = 0, a2 = t2, s2 = t2 + r3; a2 < s2; ) { for (var f2 = Math.min(a2 + 5552, s2); a2 < f2; ) o2 += i3 += e3[a2++]; i3 %= 65521, o2 %= 65521; } return o2 << 16 | i3; }, UZIP2.bin = { readUshort: function(e3, t2) { return e3[t2] | e3[t2 + 1] << 8; }, writeUshort: function(e3, t2, r3) { e3[t2] = 255 & r3, e3[t2 + 1] = r3 >> 8 & 255; }, readUint: function(e3, t2) { return 16777216 * e3[t2 + 3] + (e3[t2 + 2] << 16 | e3[t2 + 1] << 8 | e3[t2]); }, writeUint: function(e3, t2, r3) { e3[t2] = 255 & r3, e3[t2 + 1] = r3 >> 8 & 255, e3[t2 + 2] = r3 >> 16 & 255, e3[t2 + 3] = r3 >> 24 & 255; }, readASCII: function(e3, t2, r3) { for (var i3 = "", o2 = 0; o2 < r3; o2++) i3 += String.fromCharCode(e3[t2 + o2]); return i3; }, writeASCII: function(e3, t2, r3) { for (var i3 = 0; i3 < r3.length; i3++) e3[t2 + i3] = r3.charCodeAt(i3); }, pad: function(e3) { return e3.length < 2 ? "0" + e3 : e3; }, readUTF8: function(e3, t2, r3) { for (var i3, o2 = "", a2 = 0; a2 < r3; a2++) o2 += "%" + UZIP2.bin.pad(e3[t2 + a2].toString(16)); try { i3 = decodeURIComponent(o2); } catch (i4) { return UZIP2.bin.readASCII(e3, t2, r3); } return i3; }, writeUTF8: function(e3, t2, r3) { for (var i3 = r3.length, o2 = 0, a2 = 0; a2 < i3; a2++) { var s2 = r3.charCodeAt(a2); if (0 == (4294967168 & s2)) e3[t2 + o2] = s2, o2++; else if (0 == (4294965248 & s2)) e3[t2 + o2] = 192 | s2 >> 6, e3[t2 + o2 + 1] = 128 | s2 >> 0 & 63, o2 += 2; else if (0 == (4294901760 & s2)) e3[t2 + o2] = 224 | s2 >> 12, e3[t2 + o2 + 1] = 128 | s2 >> 6 & 63, e3[t2 + o2 + 2] = 128 | s2 >> 0 & 63, o2 += 3; else { if (0 != (4292870144 & s2)) throw "e"; e3[t2 + o2] = 240 | s2 >> 18, e3[t2 + o2 + 1] = 128 | s2 >> 12 & 63, e3[t2 + o2 + 2] = 128 | s2 >> 6 & 63, e3[t2 + o2 + 3] = 128 | s2 >> 0 & 63, o2 += 4; } } return o2; }, sizeUTF8: function(e3) { for (var t2 = e3.length, r3 = 0, i3 = 0; i3 < t2; i3++) { var o2 = e3.charCodeAt(i3); if (0 == (4294967168 & o2)) r3++; else if (0 == (4294965248 & o2)) r3 += 2; else if (0 == (4294901760 & o2)) r3 += 3; else { if (0 != (4292870144 & o2)) throw "e"; r3 += 4; } } return r3; } }, UZIP2.F = {}, UZIP2.F.deflateRaw = function(e3, t2, r3, i3) { var o2 = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 4, 8, 4, 0], [4, 5, 16, 8, 0], [4, 6, 16, 16, 0], [4, 10, 16, 32, 0], [8, 16, 32, 32, 0], [8, 16, 128, 128, 0], [8, 32, 128, 256, 0], [32, 128, 258, 1024, 1], [32, 258, 258, 4096, 1]][i3], a2 = UZIP2.F.U, s2 = UZIP2.F._goodIndex; UZIP2.F._hash; var f2 = UZIP2.F._putsE, l2 = 0, c2 = r3 << 3, u = 0, h = e3.length; if (0 == i3) { for (; l2 < h; ) { f2(t2, c2, l2 + (_ = Math.min(65535, h - l2)) == h ? 1 : 0), c2 = UZIP2.F._copyExact(e3, l2, _, t2, c2 + 8), l2 += _; } return c2 >>> 3; } var d = a2.lits, A = a2.strt, g = a2.prev, p = 0, m = 0, w = 0, v = 0, b = 0, y = 0; for (h > 2 && (A[y = UZIP2.F._hash(e3, 0)] = 0), l2 = 0; l2 < h; l2++) { if (b = y, l2 + 1 < h - 2) { y = UZIP2.F._hash(e3, l2 + 1); var E = l2 + 1 & 32767; g[E] = A[y], A[y] = E; } if (u <= l2) { (p > 14e3 || m > 26697) && h - l2 > 100 && (u < l2 && (d[p] = l2 - u, p += 2, u = l2), c2 = UZIP2.F._writeBlock(l2 == h - 1 || u == h ? 1 : 0, d, p, v, e3, w, l2 - w, t2, c2), p = m = v = 0, w = l2); var F4 = 0; l2 < h - 2 && (F4 = UZIP2.F._bestMatch(e3, l2, g, b, Math.min(o2[2], h - l2), o2[3])); var _ = F4 >>> 16, B = 65535 & F4; if (0 != F4) { B = 65535 & F4; var U3 = s2(_ = F4 >>> 16, a2.of0); a2.lhst[257 + U3]++; var C = s2(B, a2.df0); a2.dhst[C]++, v += a2.exb[U3] + a2.dxb[C], d[p] = _ << 23 | l2 - u, d[p + 1] = B << 16 | U3 << 8 | C, p += 2, u = l2 + _; } else a2.lhst[e3[l2]]++; m++; } } for (w == l2 && 0 != e3.length || (u < l2 && (d[p] = l2 - u, p += 2, u = l2), c2 = UZIP2.F._writeBlock(1, d, p, v, e3, w, l2 - w, t2, c2), p = 0, m = 0, p = m = v = 0, w = l2); 0 != (7 & c2); ) c2++; return c2 >>> 3; }, UZIP2.F._bestMatch = function(e3, t2, r3, i3, o2, a2) { var s2 = 32767 & t2, f2 = r3[s2], l2 = s2 - f2 + 32768 & 32767; if (f2 == s2 || i3 != UZIP2.F._hash(e3, t2 - l2)) return 0; for (var c2 = 0, u = 0, h = Math.min(32767, t2); l2 <= h && 0 != --a2 && f2 != s2; ) { if (0 == c2 || e3[t2 + c2] == e3[t2 + c2 - l2]) { var d = UZIP2.F._howLong(e3, t2, l2); if (d > c2) { if (u = l2, (c2 = d) >= o2) break; l2 + 2 < d && (d = l2 + 2); for (var A = 0, g = 0; g < d - 2; g++) { var p = t2 - l2 + g + 32768 & 32767, m = p - r3[p] + 32768 & 32767; m > A && (A = m, f2 = p); } } } l2 += (s2 = f2) - (f2 = r3[s2]) + 32768 & 32767; } return c2 << 16 | u; }, UZIP2.F._howLong = function(e3, t2, r3) { if (e3[t2] != e3[t2 - r3] || e3[t2 + 1] != e3[t2 + 1 - r3] || e3[t2 + 2] != e3[t2 + 2 - r3]) return 0; var i3 = t2, o2 = Math.min(e3.length, t2 + 258); for (t2 += 3; t2 < o2 && e3[t2] == e3[t2 - r3]; ) t2++; return t2 - i3; }, UZIP2.F._hash = function(e3, t2) { return (e3[t2] << 8 | e3[t2 + 1]) + (e3[t2 + 2] << 4) & 65535; }, UZIP2.saved = 0, UZIP2.F._writeBlock = function(e3, t2, r3, i3, o2, a2, s2, f2, l2) { var c2, u, h, d, A, g, p, m, w, v = UZIP2.F.U, b = UZIP2.F._putsF, y = UZIP2.F._putsE; v.lhst[256]++, u = (c2 = UZIP2.F.getTrees())[0], h = c2[1], d = c2[2], A = c2[3], g = c2[4], p = c2[5], m = c2[6], w = c2[7]; var E = 32 + (0 == (l2 + 3 & 7) ? 0 : 8 - (l2 + 3 & 7)) + (s2 << 3), F4 = i3 + UZIP2.F.contSize(v.fltree, v.lhst) + UZIP2.F.contSize(v.fdtree, v.dhst), _ = i3 + UZIP2.F.contSize(v.ltree, v.lhst) + UZIP2.F.contSize(v.dtree, v.dhst); _ += 14 + 3 * p + UZIP2.F.contSize(v.itree, v.ihst) + (2 * v.ihst[16] + 3 * v.ihst[17] + 7 * v.ihst[18]); for (var B = 0; B < 286; B++) v.lhst[B] = 0; for (B = 0; B < 30; B++) v.dhst[B] = 0; for (B = 0; B < 19; B++) v.ihst[B] = 0; var U3 = E < F4 && E < _ ? 0 : F4 < _ ? 1 : 2; if (b(f2, l2, e3), b(f2, l2 + 1, U3), l2 += 3, 0 == U3) { for (; 0 != (7 & l2); ) l2++; l2 = UZIP2.F._copyExact(o2, a2, s2, f2, l2); } else { var C, I; if (1 == U3 && (C = v.fltree, I = v.fdtree), 2 == U3) { UZIP2.F.makeCodes(v.ltree, u), UZIP2.F.revCodes(v.ltree, u), UZIP2.F.makeCodes(v.dtree, h), UZIP2.F.revCodes(v.dtree, h), UZIP2.F.makeCodes(v.itree, d), UZIP2.F.revCodes(v.itree, d), C = v.ltree, I = v.dtree, y(f2, l2, A - 257), y(f2, l2 += 5, g - 1), y(f2, l2 += 5, p - 4), l2 += 4; for (var Q = 0; Q < p; Q++) y(f2, l2 + 3 * Q, v.itree[1 + (v.ordr[Q] << 1)]); l2 += 3 * p, l2 = UZIP2.F._codeTiny(m, v.itree, f2, l2), l2 = UZIP2.F._codeTiny(w, v.itree, f2, l2); } for (var M = a2, x = 0; x < r3; x += 2) { for (var S = t2[x], R4 = S >>> 23, T = M + (8388607 & S); M < T; ) l2 = UZIP2.F._writeLit(o2[M++], C, f2, l2); if (0 != R4) { var O = t2[x + 1], P = O >> 16, H = O >> 8 & 255, L = 255 & O; y(f2, l2 = UZIP2.F._writeLit(257 + H, C, f2, l2), R4 - v.of0[H]), l2 += v.exb[H], b(f2, l2 = UZIP2.F._writeLit(L, I, f2, l2), P - v.df0[L]), l2 += v.dxb[L], M += R4; } } l2 = UZIP2.F._writeLit(256, C, f2, l2); } return l2; }, UZIP2.F._copyExact = function(e3, t2, r3, i3, o2) { var a2 = o2 >>> 3; return i3[a2] = r3, i3[a2 + 1] = r3 >>> 8, i3[a2 + 2] = 255 - i3[a2], i3[a2 + 3] = 255 - i3[a2 + 1], a2 += 4, i3.set(new Uint8Array(e3.buffer, t2, r3), a2), o2 + (r3 + 4 << 3); }, UZIP2.F.getTrees = function() { for (var e3 = UZIP2.F.U, t2 = UZIP2.F._hufTree(e3.lhst, e3.ltree, 15), r3 = UZIP2.F._hufTree(e3.dhst, e3.dtree, 15), i3 = [], o2 = UZIP2.F._lenCodes(e3.ltree, i3), a2 = [], s2 = UZIP2.F._lenCodes(e3.dtree, a2), f2 = 0; f2 < i3.length; f2 += 2) e3.ihst[i3[f2]]++; for (f2 = 0; f2 < a2.length; f2 += 2) e3.ihst[a2[f2]]++; for (var l2 = UZIP2.F._hufTree(e3.ihst, e3.itree, 7), c2 = 19; c2 > 4 && 0 == e3.itree[1 + (e3.ordr[c2 - 1] << 1)]; ) c2--; return [t2, r3, l2, o2, s2, c2, i3, a2]; }, UZIP2.F.getSecond = function(e3) { for (var t2 = [], r3 = 0; r3 < e3.length; r3 += 2) t2.push(e3[r3 + 1]); return t2; }, UZIP2.F.nonZero = function(e3) { for (var t2 = "", r3 = 0; r3 < e3.length; r3 += 2) 0 != e3[r3 + 1] && (t2 += (r3 >> 1) + ","); return t2; }, UZIP2.F.contSize = function(e3, t2) { for (var r3 = 0, i3 = 0; i3 < t2.length; i3++) r3 += t2[i3] * e3[1 + (i3 << 1)]; return r3; }, UZIP2.F._codeTiny = function(e3, t2, r3, i3) { for (var o2 = 0; o2 < e3.length; o2 += 2) { var a2 = e3[o2], s2 = e3[o2 + 1]; i3 = UZIP2.F._writeLit(a2, t2, r3, i3); var f2 = 16 == a2 ? 2 : 17 == a2 ? 3 : 7; a2 > 15 && (UZIP2.F._putsE(r3, i3, s2, f2), i3 += f2); } return i3; }, UZIP2.F._lenCodes = function(e3, t2) { for (var r3 = e3.length; 2 != r3 && 0 == e3[r3 - 1]; ) r3 -= 2; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < r3; i3 += 2) { var o2 = e3[i3 + 1], a2 = i3 + 3 < r3 ? e3[i3 + 3] : -1, s2 = i3 + 5 < r3 ? e3[i3 + 5] : -1, f2 = 0 == i3 ? -1 : e3[i3 - 1]; if (0 == o2 && a2 == o2 && s2 == o2) { for (var l2 = i3 + 5; l2 + 2 < r3 && e3[l2 + 2] == o2; ) l2 += 2; (c2 = Math.min(l2 + 1 - i3 >>> 1, 138)) < 11 ? t2.push(17, c2 - 3) : t2.push(18, c2 - 11), i3 += 2 * c2 - 2; } else if (o2 == f2 && a2 == o2 && s2 == o2) { for (l2 = i3 + 5; l2 + 2 < r3 && e3[l2 + 2] == o2; ) l2 += 2; var c2 = Math.min(l2 + 1 - i3 >>> 1, 6); t2.push(16, c2 - 3), i3 += 2 * c2 - 2; } else t2.push(o2, 0); } return r3 >>> 1; }, UZIP2.F._hufTree = function(e3, t2, r3) { var i3 = [], o2 = e3.length, a2 = t2.length, s2 = 0; for (s2 = 0; s2 < a2; s2 += 2) t2[s2] = 0, t2[s2 + 1] = 0; for (s2 = 0; s2 < o2; s2++) 0 != e3[s2] && i3.push({ lit: s2, f: e3[s2] }); var f2 = i3.length, l2 = i3.slice(0); if (0 == f2) return 0; if (1 == f2) { var c2 = i3[0].lit; l2 = 0 == c2 ? 1 : 0; return t2[1 + (c2 << 1)] = 1, t2[1 + (l2 << 1)] = 1, 1; } i3.sort(function(e4, t3) { return e4.f - t3.f; }); var u = i3[0], h = i3[1], d = 0, A = 1, g = 2; for (i3[0] = { lit: -1, f: u.f + h.f, l: u, r: h, d: 0 }; A != f2 - 1; ) u = d != A && (g == f2 || i3[d].f < i3[g].f) ? i3[d++] : i3[g++], h = d != A && (g == f2 || i3[d].f < i3[g].f) ? i3[d++] : i3[g++], i3[A++] = { lit: -1, f: u.f + h.f, l: u, r: h }; var p = UZIP2.F.setDepth(i3[A - 1], 0); for (p > r3 && (UZIP2.F.restrictDepth(l2, r3, p), p = r3), s2 = 0; s2 < f2; s2++) t2[1 + (l2[s2].lit << 1)] = l2[s2].d; return p; }, UZIP2.F.setDepth = function(e3, t2) { return -1 != e3.lit ? (e3.d = t2, t2) : Math.max(UZIP2.F.setDepth(e3.l, t2 + 1), UZIP2.F.setDepth(e3.r, t2 + 1)); }, UZIP2.F.restrictDepth = function(e3, t2, r3) { var i3 = 0, o2 = 1 << r3 - t2, a2 = 0; for (e3.sort(function(e4, t3) { return t3.d == e4.d ? e4.f - t3.f : t3.d - e4.d; }), i3 = 0; i3 < e3.length && e3[i3].d > t2; i3++) { var s2 = e3[i3].d; e3[i3].d = t2, a2 += o2 - (1 << r3 - s2); } for (a2 >>>= r3 - t2; a2 > 0; ) { (s2 = e3[i3].d) < t2 ? (e3[i3].d++, a2 -= 1 << t2 - s2 - 1) : i3++; } for (; i3 >= 0; i3--) e3[i3].d == t2 && a2 < 0 && (e3[i3].d--, a2++); 0 != a2 && console.log("debt left"); }, UZIP2.F._goodIndex = function(e3, t2) { var r3 = 0; return t2[16 | r3] <= e3 && (r3 |= 16), t2[8 | r3] <= e3 && (r3 |= 8), t2[4 | r3] <= e3 && (r3 |= 4), t2[2 | r3] <= e3 && (r3 |= 2), t2[1 | r3] <= e3 && (r3 |= 1), r3; }, UZIP2.F._writeLit = function(e3, t2, r3, i3) { return UZIP2.F._putsF(r3, i3, t2[e3 << 1]), i3 + t2[1 + (e3 << 1)]; }, UZIP2.F.inflate = function(e3, t2) { var r3 = Uint8Array; if (3 == e3[0] && 0 == e3[1]) return t2 || new r3(0); var i3 = UZIP2.F, o2 = i3._bitsF, a2 = i3._bitsE, s2 = i3._decodeTiny, f2 = i3.makeCodes, l2 = i3.codes2map, c2 = i3._get17, u = i3.U, h = null == t2; h && (t2 = new r3(e3.length >>> 2 << 3)); for (var d, A, g = 0, p = 0, m = 0, w = 0, v = 0, b = 0, y = 0, E = 0, F4 = 0; 0 == g; ) if (g = o2(e3, F4, 1), p = o2(e3, F4 + 1, 2), F4 += 3, 0 != p) { if (h && (t2 = UZIP2.F._check(t2, E + (1 << 17))), 1 == p && (d = u.flmap, A = u.fdmap, b = 511, y = 31), 2 == p) { m = a2(e3, F4, 5) + 257, w = a2(e3, F4 + 5, 5) + 1, v = a2(e3, F4 + 10, 4) + 4, F4 += 14; for (var _ = 0; _ < 38; _ += 2) u.itree[_] = 0, u.itree[_ + 1] = 0; var B = 1; for (_ = 0; _ < v; _++) { var U3 = a2(e3, F4 + 3 * _, 3); u.itree[1 + (u.ordr[_] << 1)] = U3, U3 > B && (B = U3); } F4 += 3 * v, f2(u.itree, B), l2(u.itree, B, u.imap), d = u.lmap, A = u.dmap, F4 = s2(u.imap, (1 << B) - 1, m + w, e3, F4, u.ttree); var C = i3._copyOut(u.ttree, 0, m, u.ltree); b = (1 << C) - 1; var I = i3._copyOut(u.ttree, m, w, u.dtree); y = (1 << I) - 1, f2(u.ltree, C), l2(u.ltree, C, d), f2(u.dtree, I), l2(u.dtree, I, A); } for (; ; ) { var Q = d[c2(e3, F4) & b]; F4 += 15 & Q; var M = Q >>> 4; if (M >>> 8 == 0) t2[E++] = M; else { if (256 == M) break; var x = E + M - 254; if (M > 264) { var S = u.ldef[M - 257]; x = E + (S >>> 3) + a2(e3, F4, 7 & S), F4 += 7 & S; } var R4 = A[c2(e3, F4) & y]; F4 += 15 & R4; var T = R4 >>> 4, O = u.ddef[T], P = (O >>> 4) + o2(e3, F4, 15 & O); for (F4 += 15 & O, h && (t2 = UZIP2.F._check(t2, E + (1 << 17))); E < x; ) t2[E] = t2[E++ - P], t2[E] = t2[E++ - P], t2[E] = t2[E++ - P], t2[E] = t2[E++ - P]; E = x; } } } else { 0 != (7 & F4) && (F4 += 8 - (7 & F4)); var H = 4 + (F4 >>> 3), L = e3[H - 4] | e3[H - 3] << 8; h && (t2 = UZIP2.F._check(t2, E + L)), t2.set(new r3(e3.buffer, e3.byteOffset + H, L), E), F4 = H + L << 3, E += L; } return t2.length == E ? t2 : t2.slice(0, E); }, UZIP2.F._check = function(e3, t2) { var r3 = e3.length; if (t2 <= r3) return e3; var i3 = new Uint8Array(Math.max(r3 << 1, t2)); return i3.set(e3, 0), i3; }, UZIP2.F._decodeTiny = function(e3, t2, r3, i3, o2, a2) { for (var s2 = UZIP2.F._bitsE, f2 = UZIP2.F._get17, l2 = 0; l2 < r3; ) { var c2 = e3[f2(i3, o2) & t2]; o2 += 15 & c2; var u = c2 >>> 4; if (u <= 15) a2[l2] = u, l2++; else { var h = 0, d = 0; 16 == u ? (d = 3 + s2(i3, o2, 2), o2 += 2, h = a2[l2 - 1]) : 17 == u ? (d = 3 + s2(i3, o2, 3), o2 += 3) : 18 == u && (d = 11 + s2(i3, o2, 7), o2 += 7); for (var A = l2 + d; l2 < A; ) a2[l2] = h, l2++; } } return o2; }, UZIP2.F._copyOut = function(e3, t2, r3, i3) { for (var o2 = 0, a2 = 0, s2 = i3.length >>> 1; a2 < r3; ) { var f2 = e3[a2 + t2]; i3[a2 << 1] = 0, i3[1 + (a2 << 1)] = f2, f2 > o2 && (o2 = f2), a2++; } for (; a2 < s2; ) i3[a2 << 1] = 0, i3[1 + (a2 << 1)] = 0, a2++; return o2; }, UZIP2.F.makeCodes = function(e3, t2) { for (var r3, i3, o2, a2, s2 = UZIP2.F.U, f2 = e3.length, l2 = s2.bl_count, c2 = 0; c2 <= t2; c2++) l2[c2] = 0; for (c2 = 1; c2 < f2; c2 += 2) l2[e3[c2]]++; var u = s2.next_code; for (r3 = 0, l2[0] = 0, i3 = 1; i3 <= t2; i3++) r3 = r3 + l2[i3 - 1] << 1, u[i3] = r3; for (o2 = 0; o2 < f2; o2 += 2) 0 != (a2 = e3[o2 + 1]) && (e3[o2] = u[a2], u[a2]++); }, UZIP2.F.codes2map = function(e3, t2, r3) { for (var i3 = e3.length, o2 = UZIP2.F.U.rev15, a2 = 0; a2 < i3; a2 += 2) if (0 != e3[a2 + 1]) for (var s2 = a2 >> 1, f2 = e3[a2 + 1], l2 = s2 << 4 | f2, c2 = t2 - f2, u = e3[a2] << c2, h = u + (1 << c2); u != h; ) { r3[o2[u] >>> 15 - t2] = l2, u++; } }, UZIP2.F.revCodes = function(e3, t2) { for (var r3 = UZIP2.F.U.rev15, i3 = 15 - t2, o2 = 0; o2 < e3.length; o2 += 2) { var a2 = e3[o2] << t2 - e3[o2 + 1]; e3[o2] = r3[a2] >>> i3; } }, UZIP2.F._putsE = function(e3, t2, r3) { r3 <<= 7 & t2; var i3 = t2 >>> 3; e3[i3] |= r3, e3[i3 + 1] |= r3 >>> 8; }, UZIP2.F._putsF = function(e3, t2, r3) { r3 <<= 7 & t2; var i3 = t2 >>> 3; e3[i3] |= r3, e3[i3 + 1] |= r3 >>> 8, e3[i3 + 2] |= r3 >>> 16; }, UZIP2.F._bitsE = function(e3, t2, r3) { return (e3[t2 >>> 3] | e3[1 + (t2 >>> 3)] << 8) >>> (7 & t2) & (1 << r3) - 1; }, UZIP2.F._bitsF = function(e3, t2, r3) { return (e3[t2 >>> 3] | e3[1 + (t2 >>> 3)] << 8 | e3[2 + (t2 >>> 3)] << 16) >>> (7 & t2) & (1 << r3) - 1; }, UZIP2.F._get17 = function(e3, t2) { return (e3[t2 >>> 3] | e3[1 + (t2 >>> 3)] << 8 | e3[2 + (t2 >>> 3)] << 16) >>> (7 & t2); }, UZIP2.F._get25 = function(e3, t2) { return (e3[t2 >>> 3] | e3[1 + (t2 >>> 3)] << 8 | e3[2 + (t2 >>> 3)] << 16 | e3[3 + (t2 >>> 3)] << 24) >>> (7 & t2); }, UZIP2.F.U = (r2 = Uint16Array, i2 = Uint32Array, { next_code: new r2(16), bl_count: new r2(16), ordr: [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15], of0: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 999, 999, 999], exb: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0], ldef: new r2(32), df0: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 65535, 65535], dxb: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 0, 0], ddef: new i2(32), flmap: new r2(512), fltree: [], fdmap: new r2(32), fdtree: [], lmap: new r2(32768), ltree: [], ttree: [], dmap: new r2(32768), dtree: [], imap: new r2(512), itree: [], rev15: new r2(32768), lhst: new i2(286), dhst: new i2(30), ihst: new i2(19), lits: new i2(15e3), strt: new r2(65536), prev: new r2(32768) }), function() { for (var e3 = UZIP2.F.U, t2 = 0; t2 < 32768; t2++) { var r3 = t2; r3 = (4278255360 & (r3 = (4042322160 & (r3 = (3435973836 & (r3 = (2863311530 & r3) >>> 1 | (1431655765 & r3) << 1)) >>> 2 | (858993459 & r3) << 2)) >>> 4 | (252645135 & r3) << 4)) >>> 8 | (16711935 & r3) << 8, e3.rev15[t2] = (r3 >>> 16 | r3 << 16) >>> 17; } function pushV(e4, t3, r4) { for (; 0 != t3--; ) e4.push(0, r4); } for (t2 = 0; t2 < 32; t2++) e3.ldef[t2] = e3.of0[t2] << 3 | e3.exb[t2], e3.ddef[t2] = e3.df0[t2] << 4 | e3.dxb[t2]; pushV(e3.fltree, 144, 8), pushV(e3.fltree, 112, 9), pushV(e3.fltree, 24, 7), pushV(e3.fltree, 8, 8), UZIP2.F.makeCodes(e3.fltree, 9), UZIP2.F.codes2map(e3.fltree, 9, e3.flmap), UZIP2.F.revCodes(e3.fltree, 9), pushV(e3.fdtree, 32, 5), UZIP2.F.makeCodes(e3.fdtree, 5), UZIP2.F.codes2map(e3.fdtree, 5, e3.fdmap), UZIP2.F.revCodes(e3.fdtree, 5), pushV(e3.itree, 19, 0), pushV(e3.ltree, 286, 0), pushV(e3.dtree, 30, 0), pushV(e3.ttree, 320, 0); }(); }(); var UZIP = _mergeNamespaces({ __proto__: null, default: e }, [e]); var UPNG = function() { var e2 = { nextZero(e3, t3) { for (; 0 != e3[t3]; ) t3++; return t3; }, readUshort: (e3, t3) => e3[t3] << 8 | e3[t3 + 1], writeUshort(e3, t3, r2) { e3[t3] = r2 >> 8 & 255, e3[t3 + 1] = 255 & r2; }, readUint: (e3, t3) => 16777216 * e3[t3] + (e3[t3 + 1] << 16 | e3[t3 + 2] << 8 | e3[t3 + 3]), writeUint(e3, t3, r2) { e3[t3] = r2 >> 24 & 255, e3[t3 + 1] = r2 >> 16 & 255, e3[t3 + 2] = r2 >> 8 & 255, e3[t3 + 3] = 255 & r2; }, readASCII(e3, t3, r2) { let i2 = ""; for (let o2 = 0; o2 < r2; o2++) i2 += String.fromCharCode(e3[t3 + o2]); return i2; }, writeASCII(e3, t3, r2) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < r2.length; i2++) e3[t3 + i2] = r2.charCodeAt(i2); }, readBytes(e3, t3, r2) { const i2 = []; for (let o2 = 0; o2 < r2; o2++) i2.push(e3[t3 + o2]); return i2; }, pad: (e3) => e3.length < 2 ? `0${e3}` : e3, readUTF8(t3, r2, i2) { let o2, a2 = ""; for (let o3 = 0; o3 < i2; o3++) a2 += `%${e2.pad(t3[r2 + o3].toString(16))}`; try { o2 = decodeURIComponent(a2); } catch (o3) { return e2.readASCII(t3, r2, i2); } return o2; } }; function decodeImage(t3, r2, i2, o2) { const a2 = r2 * i2, s2 = _getBPP(o2), f2 = Math.ceil(r2 * s2 / 8), l2 = new Uint8Array(4 * a2), c2 = new Uint32Array(l2.buffer), { ctype: u } = o2, { depth: h } = o2, d = e2.readUshort; if (6 == u) { const e3 = a2 << 2; if (8 == h) for (var A = 0; A < e3; A += 4) l2[A] = t3[A], l2[A + 1] = t3[A + 1], l2[A + 2] = t3[A + 2], l2[A + 3] = t3[A + 3]; if (16 == h) for (A = 0; A < e3; A++) l2[A] = t3[A << 1]; } else if (2 == u) { const e3 = o2.tabs.tRNS; if (null == e3) { if (8 == h) for (A = 0; A < a2; A++) { var g = 3 * A; c2[A] = 255 << 24 | t3[g + 2] << 16 | t3[g + 1] << 8 | t3[g]; } if (16 == h) for (A = 0; A < a2; A++) { g = 6 * A; c2[A] = 255 << 24 | t3[g + 4] << 16 | t3[g + 2] << 8 | t3[g]; } } else { var p = e3[0]; const r3 = e3[1], i3 = e3[2]; if (8 == h) for (A = 0; A < a2; A++) { var m = A << 2; g = 3 * A; c2[A] = 255 << 24 | t3[g + 2] << 16 | t3[g + 1] << 8 | t3[g], t3[g] == p && t3[g + 1] == r3 && t3[g + 2] == i3 && (l2[m + 3] = 0); } if (16 == h) for (A = 0; A < a2; A++) { m = A << 2, g = 6 * A; c2[A] = 255 << 24 | t3[g + 4] << 16 | t3[g + 2] << 8 | t3[g], d(t3, g) == p && d(t3, g + 2) == r3 && d(t3, g + 4) == i3 && (l2[m + 3] = 0); } } } else if (3 == u) { const e3 = o2.tabs.PLTE, s3 = o2.tabs.tRNS, c3 = s3 ? s3.length : 0; if (1 == h) for (var w = 0; w < i2; w++) { var v = w * f2, b = w * r2; for (A = 0; A < r2; A++) { m = b + A << 2; var y = 3 * (E = t3[v + (A >> 3)] >> 7 - ((7 & A) << 0) & 1); l2[m] = e3[y], l2[m + 1] = e3[y + 1], l2[m + 2] = e3[y + 2], l2[m + 3] = E < c3 ? s3[E] : 255; } } if (2 == h) for (w = 0; w < i2; w++) for (v = w * f2, b = w * r2, A = 0; A < r2; A++) { m = b + A << 2, y = 3 * (E = t3[v + (A >> 2)] >> 6 - ((3 & A) << 1) & 3); l2[m] = e3[y], l2[m + 1] = e3[y + 1], l2[m + 2] = e3[y + 2], l2[m + 3] = E < c3 ? s3[E] : 255; } if (4 == h) for (w = 0; w < i2; w++) for (v = w * f2, b = w * r2, A = 0; A < r2; A++) { m = b + A << 2, y = 3 * (E = t3[v + (A >> 1)] >> 4 - ((1 & A) << 2) & 15); l2[m] = e3[y], l2[m + 1] = e3[y + 1], l2[m + 2] = e3[y + 2], l2[m + 3] = E < c3 ? s3[E] : 255; } if (8 == h) for (A = 0; A < a2; A++) { var E; m = A << 2, y = 3 * (E = t3[A]); l2[m] = e3[y], l2[m + 1] = e3[y + 1], l2[m + 2] = e3[y + 2], l2[m + 3] = E < c3 ? s3[E] : 255; } } else if (4 == u) { if (8 == h) for (A = 0; A < a2; A++) { m = A << 2; var F4 = t3[_ = A << 1]; l2[m] = F4, l2[m + 1] = F4, l2[m + 2] = F4, l2[m + 3] = t3[_ + 1]; } if (16 == h) for (A = 0; A < a2; A++) { var _; m = A << 2, F4 = t3[_ = A << 2]; l2[m] = F4, l2[m + 1] = F4, l2[m + 2] = F4, l2[m + 3] = t3[_ + 2]; } } else if (0 == u) for (p = o2.tabs.tRNS ? o2.tabs.tRNS : -1, w = 0; w < i2; w++) { const e3 = w * f2, i3 = w * r2; if (1 == h) for (var B = 0; B < r2; B++) { var U3 = (F4 = 255 * (t3[e3 + (B >>> 3)] >>> 7 - (7 & B) & 1)) == 255 * p ? 0 : 255; c2[i3 + B] = U3 << 24 | F4 << 16 | F4 << 8 | F4; } else if (2 == h) for (B = 0; B < r2; B++) { U3 = (F4 = 85 * (t3[e3 + (B >>> 2)] >>> 6 - ((3 & B) << 1) & 3)) == 85 * p ? 0 : 255; c2[i3 + B] = U3 << 24 | F4 << 16 | F4 << 8 | F4; } else if (4 == h) for (B = 0; B < r2; B++) { U3 = (F4 = 17 * (t3[e3 + (B >>> 1)] >>> 4 - ((1 & B) << 2) & 15)) == 17 * p ? 0 : 255; c2[i3 + B] = U3 << 24 | F4 << 16 | F4 << 8 | F4; } else if (8 == h) for (B = 0; B < r2; B++) { U3 = (F4 = t3[e3 + B]) == p ? 0 : 255; c2[i3 + B] = U3 << 24 | F4 << 16 | F4 << 8 | F4; } else if (16 == h) for (B = 0; B < r2; B++) { F4 = t3[e3 + (B << 1)], U3 = d(t3, e3 + (B << 1)) == p ? 0 : 255; c2[i3 + B] = U3 << 24 | F4 << 16 | F4 << 8 | F4; } } return l2; } function _decompress(e3, r2, i2, o2) { const a2 = _getBPP(e3), s2 = Math.ceil(i2 * a2 / 8), f2 = new Uint8Array((s2 + 1 + e3.interlace) * o2); return r2 = e3.tabs.CgBI ? t2(r2, f2) : _inflate(r2, f2), 0 == e3.interlace ? r2 = _filterZero(r2, e3, 0, i2, o2) : 1 == e3.interlace && (r2 = function _readInterlace(e4, t3) { const r3 = t3.width, i3 = t3.height, o3 = _getBPP(t3), a3 = o3 >> 3, s3 = Math.ceil(r3 * o3 / 8), f3 = new Uint8Array(i3 * s3); let l2 = 0; const c2 = [0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1], u = [0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0], h = [8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2], d = [8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1]; let A = 0; for (; A < 7; ) { const p = h[A], m = d[A]; let w = 0, v = 0, b = c2[A]; for (; b < i3; ) b += p, v++; let y = u[A]; for (; y < r3; ) y += m, w++; const E = Math.ceil(w * o3 / 8); _filterZero(e4, t3, l2, w, v); let F4 = 0, _ = c2[A]; for (; _ < i3; ) { let t4 = u[A], i4 = l2 + F4 * E << 3; for (; t4 < r3; ) { var g; if (1 == o3) g = (g = e4[i4 >> 3]) >> 7 - (7 & i4) & 1, f3[_ * s3 + (t4 >> 3)] |= g << 7 - ((7 & t4) << 0); if (2 == o3) g = (g = e4[i4 >> 3]) >> 6 - (7 & i4) & 3, f3[_ * s3 + (t4 >> 2)] |= g << 6 - ((3 & t4) << 1); if (4 == o3) g = (g = e4[i4 >> 3]) >> 4 - (7 & i4) & 15, f3[_ * s3 + (t4 >> 1)] |= g << 4 - ((1 & t4) << 2); if (o3 >= 8) { const r4 = _ * s3 + t4 * a3; for (let t5 = 0; t5 < a3; t5++) f3[r4 + t5] = e4[(i4 >> 3) + t5]; } i4 += o3, t4 += m; } F4++, _ += p; } w * v != 0 && (l2 += v * (1 + E)), A += 1; } return f3; }(r2, e3)), r2; } function _inflate(e3, r2) { return t2(new Uint8Array(e3.buffer, 2, e3.length - 6), r2); } var t2 = function() { const e3 = { H: {} }; return e3.H.N = function(t3, r2) { const i2 = Uint8Array; let o2, a2, s2 = 0, f2 = 0, l2 = 0, c2 = 0, u = 0, h = 0, d = 0, A = 0, g = 0; if (3 == t3[0] && 0 == t3[1]) return r2 || new i2(0); const p = e3.H, m = p.b, w = p.e, v = p.R, b = p.n, y = p.A, E = p.Z, F4 = p.m, _ = null == r2; for (_ && (r2 = new i2(t3.length >>> 2 << 5)); 0 == s2; ) if (s2 = m(t3, g, 1), f2 = m(t3, g + 1, 2), g += 3, 0 != f2) { if (_ && (r2 = e3.H.W(r2, A + (1 << 17))), 1 == f2 && (o2 = F4.J, a2 = F4.h, h = 511, d = 31), 2 == f2) { l2 = w(t3, g, 5) + 257, c2 = w(t3, g + 5, 5) + 1, u = w(t3, g + 10, 4) + 4, g += 14; let e4 = 1; for (var B = 0; B < 38; B += 2) F4.Q[B] = 0, F4.Q[B + 1] = 0; for (B = 0; B < u; B++) { const r4 = w(t3, g + 3 * B, 3); F4.Q[1 + (F4.X[B] << 1)] = r4, r4 > e4 && (e4 = r4); } g += 3 * u, b(F4.Q, e4), y(F4.Q, e4, F4.u), o2 = F4.w, a2 = F4.d, g = v(F4.u, (1 << e4) - 1, l2 + c2, t3, g, F4.v); const r3 = p.V(F4.v, 0, l2, F4.C); h = (1 << r3) - 1; const i3 = p.V(F4.v, l2, c2, F4.D); d = (1 << i3) - 1, b(F4.C, r3), y(F4.C, r3, o2), b(F4.D, i3), y(F4.D, i3, a2); } for (; ; ) { const e4 = o2[E(t3, g) & h]; g += 15 & e4; const i3 = e4 >>> 4; if (i3 >>> 8 == 0) r2[A++] = i3; else { if (256 == i3) break; { let e5 = A + i3 - 254; if (i3 > 264) { const r3 = F4.q[i3 - 257]; e5 = A + (r3 >>> 3) + w(t3, g, 7 & r3), g += 7 & r3; } const o3 = a2[E(t3, g) & d]; g += 15 & o3; const s3 = o3 >>> 4, f3 = F4.c[s3], l3 = (f3 >>> 4) + m(t3, g, 15 & f3); for (g += 15 & f3; A < e5; ) r2[A] = r2[A++ - l3], r2[A] = r2[A++ - l3], r2[A] = r2[A++ - l3], r2[A] = r2[A++ - l3]; A = e5; } } } } else { 0 != (7 & g) && (g += 8 - (7 & g)); const o3 = 4 + (g >>> 3), a3 = t3[o3 - 4] | t3[o3 - 3] << 8; _ && (r2 = e3.H.W(r2, A + a3)), r2.set(new i2(t3.buffer, t3.byteOffset + o3, a3), A), g = o3 + a3 << 3, A += a3; } return r2.length == A ? r2 : r2.slice(0, A); }, e3.H.W = function(e4, t3) { const r2 = e4.length; if (t3 <= r2) return e4; const i2 = new Uint8Array(r2 << 1); return i2.set(e4, 0), i2; }, e3.H.R = function(t3, r2, i2, o2, a2, s2) { const f2 = e3.H.e, l2 = e3.H.Z; let c2 = 0; for (; c2 < i2; ) { const e4 = t3[l2(o2, a2) & r2]; a2 += 15 & e4; const i3 = e4 >>> 4; if (i3 <= 15) s2[c2] = i3, c2++; else { let e5 = 0, t4 = 0; 16 == i3 ? (t4 = 3 + f2(o2, a2, 2), a2 += 2, e5 = s2[c2 - 1]) : 17 == i3 ? (t4 = 3 + f2(o2, a2, 3), a2 += 3) : 18 == i3 && (t4 = 11 + f2(o2, a2, 7), a2 += 7); const r3 = c2 + t4; for (; c2 < r3; ) s2[c2] = e5, c2++; } } return a2; }, e3.H.V = function(e4, t3, r2, i2) { let o2 = 0, a2 = 0; const s2 = i2.length >>> 1; for (; a2 < r2; ) { const r3 = e4[a2 + t3]; i2[a2 << 1] = 0, i2[1 + (a2 << 1)] = r3, r3 > o2 && (o2 = r3), a2++; } for (; a2 < s2; ) i2[a2 << 1] = 0, i2[1 + (a2 << 1)] = 0, a2++; return o2; }, e3.H.n = function(t3, r2) { const i2 = e3.H.m, o2 = t3.length; let a2, s2, f2; let l2; const c2 = i2.j; for (var u = 0; u <= r2; u++) c2[u] = 0; for (u = 1; u < o2; u += 2) c2[t3[u]]++; const h = i2.K; for (a2 = 0, c2[0] = 0, s2 = 1; s2 <= r2; s2++) a2 = a2 + c2[s2 - 1] << 1, h[s2] = a2; for (f2 = 0; f2 < o2; f2 += 2) l2 = t3[f2 + 1], 0 != l2 && (t3[f2] = h[l2], h[l2]++); }, e3.H.A = function(t3, r2, i2) { const o2 = t3.length, a2 = e3.H.m.r; for (let e4 = 0; e4 < o2; e4 += 2) if (0 != t3[e4 + 1]) { const o3 = e4 >> 1, s2 = t3[e4 + 1], f2 = o3 << 4 | s2, l2 = r2 - s2; let c2 = t3[e4] << l2; const u = c2 + (1 << l2); for (; c2 != u; ) { i2[a2[c2] >>> 15 - r2] = f2, c2++; } } }, e3.H.l = function(t3, r2) { const i2 = e3.H.m.r, o2 = 15 - r2; for (let e4 = 0; e4 < t3.length; e4 += 2) { const a2 = t3[e4] << r2 - t3[e4 + 1]; t3[e4] = i2[a2] >>> o2; } }, e3.H.M = function(e4, t3, r2) { r2 <<= 7 & t3; const i2 = t3 >>> 3; e4[i2] |= r2, e4[i2 + 1] |= r2 >>> 8; }, e3.H.I = function(e4, t3, r2) { r2 <<= 7 & t3; const i2 = t3 >>> 3; e4[i2] |= r2, e4[i2 + 1] |= r2 >>> 8, e4[i2 + 2] |= r2 >>> 16; }, e3.H.e = function(e4, t3, r2) { return (e4[t3 >>> 3] | e4[1 + (t3 >>> 3)] << 8) >>> (7 & t3) & (1 << r2) - 1; }, e3.H.b = function(e4, t3, r2) { return (e4[t3 >>> 3] | e4[1 + (t3 >>> 3)] << 8 | e4[2 + (t3 >>> 3)] << 16) >>> (7 & t3) & (1 << r2) - 1; }, e3.H.Z = function(e4, t3) { return (e4[t3 >>> 3] | e4[1 + (t3 >>> 3)] << 8 | e4[2 + (t3 >>> 3)] << 16) >>> (7 & t3); }, e3.H.i = function(e4, t3) { return (e4[t3 >>> 3] | e4[1 + (t3 >>> 3)] << 8 | e4[2 + (t3 >>> 3)] << 16 | e4[3 + (t3 >>> 3)] << 24) >>> (7 & t3); }, e3.H.m = function() { const e4 = Uint16Array, t3 = Uint32Array; return { K: new e4(16), j: new e4(16), X: [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15], S: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 999, 999, 999], T: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0], q: new e4(32), p: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 65535, 65535], z: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 0, 0], c: new t3(32), J: new e4(512), _: [], h: new e4(32), $: [], w: new e4(32768), C: [], v: [], d: new e4(32768), D: [], u: new e4(512), Q: [], r: new e4(32768), s: new t3(286), Y: new t3(30), a: new t3(19), t: new t3(15e3), k: new e4(65536), g: new e4(32768) }; }(), function() { const t3 = e3.H.m; for (var r2 = 0; r2 < 32768; r2++) { let e4 = r2; e4 = (2863311530 & e4) >>> 1 | (1431655765 & e4) << 1, e4 = (3435973836 & e4) >>> 2 | (858993459 & e4) << 2, e4 = (4042322160 & e4) >>> 4 | (252645135 & e4) << 4, e4 = (4278255360 & e4) >>> 8 | (16711935 & e4) << 8, t3.r[r2] = (e4 >>> 16 | e4 << 16) >>> 17; } function n(e4, t4, r3) { for (; 0 != t4--; ) e4.push(0, r3); } for (r2 = 0; r2 < 32; r2++) t3.q[r2] = t3.S[r2] << 3 | t3.T[r2], t3.c[r2] = t3.p[r2] << 4 | t3.z[r2]; n(t3._, 144, 8), n(t3._, 112, 9), n(t3._, 24, 7), n(t3._, 8, 8), e3.H.n(t3._, 9), e3.H.A(t3._, 9, t3.J), e3.H.l(t3._, 9), n(t3.$, 32, 5), e3.H.n(t3.$, 5), e3.H.A(t3.$, 5, t3.h), e3.H.l(t3.$, 5), n(t3.Q, 19, 0), n(t3.C, 286, 0), n(t3.D, 30, 0), n(t3.v, 320, 0); }(), e3.H.N; }(); function _getBPP(e3) { return [1, null, 3, 1, 2, null, 4][e3.ctype] * e3.depth; } function _filterZero(e3, t3, r2, i2, o2) { let a2 = _getBPP(t3); const s2 = Math.ceil(i2 * a2 / 8); let f2, l2; a2 = Math.ceil(a2 / 8); let c2 = e3[r2], u = 0; if (c2 > 1 && (e3[r2] = [0, 0, 1][c2 - 2]), 3 == c2) for (u = a2; u < s2; u++) e3[u + 1] = e3[u + 1] + (e3[u + 1 - a2] >>> 1) & 255; for (let t4 = 0; t4 < o2; t4++) if (f2 = r2 + t4 * s2, l2 = f2 + t4 + 1, c2 = e3[l2 - 1], u = 0, 0 == c2) for (; u < s2; u++) e3[f2 + u] = e3[l2 + u]; else if (1 == c2) { for (; u < a2; u++) e3[f2 + u] = e3[l2 + u]; for (; u < s2; u++) e3[f2 + u] = e3[l2 + u] + e3[f2 + u - a2]; } else if (2 == c2) for (; u < s2; u++) e3[f2 + u] = e3[l2 + u] + e3[f2 + u - s2]; else if (3 == c2) { for (; u < a2; u++) e3[f2 + u] = e3[l2 + u] + (e3[f2 + u - s2] >>> 1); for (; u < s2; u++) e3[f2 + u] = e3[l2 + u] + (e3[f2 + u - s2] + e3[f2 + u - a2] >>> 1); } else { for (; u < a2; u++) e3[f2 + u] = e3[l2 + u] + _paeth(0, e3[f2 + u - s2], 0); for (; u < s2; u++) e3[f2 + u] = e3[l2 + u] + _paeth(e3[f2 + u - a2], e3[f2 + u - s2], e3[f2 + u - a2 - s2]); } return e3; } function _paeth(e3, t3, r2) { const i2 = e3 + t3 - r2, o2 = i2 - e3, a2 = i2 - t3, s2 = i2 - r2; return o2 * o2 <= a2 * a2 && o2 * o2 <= s2 * s2 ? e3 : a2 * a2 <= s2 * s2 ? t3 : r2; } function _IHDR(t3, r2, i2) { i2.width = e2.readUint(t3, r2), r2 += 4, i2.height = e2.readUint(t3, r2), r2 += 4, i2.depth = t3[r2], r2++, i2.ctype = t3[r2], r2++, i2.compress = t3[r2], r2++, i2.filter = t3[r2], r2++, i2.interlace = t3[r2], r2++; } function _copyTile(e3, t3, r2, i2, o2, a2, s2, f2, l2) { const c2 = Math.min(t3, o2), u = Math.min(r2, a2); let h = 0, d = 0; for (let r3 = 0; r3 < u; r3++) for (let a3 = 0; a3 < c2; a3++) if (s2 >= 0 && f2 >= 0 ? (h = r3 * t3 + a3 << 2, d = (f2 + r3) * o2 + s2 + a3 << 2) : (h = (-f2 + r3) * t3 - s2 + a3 << 2, d = r3 * o2 + a3 << 2), 0 == l2) i2[d] = e3[h], i2[d + 1] = e3[h + 1], i2[d + 2] = e3[h + 2], i2[d + 3] = e3[h + 3]; else if (1 == l2) { var A = e3[h + 3] * (1 / 255), g = e3[h] * A, p = e3[h + 1] * A, m = e3[h + 2] * A, w = i2[d + 3] * (1 / 255), v = i2[d] * w, b = i2[d + 1] * w, y = i2[d + 2] * w; const t4 = 1 - A, r4 = A + w * t4, o3 = 0 == r4 ? 0 : 1 / r4; i2[d + 3] = 255 * r4, i2[d + 0] = (g + v * t4) * o3, i2[d + 1] = (p + b * t4) * o3, i2[d + 2] = (m + y * t4) * o3; } else if (2 == l2) { A = e3[h + 3], g = e3[h], p = e3[h + 1], m = e3[h + 2], w = i2[d + 3], v = i2[d], b = i2[d + 1], y = i2[d + 2]; A == w && g == v && p == b && m == y ? (i2[d] = 0, i2[d + 1] = 0, i2[d + 2] = 0, i2[d + 3] = 0) : (i2[d] = g, i2[d + 1] = p, i2[d + 2] = m, i2[d + 3] = A); } else if (3 == l2) { A = e3[h + 3], g = e3[h], p = e3[h + 1], m = e3[h + 2], w = i2[d + 3], v = i2[d], b = i2[d + 1], y = i2[d + 2]; if (A == w && g == v && p == b && m == y) continue; if (A < 220 && w > 20) return false; } return true; } return { decode: function decode4(r2) { const i2 = new Uint8Array(r2); let o2 = 8; const a2 = e2, s2 = a2.readUshort, f2 = a2.readUint, l2 = { tabs: {}, frames: [] }, c2 = new Uint8Array(i2.length); let u, h = 0, d = 0; const A = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]; for (var g = 0; g < 8; g++) if (i2[g] != A[g]) throw "The input is not a PNG file!"; for (; o2 < i2.length; ) { const e3 = a2.readUint(i2, o2); o2 += 4; const r3 = a2.readASCII(i2, o2, 4); if (o2 += 4, "IHDR" == r3) _IHDR(i2, o2, l2); else if ("iCCP" == r3) { for (var p = o2; 0 != i2[p]; ) p++; a2.readASCII(i2, o2, p - o2), i2[p + 1]; const s3 = i2.slice(p + 2, o2 + e3); let f3 = null; try { f3 = _inflate(s3); } catch (e4) { f3 = t2(s3); } l2.tabs[r3] = f3; } else if ("CgBI" == r3) l2.tabs[r3] = i2.slice(o2, o2 + 4); else if ("IDAT" == r3) { for (g = 0; g < e3; g++) c2[h + g] = i2[o2 + g]; h += e3; } else if ("acTL" == r3) l2.tabs[r3] = { num_frames: f2(i2, o2), num_plays: f2(i2, o2 + 4) }, u = new Uint8Array(i2.length); else if ("fcTL" == r3) { if (0 != d) (E = l2.frames[l2.frames.length - 1]).data = _decompress(l2, u.slice(0, d), E.rect.width, E.rect.height), d = 0; const e4 = { x: f2(i2, o2 + 12), y: f2(i2, o2 + 16), width: f2(i2, o2 + 4), height: f2(i2, o2 + 8) }; let t3 = s2(i2, o2 + 22); t3 = s2(i2, o2 + 20) / (0 == t3 ? 100 : t3); const r4 = { rect: e4, delay: Math.round(1e3 * t3), dispose: i2[o2 + 24], blend: i2[o2 + 25] }; l2.frames.push(r4); } else if ("fdAT" == r3) { for (g = 0; g < e3 - 4; g++) u[d + g] = i2[o2 + g + 4]; d += e3 - 4; } else if ("pHYs" == r3) l2.tabs[r3] = [a2.readUint(i2, o2), a2.readUint(i2, o2 + 4), i2[o2 + 8]]; else if ("cHRM" == r3) { l2.tabs[r3] = []; for (g = 0; g < 8; g++) l2.tabs[r3].push(a2.readUint(i2, o2 + 4 * g)); } else if ("tEXt" == r3 || "zTXt" == r3) { null == l2.tabs[r3] && (l2.tabs[r3] = {}); var m = a2.nextZero(i2, o2), w = a2.readASCII(i2, o2, m - o2), v = o2 + e3 - m - 1; if ("tEXt" == r3) y = a2.readASCII(i2, m + 1, v); else { var b = _inflate(i2.slice(m + 2, m + 2 + v)); y = a2.readUTF8(b, 0, b.length); } l2.tabs[r3][w] = y; } else if ("iTXt" == r3) { null == l2.tabs[r3] && (l2.tabs[r3] = {}); m = 0, p = o2; m = a2.nextZero(i2, p); w = a2.readASCII(i2, p, m - p); const t3 = i2[p = m + 1]; var y; i2[p + 1], p += 2, m = a2.nextZero(i2, p), a2.readASCII(i2, p, m - p), p = m + 1, m = a2.nextZero(i2, p), a2.readUTF8(i2, p, m - p); v = e3 - ((p = m + 1) - o2); if (0 == t3) y = a2.readUTF8(i2, p, v); else { b = _inflate(i2.slice(p, p + v)); y = a2.readUTF8(b, 0, b.length); } l2.tabs[r3][w] = y; } else if ("PLTE" == r3) l2.tabs[r3] = a2.readBytes(i2, o2, e3); else if ("hIST" == r3) { const e4 = l2.tabs.PLTE.length / 3; l2.tabs[r3] = []; for (g = 0; g < e4; g++) l2.tabs[r3].push(s2(i2, o2 + 2 * g)); } else if ("tRNS" == r3) 3 == l2.ctype ? l2.tabs[r3] = a2.readBytes(i2, o2, e3) : 0 == l2.ctype ? l2.tabs[r3] = s2(i2, o2) : 2 == l2.ctype && (l2.tabs[r3] = [s2(i2, o2), s2(i2, o2 + 2), s2(i2, o2 + 4)]); else if ("gAMA" == r3) l2.tabs[r3] = a2.readUint(i2, o2) / 1e5; else if ("sRGB" == r3) l2.tabs[r3] = i2[o2]; else if ("bKGD" == r3) 0 == l2.ctype || 4 == l2.ctype ? l2.tabs[r3] = [s2(i2, o2)] : 2 == l2.ctype || 6 == l2.ctype ? l2.tabs[r3] = [s2(i2, o2), s2(i2, o2 + 2), s2(i2, o2 + 4)] : 3 == l2.ctype && (l2.tabs[r3] = i2[o2]); else if ("IEND" == r3) break; o2 += e3, a2.readUint(i2, o2), o2 += 4; } var E; return 0 != d && ((E = l2.frames[l2.frames.length - 1]).data = _decompress(l2, u.slice(0, d), E.rect.width, E.rect.height)), l2.data = _decompress(l2, c2, l2.width, l2.height), delete l2.compress, delete l2.interlace, delete l2.filter, l2; }, toRGBA8: function toRGBA8(e3) { const t3 = e3.width, r2 = e3.height; if (null == e3.tabs.acTL) return [decodeImage(e3.data, t3, r2, e3).buffer]; const i2 = []; null == e3.frames[0].data && (e3.frames[0].data = e3.data); const o2 = t3 * r2 * 4, a2 = new Uint8Array(o2), s2 = new Uint8Array(o2), f2 = new Uint8Array(o2); for (let c2 = 0; c2 < e3.frames.length; c2++) { const u = e3.frames[c2], h = u.rect.x, d = u.rect.y, A = u.rect.width, g = u.rect.height, p = decodeImage(u.data, A, g, e3); if (0 != c2) for (var l2 = 0; l2 < o2; l2++) f2[l2] = a2[l2]; if (0 == u.blend ? _copyTile(p, A, g, a2, t3, r2, h, d, 0) : 1 == u.blend && _copyTile(p, A, g, a2, t3, r2, h, d, 1), i2.push(a2.buffer.slice(0)), 0 == u.dispose) ; else if (1 == u.dispose) _copyTile(s2, A, g, a2, t3, r2, h, d, 0); else if (2 == u.dispose) for (l2 = 0; l2 < o2; l2++) a2[l2] = f2[l2]; } return i2; }, _paeth, _copyTile, _bin: e2 }; }(); !function() { const { _copyTile: e2 } = UPNG, { _bin: t2 } = UPNG, r2 = UPNG._paeth; var i2 = { table: function() { const e3 = new Uint32Array(256); for (let t3 = 0; t3 < 256; t3++) { let r3 = t3; for (let e4 = 0; e4 < 8; e4++) 1 & r3 ? r3 = 3988292384 ^ r3 >>> 1 : r3 >>>= 1; e3[t3] = r3; } return e3; }(), update(e3, t3, r3, o3) { for (let a2 = 0; a2 < o3; a2++) e3 = i2.table[255 & (e3 ^ t3[r3 + a2])] ^ e3 >>> 8; return e3; }, crc: (e3, t3, r3) => 4294967295 ^ i2.update(4294967295, e3, t3, r3) }; function addErr(e3, t3, r3, i3) { t3[r3] += e3[0] * i3 >> 4, t3[r3 + 1] += e3[1] * i3 >> 4, t3[r3 + 2] += e3[2] * i3 >> 4, t3[r3 + 3] += e3[3] * i3 >> 4; } function N6(e3) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(255, e3)); } function D(e3, t3) { const r3 = e3[0] - t3[0], i3 = e3[1] - t3[1], o3 = e3[2] - t3[2], a2 = e3[3] - t3[3]; return r3 * r3 + i3 * i3 + o3 * o3 + a2 * a2; } function dither(e3, t3, r3, i3, o3, a2, s2) { null == s2 && (s2 = 1); const f2 = i3.length, l2 = []; for (var c2 = 0; c2 < f2; c2++) { const e4 = i3[c2]; l2.push([e4 >>> 0 & 255, e4 >>> 8 & 255, e4 >>> 16 & 255, e4 >>> 24 & 255]); } for (c2 = 0; c2 < f2; c2++) { let e4 = 4294967295; for (var u = 0, h = 0; h < f2; h++) { var d = D(l2[c2], l2[h]); h != c2 && d < e4 && (e4 = d, u = h); } } const A = new Uint32Array(o3.buffer), g = new Int16Array(t3 * r3 * 4), p = [0, 8, 2, 10, 12, 4, 14, 6, 3, 11, 1, 9, 15, 7, 13, 5]; for (c2 = 0; c2 < p.length; c2++) p[c2] = 255 * ((p[c2] + 0.5) / 16 - 0.5); for (let o4 = 0; o4 < r3; o4++) for (let w = 0; w < t3; w++) { var m; c2 = 4 * (o4 * t3 + w); if (2 != s2) m = [N6(e3[c2] + g[c2]), N6(e3[c2 + 1] + g[c2 + 1]), N6(e3[c2 + 2] + g[c2 + 2]), N6(e3[c2 + 3] + g[c2 + 3])]; else { d = p[4 * (3 & o4) + (3 & w)]; m = [N6(e3[c2] + d), N6(e3[c2 + 1] + d), N6(e3[c2 + 2] + d), N6(e3[c2 + 3] + d)]; } u = 0; let v = 16777215; for (h = 0; h < f2; h++) { const e4 = D(m, l2[h]); e4 < v && (v = e4, u = h); } const b = l2[u], y = [m[0] - b[0], m[1] - b[1], m[2] - b[2], m[3] - b[3]]; 1 == s2 && (w != t3 - 1 && addErr(y, g, c2 + 4, 7), o4 != r3 - 1 && (0 != w && addErr(y, g, c2 + 4 * t3 - 4, 3), addErr(y, g, c2 + 4 * t3, 5), w != t3 - 1 && addErr(y, g, c2 + 4 * t3 + 4, 1))), a2[c2 >> 2] = u, A[c2 >> 2] = i3[u]; } } function _main(e3, r3, o3, a2, s2) { null == s2 && (s2 = {}); const { crc: f2 } = i2, l2 = t2.writeUint, c2 = t2.writeUshort, u = t2.writeASCII; let h = 8; const d = e3.frames.length > 1; let A, g = false, p = 33 + (d ? 20 : 0); if (null != s2.sRGB && (p += 13), null != s2.pHYs && (p += 21), null != s2.iCCP && (A = pako.deflate(s2.iCCP), p += 21 + A.length + 4), 3 == e3.ctype) { for (var m = e3.plte.length, w = 0; w < m; w++) e3.plte[w] >>> 24 != 255 && (g = true); p += 8 + 3 * m + 4 + (g ? 8 + 1 * m + 4 : 0); } for (var v = 0; v < e3.frames.length; v++) { d && (p += 38), p += (F4 = e3.frames[v]).cimg.length + 12, 0 != v && (p += 4); } p += 12; const b = new Uint8Array(p), y = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]; for (w = 0; w < 8; w++) b[w] = y[w]; if (l2(b, h, 13), h += 4, u(b, h, "IHDR"), h += 4, l2(b, h, r3), h += 4, l2(b, h, o3), h += 4, b[h] = e3.depth, h++, b[h] = e3.ctype, h++, b[h] = 0, h++, b[h] = 0, h++, b[h] = 0, h++, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - 17, 17)), h += 4, null != s2.sRGB && (l2(b, h, 1), h += 4, u(b, h, "sRGB"), h += 4, b[h] = s2.sRGB, h++, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - 5, 5)), h += 4), null != s2.iCCP) { const e4 = 13 + A.length; l2(b, h, e4), h += 4, u(b, h, "iCCP"), h += 4, u(b, h, "ICC profile"), h += 11, h += 2, b.set(A, h), h += A.length, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - (e4 + 4), e4 + 4)), h += 4; } if (null != s2.pHYs && (l2(b, h, 9), h += 4, u(b, h, "pHYs"), h += 4, l2(b, h, s2.pHYs[0]), h += 4, l2(b, h, s2.pHYs[1]), h += 4, b[h] = s2.pHYs[2], h++, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - 13, 13)), h += 4), d && (l2(b, h, 8), h += 4, u(b, h, "acTL"), h += 4, l2(b, h, e3.frames.length), h += 4, l2(b, h, null != s2.loop ? s2.loop : 0), h += 4, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - 12, 12)), h += 4), 3 == e3.ctype) { l2(b, h, 3 * (m = e3.plte.length)), h += 4, u(b, h, "PLTE"), h += 4; for (w = 0; w < m; w++) { const t3 = 3 * w, r4 = e3.plte[w], i3 = 255 & r4, o4 = r4 >>> 8 & 255, a3 = r4 >>> 16 & 255; b[h + t3 + 0] = i3, b[h + t3 + 1] = o4, b[h + t3 + 2] = a3; } if (h += 3 * m, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - 3 * m - 4, 3 * m + 4)), h += 4, g) { l2(b, h, m), h += 4, u(b, h, "tRNS"), h += 4; for (w = 0; w < m; w++) b[h + w] = e3.plte[w] >>> 24 & 255; h += m, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - m - 4, m + 4)), h += 4; } } let E = 0; for (v = 0; v < e3.frames.length; v++) { var F4 = e3.frames[v]; d && (l2(b, h, 26), h += 4, u(b, h, "fcTL"), h += 4, l2(b, h, E++), h += 4, l2(b, h, F4.rect.width), h += 4, l2(b, h, F4.rect.height), h += 4, l2(b, h, F4.rect.x), h += 4, l2(b, h, F4.rect.y), h += 4, c2(b, h, a2[v]), h += 2, c2(b, h, 1e3), h += 2, b[h] = F4.dispose, h++, b[h] = F4.blend, h++, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - 30, 30)), h += 4); const t3 = F4.cimg; l2(b, h, (m = t3.length) + (0 == v ? 0 : 4)), h += 4; const r4 = h; u(b, h, 0 == v ? "IDAT" : "fdAT"), h += 4, 0 != v && (l2(b, h, E++), h += 4), b.set(t3, h), h += m, l2(b, h, f2(b, r4, h - r4)), h += 4; } return l2(b, h, 0), h += 4, u(b, h, "IEND"), h += 4, l2(b, h, f2(b, h - 4, 4)), h += 4, b.buffer; } function compressPNG(e3, t3, r3) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < e3.frames.length; i3++) { const o3 = e3.frames[i3]; o3.rect.width; const a2 = o3.rect.height, s2 = new Uint8Array(a2 * o3.bpl + a2); o3.cimg = _filterZero(o3.img, a2, o3.bpp, o3.bpl, s2, t3, r3); } } function compress4(t3, r3, i3, o3, a2) { const s2 = a2[0], f2 = a2[1], l2 = a2[2], c2 = a2[3], u = a2[4], h = a2[5]; let d = 6, A = 8, g = 255; for (var p = 0; p < t3.length; p++) { const e3 = new Uint8Array(t3[p]); for (var m = e3.length, w = 0; w < m; w += 4) g &= e3[w + 3]; } const v = 255 != g, b = function framize(t4, r4, i4, o4, a3, s3) { const f3 = []; for (var l3 = 0; l3 < t4.length; l3++) { const h3 = new Uint8Array(t4[l3]), A3 = new Uint32Array(h3.buffer); var c3; let g2 = 0, p2 = 0, m2 = r4, w2 = i4, v2 = o4 ? 1 : 0; if (0 != l3) { const b2 = s3 || o4 || 1 == l3 || 0 != f3[l3 - 2].dispose ? 1 : 2; let y2 = 0, E2 = 1e9; for (let e3 = 0; e3 < b2; e3++) { var u2 = new Uint8Array(t4[l3 - 1 - e3]); const o5 = new Uint32Array(t4[l3 - 1 - e3]); let s4 = r4, f4 = i4, c4 = -1, h4 = -1; for (let e4 = 0; e4 < i4; e4++) for (let t5 = 0; t5 < r4; t5++) { A3[d2 = e4 * r4 + t5] != o5[d2] && (t5 < s4 && (s4 = t5), t5 > c4 && (c4 = t5), e4 < f4 && (f4 = e4), e4 > h4 && (h4 = e4)); } -1 == c4 && (s4 = f4 = c4 = h4 = 0), a3 && (1 == (1 & s4) && s4--, 1 == (1 & f4) && f4--); const v3 = (c4 - s4 + 1) * (h4 - f4 + 1); v3 < E2 && (E2 = v3, y2 = e3, g2 = s4, p2 = f4, m2 = c4 - s4 + 1, w2 = h4 - f4 + 1); } u2 = new Uint8Array(t4[l3 - 1 - y2]); 1 == y2 && (f3[l3 - 1].dispose = 2), c3 = new Uint8Array(m2 * w2 * 4), e2(u2, r4, i4, c3, m2, w2, -g2, -p2, 0), v2 = e2(h3, r4, i4, c3, m2, w2, -g2, -p2, 3) ? 1 : 0, 1 == v2 ? _prepareDiff(h3, r4, i4, c3, { x: g2, y: p2, width: m2, height: w2 }) : e2(h3, r4, i4, c3, m2, w2, -g2, -p2, 0); } else c3 = h3.slice(0); f3.push({ rect: { x: g2, y: p2, width: m2, height: w2 }, img: c3, blend: v2, dispose: 0 }); } if (o4) for (l3 = 0; l3 < f3.length; l3++) { if (1 == (A2 = f3[l3]).blend) continue; const e3 = A2.rect, o5 = f3[l3 - 1].rect, s4 = Math.min(e3.x, o5.x), c4 = Math.min(e3.y, o5.y), u3 = { x: s4, y: c4, width: Math.max(e3.x + e3.width, o5.x + o5.width) - s4, height: Math.max(e3.y + e3.height, o5.y + o5.height) - c4 }; f3[l3 - 1].dispose = 1, l3 - 1 != 0 && _updateFrame(t4, r4, i4, f3, l3 - 1, u3, a3), _updateFrame(t4, r4, i4, f3, l3, u3, a3); } let h2 = 0; if (1 != t4.length) for (var d2 = 0; d2 < f3.length; d2++) { var A2; h2 += (A2 = f3[d2]).rect.width * A2.rect.height; } return f3; }(t3, r3, i3, s2, f2, l2), y = {}, E = [], F4 = []; if (0 != o3) { const e3 = []; for (w = 0; w < b.length; w++) e3.push(b[w].img.buffer); const t4 = function concatRGBA(e4) { let t5 = 0; for (var r5 = 0; r5 < e4.length; r5++) t5 += e4[r5].byteLength; const i5 = new Uint8Array(t5); let o4 = 0; for (r5 = 0; r5 < e4.length; r5++) { const t6 = new Uint8Array(e4[r5]), a3 = t6.length; for (let e5 = 0; e5 < a3; e5 += 4) { let r6 = t6[e5], a4 = t6[e5 + 1], s3 = t6[e5 + 2]; const f3 = t6[e5 + 3]; 0 == f3 && (r6 = a4 = s3 = 0), i5[o4 + e5] = r6, i5[o4 + e5 + 1] = a4, i5[o4 + e5 + 2] = s3, i5[o4 + e5 + 3] = f3; } o4 += a3; } return i5.buffer; }(e3), r4 = quantize(t4, o3); for (w = 0; w < r4.plte.length; w++) E.push(r4.plte[w].est.rgba); let i4 = 0; for (w = 0; w < b.length; w++) { const e4 = (B = b[w]).img.length; var _ = new Uint8Array(r4.inds.buffer, i4 >> 2, e4 >> 2); F4.push(_); const t5 = new Uint8Array(r4.abuf, i4, e4); h && dither(B.img, B.rect.width, B.rect.height, E, t5, _), B.img.set(t5), i4 += e4; } } else for (p = 0; p < b.length; p++) { var B = b[p]; const e3 = new Uint32Array(B.img.buffer); var U3 = B.rect.width; m = e3.length, _ = new Uint8Array(m); F4.push(_); for (w = 0; w < m; w++) { const t4 = e3[w]; if (0 != w && t4 == e3[w - 1]) _[w] = _[w - 1]; else if (w > U3 && t4 == e3[w - U3]) _[w] = _[w - U3]; else { let e4 = y[t4]; if (null == e4 && (y[t4] = e4 = E.length, E.push(t4), E.length >= 300)) break; _[w] = e4; } } } const C = E.length; C <= 256 && 0 == u && (A = C <= 2 ? 1 : C <= 4 ? 2 : C <= 16 ? 4 : 8, A = Math.max(A, c2)); for (p = 0; p < b.length; p++) { (B = b[p]).rect.x, B.rect.y; U3 = B.rect.width; const e3 = B.rect.height; let t4 = B.img; new Uint32Array(t4.buffer); let r4 = 4 * U3, i4 = 4; if (C <= 256 && 0 == u) { r4 = Math.ceil(A * U3 / 8); var I = new Uint8Array(r4 * e3); const o4 = F4[p]; for (let t5 = 0; t5 < e3; t5++) { w = t5 * r4; const e4 = t5 * U3; if (8 == A) for (var Q = 0; Q < U3; Q++) I[w + Q] = o4[e4 + Q]; else if (4 == A) for (Q = 0; Q < U3; Q++) I[w + (Q >> 1)] |= o4[e4 + Q] << 4 - 4 * (1 & Q); else if (2 == A) for (Q = 0; Q < U3; Q++) I[w + (Q >> 2)] |= o4[e4 + Q] << 6 - 2 * (3 & Q); else if (1 == A) for (Q = 0; Q < U3; Q++) I[w + (Q >> 3)] |= o4[e4 + Q] << 7 - 1 * (7 & Q); } t4 = I, d = 3, i4 = 1; } else if (0 == v && 1 == b.length) { I = new Uint8Array(U3 * e3 * 3); const o4 = U3 * e3; for (w = 0; w < o4; w++) { const e4 = 3 * w, r5 = 4 * w; I[e4] = t4[r5], I[e4 + 1] = t4[r5 + 1], I[e4 + 2] = t4[r5 + 2]; } t4 = I, d = 2, i4 = 3, r4 = 3 * U3; } B.img = t4, B.bpl = r4, B.bpp = i4; } return { ctype: d, depth: A, plte: E, frames: b }; } function _updateFrame(t3, r3, i3, o3, a2, s2, f2) { const l2 = Uint8Array, c2 = Uint32Array, u = new l2(t3[a2 - 1]), h = new c2(t3[a2 - 1]), d = a2 + 1 < t3.length ? new l2(t3[a2 + 1]) : null, A = new l2(t3[a2]), g = new c2(A.buffer); let p = r3, m = i3, w = -1, v = -1; for (let e3 = 0; e3 < s2.height; e3++) for (let t4 = 0; t4 < s2.width; t4++) { const i4 = s2.x + t4, f3 = s2.y + e3, l3 = f3 * r3 + i4, c3 = g[l3]; 0 == c3 || 0 == o3[a2 - 1].dispose && h[l3] == c3 && (null == d || 0 != d[4 * l3 + 3]) || (i4 < p && (p = i4), i4 > w && (w = i4), f3 < m && (m = f3), f3 > v && (v = f3)); } -1 == w && (p = m = w = v = 0), f2 && (1 == (1 & p) && p--, 1 == (1 & m) && m--), s2 = { x: p, y: m, width: w - p + 1, height: v - m + 1 }; const b = o3[a2]; b.rect = s2, b.blend = 1, b.img = new Uint8Array(s2.width * s2.height * 4), 0 == o3[a2 - 1].dispose ? (e2(u, r3, i3, b.img, s2.width, s2.height, -s2.x, -s2.y, 0), _prepareDiff(A, r3, i3, b.img, s2)) : e2(A, r3, i3, b.img, s2.width, s2.height, -s2.x, -s2.y, 0); } function _prepareDiff(t3, r3, i3, o3, a2) { e2(t3, r3, i3, o3, a2.width, a2.height, -a2.x, -a2.y, 2); } function _filterZero(e3, t3, r3, i3, o3, a2, s2) { const f2 = []; let l2, c2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]; -1 != a2 ? c2 = [a2] : (t3 * i3 > 5e5 || 1 == r3) && (c2 = [0]), s2 && (l2 = { level: 0 }); const u = UZIP; for (var h = 0; h < c2.length; h++) { for (let a3 = 0; a3 < t3; a3++) _filterLine(o3, e3, a3, i3, r3, c2[h]); f2.push(u.deflate(o3, l2)); } let d, A = 1e9; for (h = 0; h < f2.length; h++) f2[h].length < A && (d = h, A = f2[h].length); return f2[d]; } function _filterLine(e3, t3, i3, o3, a2, s2) { const f2 = i3 * o3; let l2 = f2 + i3; if (e3[l2] = s2, l2++, 0 == s2) if (o3 < 500) for (var c2 = 0; c2 < o3; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2]; else e3.set(new Uint8Array(t3.buffer, f2, o3), l2); else if (1 == s2) { for (c2 = 0; c2 < a2; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2]; for (c2 = a2; c2 < o3; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2] - t3[f2 + c2 - a2] + 256 & 255; } else if (0 == i3) { for (c2 = 0; c2 < a2; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2]; if (2 == s2) for (c2 = a2; c2 < o3; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2]; if (3 == s2) for (c2 = a2; c2 < o3; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2] - (t3[f2 + c2 - a2] >> 1) + 256 & 255; if (4 == s2) for (c2 = a2; c2 < o3; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2] - r2(t3[f2 + c2 - a2], 0, 0) + 256 & 255; } else { if (2 == s2) for (c2 = 0; c2 < o3; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2] + 256 - t3[f2 + c2 - o3] & 255; if (3 == s2) { for (c2 = 0; c2 < a2; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2] + 256 - (t3[f2 + c2 - o3] >> 1) & 255; for (c2 = a2; c2 < o3; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2] + 256 - (t3[f2 + c2 - o3] + t3[f2 + c2 - a2] >> 1) & 255; } if (4 == s2) { for (c2 = 0; c2 < a2; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2] + 256 - r2(0, t3[f2 + c2 - o3], 0) & 255; for (c2 = a2; c2 < o3; c2++) e3[l2 + c2] = t3[f2 + c2] + 256 - r2(t3[f2 + c2 - a2], t3[f2 + c2 - o3], t3[f2 + c2 - a2 - o3]) & 255; } } } function quantize(e3, t3) { const r3 = new Uint8Array(e3), i3 = r3.slice(0), o3 = new Uint32Array(i3.buffer), a2 = getKDtree(i3, t3), s2 = a2[0], f2 = a2[1], l2 = r3.length, c2 = new Uint8Array(l2 >> 2); let u; if (r3.length < 2e7) for (var h = 0; h < l2; h += 4) { u = getNearest(s2, d = r3[h] * (1 / 255), A = r3[h + 1] * (1 / 255), g = r3[h + 2] * (1 / 255), p = r3[h + 3] * (1 / 255)), c2[h >> 2] = u.ind, o3[h >> 2] = u.est.rgba; } else for (h = 0; h < l2; h += 4) { var d = r3[h] * (1 / 255), A = r3[h + 1] * (1 / 255), g = r3[h + 2] * (1 / 255), p = r3[h + 3] * (1 / 255); for (u = s2; u.left; ) u = planeDst(u.est, d, A, g, p) <= 0 ? u.left : u.right; c2[h >> 2] = u.ind, o3[h >> 2] = u.est.rgba; } return { abuf: i3.buffer, inds: c2, plte: f2 }; } function getKDtree(e3, t3, r3) { null == r3 && (r3 = 1e-4); const i3 = new Uint32Array(e3.buffer), o3 = { i0: 0, i1: e3.length, bst: null, est: null, tdst: 0, left: null, right: null }; o3.bst = stats(e3, o3.i0, o3.i1), o3.est = estats(o3.bst); const a2 = [o3]; for (; a2.length < t3; ) { let t4 = 0, o4 = 0; for (var s2 = 0; s2 < a2.length; s2++) a2[s2].est.L > t4 && (t4 = a2[s2].est.L, o4 = s2); if (t4 < r3) break; const f2 = a2[o4], l2 = splitPixels(e3, i3, f2.i0, f2.i1, f2.est.e, f2.est.eMq255); if (f2.i0 >= l2 || f2.i1 <= l2) { f2.est.L = 0; continue; } const c2 = { i0: f2.i0, i1: l2, bst: null, est: null, tdst: 0, left: null, right: null }; c2.bst = stats(e3, c2.i0, c2.i1), c2.est = estats(c2.bst); const u = { i0: l2, i1: f2.i1, bst: null, est: null, tdst: 0, left: null, right: null }; u.bst = { R: [], m: [], N: f2.bst.N - c2.bst.N }; for (s2 = 0; s2 < 16; s2++) u.bst.R[s2] = f2.bst.R[s2] - c2.bst.R[s2]; for (s2 = 0; s2 < 4; s2++) u.bst.m[s2] = f2.bst.m[s2] - c2.bst.m[s2]; u.est = estats(u.bst), f2.left = c2, f2.right = u, a2[o4] = c2, a2.push(u); } a2.sort((e4, t4) => t4.bst.N - e4.bst.N); for (s2 = 0; s2 < a2.length; s2++) a2[s2].ind = s2; return [o3, a2]; } function getNearest(e3, t3, r3, i3, o3) { if (null == e3.left) return e3.tdst = function dist(e4, t4, r4, i4, o4) { const a3 = t4 - e4[0], s3 = r4 - e4[1], f3 = i4 - e4[2], l3 = o4 - e4[3]; return a3 * a3 + s3 * s3 + f3 * f3 + l3 * l3; }(e3.est.q, t3, r3, i3, o3), e3; const a2 = planeDst(e3.est, t3, r3, i3, o3); let s2 = e3.left, f2 = e3.right; a2 > 0 && (s2 = e3.right, f2 = e3.left); const l2 = getNearest(s2, t3, r3, i3, o3); if (l2.tdst <= a2 * a2) return l2; const c2 = getNearest(f2, t3, r3, i3, o3); return c2.tdst < l2.tdst ? c2 : l2; } function planeDst(e3, t3, r3, i3, o3) { const { e: a2 } = e3; return a2[0] * t3 + a2[1] * r3 + a2[2] * i3 + a2[3] * o3 - e3.eMq; } function splitPixels(e3, t3, r3, i3, o3, a2) { for (i3 -= 4; r3 < i3; ) { for (; vecDot(e3, r3, o3) <= a2; ) r3 += 4; for (; vecDot(e3, i3, o3) > a2; ) i3 -= 4; if (r3 >= i3) break; const s2 = t3[r3 >> 2]; t3[r3 >> 2] = t3[i3 >> 2], t3[i3 >> 2] = s2, r3 += 4, i3 -= 4; } for (; vecDot(e3, r3, o3) > a2; ) r3 -= 4; return r3 + 4; } function vecDot(e3, t3, r3) { return e3[t3] * r3[0] + e3[t3 + 1] * r3[1] + e3[t3 + 2] * r3[2] + e3[t3 + 3] * r3[3]; } function stats(e3, t3, r3) { const i3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], o3 = [0, 0, 0, 0], a2 = r3 - t3 >> 2; for (let a3 = t3; a3 < r3; a3 += 4) { const t4 = e3[a3] * (1 / 255), r4 = e3[a3 + 1] * (1 / 255), s2 = e3[a3 + 2] * (1 / 255), f2 = e3[a3 + 3] * (1 / 255); o3[0] += t4, o3[1] += r4, o3[2] += s2, o3[3] += f2, i3[0] += t4 * t4, i3[1] += t4 * r4, i3[2] += t4 * s2, i3[3] += t4 * f2, i3[5] += r4 * r4, i3[6] += r4 * s2, i3[7] += r4 * f2, i3[10] += s2 * s2, i3[11] += s2 * f2, i3[15] += f2 * f2; } return i3[4] = i3[1], i3[8] = i3[2], i3[9] = i3[6], i3[12] = i3[3], i3[13] = i3[7], i3[14] = i3[11], { R: i3, m: o3, N: a2 }; } function estats(e3) { const { R: t3 } = e3, { m: r3 } = e3, { N: i3 } = e3, a2 = r3[0], s2 = r3[1], f2 = r3[2], l2 = r3[3], c2 = 0 == i3 ? 0 : 1 / i3, u = [t3[0] - a2 * a2 * c2, t3[1] - a2 * s2 * c2, t3[2] - a2 * f2 * c2, t3[3] - a2 * l2 * c2, t3[4] - s2 * a2 * c2, t3[5] - s2 * s2 * c2, t3[6] - s2 * f2 * c2, t3[7] - s2 * l2 * c2, t3[8] - f2 * a2 * c2, t3[9] - f2 * s2 * c2, t3[10] - f2 * f2 * c2, t3[11] - f2 * l2 * c2, t3[12] - l2 * a2 * c2, t3[13] - l2 * s2 * c2, t3[14] - l2 * f2 * c2, t3[15] - l2 * l2 * c2], h = u, d = o2; let A = [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()], g = 0, p = 0; if (0 != i3) for (let e4 = 0; e4 < 16 && (A = d.multVec(h, A), p = Math.sqrt(d.dot(A, A)), A = d.sml(1 / p, A), !(0 != e4 && Math.abs(p - g) < 1e-9)); e4++) g = p; const m = [a2 * c2, s2 * c2, f2 * c2, l2 * c2]; return { Cov: u, q: m, e: A, L: g, eMq255: d.dot(d.sml(255, m), A), eMq: d.dot(A, m), rgba: (Math.round(255 * m[3]) << 24 | Math.round(255 * m[2]) << 16 | Math.round(255 * m[1]) << 8 | Math.round(255 * m[0]) << 0) >>> 0 }; } var o2 = { multVec: (e3, t3) => [e3[0] * t3[0] + e3[1] * t3[1] + e3[2] * t3[2] + e3[3] * t3[3], e3[4] * t3[0] + e3[5] * t3[1] + e3[6] * t3[2] + e3[7] * t3[3], e3[8] * t3[0] + e3[9] * t3[1] + e3[10] * t3[2] + e3[11] * t3[3], e3[12] * t3[0] + e3[13] * t3[1] + e3[14] * t3[2] + e3[15] * t3[3]], dot: (e3, t3) => e3[0] * t3[0] + e3[1] * t3[1] + e3[2] * t3[2] + e3[3] * t3[3], sml: (e3, t3) => [e3 * t3[0], e3 * t3[1], e3 * t3[2], e3 * t3[3]] }; UPNG.encode = function encode4(e3, t3, r3, i3, o3, a2, s2) { null == i3 && (i3 = 0), null == s2 && (s2 = false); const f2 = compress4(e3, t3, r3, i3, [false, false, false, 0, s2, false]); return compressPNG(f2, -1), _main(f2, t3, r3, o3, a2); }, UPNG.encodeLL = function encodeLL(e3, t3, r3, i3, o3, a2, s2, f2) { const l2 = { ctype: 0 + (1 == i3 ? 0 : 2) + (0 == o3 ? 0 : 4), depth: a2, frames: [] }, c2 = (i3 + o3) * a2, u = c2 * t3; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < e3.length; i4++) l2.frames.push({ rect: { x: 0, y: 0, width: t3, height: r3 }, img: new Uint8Array(e3[i4]), blend: 0, dispose: 1, bpp: Math.ceil(c2 / 8), bpl: Math.ceil(u / 8) }); return compressPNG(l2, 0, true), _main(l2, t3, r3, s2, f2); }, UPNG.encode.compress = compress4, UPNG.encode.dither = dither, UPNG.quantize = quantize, UPNG.quantize.getKDtree = getKDtree, UPNG.quantize.getNearest = getNearest; }(); var r = { toArrayBuffer(e2, t2) { const i2 = e2.width, o2 = e2.height, a2 = i2 << 2, s2 = e2.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, i2, o2), f2 = new Uint32Array(s2.data.buffer), l2 = (32 * i2 + 31) / 32 << 2, c2 = l2 * o2, u = 122 + c2, h = new ArrayBuffer(u), d = new DataView(h), A = 1 << 20; let g, p, m, w, v = A, b = 0, y = 0, E = 0; function set16(e3) { d.setUint16(y, e3, true), y += 2; } function set32(e3) { d.setUint32(y, e3, true), y += 4; } function seek(e3) { y += e3; } set16(19778), set32(u), seek(4), set32(122), set32(108), set32(i2), set32(-o2 >>> 0), set16(1), set16(32), set32(3), set32(c2), set32(2835), set32(2835), seek(8), set32(16711680), set32(65280), set32(255), set32(4278190080), set32(1466527264), function convert() { for (; b < o2 && v > 0; ) { for (w = 122 + b * l2, g = 0; g < a2; ) v--, p = f2[E++], m = p >>> 24, d.setUint32(w + g, p << 8 | m), g += 4; b++; } E < f2.length ? (v = A, setTimeout(convert, r._dly)) : t2(h); }(); }, toBlob(e2, t2) { this.toArrayBuffer(e2, (e3) => { t2(new Blob([e3], { type: "image/bmp" })); }); }, _dly: 9 }; var i = { CHROME: "CHROME", FIREFOX: "FIREFOX", DESKTOP_SAFARI: "DESKTOP_SAFARI", IE: "IE", IOS: "IOS", ETC: "ETC" }; var o = { [i.CHROME]: 16384, [i.FIREFOX]: 11180, [i.DESKTOP_SAFARI]: 16384, [i.IE]: 8192, [i.IOS]: 4096, [i.ETC]: 8192 }; var a = "undefined" != typeof window; var s = "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope; var f = a && window.cordova && window.cordova.require && window.cordova.require("cordova/modulemapper"); var CustomFile = (a || s) && (f && f.getOriginalSymbol(window, "File") || "undefined" != typeof File && File); var CustomFileReader = (a || s) && (f && f.getOriginalSymbol(window, "FileReader") || "undefined" != typeof FileReader && FileReader); function getFilefromDataUrl(e2, t2, r2 = Date.now()) { return new Promise((i2) => { const o2 = e2.split(","), a2 = o2[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1], s2 = globalThis.atob(o2[1]); let f2 = s2.length; const l2 = new Uint8Array(f2); for (; f2--; ) l2[f2] = s2.charCodeAt(f2); const c2 = new Blob([l2], { type: a2 }); c2.name = t2, c2.lastModified = r2, i2(c2); }); } function getDataUrlFromFile(e2) { return new Promise((t2, r2) => { const i2 = new CustomFileReader(); i2.onload = () => t2(i2.result), i2.onerror = (e3) => r2(e3), i2.readAsDataURL(e2); }); } function loadImage(e2) { return new Promise((t2, r2) => { const i2 = new Image(); i2.onload = () => t2(i2), i2.onerror = (e3) => r2(e3), i2.src = e2; }); } function getBrowserName() { if (void 0 !== getBrowserName.cachedResult) return getBrowserName.cachedResult; let e2 = i.ETC; const { userAgent: t2 } = navigator; return /Chrom(e|ium)/i.test(t2) ? e2 = i.CHROME : /iP(ad|od|hone)/i.test(t2) && /WebKit/i.test(t2) ? e2 = i.IOS : /Safari/i.test(t2) ? e2 = i.DESKTOP_SAFARI : /Firefox/i.test(t2) ? e2 = i.FIREFOX : (/MSIE/i.test(t2) || true == !!document.documentMode) && (e2 = i.IE), getBrowserName.cachedResult = e2, getBrowserName.cachedResult; } function approximateBelowMaximumCanvasSizeOfBrowser(e2, t2) { const r2 = getBrowserName(), i2 = o[r2]; let a2 = e2, s2 = t2, f2 = a2 * s2; const l2 = a2 > s2 ? s2 / a2 : a2 / s2; for (; f2 > i2 * i2; ) { const e3 = (i2 + a2) / 2, t3 = (i2 + s2) / 2; e3 < t3 ? (s2 = t3, a2 = t3 * l2) : (s2 = e3 * l2, a2 = e3), f2 = a2 * s2; } return { width: a2, height: s2 }; } function getNewCanvasAndCtx(e2, t2) { let r2, i2; try { if (r2 = new OffscreenCanvas(e2, t2), i2 = r2.getContext("2d"), null === i2) throw new Error("getContext of OffscreenCanvas returns null"); } catch (e3) { r2 = document.createElement("canvas"), i2 = r2.getContext("2d"); } return r2.width = e2, r2.height = t2, [r2, i2]; } function drawImageInCanvas(e2, t2) { const { width: r2, height: i2 } = approximateBelowMaximumCanvasSizeOfBrowser(e2.width, e2.height), [o2, a2] = getNewCanvasAndCtx(r2, i2); return t2 && /jpe?g/.test(t2) && (a2.fillStyle = "white", a2.fillRect(0, 0, o2.width, o2.height)), a2.drawImage(e2, 0, 0, o2.width, o2.height), o2; } function isIOS() { return void 0 !== isIOS.cachedResult || (isIOS.cachedResult = ["iPad Simulator", "iPhone Simulator", "iPod Simulator", "iPad", "iPhone", "iPod"].includes(navigator.platform) || navigator.userAgent.includes("Mac") && "undefined" != typeof document && "ontouchend" in document), isIOS.cachedResult; } function drawFileInCanvas(e2, t2 = {}) { return new Promise(function(r2, o2) { let a2, s2; var $Try_2_Post = function() { try { return s2 = drawImageInCanvas(a2, t2.fileType || e2.type), r2([a2, s2]); } catch (e3) { return o2(e3); } }, $Try_2_Catch = function(t3) { try { 0; var $Try_3_Catch = function(e3) { try { throw e3; } catch (e4) { return o2(e4); } }; try { let t4; return getDataUrlFromFile(e2).then(function(e3) { try { return t4 = e3, loadImage(t4).then(function(e4) { try { return a2 = e4, function() { try { return $Try_2_Post(); } catch (e5) { return o2(e5); } }(); } catch (e5) { return $Try_3_Catch(e5); } }, $Try_3_Catch); } catch (e4) { return $Try_3_Catch(e4); } }, $Try_3_Catch); } catch (e3) { $Try_3_Catch(e3); } } catch (e3) { return o2(e3); } }; try { if (isIOS() || [i.DESKTOP_SAFARI, i.MOBILE_SAFARI].includes(getBrowserName())) throw new Error("Skip createImageBitmap on IOS and Safari"); return createImageBitmap(e2).then(function(e3) { try { return a2 = e3, $Try_2_Post(); } catch (e4) { return $Try_2_Catch(); } }, $Try_2_Catch); } catch (e3) { $Try_2_Catch(); } }); } function canvasToFile(e2, t2, i2, o2, a2 = 1) { return new Promise(function(s2, f2) { let l2; if ("image/png" === t2) { let c2, u, h; return c2 = e2.getContext("2d"), { data: u } = c2.getImageData(0, 0, e2.width, e2.height), h = UPNG.encode([u.buffer], e2.width, e2.height, 4096 * a2), l2 = new Blob([h], { type: t2 }), l2.name = i2, l2.lastModified = o2, $If_4.call(this); } { let $If_5 = function() { return $If_4.call(this); }; if ("image/bmp" === t2) return new Promise((t3) => r.toBlob(e2, t3)).then(function(e3) { try { return l2 = e3, l2.name = i2, l2.lastModified = o2, $If_5.call(this); } catch (e4) { return f2(e4); } }.bind(this), f2); { let $If_6 = function() { return $If_5.call(this); }; if ("function" == typeof OffscreenCanvas && e2 instanceof OffscreenCanvas) return e2.convertToBlob({ type: t2, quality: a2 }).then(function(e3) { try { return l2 = e3, l2.name = i2, l2.lastModified = o2, $If_6.call(this); } catch (e4) { return f2(e4); } }.bind(this), f2); { let d; return d = e2.toDataURL(t2, a2), getFilefromDataUrl(d, i2, o2).then(function(e3) { try { return l2 = e3, $If_6.call(this); } catch (e4) { return f2(e4); } }.bind(this), f2); } } } function $If_4() { return s2(l2); } }); } function cleanupCanvasMemory(e2) { e2.width = 0, e2.height = 0; } function isAutoOrientationInBrowser() { return new Promise(function(e2, t2) { let r2, i2, o2, a2, s2; return void 0 !== isAutoOrientationInBrowser.cachedResult ? e2(isAutoOrientationInBrowser.cachedResult) : (r2 = "", getFilefromDataUrl("", "test.jpg", Date.now()).then(function(r3) { try { return i2 = r3, drawFileInCanvas(i2).then(function(r4) { try { return o2 = r4[1], canvasToFile(o2, i2.type, i2.name, i2.lastModified).then(function(r5) { try { return a2 = r5, cleanupCanvasMemory(o2), drawFileInCanvas(a2).then(function(r6) { try { return s2 = r6[0], isAutoOrientationInBrowser.cachedResult = 1 === s2.width && 2 === s2.height, e2(isAutoOrientationInBrowser.cachedResult); } catch (e3) { return t2(e3); } }, t2); } catch (e3) { return t2(e3); } }, t2); } catch (e3) { return t2(e3); } }, t2); } catch (e3) { return t2(e3); } }, t2)); }); } function getExifOrientation(e2) { return new Promise((t2, r2) => { const i2 = new CustomFileReader(); i2.onload = (e3) => { const r3 = new DataView(e3.target.result); if (65496 != r3.getUint16(0, false)) return t2(-2); const i3 = r3.byteLength; let o2 = 2; for (; o2 < i3; ) { if (r3.getUint16(o2 + 2, false) <= 8) return t2(-1); const e4 = r3.getUint16(o2, false); if (o2 += 2, 65505 == e4) { if (1165519206 != r3.getUint32(o2 += 2, false)) return t2(-1); const e5 = 18761 == r3.getUint16(o2 += 6, false); o2 += r3.getUint32(o2 + 4, e5); const i4 = r3.getUint16(o2, e5); o2 += 2; for (let a2 = 0; a2 < i4; a2++) if (274 == r3.getUint16(o2 + 12 * a2, e5)) return t2(r3.getUint16(o2 + 12 * a2 + 8, e5)); } else { if (65280 != (65280 & e4)) break; o2 += r3.getUint16(o2, false); } } return t2(-1); }, i2.onerror = (e3) => r2(e3), i2.readAsArrayBuffer(e2); }); } function handleMaxWidthOrHeight(e2, t2) { const { width: r2 } = e2, { height: i2 } = e2, { maxWidthOrHeight: o2 } = t2; let a2, s2 = e2; return isFinite(o2) && (r2 > o2 || i2 > o2) && ([s2, a2] = getNewCanvasAndCtx(r2, i2), r2 > i2 ? (s2.width = o2, s2.height = i2 / r2 * o2) : (s2.width = r2 / i2 * o2, s2.height = o2), a2.drawImage(e2, 0, 0, s2.width, s2.height), cleanupCanvasMemory(e2)), s2; } function followExifOrientation(e2, t2) { const { width: r2 } = e2, { height: i2 } = e2, [o2, a2] = getNewCanvasAndCtx(r2, i2); switch (t2 > 4 && t2 < 9 ? (o2.width = i2, o2.height = r2) : (o2.width = r2, o2.height = i2), t2) { case 2: a2.transform(-1, 0, 0, 1, r2, 0); break; case 3: a2.transform(-1, 0, 0, -1, r2, i2); break; case 4: a2.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, i2); break; case 5: a2.transform(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); break; case 6: a2.transform(0, 1, -1, 0, i2, 0); break; case 7: a2.transform(0, -1, -1, 0, i2, r2); break; case 8: a2.transform(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, r2); } return a2.drawImage(e2, 0, 0, r2, i2), cleanupCanvasMemory(e2), o2; } function compress(e2, t2, r2 = 0) { return new Promise(function(i2, o2) { let a2, s2, f2, l2, c2, u, h, d, A, g, p, m, w, v, b, y, E, F4, _, B; function incProgress(e3 = 5) { if (t2.signal && t2.signal.aborted) throw t2.signal.reason; a2 += e3, t2.onProgress(Math.min(a2, 100)); } function setProgress(e3) { if (t2.signal && t2.signal.aborted) throw t2.signal.reason; a2 = Math.min(Math.max(e3, a2), 100), t2.onProgress(a2); } return a2 = r2, s2 = t2.maxIteration || 10, f2 = 1024 * t2.maxSizeMB * 1024, incProgress(), drawFileInCanvas(e2, t2).then(function(r3) { try { return [, l2] = r3, incProgress(), c2 = handleMaxWidthOrHeight(l2, t2), incProgress(), new Promise(function(r4, i3) { var o3; if (!(o3 = t2.exifOrientation)) return getExifOrientation(e2).then(function(e3) { try { return o3 = e3, $If_2.call(this); } catch (e4) { return i3(e4); } }.bind(this), i3); function $If_2() { return r4(o3); } return $If_2.call(this); }).then(function(r4) { try { return u = r4, incProgress(), isAutoOrientationInBrowser().then(function(r5) { try { return h = r5 ? c2 : followExifOrientation(c2, u), incProgress(), d = t2.initialQuality || 1, A = t2.fileType || e2.type, canvasToFile(h, A, e2.name, e2.lastModified, d).then(function(r6) { try { { let $Loop_3 = function() { if (s2-- && (b > f2 || b > w)) { let t3, r7; return t3 = B ? 0.95 * _.width : _.width, r7 = B ? 0.95 * _.height : _.height, [E, F4] = getNewCanvasAndCtx(t3, r7), F4.drawImage(_, 0, 0, t3, r7), d *= "image/png" === A ? 0.85 : 0.95, canvasToFile(E, A, e2.name, e2.lastModified, d).then(function(e3) { try { return y = e3, cleanupCanvasMemory(_), _ = E, b = y.size, setProgress(Math.min(99, Math.floor((v - b) / (v - f2) * 100))), $Loop_3; } catch (e4) { return o2(e4); } }, o2); } return [1]; }, $Loop_3_exit = function() { return cleanupCanvasMemory(_), cleanupCanvasMemory(E), cleanupCanvasMemory(c2), cleanupCanvasMemory(h), cleanupCanvasMemory(l2), setProgress(100), i2(y); }; if (g = r6, incProgress(), p = g.size > f2, m = g.size > e2.size, !p && !m) return setProgress(100), i2(g); var a3; return w = e2.size, v = g.size, b = v, _ = h, B = !t2.alwaysKeepResolution && p, (a3 = function(e3) { for (; e3; ) { if (e3.then) return void e3.then(a3, o2); try { if (e3.pop) { if (e3.length) return e3.pop() ? $Loop_3_exit.call(this) : e3; e3 = $Loop_3; } else e3 = e3.call(this); } catch (e4) { return o2(e4); } } }.bind(this))($Loop_3); } } catch (u2) { return o2(u2); } }.bind(this), o2); } catch (e3) { return o2(e3); } }.bind(this), o2); } catch (e3) { return o2(e3); } }.bind(this), o2); } catch (e3) { return o2(e3); } }.bind(this), o2); }); } var l = "\nlet scriptImported = false\nself.addEventListener('message', async (e) => {\n const { file, id, imageCompressionLibUrl, options } = e.data\n options.onProgress = (progress) => self.postMessage({ progress, id })\n try {\n if (!scriptImported) {\n // console.log('[worker] importScripts', imageCompressionLibUrl)\n self.importScripts(imageCompressionLibUrl)\n scriptImported = true\n }\n // console.log('[worker] self', self)\n const compressedFile = await imageCompression(file, options)\n self.postMessage({ file: compressedFile, id })\n } catch (e) {\n // console.error('[worker] error', e)\n self.postMessage({ error: e.message + '\\n' + e.stack, id })\n }\n})\n"; var c; function compressOnWebWorker(e2, t2) { return new Promise((r2, i2) => { c || (c = function createWorkerScriptURL(e3) { const t3 = []; return "function" == typeof e3 ? t3.push(`(${e3})()`) : t3.push(e3), URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(t3)); }(l)); const o2 = new Worker(c); o2.addEventListener("message", function handler(e3) { if (t2.signal && t2.signal.aborted) o2.terminate(); else if (void 0 === e3.data.progress) { if (e3.data.error) return i2(new Error(e3.data.error)), void o2.terminate(); r2(e3.data.file), o2.terminate(); } else t2.onProgress(e3.data.progress); }), o2.addEventListener("error", i2), t2.signal && t2.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => { i2(t2.signal.reason), o2.terminate(); }), o2.postMessage({ file: e2, imageCompressionLibUrl: t2.libURL, options: { ...t2, onProgress: void 0, signal: void 0 } }); }); } function imageCompression(e2, t2) { return new Promise(function(r2, i2) { let o2, a2, s2, f2, l2, c2; if (o2 = { ...t2 }, s2 = 0, { onProgress: f2 } = o2, o2.maxSizeMB = o2.maxSizeMB || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, l2 = "boolean" != typeof o2.useWebWorker || o2.useWebWorker, delete o2.useWebWorker, o2.onProgress = (e3) => { s2 = e3, "function" == typeof f2 && f2(s2); }, !(e2 instanceof Blob || e2 instanceof CustomFile)) return i2(new Error("The file given is not an instance of Blob or File")); if (!/^image/.test(e2.type)) return i2(new Error("The file given is not an image")); if (c2 = "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope, !l2 || "function" != typeof Worker || c2) return compress(e2, o2).then(function(e3) { try { return a2 = e3, $If_4.call(this); } catch (e4) { return i2(e4); } }.bind(this), i2); var u = function() { try { return $If_4.call(this); } catch (e3) { return i2(e3); } }.bind(this), $Try_1_Catch = function(t3) { try { return compress(e2, o2).then(function(e3) { try { return a2 = e3, u(); } catch (e4) { return i2(e4); } }, i2); } catch (e3) { return i2(e3); } }; try { return o2.libURL = o2.libURL || "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/browser-image-compression@2.0.2/dist/browser-image-compression.js", compressOnWebWorker(e2, o2).then(function(e3) { try { return a2 = e3, u(); } catch (e4) { return $Try_1_Catch(); } }, $Try_1_Catch); } catch (e3) { $Try_1_Catch(); } function $If_4() { try { a2.name = e2.name, a2.lastModified = e2.lastModified; } catch (e3) { } try { o2.preserveExif && "image/jpeg" === e2.type && (!o2.fileType || o2.fileType && o2.fileType === e2.type) && (a2 = copyExifWithoutOrientation(e2, a2)); } catch (e3) { } return r2(a2); } }); } imageCompression.getDataUrlFromFile = getDataUrlFromFile, imageCompression.getFilefromDataUrl = getFilefromDataUrl, imageCompression.loadImage = loadImage, imageCompression.drawImageInCanvas = drawImageInCanvas, imageCompression.drawFileInCanvas = drawFileInCanvas, imageCompression.canvasToFile = canvasToFile, imageCompression.getExifOrientation = getExifOrientation, imageCompression.handleMaxWidthOrHeight = handleMaxWidthOrHeight, imageCompression.followExifOrientation = followExifOrientation, imageCompression.cleanupCanvasMemory = cleanupCanvasMemory, imageCompression.isAutoOrientationInBrowser = isAutoOrientationInBrowser, imageCompression.approximateBelowMaximumCanvasSizeOfBrowser = approximateBelowMaximumCanvasSizeOfBrowser, imageCompression.copyExifWithoutOrientation = copyExifWithoutOrientation, imageCompression.getBrowserName = getBrowserName, imageCompression.version = "2.0.2"; // src/Compressor.ts var types2 = { jpg: "image/jpeg", jpeg: "image/jpeg", png: "image/png", webp: "image/webp", bmp: "image/jpeg" // force convert to JPG }; async function compressArrayBuffer(data, mimeType, options) { const file = new File([data], "", { type: mimeType }); const blob = await imageCompression(file, options); return blob.arrayBuffer(); } async function compressImage(data, filetype) { const type = types2[filetype]; let changed = false; if (type && data.byteLength > 100 * 1024) { try { const defaultOptions = { maxSizeMB: 0.7, maxWidthOrHeight: 1400, preserveExif: false, initialQuality: 0.6, fileType: type }; const originalData = data; data = await compressArrayBuffer(data, type, defaultOptions); if (data.byteLength > 200 * 1024) { const test = await compressArrayBuffer(data, type, Object.assign(defaultOptions, { fileType: "image/jpeg" })); if (test.byteLength < data.byteLength) { data = test; filetype = "jpg"; } } if (data.byteLength > originalData.byteLength) { data = originalData; } changed = data.byteLength !== originalData.byteLength; } catch (e2) { console.log(e2); } } return { data, filetype, changed }; } // src/api.ts var pluginVersion = require_manifest().version; var API = class { constructor(plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; this.uploadQueue = []; } async authHeaders() { const nonce = Date.now().toString(); return { "x-sharenote-id": this.plugin.settings.uid, "x-sharenote-key": await sha256(nonce + this.plugin.settings.apiKey), "x-sharenote-nonce": nonce, "x-sharenote-version": pluginVersion }; } async post(endpoint, data, retries = 1) { var _a; const headers = { ...await this.authHeaders(), "Content-Type": "application/json" }; if (data == null ? void 0 : data.byteLength) headers["x-sharenote-bytelength"] = data.byteLength.toString(); const body = Object.assign({}, data); if (this.plugin.settings.debug) body.debug = this.plugin.settings.debug; while (retries > 0) { try { const res = await (0, import_obsidian3.requestUrl)({ url: this.plugin.settings.server + endpoint, method: "POST", headers, body: JSON.stringify(body) }); if (this.plugin.settings.debug === 1 && (data == null ? void 0 : data.filetype) === "html") { console.log(res.json.html); } return res.json; } catch (error) { if (error.status < 500 || retries <= 1) { const message = (_a = error.headers) == null ? void 0 : _a.message; if (message) { if (error.status === 462) { this.plugin.authRedirect("share").then(); } else { new StatusMessage(message, 2 /* Error */); } throw new Error("Known error"); } throw new Error("Unknown error"); } else { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1e3)); } } console.log("Retrying " + retries); retries--; } } async postRaw(endpoint, data, retries = 4) { const headers = { ...await this.authHeaders(), "x-sharenote-filetype": data.filetype, "x-sharenote-hash": data.hash }; if (data.byteLength) headers["x-sharenote-bytelength"] = data.byteLength.toString(); while (retries > 0) { const res = await fetch(this.plugin.settings.server + endpoint, { method: "POST", headers, body: data.content }); if (res.status !== 200) { if (res.status < 500 || retries <= 1) { const message = await res.text(); if (message) { new StatusMessage(message, 2 /* Error */); throw new Error("Known error"); } throw new Error("Unknown error"); } await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1e3)); } else { return res.json(); } console.log("Retrying " + retries); retries--; } } async queueUpload(item) { if (item.data.content) { const compressed = await compressImage(item.data.content, item.data.filetype); if (compressed.changed) { item.data.content = compressed.data; item.data.filetype = compressed.filetype; item.data.hash = await sha1(compressed.data); } } this.uploadQueue.push(item); } async processQueue(status, type = "attachment") { const res = await this.post("/v1/file/check-files", { files: this.uploadQueue.map((x) => { return { hash: x.data.hash, filetype: x.data.filetype, byteLength: x.data.byteLength }; }) }); let count = 1; const promises = []; for (const queueItem of this.uploadQueue) { const checkFile = res == null ? void 0 : res.files.find((item) => item.hash === queueItem.data.hash && item.filetype === queueItem.data.filetype); if (checkFile == null ? void 0 : checkFile.url) { status.setStatus(`Uploading ${type} ${count++} of ${this.uploadQueue.length}...`); queueItem.callback(checkFile.url); } else { promises.push(new Promise((resolve) => { this.postRaw("/v1/file/upload", queueItem.data).then((res2) => { status.setStatus(`Uploading ${type} ${count++} of ${this.uploadQueue.length}...`); queueItem.callback(res2.url); resolve(); }).catch((e2) => { console.log(e2); resolve(); }); })); } } await Promise.all(promises); this.uploadQueue = []; return res; } async upload(data) { const res = await this.postRaw("/v1/file/upload", data); return res.url; } async createNote(template, expiration) { const res = await this.post("/v1/file/create-note", { filename: template.filename, filetype: "html", hash: await sha1(template.content), expiration, template }, 3); return res.url; } async deleteSharedNote(shareUrl) { const url = parseExistingShareUrl(shareUrl); if (url) { await this.post("/v1/file/delete", { filename: url.filename, filetype: "html" }); new StatusMessage("The note has been deleted \u{1F5D1}\uFE0F", 1 /* Info */); } } }; function parseExistingShareUrl(url) { const match = url.match(/(\w+)(#.+?|)$/); if (match) { return { filename: match[1], decryptionKey: match[2].slice(1) || "", url }; } return false; } // node_modules/csso/lib/syntax.js var syntax_exports = {}; __export(syntax_exports, { compress: () => compress2, find: () => find2, findAll: () => findAll2, findLast: () => findLast2, fromPlainObject: () => fromPlainObject2, generate: () => generate43, lexer: () => lexer2, parse: () => parse43, specificity: () => specificity_default, toPlainObject: () => toPlainObject2, tokenize: () => tokenize3, walk: () => walk3 }); // node_modules/css-tree/lib/tokenizer/types.js var types_exports = {}; __export(types_exports, { AtKeyword: () => AtKeyword, BadString: () => BadString, BadUrl: () => BadUrl, CDC: () => CDC, CDO: () => CDO, Colon: () => Colon, Comma: () => Comma, Comment: () => Comment, Delim: () => Delim, Dimension: () => Dimension, EOF: () => EOF, Function: () => Function, Hash: () => Hash, Ident: () => Ident, LeftCurlyBracket: () => LeftCurlyBracket, LeftParenthesis: () => LeftParenthesis, LeftSquareBracket: () => LeftSquareBracket, Number: () => Number2, Percentage: () => Percentage, RightCurlyBracket: () => RightCurlyBracket, RightParenthesis: () => RightParenthesis, RightSquareBracket: () => RightSquareBracket, Semicolon: () => Semicolon, String: () => String2, Url: () => Url, WhiteSpace: () => WhiteSpace }); var EOF = 0; var Ident = 1; var Function = 2; var AtKeyword = 3; var Hash = 4; var String2 = 5; var BadString = 6; var Url = 7; var BadUrl = 8; var Delim = 9; var Number2 = 10; var Percentage = 11; var Dimension = 12; var WhiteSpace = 13; var CDO = 14; var CDC = 15; var Colon = 16; var Semicolon = 17; var Comma = 18; var LeftSquareBracket = 19; var RightSquareBracket = 20; var LeftParenthesis = 21; var RightParenthesis = 22; var LeftCurlyBracket = 23; var RightCurlyBracket = 24; var Comment = 25; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/tokenizer/char-code-definitions.js var EOF2 = 0; function isDigit(code2) { return code2 >= 48 && code2 <= 57; } function isHexDigit(code2) { return isDigit(code2) || // 0 .. 9 code2 >= 65 && code2 <= 70 || // A .. F code2 >= 97 && code2 <= 102; } function isUppercaseLetter(code2) { return code2 >= 65 && code2 <= 90; } function isLowercaseLetter(code2) { return code2 >= 97 && code2 <= 122; } function isLetter(code2) { return isUppercaseLetter(code2) || isLowercaseLetter(code2); } function isNonAscii(code2) { return code2 >= 128; } function isNameStart(code2) { return isLetter(code2) || isNonAscii(code2) || code2 === 95; } function isName(code2) { return isNameStart(code2) || isDigit(code2) || code2 === 45; } function isNonPrintable(code2) { return code2 >= 0 && code2 <= 8 || code2 === 11 || code2 >= 14 && code2 <= 31 || code2 === 127; } function isNewline(code2) { return code2 === 10 || code2 === 13 || code2 === 12; } function isWhiteSpace(code2) { return isNewline(code2) || code2 === 32 || code2 === 9; } function isValidEscape(first, second) { if (first !== 92) { return false; } if (isNewline(second) || second === EOF2) { return false; } return true; } function isIdentifierStart(first, second, third) { if (first === 45) { return isNameStart(second) || second === 45 || isValidEscape(second, third); } if (isNameStart(first)) { return true; } if (first === 92) { return isValidEscape(first, second); } return false; } function isNumberStart(first, second, third) { if (first === 43 || first === 45) { if (isDigit(second)) { return 2; } return second === 46 && isDigit(third) ? 3 : 0; } if (first === 46) { return isDigit(second) ? 2 : 0; } if (isDigit(first)) { return 1; } return 0; } function isBOM(code2) { if (code2 === 65279) { return 1; } if (code2 === 65534) { return 1; } return 0; } var CATEGORY = new Array(128); var EofCategory = 128; var WhiteSpaceCategory = 130; var DigitCategory = 131; var NameStartCategory = 132; var NonPrintableCategory = 133; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < CATEGORY.length; i2++) { CATEGORY[i2] = isWhiteSpace(i2) && WhiteSpaceCategory || isDigit(i2) && DigitCategory || isNameStart(i2) && NameStartCategory || isNonPrintable(i2) && NonPrintableCategory || i2 || EofCategory; } function charCodeCategory(code2) { return code2 < 128 ? CATEGORY[code2] : NameStartCategory; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/tokenizer/utils.js function getCharCode(source, offset) { return offset < source.length ? source.charCodeAt(offset) : 0; } function getNewlineLength(source, offset, code2) { if (code2 === 13 && getCharCode(source, offset + 1) === 10) { return 2; } return 1; } function cmpChar(testStr, offset, referenceCode) { let code2 = testStr.charCodeAt(offset); if (isUppercaseLetter(code2)) { code2 = code2 | 32; } return code2 === referenceCode; } function cmpStr(testStr, start, end, referenceStr) { if (end - start !== referenceStr.length) { return false; } if (start < 0 || end > testStr.length) { return false; } for (let i2 = start; i2 < end; i2++) { const referenceCode = referenceStr.charCodeAt(i2 - start); let testCode = testStr.charCodeAt(i2); if (isUppercaseLetter(testCode)) { testCode = testCode | 32; } if (testCode !== referenceCode) { return false; } } return true; } function findWhiteSpaceStart(source, offset) { for (; offset >= 0; offset--) { if (!isWhiteSpace(source.charCodeAt(offset))) { break; } } return offset + 1; } function findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset) { for (; offset < source.length; offset++) { if (!isWhiteSpace(source.charCodeAt(offset))) { break; } } return offset; } function findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset) { for (; offset < source.length; offset++) { if (!isDigit(source.charCodeAt(offset))) { break; } } return offset; } function consumeEscaped(source, offset) { offset += 2; if (isHexDigit(getCharCode(source, offset - 1))) { for (const maxOffset = Math.min(source.length, offset + 5); offset < maxOffset; offset++) { if (!isHexDigit(getCharCode(source, offset))) { break; } } const code2 = getCharCode(source, offset); if (isWhiteSpace(code2)) { offset += getNewlineLength(source, offset, code2); } } return offset; } function consumeName(source, offset) { for (; offset < source.length; offset++) { const code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset); if (isName(code2)) { continue; } if (isValidEscape(code2, getCharCode(source, offset + 1))) { offset = consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1; continue; } break; } return offset; } function consumeNumber(source, offset) { let code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset); if (code2 === 43 || code2 === 45) { code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset += 1); } if (isDigit(code2)) { offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset + 1); code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset); } if (code2 === 46 && isDigit(source.charCodeAt(offset + 1))) { offset += 2; offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset); } if (cmpChar( source, offset, 101 /* e */ )) { let sign = 0; code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset + 1); if (code2 === 45 || code2 === 43) { sign = 1; code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset + 2); } if (isDigit(code2)) { offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset + 1 + sign + 1); } } return offset; } function consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset) { for (; offset < source.length; offset++) { const code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset); if (code2 === 41) { offset++; break; } if (isValidEscape(code2, getCharCode(source, offset + 1))) { offset = consumeEscaped(source, offset); } } return offset; } function decodeEscaped(escaped) { if (escaped.length === 1 && !isHexDigit(escaped.charCodeAt(0))) { return escaped[0]; } let code2 = parseInt(escaped, 16); if (code2 === 0 || // If this number is zero, code2 >= 55296 && code2 <= 57343 || // or is for a surrogate, code2 > 1114111) { code2 = 65533; } return String.fromCodePoint(code2); } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/tokenizer/names.js var names_default = [ "EOF-token", "ident-token", "function-token", "at-keyword-token", "hash-token", "string-token", "bad-string-token", "url-token", "bad-url-token", "delim-token", "number-token", "percentage-token", "dimension-token", "whitespace-token", "CDO-token", "CDC-token", "colon-token", "semicolon-token", "comma-token", "[-token", "]-token", "(-token", ")-token", "{-token", "}-token" ]; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/tokenizer/adopt-buffer.js var MIN_SIZE = 16 * 1024; function adoptBuffer(buffer = null, size) { if (buffer === null || buffer.length < size) { return new Uint32Array(Math.max(size + 1024, MIN_SIZE)); } return buffer; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/tokenizer/OffsetToLocation.js var N = 10; var F = 12; var R = 13; function computeLinesAndColumns(host) { const source = host.source; const sourceLength = source.length; const startOffset = source.length > 0 ? isBOM(source.charCodeAt(0)) : 0; const lines = adoptBuffer(host.lines, sourceLength); const columns = adoptBuffer(host.columns, sourceLength); let line = host.startLine; let column = host.startColumn; for (let i2 = startOffset; i2 < sourceLength; i2++) { const code2 = source.charCodeAt(i2); lines[i2] = line; columns[i2] = column++; if (code2 === N || code2 === R || code2 === F) { if (code2 === R && i2 + 1 < sourceLength && source.charCodeAt(i2 + 1) === N) { i2++; lines[i2] = line; columns[i2] = column; } line++; column = 1; } } lines[sourceLength] = line; columns[sourceLength] = column; host.lines = lines; host.columns = columns; host.computed = true; } var OffsetToLocation = class { constructor() { this.lines = null; this.columns = null; this.computed = false; } setSource(source, startOffset = 0, startLine = 1, startColumn = 1) { this.source = source; this.startOffset = startOffset; this.startLine = startLine; this.startColumn = startColumn; this.computed = false; } getLocation(offset, filename) { if (!this.computed) { computeLinesAndColumns(this); } return { source: filename, offset: this.startOffset + offset, line: this.lines[offset], column: this.columns[offset] }; } getLocationRange(start, end, filename) { if (!this.computed) { computeLinesAndColumns(this); } return { source: filename, start: { offset: this.startOffset + start, line: this.lines[start], column: this.columns[start] }, end: { offset: this.startOffset + end, line: this.lines[end], column: this.columns[end] } }; } }; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/tokenizer/TokenStream.js var OFFSET_MASK = 16777215; var TYPE_SHIFT = 24; var balancePair = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [Function, RightParenthesis], [LeftParenthesis, RightParenthesis], [LeftSquareBracket, RightSquareBracket], [LeftCurlyBracket, RightCurlyBracket] ]); var TokenStream = class { constructor(source, tokenize4) { this.setSource(source, tokenize4); } reset() { this.eof = false; this.tokenIndex = -1; this.tokenType = 0; this.tokenStart = this.firstCharOffset; this.tokenEnd = this.firstCharOffset; } setSource(source = "", tokenize4 = () => { }) { source = String(source || ""); const sourceLength = source.length; const offsetAndType = adoptBuffer(this.offsetAndType, source.length + 1); const balance = adoptBuffer(this.balance, source.length + 1); let tokenCount = 0; let balanceCloseType = 0; let balanceStart = 0; let firstCharOffset = -1; this.offsetAndType = null; this.balance = null; tokenize4(source, (type, start, end) => { switch (type) { default: balance[tokenCount] = sourceLength; break; case balanceCloseType: { let balancePrev = balanceStart & OFFSET_MASK; balanceStart = balance[balancePrev]; balanceCloseType = balanceStart >> TYPE_SHIFT; balance[tokenCount] = balancePrev; balance[balancePrev++] = tokenCount; for (; balancePrev < tokenCount; balancePrev++) { if (balance[balancePrev] === sourceLength) { balance[balancePrev] = tokenCount; } } break; } case LeftParenthesis: case Function: case LeftSquareBracket: case LeftCurlyBracket: balance[tokenCount] = balanceStart; balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(type); balanceStart = balanceCloseType << TYPE_SHIFT | tokenCount; break; } offsetAndType[tokenCount++] = type << TYPE_SHIFT | end; if (firstCharOffset === -1) { firstCharOffset = start; } }); offsetAndType[tokenCount] = EOF << TYPE_SHIFT | sourceLength; balance[tokenCount] = sourceLength; balance[sourceLength] = sourceLength; while (balanceStart !== 0) { const balancePrev = balanceStart & OFFSET_MASK; balanceStart = balance[balancePrev]; balance[balancePrev] = sourceLength; } this.source = source; this.firstCharOffset = firstCharOffset === -1 ? 0 : firstCharOffset; this.tokenCount = tokenCount; this.offsetAndType = offsetAndType; this.balance = balance; this.reset(); this.next(); } lookupType(offset) { offset += this.tokenIndex; if (offset < this.tokenCount) { return this.offsetAndType[offset] >> TYPE_SHIFT; } return EOF; } lookupOffset(offset) { offset += this.tokenIndex; if (offset < this.tokenCount) { return this.offsetAndType[offset - 1] & OFFSET_MASK; } return this.source.length; } lookupValue(offset, referenceStr) { offset += this.tokenIndex; if (offset < this.tokenCount) { return cmpStr( this.source, this.offsetAndType[offset - 1] & OFFSET_MASK, this.offsetAndType[offset] & OFFSET_MASK, referenceStr ); } return false; } getTokenStart(tokenIndex) { if (tokenIndex === this.tokenIndex) { return this.tokenStart; } if (tokenIndex > 0) { return tokenIndex < this.tokenCount ? this.offsetAndType[tokenIndex - 1] & OFFSET_MASK : this.offsetAndType[this.tokenCount] & OFFSET_MASK; } return this.firstCharOffset; } substrToCursor(start) { return this.source.substring(start, this.tokenStart); } isBalanceEdge(pos) { return this.balance[this.tokenIndex] < pos; } isDelim(code2, offset) { if (offset) { return this.lookupType(offset) === Delim && this.source.charCodeAt(this.lookupOffset(offset)) === code2; } return this.tokenType === Delim && this.source.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart) === code2; } skip(tokenCount) { let next = this.tokenIndex + tokenCount; if (next < this.tokenCount) { this.tokenIndex = next; this.tokenStart = this.offsetAndType[next - 1] & OFFSET_MASK; next = this.offsetAndType[next]; this.tokenType = next >> TYPE_SHIFT; this.tokenEnd = next & OFFSET_MASK; } else { this.tokenIndex = this.tokenCount; this.next(); } } next() { let next = this.tokenIndex + 1; if (next < this.tokenCount) { this.tokenIndex = next; this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd; next = this.offsetAndType[next]; this.tokenType = next >> TYPE_SHIFT; this.tokenEnd = next & OFFSET_MASK; } else { this.eof = true; this.tokenIndex = this.tokenCount; this.tokenType = EOF; this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd = this.source.length; } } skipSC() { while (this.tokenType === WhiteSpace || this.tokenType === Comment) { this.next(); } } skipUntilBalanced(startToken, stopConsume) { let cursor = startToken; let balanceEnd; let offset; loop: for (; cursor < this.tokenCount; cursor++) { balanceEnd = this.balance[cursor]; if (balanceEnd < startToken) { break loop; } offset = cursor > 0 ? this.offsetAndType[cursor - 1] & OFFSET_MASK : this.firstCharOffset; switch (stopConsume(this.source.charCodeAt(offset))) { case 1: break loop; case 2: cursor++; break loop; default: if (this.balance[balanceEnd] === cursor) { cursor = balanceEnd; } } } this.skip(cursor - this.tokenIndex); } forEachToken(fn) { for (let i2 = 0, offset = this.firstCharOffset; i2 < this.tokenCount; i2++) { const start = offset; const item = this.offsetAndType[i2]; const end = item & OFFSET_MASK; const type = item >> TYPE_SHIFT; offset = end; fn(type, start, end, i2); } } dump() { const tokens = new Array(this.tokenCount); this.forEachToken((type, start, end, index) => { tokens[index] = { idx: index, type: names_default[type], chunk: this.source.substring(start, end), balance: this.balance[index] }; }); return tokens; } }; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/tokenizer/index.js function tokenize(source, onToken) { function getCharCode2(offset2) { return offset2 < sourceLength ? source.charCodeAt(offset2) : 0; } function consumeNumericToken() { offset = consumeNumber(source, offset); if (isIdentifierStart(getCharCode2(offset), getCharCode2(offset + 1), getCharCode2(offset + 2))) { type = Dimension; offset = consumeName(source, offset); return; } if (getCharCode2(offset) === 37) { type = Percentage; offset++; return; } type = Number2; } function consumeIdentLikeToken() { const nameStartOffset = offset; offset = consumeName(source, offset); if (cmpStr(source, nameStartOffset, offset, "url") && getCharCode2(offset) === 40) { offset = findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset + 1); if (getCharCode2(offset) === 34 || getCharCode2(offset) === 39) { type = Function; offset = nameStartOffset + 4; return; } consumeUrlToken(); return; } if (getCharCode2(offset) === 40) { type = Function; offset++; return; } type = Ident; } function consumeStringToken(endingCodePoint) { if (!endingCodePoint) { endingCodePoint = getCharCode2(offset++); } type = String2; for (; offset < source.length; offset++) { const code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset); switch (charCodeCategory(code2)) { case endingCodePoint: offset++; return; case WhiteSpaceCategory: if (isNewline(code2)) { offset += getNewlineLength(source, offset, code2); type = BadString; return; } break; case 92: if (offset === source.length - 1) { break; } const nextCode = getCharCode2(offset + 1); if (isNewline(nextCode)) { offset += getNewlineLength(source, offset + 1, nextCode); } else if (isValidEscape(code2, nextCode)) { offset = consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1; } break; } } } function consumeUrlToken() { type = Url; offset = findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset); for (; offset < source.length; offset++) { const code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset); switch (charCodeCategory(code2)) { case 41: offset++; return; case WhiteSpaceCategory: offset = findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset); if (getCharCode2(offset) === 41 || offset >= source.length) { if (offset < source.length) { offset++; } return; } offset = consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset); type = BadUrl; return; case 34: case 39: case 40: case NonPrintableCategory: offset = consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset); type = BadUrl; return; case 92: if (isValidEscape(code2, getCharCode2(offset + 1))) { offset = consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1; break; } offset = consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset); type = BadUrl; return; } } } source = String(source || ""); const sourceLength = source.length; let start = isBOM(getCharCode2(0)); let offset = start; let type; while (offset < sourceLength) { const code2 = source.charCodeAt(offset); switch (charCodeCategory(code2)) { case WhiteSpaceCategory: type = WhiteSpace; offset = findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset + 1); break; case 34: consumeStringToken(); break; case 35: if (isName(getCharCode2(offset + 1)) || isValidEscape(getCharCode2(offset + 1), getCharCode2(offset + 2))) { type = Hash; offset = consumeName(source, offset + 1); } else { type = Delim; offset++; } break; case 39: consumeStringToken(); break; case 40: type = LeftParenthesis; offset++; break; case 41: type = RightParenthesis; offset++; break; case 43: if (isNumberStart(code2, getCharCode2(offset + 1), getCharCode2(offset + 2))) { consumeNumericToken(); } else { type = Delim; offset++; } break; case 44: type = Comma; offset++; break; case 45: if (isNumberStart(code2, getCharCode2(offset + 1), getCharCode2(offset + 2))) { consumeNumericToken(); } else { if (getCharCode2(offset + 1) === 45 && getCharCode2(offset + 2) === 62) { type = CDC; offset = offset + 3; } else { if (isIdentifierStart(code2, getCharCode2(offset + 1), getCharCode2(offset + 2))) { consumeIdentLikeToken(); } else { type = Delim; offset++; } } } break; case 46: if (isNumberStart(code2, getCharCode2(offset + 1), getCharCode2(offset + 2))) { consumeNumericToken(); } else { type = Delim; offset++; } break; case 47: if (getCharCode2(offset + 1) === 42) { type = Comment; offset = source.indexOf("*/", offset + 2); offset = offset === -1 ? source.length : offset + 2; } else { type = Delim; offset++; } break; case 58: type = Colon; offset++; break; case 59: type = Semicolon; offset++; break; case 60: if (getCharCode2(offset + 1) === 33 && getCharCode2(offset + 2) === 45 && getCharCode2(offset + 3) === 45) { type = CDO; offset = offset + 4; } else { type = Delim; offset++; } break; case 64: if (isIdentifierStart(getCharCode2(offset + 1), getCharCode2(offset + 2), getCharCode2(offset + 3))) { type = AtKeyword; offset = consumeName(source, offset + 1); } else { type = Delim; offset++; } break; case 91: type = LeftSquareBracket; offset++; break; case 92: if (isValidEscape(code2, getCharCode2(offset + 1))) { consumeIdentLikeToken(); } else { type = Delim; offset++; } break; case 93: type = RightSquareBracket; offset++; break; case 123: type = LeftCurlyBracket; offset++; break; case 125: type = RightCurlyBracket; offset++; break; case DigitCategory: consumeNumericToken(); break; case NameStartCategory: consumeIdentLikeToken(); break; default: type = Delim; offset++; } onToken(type, start, start = offset); } } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/utils/List.js var releasedCursors = null; var List = class { static createItem(data) { return { prev: null, next: null, data }; } constructor() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.cursor = null; } createItem(data) { return List.createItem(data); } // cursor helpers allocateCursor(prev, next) { let cursor; if (releasedCursors !== null) { cursor = releasedCursors; releasedCursors = releasedCursors.cursor; cursor.prev = prev; cursor.next = next; cursor.cursor = this.cursor; } else { cursor = { prev, next, cursor: this.cursor }; } this.cursor = cursor; return cursor; } releaseCursor() { const { cursor } = this; this.cursor = cursor.cursor; cursor.prev = null; cursor.next = null; cursor.cursor = releasedCursors; releasedCursors = cursor; } updateCursors(prevOld, prevNew, nextOld, nextNew) { let { cursor } = this; while (cursor !== null) { if (cursor.prev === prevOld) { cursor.prev = prevNew; } if (cursor.next === nextOld) { cursor.next = nextNew; } cursor = cursor.cursor; } } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = cursor.next) { yield cursor.data; } } // getters get size() { let size = 0; for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = cursor.next) { size++; } return size; } get isEmpty() { return this.head === null; } get first() { return this.head && this.head.data; } get last() { return this.tail && this.tail.data; } // convertors fromArray(array) { let cursor = null; this.head = null; for (let data of array) { const item = List.createItem(data); if (cursor !== null) { cursor.next = item; } else { this.head = item; } item.prev = cursor; cursor = item; } this.tail = cursor; return this; } toArray() { return [...this]; } toJSON() { return [...this]; } // array-like methods forEach(fn, thisArg = this) { const cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, this.head); while (cursor.next !== null) { const item = cursor.next; cursor.next = item.next; fn.call(thisArg, item.data, item, this); } this.releaseCursor(); } forEachRight(fn, thisArg = this) { const cursor = this.allocateCursor(this.tail, null); while (cursor.prev !== null) { const item = cursor.prev; cursor.prev = item.prev; fn.call(thisArg, item.data, item, this); } this.releaseCursor(); } reduce(fn, initialValue, thisArg = this) { let cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, this.head); let acc = initialValue; let item; while (cursor.next !== null) { item = cursor.next; cursor.next = item.next; acc = fn.call(thisArg, acc, item.data, item, this); } this.releaseCursor(); return acc; } reduceRight(fn, initialValue, thisArg = this) { let cursor = this.allocateCursor(this.tail, null); let acc = initialValue; let item; while (cursor.prev !== null) { item = cursor.prev; cursor.prev = item.prev; acc = fn.call(thisArg, acc, item.data, item, this); } this.releaseCursor(); return acc; } some(fn, thisArg = this) { for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = cursor.next) { if (fn.call(thisArg, cursor.data, cursor, this)) { return true; } } return false; } map(fn, thisArg = this) { const result = new List(); for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = cursor.next) { result.appendData(fn.call(thisArg, cursor.data, cursor, this)); } return result; } filter(fn, thisArg = this) { const result = new List(); for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = cursor.next) { if (fn.call(thisArg, cursor.data, cursor, this)) { result.appendData(cursor.data); } } return result; } nextUntil(start, fn, thisArg = this) { if (start === null) { return; } const cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, start); while (cursor.next !== null) { const item = cursor.next; cursor.next = item.next; if (fn.call(thisArg, item.data, item, this)) { break; } } this.releaseCursor(); } prevUntil(start, fn, thisArg = this) { if (start === null) { return; } const cursor = this.allocateCursor(start, null); while (cursor.prev !== null) { const item = cursor.prev; cursor.prev = item.prev; if (fn.call(thisArg, item.data, item, this)) { break; } } this.releaseCursor(); } // mutation clear() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; } copy() { const result = new List(); for (let data of this) { result.appendData(data); } return result; } prepend(item) { this.updateCursors(null, item, this.head, item); if (this.head !== null) { this.head.prev = item; item.next = this.head; } else { this.tail = item; } this.head = item; return this; } prependData(data) { return this.prepend(List.createItem(data)); } append(item) { return this.insert(item); } appendData(data) { return this.insert(List.createItem(data)); } insert(item, before = null) { if (before !== null) { this.updateCursors(before.prev, item, before, item); if (before.prev === null) { if (this.head !== before) { throw new Error("before doesn't belong to list"); } this.head = item; before.prev = item; item.next = before; this.updateCursors(null, item); } else { before.prev.next = item; item.prev = before.prev; before.prev = item; item.next = before; } } else { this.updateCursors(this.tail, item, null, item); if (this.tail !== null) { this.tail.next = item; item.prev = this.tail; } else { this.head = item; } this.tail = item; } return this; } insertData(data, before) { return this.insert(List.createItem(data), before); } remove(item) { this.updateCursors(item, item.prev, item, item.next); if (item.prev !== null) { item.prev.next = item.next; } else { if (this.head !== item) { throw new Error("item doesn't belong to list"); } this.head = item.next; } if (item.next !== null) { item.next.prev = item.prev; } else { if (this.tail !== item) { throw new Error("item doesn't belong to list"); } this.tail = item.prev; } item.prev = null; item.next = null; return item; } push(data) { this.insert(List.createItem(data)); } pop() { return this.tail !== null ? this.remove(this.tail) : null; } unshift(data) { this.prepend(List.createItem(data)); } shift() { return this.head !== null ? this.remove(this.head) : null; } prependList(list) { return this.insertList(list, this.head); } appendList(list) { return this.insertList(list); } insertList(list, before) { if (list.head === null) { return this; } if (before !== void 0 && before !== null) { this.updateCursors(before.prev, list.tail, before, list.head); if (before.prev !== null) { before.prev.next = list.head; list.head.prev = before.prev; } else { this.head = list.head; } before.prev = list.tail; list.tail.next = before; } else { this.updateCursors(this.tail, list.tail, null, list.head); if (this.tail !== null) { this.tail.next = list.head; list.head.prev = this.tail; } else { this.head = list.head; } this.tail = list.tail; } list.head = null; list.tail = null; return this; } replace(oldItem, newItemOrList) { if ("head" in newItemOrList) { this.insertList(newItemOrList, oldItem); } else { this.insert(newItemOrList, oldItem); } this.remove(oldItem); } }; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/utils/create-custom-error.js function createCustomError(name41, message) { const error = Object.create(SyntaxError.prototype); const errorStack = new Error(); return Object.assign(error, { name: name41, message, get stack() { return (errorStack.stack || "").replace(/^(.+\n){1,3}/, `${name41}: ${message} `); } }); } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/parser/SyntaxError.js var MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 100; var OFFSET_CORRECTION = 60; var TAB_REPLACEMENT = " "; function sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, extraLines) { function processLines(start, end) { return lines.slice(start, end).map( (line2, idx) => String(start + idx + 1).padStart(maxNumLength) + " |" + line2 ).join("\n"); } const lines = source.split(/\r\n?|\n|\f/); const startLine = Math.max(1, line - extraLines) - 1; const endLine = Math.min(line + extraLines, lines.length + 1); const maxNumLength = Math.max(4, String(endLine).length) + 1; let cutLeft = 0; column += (TAB_REPLACEMENT.length - 1) * (lines[line - 1].substr(0, column - 1).match(/\t/g) || []).length; if (column > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { cutLeft = column - OFFSET_CORRECTION + 3; column = OFFSET_CORRECTION - 2; } for (let i2 = startLine; i2 <= endLine; i2++) { if (i2 >= 0 && i2 < lines.length) { lines[i2] = lines[i2].replace(/\t/g, TAB_REPLACEMENT); lines[i2] = (cutLeft > 0 && lines[i2].length > cutLeft ? "\u2026" : "") + lines[i2].substr(cutLeft, MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 2) + (lines[i2].length > cutLeft + MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1 ? "\u2026" : ""); } } return [ processLines(startLine, line), new Array(column + maxNumLength + 2).join("-") + "^", processLines(line, endLine) ].filter(Boolean).join("\n"); } function SyntaxError2(message, source, offset, line, column) { const error = Object.assign(createCustomError("SyntaxError", message), { source, offset, line, column, sourceFragment(extraLines) { return sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, isNaN(extraLines) ? 0 : extraLines); }, get formattedMessage() { return `Parse error: ${message} ` + sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, 2); } }); return error; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/parser/sequence.js function readSequence(recognizer) { const children = this.createList(); let space = false; const context = { recognizer }; while (!this.eof) { switch (this.tokenType) { case Comment: this.next(); continue; case WhiteSpace: space = true; this.next(); continue; } let child = recognizer.getNode.call(this, context); if (child === void 0) { break; } if (space) { if (recognizer.onWhiteSpace) { recognizer.onWhiteSpace.call(this, child, children, context); } space = false; } children.push(child); } if (space && recognizer.onWhiteSpace) { recognizer.onWhiteSpace.call(this, null, children, context); } return children; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/parser/create.js var NOOP = () => { }; var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33; var NUMBERSIGN = 35; var SEMICOLON = 59; var LEFTCURLYBRACKET = 123; var NULL = 0; function createParseContext(name41) { return function() { return this[name41](); }; } function fetchParseValues(dict) { const result = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (const name41 in dict) { const item = dict[name41]; const fn = item.parse || item; if (fn) { result[name41] = fn; } } return result; } function processConfig(config) { const parseConfig = { context: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), scope: Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), config.scope), atrule: fetchParseValues(config.atrule), pseudo: fetchParseValues(config.pseudo), node: fetchParseValues(config.node) }; for (const name41 in config.parseContext) { switch (typeof config.parseContext[name41]) { case "function": parseConfig.context[name41] = config.parseContext[name41]; break; case "string": parseConfig.context[name41] = createParseContext(config.parseContext[name41]); break; } } return { config: parseConfig, ...parseConfig, ...parseConfig.node }; } function createParser(config) { let source = ""; let filename = ""; let needPositions = false; let onParseError = NOOP; let onParseErrorThrow = false; const locationMap = new OffsetToLocation(); const parser = Object.assign(new TokenStream(), processConfig(config || {}), { parseAtrulePrelude: true, parseRulePrelude: true, parseValue: true, parseCustomProperty: false, readSequence, consumeUntilBalanceEnd: () => 0, consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracket(code2) { return code2 === LEFTCURLYBRACKET ? 1 : 0; }, consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracketOrSemicolon(code2) { return code2 === LEFTCURLYBRACKET || code2 === SEMICOLON ? 1 : 0; }, consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon(code2) { return code2 === EXCLAMATIONMARK || code2 === SEMICOLON ? 1 : 0; }, consumeUntilSemicolonIncluded(code2) { return code2 === SEMICOLON ? 2 : 0; }, createList() { return new List(); }, createSingleNodeList(node) { return new List().appendData(node); }, getFirstListNode(list) { return list && list.first; }, getLastListNode(list) { return list && list.last; }, parseWithFallback(consumer, fallback) { const startToken = this.tokenIndex; try { return consumer.call(this); } catch (e2) { if (onParseErrorThrow) { throw e2; } const fallbackNode = fallback.call(this, startToken); onParseErrorThrow = true; onParseError(e2, fallbackNode); onParseErrorThrow = false; return fallbackNode; } }, lookupNonWSType(offset) { let type; do { type = this.lookupType(offset++); if (type !== WhiteSpace) { return type; } } while (type !== NULL); return NULL; }, charCodeAt(offset) { return offset >= 0 && offset < source.length ? source.charCodeAt(offset) : 0; }, substring(offsetStart, offsetEnd) { return source.substring(offsetStart, offsetEnd); }, substrToCursor(start) { return this.source.substring(start, this.tokenStart); }, cmpChar(offset, charCode) { return cmpChar(source, offset, charCode); }, cmpStr(offsetStart, offsetEnd, str) { return cmpStr(source, offsetStart, offsetEnd, str); }, consume(tokenType2) { const start = this.tokenStart; this.eat(tokenType2); return this.substrToCursor(start); }, consumeFunctionName() { const name41 = source.substring(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd - 1); this.eat(Function); return name41; }, consumeNumber(type) { const number2 = source.substring(this.tokenStart, consumeNumber(source, this.tokenStart)); this.eat(type); return number2; }, eat(tokenType2) { if (this.tokenType !== tokenType2) { const tokenName = names_default[tokenType2].slice(0, -6).replace(/-/g, " ").replace(/^./, (m) => m.toUpperCase()); let message = `${/[[\](){}]/.test(tokenName) ? `"${tokenName}"` : tokenName} is expected`; let offset = this.tokenStart; switch (tokenType2) { case Ident: if (this.tokenType === Function || this.tokenType === Url) { offset = this.tokenEnd - 1; message = "Identifier is expected but function found"; } else { message = "Identifier is expected"; } break; case Hash: if (this.isDelim(NUMBERSIGN)) { this.next(); offset++; message = "Name is expected"; } break; case Percentage: if (this.tokenType === Number2) { offset = this.tokenEnd; message = "Percent sign is expected"; } break; } this.error(message, offset); } this.next(); }, eatIdent(name41) { if (this.tokenType !== Ident || this.lookupValue(0, name41) === false) { this.error(`Identifier "${name41}" is expected`); } this.next(); }, eatDelim(code2) { if (!this.isDelim(code2)) { this.error(`Delim "${String.fromCharCode(code2)}" is expected`); } this.next(); }, getLocation(start, end) { if (needPositions) { return locationMap.getLocationRange( start, end, filename ); } return null; }, getLocationFromList(list) { if (needPositions) { const head = this.getFirstListNode(list); const tail = this.getLastListNode(list); return locationMap.getLocationRange( head !== null ? head.loc.start.offset - locationMap.startOffset : this.tokenStart, tail !== null ? tail.loc.end.offset - locationMap.startOffset : this.tokenStart, filename ); } return null; }, error(message, offset) { const location = typeof offset !== "undefined" && offset < source.length ? locationMap.getLocation(offset) : this.eof ? locationMap.getLocation(findWhiteSpaceStart(source, source.length - 1)) : locationMap.getLocation(this.tokenStart); throw new SyntaxError2( message || "Unexpected input", source, location.offset, location.line, location.column ); } }); const parse45 = function(source_, options) { source = source_; options = options || {}; parser.setSource(source, tokenize); locationMap.setSource( source, options.offset, options.line, options.column ); filename = options.filename || ""; needPositions = Boolean(options.positions); onParseError = typeof options.onParseError === "function" ? options.onParseError : NOOP; onParseErrorThrow = false; parser.parseAtrulePrelude = "parseAtrulePrelude" in options ? Boolean(options.parseAtrulePrelude) : true; parser.parseRulePrelude = "parseRulePrelude" in options ? Boolean(options.parseRulePrelude) : true; parser.parseValue = "parseValue" in options ? Boolean(options.parseValue) : true; parser.parseCustomProperty = "parseCustomProperty" in options ? Boolean(options.parseCustomProperty) : false; const { context = "default", onComment } = options; if (context in parser.context === false) { throw new Error("Unknown context `" + context + "`"); } if (typeof onComment === "function") { parser.forEachToken((type, start, end) => { if (type === Comment) { const loc = parser.getLocation(start, end); const value = cmpStr(source, end - 2, end, "*/") ? source.slice(start + 2, end - 2) : source.slice(start + 2, end); onComment(value, loc); } }); } const ast = parser.context[context].call(parser, options); if (!parser.eof) { parser.error(); } return ast; }; return Object.assign(parse45, { SyntaxError: SyntaxError2, config: parser.config }); } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/generator/sourceMap.js var import_source_map_generator = __toESM(require_source_map_generator(), 1); var trackNodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["Atrule", "Selector", "Declaration"]); function generateSourceMap(handlers4) { const map = new import_source_map_generator.SourceMapGenerator(); const generated = { line: 1, column: 0 }; const original = { line: 0, // should be zero to add first mapping column: 0 }; const activatedGenerated = { line: 1, column: 0 }; const activatedMapping = { generated: activatedGenerated }; let line = 1; let column = 0; let sourceMappingActive = false; const origHandlersNode = handlers4.node; handlers4.node = function(node) { if (node.loc && node.loc.start && trackNodes.has(node.type)) { const nodeLine = node.loc.start.line; const nodeColumn = node.loc.start.column - 1; if (original.line !== nodeLine || original.column !== nodeColumn) { original.line = nodeLine; original.column = nodeColumn; generated.line = line; generated.column = column; if (sourceMappingActive) { sourceMappingActive = false; if (generated.line !== activatedGenerated.line || generated.column !== activatedGenerated.column) { map.addMapping(activatedMapping); } } sourceMappingActive = true; map.addMapping({ source: node.loc.source, original, generated }); } } origHandlersNode.call(this, node); if (sourceMappingActive && trackNodes.has(node.type)) { activatedGenerated.line = line; activatedGenerated.column = column; } }; const origHandlersEmit = handlers4.emit; handlers4.emit = function(value, type, auto) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < value.length; i2++) { if (value.charCodeAt(i2) === 10) { line++; column = 0; } else { column++; } } origHandlersEmit(value, type, auto); }; const origHandlersResult = handlers4.result; handlers4.result = function() { if (sourceMappingActive) { map.addMapping(activatedMapping); } return { css: origHandlersResult(), map }; }; return handlers4; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/generator/token-before.js var token_before_exports = {}; __export(token_before_exports, { safe: () => safe, spec: () => spec }); var PLUSSIGN = 43; var HYPHENMINUS = 45; var code = (type, value) => { if (type === Delim) { type = value; } if (typeof type === "string") { const charCode = type.charCodeAt(0); return charCode > 127 ? 32768 : charCode << 8; } return type; }; var specPairs = [ [Ident, Ident], [Ident, Function], [Ident, Url], [Ident, BadUrl], [Ident, "-"], [Ident, Number2], [Ident, Percentage], [Ident, Dimension], [Ident, CDC], [Ident, LeftParenthesis], [AtKeyword, Ident], [AtKeyword, Function], [AtKeyword, Url], [AtKeyword, BadUrl], [AtKeyword, "-"], [AtKeyword, Number2], [AtKeyword, Percentage], [AtKeyword, Dimension], [AtKeyword, CDC], [Hash, Ident], [Hash, Function], [Hash, Url], [Hash, BadUrl], [Hash, "-"], [Hash, Number2], [Hash, Percentage], [Hash, Dimension], [Hash, CDC], [Dimension, Ident], [Dimension, Function], [Dimension, Url], [Dimension, BadUrl], [Dimension, "-"], [Dimension, Number2], [Dimension, Percentage], [Dimension, Dimension], [Dimension, CDC], ["#", Ident], ["#", Function], ["#", Url], ["#", BadUrl], ["#", "-"], ["#", Number2], ["#", Percentage], ["#", Dimension], ["#", CDC], // https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/6874 ["-", Ident], ["-", Function], ["-", Url], ["-", BadUrl], ["-", "-"], ["-", Number2], ["-", Percentage], ["-", Dimension], ["-", CDC], // https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/6874 [Number2, Ident], [Number2, Function], [Number2, Url], [Number2, BadUrl], [Number2, Number2], [Number2, Percentage], [Number2, Dimension], [Number2, "%"], [Number2, CDC], // https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/6874 ["@", Ident], ["@", Function], ["@", Url], ["@", BadUrl], ["@", "-"], ["@", CDC], // https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/6874 [".", Number2], [".", Percentage], [".", Dimension], ["+", Number2], ["+", Percentage], ["+", Dimension], ["/", "*"] ]; var safePairs = specPairs.concat([ [Ident, Hash], [Dimension, Hash], [Hash, Hash], [AtKeyword, LeftParenthesis], [AtKeyword, String2], [AtKeyword, Colon], [Percentage, Percentage], [Percentage, Dimension], [Percentage, Function], [Percentage, "-"], [RightParenthesis, Ident], [RightParenthesis, Function], [RightParenthesis, Percentage], [RightParenthesis, Dimension], [RightParenthesis, Hash], [RightParenthesis, "-"] ]); function createMap(pairs) { const isWhiteSpaceRequired = new Set( pairs.map(([prev, next]) => code(prev) << 16 | code(next)) ); return function(prevCode, type, value) { const nextCode = code(type, value); const nextCharCode = value.charCodeAt(0); const emitWs = nextCharCode === HYPHENMINUS && type !== Ident && type !== Function && type !== CDC || nextCharCode === PLUSSIGN ? isWhiteSpaceRequired.has(prevCode << 16 | nextCharCode << 8) : isWhiteSpaceRequired.has(prevCode << 16 | nextCode); if (emitWs) { this.emit(" ", WhiteSpace, true); } return nextCode; }; } var spec = createMap(specPairs); var safe = createMap(safePairs); // node_modules/css-tree/lib/generator/create.js var REVERSESOLIDUS = 92; function processChildren(node, delimeter) { if (typeof delimeter === "function") { let prev = null; node.children.forEach((node2) => { if (prev !== null) { delimeter.call(this, prev); } this.node(node2); prev = node2; }); return; } node.children.forEach(this.node, this); } function processChunk(chunk) { tokenize(chunk, (type, start, end) => { this.token(type, chunk.slice(start, end)); }); } function createGenerator(config) { const types3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (let name41 in config.node) { const item = config.node[name41]; const fn = item.generate || item; if (typeof fn === "function") { types3.set(name41, item.generate || item); } } return function(node, options) { let buffer = ""; let prevCode = 0; let handlers4 = { node(node2) { if (types3.has(node2.type)) { types3.get(node2.type).call(publicApi, node2); } else { throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + node2.type); } }, tokenBefore: safe, token(type, value) { prevCode = this.tokenBefore(prevCode, type, value); this.emit(value, type, false); if (type === Delim && value.charCodeAt(0) === REVERSESOLIDUS) { this.emit("\n", WhiteSpace, true); } }, emit(value) { buffer += value; }, result() { return buffer; } }; if (options) { if (typeof options.decorator === "function") { handlers4 = options.decorator(handlers4); } if (options.sourceMap) { handlers4 = generateSourceMap(handlers4); } if (options.mode in token_before_exports) { handlers4.tokenBefore = token_before_exports[options.mode]; } } const publicApi = { node: (node2) => handlers4.node(node2), children: processChildren, token: (type, value) => handlers4.token(type, value), tokenize: processChunk }; handlers4.node(node); return handlers4.result(); }; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/convertor/create.js function createConvertor(walk4) { return { fromPlainObject(ast) { walk4(ast, { enter(node) { if (node.children && node.children instanceof List === false) { node.children = new List().fromArray(node.children); } } }); return ast; }, toPlainObject(ast) { walk4(ast, { leave(node) { if (node.children && node.children instanceof List) { node.children = node.children.toArray(); } } }); return ast; } }; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/walker/create.js var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype; var noop = function() { }; function ensureFunction(value) { return typeof value === "function" ? value : noop; } function invokeForType(fn, type) { return function(node, item, list) { if (node.type === type) { fn.call(this, node, item, list); } }; } function getWalkersFromStructure(name41, nodeType) { const structure41 = nodeType.structure; const walkers = []; for (const key in structure41) { if (hasOwnProperty2.call(structure41, key) === false) { continue; } let fieldTypes = structure41[key]; const walker = { name: key, type: false, nullable: false }; if (!Array.isArray(fieldTypes)) { fieldTypes = [fieldTypes]; } for (const fieldType of fieldTypes) { if (fieldType === null) { walker.nullable = true; } else if (typeof fieldType === "string") { walker.type = "node"; } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) { walker.type = "list"; } } if (walker.type) { walkers.push(walker); } } if (walkers.length) { return { context: nodeType.walkContext, fields: walkers }; } return null; } function getTypesFromConfig(config) { const types3 = {}; for (const name41 in config.node) { if (hasOwnProperty2.call(config.node, name41)) { const nodeType = config.node[name41]; if (!nodeType.structure) { throw new Error("Missed `structure` field in `" + name41 + "` node type definition"); } types3[name41] = getWalkersFromStructure(name41, nodeType); } } return types3; } function createTypeIterator(config, reverse) { const fields = config.fields.slice(); const contextName = config.context; const useContext = typeof contextName === "string"; if (reverse) { fields.reverse(); } return function(node, context, walk4, walkReducer) { let prevContextValue; if (useContext) { prevContextValue = context[contextName]; context[contextName] = node; } for (const field of fields) { const ref = node[field.name]; if (!field.nullable || ref) { if (field.type === "list") { const breakWalk = reverse ? ref.reduceRight(walkReducer, false) : ref.reduce(walkReducer, false); if (breakWalk) { return true; } } else if (walk4(ref)) { return true; } } } if (useContext) { context[contextName] = prevContextValue; } }; } function createFastTraveralMap({ StyleSheet, Atrule, Rule, Block, DeclarationList }) { return { Atrule: { StyleSheet, Atrule, Rule, Block }, Rule: { StyleSheet, Atrule, Rule, Block }, Declaration: { StyleSheet, Atrule, Rule, Block, DeclarationList } }; } function createWalker(config) { const types3 = getTypesFromConfig(config); const iteratorsNatural = {}; const iteratorsReverse = {}; const breakWalk = Symbol("break-walk"); const skipNode = Symbol("skip-node"); for (const name41 in types3) { if (hasOwnProperty2.call(types3, name41) && types3[name41] !== null) { iteratorsNatural[name41] = createTypeIterator(types3[name41], false); iteratorsReverse[name41] = createTypeIterator(types3[name41], true); } } const fastTraversalIteratorsNatural = createFastTraveralMap(iteratorsNatural); const fastTraversalIteratorsReverse = createFastTraveralMap(iteratorsReverse); const walk4 = function(root, options) { function walkNode(node, item, list) { const enterRet = enter.call(context, node, item, list); if (enterRet === breakWalk) { return true; } if (enterRet === skipNode) { return false; } if (iterators.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) { if (iterators[node.type](node, context, walkNode, walkReducer)) { return true; } } if (leave.call(context, node, item, list) === breakWalk) { return true; } return false; } let enter = noop; let leave = noop; let iterators = iteratorsNatural; let walkReducer = (ret, data, item, list) => ret || walkNode(data, item, list); const context = { break: breakWalk, skip: skipNode, root, stylesheet: null, atrule: null, atrulePrelude: null, rule: null, selector: null, block: null, declaration: null, function: null }; if (typeof options === "function") { enter = options; } else if (options) { enter = ensureFunction(options.enter); leave = ensureFunction(options.leave); if (options.reverse) { iterators = iteratorsReverse; } if (options.visit) { if (fastTraversalIteratorsNatural.hasOwnProperty(options.visit)) { iterators = options.reverse ? fastTraversalIteratorsReverse[options.visit] : fastTraversalIteratorsNatural[options.visit]; } else if (!types3.hasOwnProperty(options.visit)) { throw new Error("Bad value `" + options.visit + "` for `visit` option (should be: " + Object.keys(types3).sort().join(", ") + ")"); } enter = invokeForType(enter, options.visit); leave = invokeForType(leave, options.visit); } } if (enter === noop && leave === noop) { throw new Error("Neither `enter` nor `leave` walker handler is set or both aren't a function"); } walkNode(root); }; walk4.break = breakWalk; walk4.skip = skipNode; walk4.find = function(ast, fn) { let found = null; walk4(ast, function(node, item, list) { if (fn.call(this, node, item, list)) { found = node; return breakWalk; } }); return found; }; walk4.findLast = function(ast, fn) { let found = null; walk4(ast, { reverse: true, enter(node, item, list) { if (fn.call(this, node, item, list)) { found = node; return breakWalk; } } }); return found; }; walk4.findAll = function(ast, fn) { const found = []; walk4(ast, function(node, item, list) { if (fn.call(this, node, item, list)) { found.push(node); } }); return found; }; return walk4; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/definition-syntax/generate.js function noop2(value) { return value; } function generateMultiplier(multiplier) { const { min, max, comma } = multiplier; if (min === 0 && max === 0) { return comma ? "#?" : "*"; } if (min === 0 && max === 1) { return "?"; } if (min === 1 && max === 0) { return comma ? "#" : "+"; } if (min === 1 && max === 1) { return ""; } return (comma ? "#" : "") + (min === max ? "{" + min + "}" : "{" + min + "," + (max !== 0 ? max : "") + "}"); } function generateTypeOpts(node) { switch (node.type) { case "Range": return " [" + (node.min === null ? "-\u221E" : node.min) + "," + (node.max === null ? "\u221E" : node.max) + "]"; default: throw new Error("Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`"); } } function generateSequence(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) { const combinator = node.combinator === " " || compact ? node.combinator : " " + node.combinator + " "; const result = node.terms.map((term) => internalGenerate(term, decorate, forceBraces, compact)).join(combinator); if (node.explicit || forceBraces) { return (compact || result[0] === "," ? "[" : "[ ") + result + (compact ? "]" : " ]"); } return result; } function internalGenerate(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) { let result; switch (node.type) { case "Group": result = generateSequence(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) + (node.disallowEmpty ? "!" : ""); break; case "Multiplier": return internalGenerate(node.term, decorate, forceBraces, compact) + decorate(generateMultiplier(node), node); case "Type": result = "<" + node.name + (node.opts ? decorate(generateTypeOpts(node.opts), node.opts) : "") + ">"; break; case "Property": result = "<'" + node.name + "'>"; break; case "Keyword": result = node.name; break; case "AtKeyword": result = "@" + node.name; break; case "Function": result = node.name + "("; break; case "String": case "Token": result = node.value; break; case "Comma": result = ","; break; default: throw new Error("Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`"); } return decorate(result, node); } function generate(node, options) { let decorate = noop2; let forceBraces = false; let compact = false; if (typeof options === "function") { decorate = options; } else if (options) { forceBraces = Boolean(options.forceBraces); compact = Boolean(options.compact); if (typeof options.decorate === "function") { decorate = options.decorate; } } return internalGenerate(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact); } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/error.js var defaultLoc = { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }; function locateMismatch(matchResult, node) { const tokens = matchResult.tokens; const longestMatch = matchResult.longestMatch; const mismatchNode = longestMatch < tokens.length ? tokens[longestMatch].node || null : null; const badNode = mismatchNode !== node ? mismatchNode : null; let mismatchOffset = 0; let mismatchLength = 0; let entries = 0; let css = ""; let start; let end; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < tokens.length; i2++) { const token = tokens[i2].value; if (i2 === longestMatch) { mismatchLength = token.length; mismatchOffset = css.length; } if (badNode !== null && tokens[i2].node === badNode) { if (i2 <= longestMatch) { entries++; } else { entries = 0; } } css += token; } if (longestMatch === tokens.length || entries > 1) { start = fromLoc(badNode || node, "end") || buildLoc(defaultLoc, css); end = buildLoc(start); } else { start = fromLoc(badNode, "start") || buildLoc(fromLoc(node, "start") || defaultLoc, css.slice(0, mismatchOffset)); end = fromLoc(badNode, "end") || buildLoc(start, css.substr(mismatchOffset, mismatchLength)); } return { css, mismatchOffset, mismatchLength, start, end }; } function fromLoc(node, point) { const value = node && node.loc && node.loc[point]; if (value) { return "line" in value ? buildLoc(value) : value; } return null; } function buildLoc({ offset, line, column }, extra) { const loc = { offset, line, column }; if (extra) { const lines = extra.split(/\n|\r\n?|\f/); loc.offset += extra.length; loc.line += lines.length - 1; loc.column = lines.length === 1 ? loc.column + extra.length : lines.pop().length + 1; } return loc; } var SyntaxReferenceError = function(type, referenceName) { const error = createCustomError( "SyntaxReferenceError", type + (referenceName ? " `" + referenceName + "`" : "") ); error.reference = referenceName; return error; }; var SyntaxMatchError = function(message, syntax, node, matchResult) { const error = createCustomError("SyntaxMatchError", message); const { css, mismatchOffset, mismatchLength, start, end } = locateMismatch(matchResult, node); error.rawMessage = message; error.syntax = syntax ? generate(syntax) : ""; error.css = css; error.mismatchOffset = mismatchOffset; error.mismatchLength = mismatchLength; error.message = message + "\n syntax: " + error.syntax + "\n value: " + (css || "") + "\n --------" + new Array(error.mismatchOffset + 1).join("-") + "^"; Object.assign(error, start); error.loc = { source: node && node.loc && node.loc.source || "", start, end }; return error; }; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/utils/names.js var keywords = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var properties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var HYPHENMINUS2 = 45; var keyword = getKeywordDescriptor; var property = getPropertyDescriptor; function isCustomProperty(str, offset) { offset = offset || 0; return str.length - offset >= 2 && str.charCodeAt(offset) === HYPHENMINUS2 && str.charCodeAt(offset + 1) === HYPHENMINUS2; } function getVendorPrefix(str, offset) { offset = offset || 0; if (str.length - offset >= 3) { if (str.charCodeAt(offset) === HYPHENMINUS2 && str.charCodeAt(offset + 1) !== HYPHENMINUS2) { const secondDashIndex = str.indexOf("-", offset + 2); if (secondDashIndex !== -1) { return str.substring(offset, secondDashIndex + 1); } } } return ""; } function getKeywordDescriptor(keyword2) { if (keywords.has(keyword2)) { return keywords.get(keyword2); } const name41 = keyword2.toLowerCase(); let descriptor = keywords.get(name41); if (descriptor === void 0) { const custom = isCustomProperty(name41, 0); const vendor = !custom ? getVendorPrefix(name41, 0) : ""; descriptor = Object.freeze({ basename: name41.substr(vendor.length), name: name41, prefix: vendor, vendor, custom }); } keywords.set(keyword2, descriptor); return descriptor; } function getPropertyDescriptor(property2) { if (properties.has(property2)) { return properties.get(property2); } let name41 = property2; let hack = property2[0]; if (hack === "/") { hack = property2[1] === "/" ? "//" : "/"; } else if (hack !== "_" && hack !== "*" && hack !== "$" && hack !== "#" && hack !== "+" && hack !== "&") { hack = ""; } const custom = isCustomProperty(name41, hack.length); if (!custom) { name41 = name41.toLowerCase(); if (properties.has(name41)) { const descriptor2 = properties.get(name41); properties.set(property2, descriptor2); return descriptor2; } } const vendor = !custom ? getVendorPrefix(name41, hack.length) : ""; const prefix = name41.substr(0, hack.length + vendor.length); const descriptor = Object.freeze({ basename: name41.substr(prefix.length), name: name41.substr(hack.length), hack, vendor, prefix, custom }); properties.set(property2, descriptor); return descriptor; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/generic-const.js var cssWideKeywords = [ "initial", "inherit", "unset", "revert", "revert-layer" ]; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/generic-an-plus-b.js var PLUSSIGN2 = 43; var HYPHENMINUS3 = 45; var N2 = 110; var DISALLOW_SIGN = true; var ALLOW_SIGN = false; function isDelim(token, code2) { return token !== null && token.type === Delim && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code2; } function skipSC(token, offset, getNextToken) { while (token !== null && (token.type === WhiteSpace || token.type === Comment)) { token = getNextToken(++offset); } return offset; } function checkInteger(token, valueOffset, disallowSign, offset) { if (!token) { return 0; } const code2 = token.value.charCodeAt(valueOffset); if (code2 === PLUSSIGN2 || code2 === HYPHENMINUS3) { if (disallowSign) { return 0; } valueOffset++; } for (; valueOffset < token.value.length; valueOffset++) { if (!isDigit(token.value.charCodeAt(valueOffset))) { return 0; } } return offset + 1; } function consumeB(token, offset_, getNextToken) { let sign = false; let offset = skipSC(token, offset_, getNextToken); token = getNextToken(offset); if (token === null) { return offset_; } if (token.type !== Number2) { if (isDelim(token, PLUSSIGN2) || isDelim(token, HYPHENMINUS3)) { sign = true; offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken); token = getNextToken(offset); if (token === null || token.type !== Number2) { return 0; } } else { return offset_; } } if (!sign) { const code2 = token.value.charCodeAt(0); if (code2 !== PLUSSIGN2 && code2 !== HYPHENMINUS3) { return 0; } } return checkInteger(token, sign ? 0 : 1, sign, offset); } function anPlusB(token, getNextToken) { let offset = 0; if (!token) { return 0; } if (token.type === Number2) { return checkInteger(token, 0, ALLOW_SIGN, offset); } else if (token.type === Ident && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === HYPHENMINUS3) { if (!cmpChar(token.value, 1, N2)) { return 0; } switch (token.value.length) { case 2: return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken); case 3: if (token.value.charCodeAt(2) !== HYPHENMINUS3) { return 0; } offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken); token = getNextToken(offset); return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset); default: if (token.value.charCodeAt(2) !== HYPHENMINUS3) { return 0; } return checkInteger(token, 3, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset); } } else if (token.type === Ident || isDelim(token, PLUSSIGN2) && getNextToken(offset + 1).type === Ident) { if (token.type !== Ident) { token = getNextToken(++offset); } if (token === null || !cmpChar(token.value, 0, N2)) { return 0; } switch (token.value.length) { case 1: return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken); case 2: if (token.value.charCodeAt(1) !== HYPHENMINUS3) { return 0; } offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken); token = getNextToken(offset); return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset); default: if (token.value.charCodeAt(1) !== HYPHENMINUS3) { return 0; } return checkInteger(token, 2, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset); } } else if (token.type === Dimension) { let code2 = token.value.charCodeAt(0); let sign = code2 === PLUSSIGN2 || code2 === HYPHENMINUS3 ? 1 : 0; let i2 = sign; for (; i2 < token.value.length; i2++) { if (!isDigit(token.value.charCodeAt(i2))) { break; } } if (i2 === sign) { return 0; } if (!cmpChar(token.value, i2, N2)) { return 0; } if (i2 + 1 === token.value.length) { return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken); } else { if (token.value.charCodeAt(i2 + 1) !== HYPHENMINUS3) { return 0; } if (i2 + 2 === token.value.length) { offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken); token = getNextToken(offset); return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset); } else { return checkInteger(token, i2 + 2, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset); } } } return 0; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/generic-urange.js var PLUSSIGN3 = 43; var HYPHENMINUS4 = 45; var QUESTIONMARK = 63; var U = 117; function isDelim2(token, code2) { return token !== null && token.type === Delim && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code2; } function startsWith(token, code2) { return token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code2; } function hexSequence(token, offset, allowDash) { let hexlen = 0; for (let pos = offset; pos < token.value.length; pos++) { const code2 = token.value.charCodeAt(pos); if (code2 === HYPHENMINUS4 && allowDash && hexlen !== 0) { hexSequence(token, offset + hexlen + 1, false); return 6; } if (!isHexDigit(code2)) { return 0; } if (++hexlen > 6) { return 0; } ; } return hexlen; } function withQuestionMarkSequence(consumed, length, getNextToken) { if (!consumed) { return 0; } while (isDelim2(getNextToken(length), QUESTIONMARK)) { if (++consumed > 6) { return 0; } length++; } return length; } function urange(token, getNextToken) { let length = 0; if (token === null || token.type !== Ident || !cmpChar(token.value, 0, U)) { return 0; } token = getNextToken(++length); if (token === null) { return 0; } if (isDelim2(token, PLUSSIGN3)) { token = getNextToken(++length); if (token === null) { return 0; } if (token.type === Ident) { return withQuestionMarkSequence(hexSequence(token, 0, true), ++length, getNextToken); } if (isDelim2(token, QUESTIONMARK)) { return withQuestionMarkSequence(1, ++length, getNextToken); } return 0; } if (token.type === Number2) { const consumedHexLength = hexSequence(token, 1, true); if (consumedHexLength === 0) { return 0; } token = getNextToken(++length); if (token === null) { return length; } if (token.type === Dimension || token.type === Number2) { if (!startsWith(token, HYPHENMINUS4) || !hexSequence(token, 1, false)) { return 0; } return length + 1; } return withQuestionMarkSequence(consumedHexLength, length, getNextToken); } if (token.type === Dimension) { return withQuestionMarkSequence(hexSequence(token, 1, true), ++length, getNextToken); } return 0; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/generic.js var calcFunctionNames = ["calc(", "-moz-calc(", "-webkit-calc("]; var balancePair2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [Function, RightParenthesis], [LeftParenthesis, RightParenthesis], [LeftSquareBracket, RightSquareBracket], [LeftCurlyBracket, RightCurlyBracket] ]); var LENGTH = [ // absolute length units https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-3/#lengths "cm", "mm", "q", "in", "pt", "pc", "px", // font-relative length units https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#font-relative-lengths "em", "rem", "ex", "rex", "cap", "rcap", "ch", "rch", "ic", "ric", "lh", "rlh", // viewport-percentage lengths https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#viewport-relative-lengths "vw", "svw", "lvw", "dvw", "vh", "svh", "lvh", "dvh", "vi", "svi", "lvi", "dvi", "vb", "svb", "lvb", "dvb", "vmin", "svmin", "lvmin", "dvmin", "vmax", "svmax", "lvmax", "dvmax", // container relative lengths https://drafts.csswg.org/css-contain-3/#container-lengths "cqw", "cqh", "cqi", "cqb", "cqmin", "cqmax" ]; var ANGLE = ["deg", "grad", "rad", "turn"]; var TIME = ["s", "ms"]; var FREQUENCY = ["hz", "khz"]; var RESOLUTION = ["dpi", "dpcm", "dppx", "x"]; var FLEX = ["fr"]; var DECIBEL = ["db"]; var SEMITONES = ["st"]; function charCodeAt(str, index) { return index < str.length ? str.charCodeAt(index) : 0; } function eqStr(actual, expected) { return cmpStr(actual, 0, actual.length, expected); } function eqStrAny(actual, expected) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < expected.length; i2++) { if (eqStr(actual, expected[i2])) { return true; } } return false; } function isPostfixIeHack(str, offset) { if (offset !== str.length - 2) { return false; } return charCodeAt(str, offset) === 92 && // U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS (\) isDigit(charCodeAt(str, offset + 1)); } function outOfRange(opts, value, numEnd) { if (opts && opts.type === "Range") { const num = Number( numEnd !== void 0 && numEnd !== value.length ? value.substr(0, numEnd) : value ); if (isNaN(num)) { return true; } if (opts.min !== null && num < opts.min && typeof opts.min !== "string") { return true; } if (opts.max !== null && num > opts.max && typeof opts.max !== "string") { return true; } } return false; } function consumeFunction(token, getNextToken) { let balanceCloseType = 0; let balanceStash = []; let length = 0; scan: do { switch (token.type) { case RightCurlyBracket: case RightParenthesis: case RightSquareBracket: if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) { break scan; } balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop(); if (balanceStash.length === 0) { length++; break scan; } break; case Function: case LeftParenthesis: case LeftSquareBracket: case LeftCurlyBracket: balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType); balanceCloseType = balancePair2.get(token.type); break; } length++; } while (token = getNextToken(length)); return length; } function calc(next) { return function(token, getNextToken, opts) { if (token === null) { return 0; } if (token.type === Function && eqStrAny(token.value, calcFunctionNames)) { return consumeFunction(token, getNextToken); } return next(token, getNextToken, opts); }; } function tokenType(expectedTokenType) { return function(token) { if (token === null || token.type !== expectedTokenType) { return 0; } return 1; }; } function customIdent(token) { if (token === null || token.type !== Ident) { return 0; } const name41 = token.value.toLowerCase(); if (eqStrAny(name41, cssWideKeywords)) { return 0; } if (eqStr(name41, "default")) { return 0; } return 1; } function customPropertyName(token) { if (token === null || token.type !== Ident) { return 0; } if (charCodeAt(token.value, 0) !== 45 || charCodeAt(token.value, 1) !== 45) { return 0; } return 1; } function hexColor(token) { if (token === null || token.type !== Hash) { return 0; } const length = token.value.length; if (length !== 4 && length !== 5 && length !== 7 && length !== 9) { return 0; } for (let i2 = 1; i2 < length; i2++) { if (!isHexDigit(charCodeAt(token.value, i2))) { return 0; } } return 1; } function idSelector(token) { if (token === null || token.type !== Hash) { return 0; } if (!isIdentifierStart(charCodeAt(token.value, 1), charCodeAt(token.value, 2), charCodeAt(token.value, 3))) { return 0; } return 1; } function declarationValue(token, getNextToken) { if (!token) { return 0; } let balanceCloseType = 0; let balanceStash = []; let length = 0; scan: do { switch (token.type) { case BadString: case BadUrl: break scan; case RightCurlyBracket: case RightParenthesis: case RightSquareBracket: if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) { break scan; } balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop(); break; case Semicolon: if (balanceCloseType === 0) { break scan; } break; case Delim: if (balanceCloseType === 0 && token.value === "!") { break scan; } break; case Function: case LeftParenthesis: case LeftSquareBracket: case LeftCurlyBracket: balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType); balanceCloseType = balancePair2.get(token.type); break; } length++; } while (token = getNextToken(length)); return length; } function anyValue(token, getNextToken) { if (!token) { return 0; } let balanceCloseType = 0; let balanceStash = []; let length = 0; scan: do { switch (token.type) { case BadString: case BadUrl: break scan; case RightCurlyBracket: case RightParenthesis: case RightSquareBracket: if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) { break scan; } balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop(); break; case Function: case LeftParenthesis: case LeftSquareBracket: case LeftCurlyBracket: balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType); balanceCloseType = balancePair2.get(token.type); break; } length++; } while (token = getNextToken(length)); return length; } function dimension(type) { if (type) { type = new Set(type); } return function(token, getNextToken, opts) { if (token === null || token.type !== Dimension) { return 0; } const numberEnd = consumeNumber(token.value, 0); if (type !== null) { const reverseSolidusOffset = token.value.indexOf("\\", numberEnd); const unit = reverseSolidusOffset === -1 || !isPostfixIeHack(token.value, reverseSolidusOffset) ? token.value.substr(numberEnd) : token.value.substring(numberEnd, reverseSolidusOffset); if (type.has(unit.toLowerCase()) === false) { return 0; } } if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, numberEnd)) { return 0; } return 1; }; } function percentage(token, getNextToken, opts) { if (token === null || token.type !== Percentage) { return 0; } if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, token.value.length - 1)) { return 0; } return 1; } function zero(next) { if (typeof next !== "function") { next = function() { return 0; }; } return function(token, getNextToken, opts) { if (token !== null && token.type === Number2) { if (Number(token.value) === 0) { return 1; } } return next(token, getNextToken, opts); }; } function number(token, getNextToken, opts) { if (token === null) { return 0; } const numberEnd = consumeNumber(token.value, 0); const isNumber = numberEnd === token.value.length; if (!isNumber && !isPostfixIeHack(token.value, numberEnd)) { return 0; } if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, numberEnd)) { return 0; } return 1; } function integer(token, getNextToken, opts) { if (token === null || token.type !== Number2) { return 0; } let i2 = charCodeAt(token.value, 0) === 43 || // U+002B PLUS SIGN (+) charCodeAt(token.value, 0) === 45 ? 1 : 0; for (; i2 < token.value.length; i2++) { if (!isDigit(charCodeAt(token.value, i2))) { return 0; } } if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, i2)) { return 0; } return 1; } var generic_default = { // token types "ident-token": tokenType(Ident), "function-token": tokenType(Function), "at-keyword-token": tokenType(AtKeyword), "hash-token": tokenType(Hash), "string-token": tokenType(String2), "bad-string-token": tokenType(BadString), "url-token": tokenType(Url), "bad-url-token": tokenType(BadUrl), "delim-token": tokenType(Delim), "number-token": tokenType(Number2), "percentage-token": tokenType(Percentage), "dimension-token": tokenType(Dimension), "whitespace-token": tokenType(WhiteSpace), "CDO-token": tokenType(CDO), "CDC-token": tokenType(CDC), "colon-token": tokenType(Colon), "semicolon-token": tokenType(Semicolon), "comma-token": tokenType(Comma), "[-token": tokenType(LeftSquareBracket), "]-token": tokenType(RightSquareBracket), "(-token": tokenType(LeftParenthesis), ")-token": tokenType(RightParenthesis), "{-token": tokenType(LeftCurlyBracket), "}-token": tokenType(RightCurlyBracket), // token type aliases "string": tokenType(String2), "ident": tokenType(Ident), // complex types "custom-ident": customIdent, "custom-property-name": customPropertyName, "hex-color": hexColor, "id-selector": idSelector, // element( ) "an-plus-b": anPlusB, "urange": urange, "declaration-value": declarationValue, "any-value": anyValue, // dimensions "dimension": calc(dimension(null)), "angle": calc(dimension(ANGLE)), "decibel": calc(dimension(DECIBEL)), "frequency": calc(dimension(FREQUENCY)), "flex": calc(dimension(FLEX)), "length": calc(zero(dimension(LENGTH))), "resolution": calc(dimension(RESOLUTION)), "semitones": calc(dimension(SEMITONES)), "time": calc(dimension(TIME)), // percentage "percentage": calc(percentage), // numeric "zero": zero(), "number": calc(number), "integer": calc(integer) }; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/definition-syntax/index.js var definition_syntax_exports = {}; __export(definition_syntax_exports, { SyntaxError: () => SyntaxError3, generate: () => generate, parse: () => parse, walk: () => walk }); // node_modules/css-tree/lib/definition-syntax/SyntaxError.js function SyntaxError3(message, input, offset) { return Object.assign(createCustomError("SyntaxError", message), { input, offset, rawMessage: message, message: message + "\n " + input + "\n--" + new Array((offset || input.length) + 1).join("-") + "^" }); } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/definition-syntax/tokenizer.js var TAB = 9; var N3 = 10; var F2 = 12; var R2 = 13; var SPACE = 32; var Tokenizer = class { constructor(str) { this.str = str; this.pos = 0; } charCodeAt(pos) { return pos < this.str.length ? this.str.charCodeAt(pos) : 0; } charCode() { return this.charCodeAt(this.pos); } nextCharCode() { return this.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); } nextNonWsCode(pos) { return this.charCodeAt(this.findWsEnd(pos)); } findWsEnd(pos) { for (; pos < this.str.length; pos++) { const code2 = this.str.charCodeAt(pos); if (code2 !== R2 && code2 !== N3 && code2 !== F2 && code2 !== SPACE && code2 !== TAB) { break; } } return pos; } substringToPos(end) { return this.str.substring(this.pos, this.pos = end); } eat(code2) { if (this.charCode() !== code2) { this.error("Expect `" + String.fromCharCode(code2) + "`"); } this.pos++; } peek() { return this.pos < this.str.length ? this.str.charAt(this.pos++) : ""; } error(message) { throw new SyntaxError3(message, this.str, this.pos); } }; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/definition-syntax/parse.js var TAB2 = 9; var N4 = 10; var F3 = 12; var R3 = 13; var SPACE2 = 32; var EXCLAMATIONMARK2 = 33; var NUMBERSIGN2 = 35; var AMPERSAND = 38; var APOSTROPHE = 39; var LEFTPARENTHESIS = 40; var RIGHTPARENTHESIS = 41; var ASTERISK = 42; var PLUSSIGN4 = 43; var COMMA = 44; var HYPERMINUS = 45; var LESSTHANSIGN = 60; var GREATERTHANSIGN = 62; var QUESTIONMARK2 = 63; var COMMERCIALAT = 64; var LEFTSQUAREBRACKET = 91; var RIGHTSQUAREBRACKET = 93; var LEFTCURLYBRACKET2 = 123; var VERTICALLINE = 124; var RIGHTCURLYBRACKET = 125; var INFINITY = 8734; var NAME_CHAR = new Uint8Array(128).map( (_, idx) => /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]/.test(String.fromCharCode(idx)) ? 1 : 0 ); var COMBINATOR_PRECEDENCE = { " ": 1, "&&": 2, "||": 3, "|": 4 }; function scanSpaces(tokenizer) { return tokenizer.substringToPos( tokenizer.findWsEnd(tokenizer.pos) ); } function scanWord(tokenizer) { let end = tokenizer.pos; for (; end < tokenizer.str.length; end++) { const code2 = tokenizer.str.charCodeAt(end); if (code2 >= 128 || NAME_CHAR[code2] === 0) { break; } } if (tokenizer.pos === end) { tokenizer.error("Expect a keyword"); } return tokenizer.substringToPos(end); } function scanNumber(tokenizer) { let end = tokenizer.pos; for (; end < tokenizer.str.length; end++) { const code2 = tokenizer.str.charCodeAt(end); if (code2 < 48 || code2 > 57) { break; } } if (tokenizer.pos === end) { tokenizer.error("Expect a number"); } return tokenizer.substringToPos(end); } function scanString(tokenizer) { const end = tokenizer.str.indexOf("'", tokenizer.pos + 1); if (end === -1) { tokenizer.pos = tokenizer.str.length; tokenizer.error("Expect an apostrophe"); } return tokenizer.substringToPos(end + 1); } function readMultiplierRange(tokenizer) { let min = null; let max = null; tokenizer.eat(LEFTCURLYBRACKET2); min = scanNumber(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.charCode() === COMMA) { tokenizer.pos++; if (tokenizer.charCode() !== RIGHTCURLYBRACKET) { max = scanNumber(tokenizer); } } else { max = min; } tokenizer.eat(RIGHTCURLYBRACKET); return { min: Number(min), max: max ? Number(max) : 0 }; } function readMultiplier(tokenizer) { let range = null; let comma = false; switch (tokenizer.charCode()) { case ASTERISK: tokenizer.pos++; range = { min: 0, max: 0 }; break; case PLUSSIGN4: tokenizer.pos++; range = { min: 1, max: 0 }; break; case QUESTIONMARK2: tokenizer.pos++; range = { min: 0, max: 1 }; break; case NUMBERSIGN2: tokenizer.pos++; comma = true; if (tokenizer.charCode() === LEFTCURLYBRACKET2) { range = readMultiplierRange(tokenizer); } else if (tokenizer.charCode() === QUESTIONMARK2) { tokenizer.pos++; range = { min: 0, max: 0 }; } else { range = { min: 1, max: 0 }; } break; case LEFTCURLYBRACKET2: range = readMultiplierRange(tokenizer); break; default: return null; } return { type: "Multiplier", comma, min: range.min, max: range.max, term: null }; } function maybeMultiplied(tokenizer, node) { const multiplier = readMultiplier(tokenizer); if (multiplier !== null) { multiplier.term = node; if (tokenizer.charCode() === NUMBERSIGN2 && tokenizer.charCodeAt(tokenizer.pos - 1) === PLUSSIGN4) { return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer, multiplier); } return multiplier; } return node; } function maybeToken(tokenizer) { const ch = tokenizer.peek(); if (ch === "") { return null; } return { type: "Token", value: ch }; } function readProperty(tokenizer) { let name41; tokenizer.eat(LESSTHANSIGN); tokenizer.eat(APOSTROPHE); name41 = scanWord(tokenizer); tokenizer.eat(APOSTROPHE); tokenizer.eat(GREATERTHANSIGN); return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer, { type: "Property", name: name41 }); } function readTypeRange(tokenizer) { let min = null; let max = null; let sign = 1; tokenizer.eat(LEFTSQUAREBRACKET); if (tokenizer.charCode() === HYPERMINUS) { tokenizer.peek(); sign = -1; } if (sign == -1 && tokenizer.charCode() === INFINITY) { tokenizer.peek(); } else { min = sign * Number(scanNumber(tokenizer)); if (NAME_CHAR[tokenizer.charCode()] !== 0) { min += scanWord(tokenizer); } } scanSpaces(tokenizer); tokenizer.eat(COMMA); scanSpaces(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.charCode() === INFINITY) { tokenizer.peek(); } else { sign = 1; if (tokenizer.charCode() === HYPERMINUS) { tokenizer.peek(); sign = -1; } max = sign * Number(scanNumber(tokenizer)); if (NAME_CHAR[tokenizer.charCode()] !== 0) { max += scanWord(tokenizer); } } tokenizer.eat(RIGHTSQUAREBRACKET); return { type: "Range", min, max }; } function readType(tokenizer) { let name41; let opts = null; tokenizer.eat(LESSTHANSIGN); name41 = scanWord(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.charCode() === LEFTPARENTHESIS && tokenizer.nextCharCode() === RIGHTPARENTHESIS) { tokenizer.pos += 2; name41 += "()"; } if (tokenizer.charCodeAt(tokenizer.findWsEnd(tokenizer.pos)) === LEFTSQUAREBRACKET) { scanSpaces(tokenizer); opts = readTypeRange(tokenizer); } tokenizer.eat(GREATERTHANSIGN); return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer, { type: "Type", name: name41, opts }); } function readKeywordOrFunction(tokenizer) { const name41 = scanWord(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.charCode() === LEFTPARENTHESIS) { tokenizer.pos++; return { type: "Function", name: name41 }; } return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer, { type: "Keyword", name: name41 }); } function regroupTerms(terms, combinators) { function createGroup(terms2, combinator2) { return { type: "Group", terms: terms2, combinator: combinator2, disallowEmpty: false, explicit: false }; } let combinator; combinators = Object.keys(combinators).sort((a2, b) => COMBINATOR_PRECEDENCE[a2] - COMBINATOR_PRECEDENCE[b]); while (combinators.length > 0) { combinator = combinators.shift(); let i2 = 0; let subgroupStart = 0; for (; i2 < terms.length; i2++) { const term = terms[i2]; if (term.type === "Combinator") { if (term.value === combinator) { if (subgroupStart === -1) { subgroupStart = i2 - 1; } terms.splice(i2, 1); i2--; } else { if (subgroupStart !== -1 && i2 - subgroupStart > 1) { terms.splice( subgroupStart, i2 - subgroupStart, createGroup(terms.slice(subgroupStart, i2), combinator) ); i2 = subgroupStart + 1; } subgroupStart = -1; } } } if (subgroupStart !== -1 && combinators.length) { terms.splice( subgroupStart, i2 - subgroupStart, createGroup(terms.slice(subgroupStart, i2), combinator) ); } } return combinator; } function readImplicitGroup(tokenizer) { const terms = []; const combinators = {}; let token; let prevToken = null; let prevTokenPos = tokenizer.pos; while (token = peek(tokenizer)) { if (token.type !== "Spaces") { if (token.type === "Combinator") { if (prevToken === null || prevToken.type === "Combinator") { tokenizer.pos = prevTokenPos; tokenizer.error("Unexpected combinator"); } combinators[token.value] = true; } else if (prevToken !== null && prevToken.type !== "Combinator") { combinators[" "] = true; terms.push({ type: "Combinator", value: " " }); } terms.push(token); prevToken = token; prevTokenPos = tokenizer.pos; } } if (prevToken !== null && prevToken.type === "Combinator") { tokenizer.pos -= prevTokenPos; tokenizer.error("Unexpected combinator"); } return { type: "Group", terms, combinator: regroupTerms(terms, combinators) || " ", disallowEmpty: false, explicit: false }; } function readGroup(tokenizer) { let result; tokenizer.eat(LEFTSQUAREBRACKET); result = readImplicitGroup(tokenizer); tokenizer.eat(RIGHTSQUAREBRACKET); result.explicit = true; if (tokenizer.charCode() === EXCLAMATIONMARK2) { tokenizer.pos++; result.disallowEmpty = true; } return result; } function peek(tokenizer) { let code2 = tokenizer.charCode(); if (code2 < 128 && NAME_CHAR[code2] === 1) { return readKeywordOrFunction(tokenizer); } switch (code2) { case RIGHTSQUAREBRACKET: break; case LEFTSQUAREBRACKET: return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer, readGroup(tokenizer)); case LESSTHANSIGN: return tokenizer.nextCharCode() === APOSTROPHE ? readProperty(tokenizer) : readType(tokenizer); case VERTICALLINE: return { type: "Combinator", value: tokenizer.substringToPos( tokenizer.pos + (tokenizer.nextCharCode() === VERTICALLINE ? 2 : 1) ) }; case AMPERSAND: tokenizer.pos++; tokenizer.eat(AMPERSAND); return { type: "Combinator", value: "&&" }; case COMMA: tokenizer.pos++; return { type: "Comma" }; case APOSTROPHE: return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer, { type: "String", value: scanString(tokenizer) }); case SPACE2: case TAB2: case N4: case R3: case F3: return { type: "Spaces", value: scanSpaces(tokenizer) }; case COMMERCIALAT: code2 = tokenizer.nextCharCode(); if (code2 < 128 && NAME_CHAR[code2] === 1) { tokenizer.pos++; return { type: "AtKeyword", name: scanWord(tokenizer) }; } return maybeToken(tokenizer); case ASTERISK: case PLUSSIGN4: case QUESTIONMARK2: case NUMBERSIGN2: case EXCLAMATIONMARK2: break; case LEFTCURLYBRACKET2: code2 = tokenizer.nextCharCode(); if (code2 < 48 || code2 > 57) { return maybeToken(tokenizer); } break; default: return maybeToken(tokenizer); } } function parse(source) { const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(source); const result = readImplicitGroup(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.pos !== source.length) { tokenizer.error("Unexpected input"); } if (result.terms.length === 1 && result.terms[0].type === "Group") { return result.terms[0]; } return result; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/definition-syntax/walk.js var noop3 = function() { }; function ensureFunction2(value) { return typeof value === "function" ? value : noop3; } function walk(node, options, context) { function walk4(node2) { enter.call(context, node2); switch (node2.type) { case "Group": node2.terms.forEach(walk4); break; case "Multiplier": walk4(node2.term); break; case "Type": case "Property": case "Keyword": case "AtKeyword": case "Function": case "String": case "Token": case "Comma": break; default: throw new Error("Unknown type: " + node2.type); } leave.call(context, node2); } let enter = noop3; let leave = noop3; if (typeof options === "function") { enter = options; } else if (options) { enter = ensureFunction2(options.enter); leave = ensureFunction2(options.leave); } if (enter === noop3 && leave === noop3) { throw new Error("Neither `enter` nor `leave` walker handler is set or both aren't a function"); } walk4(node, context); } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/prepare-tokens.js var astToTokens = { decorator(handlers4) { const tokens = []; let curNode = null; return { ...handlers4, node(node) { const tmp = curNode; curNode = node; handlers4.node.call(this, node); curNode = tmp; }, emit(value, type, auto) { tokens.push({ type, value, node: auto ? null : curNode }); }, result() { return tokens; } }; } }; function stringToTokens(str) { const tokens = []; tokenize( str, (type, start, end) => tokens.push({ type, value: str.slice(start, end), node: null }) ); return tokens; } function prepare_tokens_default(value, syntax) { if (typeof value === "string") { return stringToTokens(value); } return syntax.generate(value, astToTokens); } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/match-graph.js var MATCH = { type: "Match" }; var MISMATCH = { type: "Mismatch" }; var DISALLOW_EMPTY = { type: "DisallowEmpty" }; var LEFTPARENTHESIS2 = 40; var RIGHTPARENTHESIS2 = 41; function createCondition(match, thenBranch, elseBranch) { if (thenBranch === MATCH && elseBranch === MISMATCH) { return match; } if (match === MATCH && thenBranch === MATCH && elseBranch === MATCH) { return match; } if (match.type === "If" && match.else === MISMATCH && thenBranch === MATCH) { thenBranch = match.then; match = match.match; } return { type: "If", match, then: thenBranch, else: elseBranch }; } function isFunctionType(name41) { return name41.length > 2 && name41.charCodeAt(name41.length - 2) === LEFTPARENTHESIS2 && name41.charCodeAt(name41.length - 1) === RIGHTPARENTHESIS2; } function isEnumCapatible(term) { return term.type === "Keyword" || term.type === "AtKeyword" || term.type === "Function" || term.type === "Type" && isFunctionType(term.name); } function buildGroupMatchGraph(combinator, terms, atLeastOneTermMatched) { switch (combinator) { case " ": { let result = MATCH; for (let i2 = terms.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) { const term = terms[i2]; result = createCondition( term, result, MISMATCH ); } ; return result; } case "|": { let result = MISMATCH; let map = null; for (let i2 = terms.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) { let term = terms[i2]; if (isEnumCapatible(term)) { if (map === null && i2 > 0 && isEnumCapatible(terms[i2 - 1])) { map = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); result = createCondition( { type: "Enum", map }, MATCH, result ); } if (map !== null) { const key = (isFunctionType(term.name) ? term.name.slice(0, -1) : term.name).toLowerCase(); if (key in map === false) { map[key] = term; continue; } } } map = null; result = createCondition( term, MATCH, result ); } ; return result; } case "&&": { if (terms.length > 5) { return { type: "MatchOnce", terms, all: true }; } let result = MISMATCH; for (let i2 = terms.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) { const term = terms[i2]; let thenClause; if (terms.length > 1) { thenClause = buildGroupMatchGraph( combinator, terms.filter(function(newGroupTerm) { return newGroupTerm !== term; }), false ); } else { thenClause = MATCH; } result = createCondition( term, thenClause, result ); } ; return result; } case "||": { if (terms.length > 5) { return { type: "MatchOnce", terms, all: false }; } let result = atLeastOneTermMatched ? MATCH : MISMATCH; for (let i2 = terms.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) { const term = terms[i2]; let thenClause; if (terms.length > 1) { thenClause = buildGroupMatchGraph( combinator, terms.filter(function(newGroupTerm) { return newGroupTerm !== term; }), true ); } else { thenClause = MATCH; } result = createCondition( term, thenClause, result ); } ; return result; } } } function buildMultiplierMatchGraph(node) { let result = MATCH; let matchTerm = buildMatchGraphInternal(node.term); if (node.max === 0) { matchTerm = createCondition( matchTerm, DISALLOW_EMPTY, MISMATCH ); result = createCondition( matchTerm, null, // will be a loop MISMATCH ); result.then = createCondition( MATCH, MATCH, result // make a loop ); if (node.comma) { result.then.else = createCondition( { type: "Comma", syntax: node }, result, MISMATCH ); } } else { for (let i2 = node.min || 1; i2 <= node.max; i2++) { if (node.comma && result !== MATCH) { result = createCondition( { type: "Comma", syntax: node }, result, MISMATCH ); } result = createCondition( matchTerm, createCondition( MATCH, MATCH, result ), MISMATCH ); } } if (node.min === 0) { result = createCondition( MATCH, MATCH, result ); } else { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < node.min - 1; i2++) { if (node.comma && result !== MATCH) { result = createCondition( { type: "Comma", syntax: node }, result, MISMATCH ); } result = createCondition( matchTerm, result, MISMATCH ); } } return result; } function buildMatchGraphInternal(node) { if (typeof node === "function") { return { type: "Generic", fn: node }; } switch (node.type) { case "Group": { let result = buildGroupMatchGraph( node.combinator, node.terms.map(buildMatchGraphInternal), false ); if (node.disallowEmpty) { result = createCondition( result, DISALLOW_EMPTY, MISMATCH ); } return result; } case "Multiplier": return buildMultiplierMatchGraph(node); case "Type": case "Property": return { type: node.type, name: node.name, syntax: node }; case "Keyword": return { type: node.type, name: node.name.toLowerCase(), syntax: node }; case "AtKeyword": return { type: node.type, name: "@" + node.name.toLowerCase(), syntax: node }; case "Function": return { type: node.type, name: node.name.toLowerCase() + "(", syntax: node }; case "String": if (node.value.length === 3) { return { type: "Token", value: node.value.charAt(1), syntax: node }; } return { type: node.type, value: node.value.substr(1, node.value.length - 2).replace(/\\'/g, "'"), syntax: node }; case "Token": return { type: node.type, value: node.value, syntax: node }; case "Comma": return { type: node.type, syntax: node }; default: throw new Error("Unknown node type:", node.type); } } function buildMatchGraph(syntaxTree, ref) { if (typeof syntaxTree === "string") { syntaxTree = parse(syntaxTree); } return { type: "MatchGraph", match: buildMatchGraphInternal(syntaxTree), syntax: ref || null, source: syntaxTree }; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/match.js var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty3 } = Object.prototype; var STUB = 0; var TOKEN = 1; var OPEN_SYNTAX = 2; var CLOSE_SYNTAX = 3; var EXIT_REASON_MATCH = "Match"; var EXIT_REASON_MISMATCH = "Mismatch"; var EXIT_REASON_ITERATION_LIMIT = "Maximum iteration number exceeded (please fill an issue on https://github.com/csstree/csstree/issues)"; var ITERATION_LIMIT = 15e3; var totalIterationCount = 0; function reverseList(list) { let prev = null; let next = null; let item = list; while (item !== null) { next = item.prev; item.prev = prev; prev = item; item = next; } return prev; } function areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(testStr, referenceStr) { if (testStr.length !== referenceStr.length) { return false; } for (let i2 = 0; i2 < testStr.length; i2++) { const referenceCode = referenceStr.charCodeAt(i2); let testCode = testStr.charCodeAt(i2); if (testCode >= 65 && testCode <= 90) { testCode = testCode | 32; } if (testCode !== referenceCode) { return false; } } return true; } function isContextEdgeDelim(token) { if (token.type !== Delim) { return false; } return token.value !== "?"; } function isCommaContextStart(token) { if (token === null) { return true; } return token.type === Comma || token.type === Function || token.type === LeftParenthesis || token.type === LeftSquareBracket || token.type === LeftCurlyBracket || isContextEdgeDelim(token); } function isCommaContextEnd(token) { if (token === null) { return true; } return token.type === RightParenthesis || token.type === RightSquareBracket || token.type === RightCurlyBracket || token.type === Delim && token.value === "/"; } function internalMatch(tokens, state, syntaxes) { function moveToNextToken() { do { tokenIndex++; token = tokenIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[tokenIndex] : null; } while (token !== null && (token.type === WhiteSpace || token.type === Comment)); } function getNextToken(offset) { const nextIndex = tokenIndex + offset; return nextIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[nextIndex] : null; } function stateSnapshotFromSyntax(nextState, prev) { return { nextState, matchStack, syntaxStack, thenStack, tokenIndex, prev }; } function pushThenStack(nextState) { thenStack = { nextState, matchStack, syntaxStack, prev: thenStack }; } function pushElseStack(nextState) { elseStack = stateSnapshotFromSyntax(nextState, elseStack); } function addTokenToMatch() { matchStack = { type: TOKEN, syntax: state.syntax, token, prev: matchStack }; moveToNextToken(); syntaxStash = null; if (tokenIndex > longestMatch) { longestMatch = tokenIndex; } } function openSyntax() { syntaxStack = { syntax: state.syntax, opts: state.syntax.opts || syntaxStack !== null && syntaxStack.opts || null, prev: syntaxStack }; matchStack = { type: OPEN_SYNTAX, syntax: state.syntax, token: matchStack.token, prev: matchStack }; } function closeSyntax() { if (matchStack.type === OPEN_SYNTAX) { matchStack = matchStack.prev; } else { matchStack = { type: CLOSE_SYNTAX, syntax: syntaxStack.syntax, token: matchStack.token, prev: matchStack }; } syntaxStack = syntaxStack.prev; } let syntaxStack = null; let thenStack = null; let elseStack = null; let syntaxStash = null; let iterationCount = 0; let exitReason = null; let token = null; let tokenIndex = -1; let longestMatch = 0; let matchStack = { type: STUB, syntax: null, token: null, prev: null }; moveToNextToken(); while (exitReason === null && ++iterationCount < ITERATION_LIMIT) { switch (state.type) { case "Match": if (thenStack === null) { if (token !== null) { if (tokenIndex !== tokens.length - 1 || token.value !== "\\0" && token.value !== "\\9") { state = MISMATCH; break; } } exitReason = EXIT_REASON_MATCH; break; } state = thenStack.nextState; if (state === DISALLOW_EMPTY) { if (thenStack.matchStack === matchStack) { state = MISMATCH; break; } else { state = MATCH; } } while (thenStack.syntaxStack !== syntaxStack) { closeSyntax(); } thenStack = thenStack.prev; break; case "Mismatch": if (syntaxStash !== null && syntaxStash !== false) { if (elseStack === null || tokenIndex > elseStack.tokenIndex) { elseStack = syntaxStash; syntaxStash = false; } } else if (elseStack === null) { exitReason = EXIT_REASON_MISMATCH; break; } state = elseStack.nextState; thenStack = elseStack.thenStack; syntaxStack = elseStack.syntaxStack; matchStack = elseStack.matchStack; tokenIndex = elseStack.tokenIndex; token = tokenIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[tokenIndex] : null; elseStack = elseStack.prev; break; case "MatchGraph": state = state.match; break; case "If": if (state.else !== MISMATCH) { pushElseStack(state.else); } if (state.then !== MATCH) { pushThenStack(state.then); } state = state.match; break; case "MatchOnce": state = { type: "MatchOnceBuffer", syntax: state, index: 0, mask: 0 }; break; case "MatchOnceBuffer": { const terms = state.syntax.terms; if (state.index === terms.length) { if (state.mask === 0 || state.syntax.all) { state = MISMATCH; break; } state = MATCH; break; } if (state.mask === (1 << terms.length) - 1) { state = MATCH; break; } for (; state.index < terms.length; state.index++) { const matchFlag = 1 << state.index; if ((state.mask & matchFlag) === 0) { pushElseStack(state); pushThenStack({ type: "AddMatchOnce", syntax: state.syntax, mask: state.mask | matchFlag }); state = terms[state.index++]; break; } } break; } case "AddMatchOnce": state = { type: "MatchOnceBuffer", syntax: state.syntax, index: 0, mask: state.mask }; break; case "Enum": if (token !== null) { let name41 = token.value.toLowerCase(); if (name41.indexOf("\\") !== -1) { name41 = name41.replace(/\\[09].*$/, ""); } if (hasOwnProperty3.call(state.map, name41)) { state = state.map[name41]; break; } } state = MISMATCH; break; case "Generic": { const opts = syntaxStack !== null ? syntaxStack.opts : null; const lastTokenIndex2 = tokenIndex + Math.floor(state.fn(token, getNextToken, opts)); if (!isNaN(lastTokenIndex2) && lastTokenIndex2 > tokenIndex) { while (tokenIndex < lastTokenIndex2) { addTokenToMatch(); } state = MATCH; } else { state = MISMATCH; } break; } case "Type": case "Property": { const syntaxDict = state.type === "Type" ? "types" : "properties"; const dictSyntax = hasOwnProperty3.call(syntaxes, syntaxDict) ? syntaxes[syntaxDict][state.name] : null; if (!dictSyntax || !dictSyntax.match) { throw new Error( "Bad syntax reference: " + (state.type === "Type" ? "<" + state.name + ">" : "<'" + state.name + "'>") ); } if (syntaxStash !== false && token !== null && state.type === "Type") { const lowPriorityMatching = ( // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#custom-idents // When parsing positionally-ambiguous keywords in a property value, a production // can only claim the keyword if no other unfulfilled production can claim it. state.name === "custom-ident" && token.type === Ident || // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#lengths // ... if a `0` could be parsed as either a or a in a property (such as line-height), // it must parse as a state.name === "length" && token.value === "0" ); if (lowPriorityMatching) { if (syntaxStash === null) { syntaxStash = stateSnapshotFromSyntax(state, elseStack); } state = MISMATCH; break; } } openSyntax(); state = dictSyntax.match; break; } case "Keyword": { const name41 = state.name; if (token !== null) { let keywordName = token.value; if (keywordName.indexOf("\\") !== -1) { keywordName = keywordName.replace(/\\[09].*$/, ""); } if (areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(keywordName, name41)) { addTokenToMatch(); state = MATCH; break; } } state = MISMATCH; break; } case "AtKeyword": case "Function": if (token !== null && areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(token.value, state.name)) { addTokenToMatch(); state = MATCH; break; } state = MISMATCH; break; case "Token": if (token !== null && token.value === state.value) { addTokenToMatch(); state = MATCH; break; } state = MISMATCH; break; case "Comma": if (token !== null && token.type === Comma) { if (isCommaContextStart(matchStack.token)) { state = MISMATCH; } else { addTokenToMatch(); state = isCommaContextEnd(token) ? MISMATCH : MATCH; } } else { state = isCommaContextStart(matchStack.token) || isCommaContextEnd(token) ? MATCH : MISMATCH; } break; case "String": let string = ""; let lastTokenIndex = tokenIndex; for (; lastTokenIndex < tokens.length && string.length < state.value.length; lastTokenIndex++) { string += tokens[lastTokenIndex].value; } if (areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(string, state.value)) { while (tokenIndex < lastTokenIndex) { addTokenToMatch(); } state = MATCH; } else { state = MISMATCH; } break; default: throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + state.type); } } totalIterationCount += iterationCount; switch (exitReason) { case null: console.warn("[csstree-match] BREAK after " + ITERATION_LIMIT + " iterations"); exitReason = EXIT_REASON_ITERATION_LIMIT; matchStack = null; break; case EXIT_REASON_MATCH: while (syntaxStack !== null) { closeSyntax(); } break; default: matchStack = null; } return { tokens, reason: exitReason, iterations: iterationCount, match: matchStack, longestMatch }; } function matchAsTree(tokens, matchGraph, syntaxes) { const matchResult = internalMatch(tokens, matchGraph, syntaxes || {}); if (matchResult.match === null) { return matchResult; } let item = matchResult.match; let host = matchResult.match = { syntax: matchGraph.syntax || null, match: [] }; const hostStack = [host]; item = reverseList(item).prev; while (item !== null) { switch (item.type) { case OPEN_SYNTAX: host.match.push(host = { syntax: item.syntax, match: [] }); hostStack.push(host); break; case CLOSE_SYNTAX: hostStack.pop(); host = hostStack[hostStack.length - 1]; break; default: host.match.push({ syntax: item.syntax || null, token: item.token.value, node: item.token.node }); } item = item.prev; } return matchResult; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/trace.js var trace_exports = {}; __export(trace_exports, { getTrace: () => getTrace, isKeyword: () => isKeyword, isProperty: () => isProperty, isType: () => isType }); function getTrace(node) { function shouldPutToTrace(syntax) { if (syntax === null) { return false; } return syntax.type === "Type" || syntax.type === "Property" || syntax.type === "Keyword"; } function hasMatch(matchNode) { if (Array.isArray(matchNode.match)) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < matchNode.match.length; i2++) { if (hasMatch(matchNode.match[i2])) { if (shouldPutToTrace(matchNode.syntax)) { result.unshift(matchNode.syntax); } return true; } } } else if (matchNode.node === node) { result = shouldPutToTrace(matchNode.syntax) ? [matchNode.syntax] : []; return true; } return false; } let result = null; if (this.matched !== null) { hasMatch(this.matched); } return result; } function isType(node, type) { return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Type" && match.name === type); } function isProperty(node, property2) { return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Property" && match.name === property2); } function isKeyword(node) { return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Keyword"); } function testNode(match, node, fn) { const trace = getTrace.call(match, node); if (trace === null) { return false; } return trace.some(fn); } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/search.js function getFirstMatchNode(matchNode) { if ("node" in matchNode) { return matchNode.node; } return getFirstMatchNode(matchNode.match[0]); } function getLastMatchNode(matchNode) { if ("node" in matchNode) { return matchNode.node; } return getLastMatchNode(matchNode.match[matchNode.match.length - 1]); } function matchFragments(lexer3, ast, match, type, name41) { function findFragments(matchNode) { if (matchNode.syntax !== null && matchNode.syntax.type === type && matchNode.syntax.name === name41) { const start = getFirstMatchNode(matchNode); const end = getLastMatchNode(matchNode); lexer3.syntax.walk(ast, function(node, item, list) { if (node === start) { const nodes = new List(); do { nodes.appendData(item.data); if (item.data === end) { break; } item = item.next; } while (item !== null); fragments.push({ parent: list, nodes }); } }); } if (Array.isArray(matchNode.match)) { matchNode.match.forEach(findFragments); } } const fragments = []; if (match.matched !== null) { findFragments(match.matched); } return fragments; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/structure.js var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty4 } = Object.prototype; function isValidNumber(value) { return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value && value >= 0; } function isValidLocation(loc) { return Boolean(loc) && isValidNumber(loc.offset) && isValidNumber(loc.line) && isValidNumber(loc.column); } function createNodeStructureChecker(type, fields) { return function checkNode(node, warn) { if (!node || node.constructor !== Object) { return warn(node, "Type of node should be an Object"); } for (let key in node) { let valid = true; if (hasOwnProperty4.call(node, key) === false) { continue; } if (key === "type") { if (node.type !== type) { warn(node, "Wrong node type `" + node.type + "`, expected `" + type + "`"); } } else if (key === "loc") { if (node.loc === null) { continue; } else if (node.loc && node.loc.constructor === Object) { if (typeof node.loc.source !== "string") { key += ".source"; } else if (!isValidLocation(node.loc.start)) { key += ".start"; } else if (!isValidLocation(node.loc.end)) { key += ".end"; } else { continue; } } valid = false; } else if (fields.hasOwnProperty(key)) { valid = false; for (let i2 = 0; !valid && i2 < fields[key].length; i2++) { const fieldType = fields[key][i2]; switch (fieldType) { case String: valid = typeof node[key] === "string"; break; case Boolean: valid = typeof node[key] === "boolean"; break; case null: valid = node[key] === null; break; default: if (typeof fieldType === "string") { valid = node[key] && node[key].type === fieldType; } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) { valid = node[key] instanceof List; } } } } else { warn(node, "Unknown field `" + key + "` for " + type + " node type"); } if (!valid) { warn(node, "Bad value for `" + type + "." + key + "`"); } } for (const key in fields) { if (hasOwnProperty4.call(fields, key) && hasOwnProperty4.call(node, key) === false) { warn(node, "Field `" + type + "." + key + "` is missed"); } } }; } function processStructure(name41, nodeType) { const structure41 = nodeType.structure; const fields = { type: String, loc: true }; const docs = { type: '"' + name41 + '"' }; for (const key in structure41) { if (hasOwnProperty4.call(structure41, key) === false) { continue; } const docsTypes = []; const fieldTypes = fields[key] = Array.isArray(structure41[key]) ? structure41[key].slice() : [structure41[key]]; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < fieldTypes.length; i2++) { const fieldType = fieldTypes[i2]; if (fieldType === String || fieldType === Boolean) { docsTypes.push(fieldType.name); } else if (fieldType === null) { docsTypes.push("null"); } else if (typeof fieldType === "string") { docsTypes.push("<" + fieldType + ">"); } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) { docsTypes.push("List"); } else { throw new Error("Wrong value `" + fieldType + "` in `" + name41 + "." + key + "` structure definition"); } } docs[key] = docsTypes.join(" | "); } return { docs, check: createNodeStructureChecker(name41, fields) }; } function getStructureFromConfig(config) { const structure41 = {}; if (config.node) { for (const name41 in config.node) { if (hasOwnProperty4.call(config.node, name41)) { const nodeType = config.node[name41]; if (nodeType.structure) { structure41[name41] = processStructure(name41, nodeType); } else { throw new Error("Missed `structure` field in `" + name41 + "` node type definition"); } } } } return structure41; } // node_modules/css-tree/lib/lexer/Lexer.js var cssWideKeywordsSyntax = buildMatchGraph(cssWideKeywords.join(" | ")); function dumpMapSyntax(map, compact, syntaxAsAst) { const result = {}; for (const name41 in map) { if (map[name41].syntax) { result[name41] = syntaxAsAst ? map[name41].syntax : generate(map[name41].syntax, { compact }); } } return result; } function dumpAtruleMapSyntax(map, compact, syntaxAsAst) { const result = {}; for (const [name41, atrule] of Object.entries(map)) { result[name41] = { prelude: atrule.prelude && (syntaxAsAst ? atrule.prelude.syntax : generate(atrule.prelude.syntax, { compact })), descriptors: atrule.descriptors && dumpMapSyntax(atrule.descriptors, compact, syntaxAsAst) }; } return result; } function valueHasVar(tokens) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < tokens.length; i2++) { if (tokens[i2].value.toLowerCase() === "var(") { return true; } } return false; } function buildMatchResult(matched, error, iterations) { return { matched, iterations, error, ...trace_exports }; } function matchSyntax(lexer3, syntax, value, useCssWideKeywords) { const tokens = prepare_tokens_default(value, lexer3.syntax); let result; if (valueHasVar(tokens)) { return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Matching for a tree with var() is not supported")); } if (useCssWideKeywords) { result = matchAsTree(tokens, lexer3.cssWideKeywordsSyntax, lexer3); } if (!useCssWideKeywords || !result.match) { result = matchAsTree(tokens, syntax.match, lexer3); if (!result.match) { return buildMatchResult( null, new SyntaxMatchError(result.reason, syntax.syntax, value, result), result.iterations ); } } return buildMatchResult(result.match, null, result.iterations); } var Lexer = class { constructor(config, syntax, structure41) { this.cssWideKeywordsSyntax = cssWideKeywordsSyntax; this.syntax = syntax; this.generic = false; this.atrules = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.properties = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.types = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.structure = structure41 || getStructureFromConfig(config); if (config) { if (config.types) { for (const name41 in config.types) { this.addType_(name41, config.types[name41]); } } if (config.generic) { this.generic = true; for (const name41 in generic_default) { this.addType_(name41, generic_default[name41]); } } if (config.atrules) { for (const name41 in config.atrules) { this.addAtrule_(name41, config.atrules[name41]); } } if (config.properties) { for (const name41 in config.properties) { this.addProperty_(name41, config.properties[name41]); } } } } checkStructure(ast) { function collectWarning(node, message) { warns.push({ node, message }); } const structure41 = this.structure; const warns = []; this.syntax.walk(ast, function(node) { if (structure41.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) { structure41[node.type].check(node, collectWarning); } else { collectWarning(node, "Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`"); } }); return warns.length ? warns : false; } createDescriptor(syntax, type, name41, parent = null) { const ref = { type, name: name41 }; const descriptor = { type, name: name41, parent, serializable: typeof syntax === "string" || syntax && typeof syntax.type === "string", syntax: null, match: null }; if (typeof syntax === "function") { descriptor.match = buildMatchGraph(syntax, ref); } else { if (typeof syntax === "string") { Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "syntax", { get() { Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "syntax", { value: parse(syntax) }); return descriptor.syntax; } }); } else { descriptor.syntax = syntax; } Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "match", { get() { Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "match", { value: buildMatchGraph(descriptor.syntax, ref) }); return descriptor.match; } }); } return descriptor; } addAtrule_(name41, syntax) { if (!syntax) { return; } this.atrules[name41] = { type: "Atrule", name: name41, prelude: syntax.prelude ? this.createDescriptor(syntax.prelude, "AtrulePrelude", name41) : null, descriptors: syntax.descriptors ? Object.keys(syntax.descriptors).reduce( (map, descName) => { map[descName] = this.createDescriptor(syntax.descriptors[descName], "AtruleDescriptor", descName, name41); return map; }, /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) ) : null }; } addProperty_(name41, syntax) { if (!syntax) { return; } this.properties[name41] = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Property", name41); } addType_(name41, syntax) { if (!syntax) { return; } this.types[name41] = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Type", name41); } checkAtruleName(atruleName) { if (!this.getAtrule(atruleName)) { return new SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown at-rule", "@" + atruleName); } } checkAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude) { const error = this.checkAtruleName(atruleName); if (error) { return error; } const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName); if (!atrule.prelude && prelude) { return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` should not contain a prelude"); } if (atrule.prelude && !prelude) { if (!matchSyntax(this, atrule.prelude, "", false).matched) { return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` should contain a prelude"); } } } checkAtruleDescriptorName(atruleName, descriptorName) { const error = this.checkAtruleName(atruleName); if (error) { return error; } const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName); const descriptor = keyword(descriptorName); if (!atrule.descriptors) { return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` has no known descriptors"); } if (!atrule.descriptors[descriptor.name] && !atrule.descriptors[descriptor.basename]) { return new SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown at-rule descriptor", descriptorName); } } checkPropertyName(propertyName) { if (!this.getProperty(propertyName)) { return new SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown property", propertyName); } } matchAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude) { const error = this.checkAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude); if (error) { return buildMatchResult(null, error); } const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName); if (!atrule.prelude) { return buildMatchResult(null, null); } return matchSyntax(this, atrule.prelude, prelude || "", false); } matchAtruleDescriptor(atruleName, descriptorName, value) { const error = this.checkAtruleDescriptorName(atruleName, descriptorName); if (error) { return buildMatchResult(null, error); } const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName); const descriptor = keyword(descriptorName); return matchSyntax(this, atrule.descriptors[descriptor.name] || atrule.descriptors[descriptor.basename], value, false); } matchDeclaration(node) { if (node.type !== "Declaration") { return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Not a Declaration node")); } return this.matchProperty(node.property, node.value); } matchProperty(propertyName, value) { if (property(propertyName).custom) { return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Lexer matching doesn't applicable for custom properties")); } const error = this.checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (error) { return buildMatchResult(null, error); } return matchSyntax(this, this.getProperty(propertyName), value, true); } matchType(typeName, value) { const typeSyntax = this.getType(typeName); if (!typeSyntax) { return buildMatchResult(null, new SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown type", typeName)); } return matchSyntax(this, typeSyntax, value, false); } match(syntax, value) { if (typeof syntax !== "string" && (!syntax || !syntax.type)) { return buildMatchResult(null, new SyntaxReferenceError("Bad syntax")); } if (typeof syntax === "string" || !syntax.match) { syntax = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Type", "anonymous"); } return matchSyntax(this, syntax, value, false); } findValueFragments(propertyName, value, type, name41) { return matchFragments(this, value, this.matchProperty(propertyName, value), type, name41); } findDeclarationValueFragments(declaration, type, name41) { return matchFragments(this, declaration.value, this.matchDeclaration(declaration), type, name41); } findAllFragments(ast, type, name41) { const result = []; this.syntax.walk(ast, { visit: "Declaration", enter: (declaration) => { result.push.apply(result, this.findDeclarationValueFragments(declaration, type, name41)); } }); return result; } getAtrule(atruleName, fallbackBasename = true) { const atrule = keyword(atruleName); const atruleEntry = atrule.vendor && fallbackBasename ? this.atrules[atrule.name] || this.atrules[atrule.basename] : this.atrules[atrule.name]; return atruleEntry || null; } getAtrulePrelude(atruleName, fallbackBasename = true) { const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName, fallbackBasename); return atrule && atrule.prelude || null; } getAtruleDescriptor(atruleName, name41) { return this.atrules.hasOwnProperty(atruleName) && this.atrules.declarators ? this.atrules[atruleName].declarators[name41] || null : null; } getProperty(propertyName, fallbackBasename = true) { const property2 = property(propertyName); const propertyEntry = property2.vendor && fallbackBasename ? this.properties[property2.name] || this.properties[property2.basename] : this.properties[property2.name]; return propertyEntry || null; } getType(name41) { return hasOwnProperty.call(this.types, name41) ? this.types[name41] : null; } validate() { function validate(syntax, name41, broken, descriptor) { if (broken.has(name41)) { return broken.get(name41); } broken.set(name41, false); if (descriptor.syntax !== null) { walk(descriptor.syntax, function(node) { if (node.type !== "Type" && node.type !== "Property") { return; } const map = node.type === "Type" ? syntax.types : syntax.properties; const brokenMap = node.type === "Type" ? brokenTypes : brokenProperties; if (!hasOwnProperty.call(map, node.name) || validate(syntax, node.name, brokenMap, map[node.name])) { broken.set(name41, true); } }, this); } } let brokenTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let brokenProperties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const key in this.types) { validate(this, key, brokenTypes, this.types[key]); } for (const key in this.properties) { validate(this, key, brokenProperties, this.properties[key]); } brokenTypes = [...brokenTypes.keys()].filter((name41) => brokenTypes.get(name41)); brokenProperties = [...brokenProperties.keys()].filter((name41) => brokenProperties.get(name41)); if (brokenTypes.length || brokenProperties.length) { return { types: brokenTypes, properties: brokenProperties }; } return null; } dump(syntaxAsAst, pretty) { return { generic: this.generic, types: dumpMapSyntax(this.types, !pretty, syntaxAsAst), properties: dumpMapSyntax(this.properties, !pretty, syntaxAsAst), atrules: dumpAtruleMapSyntax(this.atrules, !pretty, syntaxAsAst) }; } toString() { return JSON.stringify(this.dump()); } }; // node_modules/css-tree/lib/syntax/config/mix.js var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty5 } = Object.prototype; var shape = { generic: true, types: appendOrAssign, atrules: { prelude: appendOrAssignOrNull, descriptors: appendOrAssignOrNull }, properties: appendOrAssign, parseContext: assign, scope: deepAssign, atrule: ["parse"], pseudo: ["parse"], node: ["name", "structure", "parse", "generate", "walkContext"] }; function isObject(value) { return value && value.constructor === Object; } function copy(value) { return isObject(value) ? { ...value } : value; } function assign(dest, src) { return Object.assign(dest, src); } function deepAssign(dest, src) { for (const key in src) { if (hasOwnProperty5.call(src, key)) { if (isObject(dest[key])) { deepAssign(dest[key], src[key]); } else { dest[key] = copy(src[key]); } } } return dest; } function append(a2, b) { if (typeof b === "string" && /^\s*\|/.test(b)) { return typeof a2 === "string" ? a2 + b : b.replace(/^\s*\|\s*/, ""); } return b || null; } function appendOrAssign(a2, b) { if (typeof b === "string") { return append(a2, b); } const result = { ...a2 }; for (let key in b) { if (hasOwnProperty5.call(b, key)) { result[key] = append(hasOwnProperty5.call(a2, key) ? a2[key] : void 0, b[key]); } } return result; } function appendOrAssignOrNull(a2, b) { const result = appendOrAssign(a2, b); return !isObject(result) || Object.keys(result).length ? result : null; } function mix(dest, src, shape2) { for (const key in shape2) { if (hasOwnProperty5.call(shape2, key) === false) { continue; } if (shape2[key] === true) { if (hasOwnProperty5.call(src, key)) { dest[key] = copy(src[key]); } } else if (shape2[key]) { if (typeof shape2[key] === "function") { const fn = shape2[key]; dest[key] = fn({}, dest[key]); dest[key] = fn(dest[key] || {}, src[key]); } else if (isObject(shape2[key])) { const result = {}; for (let name41 in dest[key]) { result[name41] = mix({}, dest[key][name41], shape2[key]); } for (let name41 in src[key]) { result[name41] = mix(result[name41] || {}, src[key][name41], shape2[key]); } dest[key] = result; } else if (Array.isArray(shape2[key])) { const res = {}; const innerShape = shape2[key].reduce(function(s2, k) { s2[k] = true; return s2; }, {}); for (const [name41, value] of Object.entries(dest[key] || {})) { res[name41] = {}; if (value) { mix(res[name41], value, innerShape); } } for (const name41 in src[key]) { if (hasOwnProperty5.call(src[key], name41)) { if (!res[name41]) { res[name41] = {}; } if (src[key] && src[key][name41]) { mix(res[name41], src[key][name41], innerShape); } } } dest[key] = res; } } } return dest; } var mix_default = (dest, src) => mix(dest, src, shape); // node_modules/css-tree/lib/syntax/create.js function createSyntax(config) { const parse45 = createParser(config); const walk4 = createWalker(config); const generate45 = createGenerator(config); const { fromPlainObject: fromPlainObject3, toPlainObject: toPlainObject3 } = createConvertor(walk4); const syntax = { lexer: null, createLexer: (config2) => new Lexer(config2, syntax, syntax.lexer.structure), tokenize, parse: parse45, generate: generate45, walk: walk4, find: walk4.find, findLast: walk4.findLast, findAll: walk4.findAll, fromPlainObject: fromPlainObject3, toPlainObject: toPlainObject3, fork(extension) { const base = mix_default({}, config); return createSyntax( typeof extension === "function" ? extension(base, Object.assign) : mix_default(base, extension) ); } }; syntax.lexer = new Lexer({ generic: true, types: config.types, atrules: config.atrules, properties: config.properties, node: config.node }, syntax); return syntax; } var create_default = (config) => createSyntax(mix_default({}, config)); // node_modules/css-tree/dist/data.js var data_default = { "generic": true, "types": { "absolute-size": "xx-small|x-small|small|medium|large|x-large|xx-large|xxx-large", "alpha-value": "|", "angle-percentage": "|", "angular-color-hint": "", "angular-color-stop": "&&?", "angular-color-stop-list": "[ [, ]?]# , ", "animateable-feature": "scroll-position|contents|", "attachment": "scroll|fixed|local", "attr()": "attr( ? [, ]? )", "attr-matcher": "['~'|'|'|'^'|'$'|'*']? '='", "attr-modifier": "i|s", "attribute-selector": "'[' ']'|'[' [|] ? ']'", "auto-repeat": "repeat( [auto-fill|auto-fit] , [? ]+ ? )", "auto-track-list": "[? [|]]* ? [? [|]]* ?", "baseline-position": "[first|last]? baseline", "basic-shape": "||||", "bg-image": "none|", "bg-layer": "|| [/ ]?||||||||", "bg-position": "[[left|center|right|top|bottom|]|[left|center|right|] [top|center|bottom|]|[center|[left|right] ?]&&[center|[top|bottom] ?]]", "bg-size": "[|auto]{1,2}|cover|contain", "blur()": "blur( )", "blend-mode": "normal|multiply|screen|overlay|darken|lighten|color-dodge|color-burn|hard-light|soft-light|difference|exclusion|hue|saturation|color|luminosity", "box": "border-box|padding-box|content-box", "brightness()": "brightness( )", "calc()": "calc( )", "calc-sum": " [['+'|'-'] ]*", "calc-product": " ['*' |'/' ]*", "calc-value": "|||( )", "cf-final-image": "|", "cf-mixing-image": "?&&", "circle()": "circle( []? [at ]? )", "clamp()": "clamp( #{3} )", "class-selector": "'.' ", "clip-source": "", "color": "|||||||||currentcolor|", "color-stop": "|", "color-stop-angle": "{1,2}", "color-stop-length": "{1,2}", "color-stop-list": "[ [, ]?]# , ", "combinator": "'>'|'+'|'~'|['||']", "common-lig-values": "[common-ligatures|no-common-ligatures]", "compat-auto": "searchfield|textarea|push-button|slider-horizontal|checkbox|radio|square-button|menulist|listbox|meter|progress-bar|button", "composite-style": "clear|copy|source-over|source-in|source-out|source-atop|destination-over|destination-in|destination-out|destination-atop|xor", "compositing-operator": "add|subtract|intersect|exclude", "compound-selector": "[? * [ *]*]!", "compound-selector-list": "#", "complex-selector": " [? ]*", "complex-selector-list": "#", "conic-gradient()": "conic-gradient( [from ]? 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