685 lines
30 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-06-13 21:01:37 +03:00
"categories": {
"Flowchart": "Flowchart",
"SequenceDiagram": "SequenceDiagram",
"ClassDiagram": "ClassDiagram",
"StateDiagram": "StateDiagram",
"EntityRelationshipDiagram": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"UserJourneyDiagram": "UserJourneyDiagram",
"GanttChart": "GanttChart",
"PieChart": "PieChart",
"RequirementDiagram": "RequirementDiagram",
"GitGraph": "GitGraph",
"Mindmap": "Mindmap",
"Timeline": "Timeline",
"C4Diagram": "C4Diagram",
"QuadrantChart": "QuadrantChart"
"elements": [
"id": "211d5bb4-9e8a-41d1-bdd8-81b6159467d7",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "a simple flowchart with top to down direction",
"content": "flowchart TD\nStart --> Stop",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "44a0ae51-cbd1-4c33-b483-c953e89300a3",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "a simple flowchart with left to right direction",
"content": "flowchart LR\nStart --> Stop",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "b212ee44-acff-477c-be91-4c795d0db18f",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "A node with round edges",
"content": "id1(Some text)",
"sortingOrder": 3,
"isPinned": false
"id": "99898251-6222-4b10-8a01-1e54dffe9a1e",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "A stadium-shaped node",
"content": "id1([Some text])",
"sortingOrder": 4,
"isPinned": false
"id": "7bda53d9-f79a-4c29-a14b-7116fd21c4c1",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "A node in a cylindrical shape",
"content": "id1[(Database)]",
"sortingOrder": 5,
"isPinned": false
"id": "d392cb11-9710-490f-a22f-6223f2d18b83",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "A node in the form of a circle",
"content": "id1((Some text))",
"sortingOrder": 6,
"isPinned": false
"id": "9f8ff100-a277-4a9c-afb8-7afbb8b06ceb",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "A node (rhombus)",
"content": "id1{Some text}",
"sortingOrder": 7,
"isPinned": false
"id": "bc38ebe3-b3ff-4293-9997-e4ecac78e794",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "A link with arrow head",
"content": "A-->B",
"sortingOrder": 8,
"isPinned": false
"id": "11065710-a5c3-48d4-927c-9c65e1df5724",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "An open link",
"content": "A --- B",
"sortingOrder": 9,
"isPinned": false
"id": "2054d62c-66c0-4326-ab54-dd9b6d2ae434",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "Text on links",
"content": "A-- This is the text! ---B",
"sortingOrder": 10,
"isPinned": false
"id": "170c6750-afed-4d4e-a90c-482e465e987a",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "A link with arrow head and text",
"content": "A-->|text|B",
"sortingOrder": 11,
"isPinned": false
"id": "ea3557a6-f6c1-4b0b-a56b-a7d635086e79",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "Dotted link",
"content": "A-.->B",
"sortingOrder": 12,
"isPinned": false
"id": "93c18714-0d6b-4f73-b88c-8feab6a0648f",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "Thick link",
"content": "A ==> B",
"sortingOrder": 13,
"isPinned": false
"id": "b3e2ca05-e430-4e45-a128-2174bd271667",
"category": "Flowchart",
"description": "Subgraph",
"content": "subgraph one\na1-->a2\nend",
"sortingOrder": 14,
"isPinned": false
"id": "9773b8b7-0bcf-45a1-8d57-5890121db00c",
"category": "SequenceDiagram",
"description": "a simple sequence diagram",
"content": "sequenceDiagram\nAlice->>John: Hello John, how are you?\nJohn-->>Alice: Great!\nAlice-)John: See you later!",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "39212ebd-3951-421d-b63e-aed044efc16c",
"category": "SequenceDiagram",
"description": "a simple sequence diagram with actors",
"content": "sequenceDiagram\nactor Alice\nactor John\nAlice->>John: Hello John, how are you?\nJohn-->>Alice: Great!\nAlice-)John: See you later!",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "ffd5b190-61af-4de6-8489-ea016bc32940",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "sample class",
"content": "class Duck{\n +String beakColor\n +swim()\n +quack()\n }",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "91768994-d7c9-4e08-9cba-974661f0e176",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "sample class",
"content": "class BankAccount\n BankAccount : +String owner\n BankAccount : +Bigdecimal balance\n BankAccount : +deposit(amount)\n BankAccount : +withdrawal(amount)",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "69620fcf-1e82-4a64-ac1a-eb73839d2b67",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "generic class",
"content": "class Square~Shape~{\n int id\n List~int~ position\n setPoints(List~int~ points)\n getPoints() List~int~\n }\n \n Square : -List~string~ messages\n Square : +setMessages(List~string~ messages)\n Square : +getMessages() List~string~",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "7a12fa6a-d5ac-434f-895c-936e6eed56a8",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "inheritance",
"content": "classA <|-- classB",
"sortingOrder": 3,
"isPinned": false
"id": "006f3500-3322-47d7-a991-acc49272eb40",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "composition",
"content": "classC *-- classD",
"sortingOrder": 4,
"isPinned": false
"id": "48af15d1-4f15-4976-a276-1c92ee76a737",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "aggregation",
"content": "classE o-- classF",
"sortingOrder": 5,
"isPinned": false
"id": "50d1e798-4a43-4462-997c-1be667628da1",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "association",
"content": "classG <-- classH",
"sortingOrder": 6,
"isPinned": false
"id": "0dda7535-d4bb-48f8-8f25-13de922950d3",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "solid link",
"content": "classI -- classJ",
"sortingOrder": 7,
"isPinned": false
"id": "ccbbb59f-f790-47dc-b484-7f058a491b66",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "dependency",
"content": "classK <.. classL",
"sortingOrder": 8,
"isPinned": false
"id": "85caec24-728e-4d97-a6cd-c37f87811054",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "realization",
"content": "classM <|.. classN",
"sortingOrder": 9,
"isPinned": false
"id": "97f58dc9-4ca5-47c7-86e2-2b93a972654e",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "dashed link",
"content": "classO .. classP",
"sortingOrder": 10,
"isPinned": false
"id": "f5d5770a-7526-4b4d-8eb5-d067a5519187",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "two-way relation",
"content": "Animal <|--|> Zebra",
"sortingOrder": 11,
"isPinned": false
"id": "f9a52111-c90e-4df4-8dad-eeacdf641956",
"category": "ClassDiagram",
"description": "sample class diagram",
"content": "classDiagram\n Animal <|-- Duck\n Animal <|-- Fish\n Animal <|-- Zebra\n Animal : +int age\n Animal : +String gender\n Animal: +isMammal()\n Animal: +mate()\n class Duck{\n +String beakColor\n +swim()\n +quack()\n }\n class Fish{\n -int sizeInFeet\n -canEat()\n }\n class Zebra{\n +bool is_wild\n +run()\n }",
"sortingOrder": 12,
"isPinned": false
"id": "7cf8e31c-aee5-4edb-ad75-55db317f6076",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "a sample state diagram",
"content": "stateDiagram-v2\n [*] --> Still\n Still --> [*]\n \n Still --> Moving\n Moving --> Still\n Moving --> Crash\n Crash --> [*]",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "a782e94b-2c67-4176-8388-4d4c98f43a85",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "a sample state diagram with left-to-right direction",
"content": "stateDiagram-v2\n direction LR\n [*] --> Still\n Still --> [*]\n \n Still --> Moving\n Moving --> Still\n Moving --> Crash\n Crash --> [*]",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "624f1d27-3ac9-472b-b480-a746525b458f",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "node with description",
"content": "s2 : This is a state description",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "5a9b927b-d789-4ab6-979f-044fad3438c9",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "a transition",
"content": "s1 --> s2",
"sortingOrder": 3,
"isPinned": false
"id": "03ad52a8-7bea-4aaa-b755-e26c59072039",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "a transition with label",
"content": "s1 --> s2: A transition",
"sortingOrder": 4,
"isPinned": false
"id": "9b3f6a0b-0dfb-4d1b-8df4-64bc8921f0fd",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "composite state",
"content": "\n [*] --> First\n state First {\n [*] --> second\n second --> [*]\n }",
"sortingOrder": 5,
"isPinned": false
"id": "3145bb16-66bf-44e5-84df-6e97a49b46ab",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "diagram with choice",
"content": "stateDiagram-v2\n state if_state <<choice>>\n [*] --> IsPositive\n IsPositive --> if_state\n if_state --> False: if n < 0\n if_state --> True : if n >= 0",
"sortingOrder": 6,
"isPinned": false
"id": "2fe2e44f-a681-42ea-a891-a4c53a9bc2ab",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "diagram with fork",
"content": "stateDiagram-v2\n state fork_state <<fork>>\n [*] --> fork_state\n fork_state --> State2\n fork_state --> State3\n \n state join_state <<join>>\n State2 --> join_state\n State3 --> join_state\n join_state --> State4\n State4 --> [*]",
"sortingOrder": 7,
"isPinned": false
"id": "21c4236b-673f-4457-9ec9-00b72ff5b121",
"category": "StateDiagram",
"description": "a diagram with concurrency",
"content": "stateDiagram-v2\n [*] --> Active\n \n state Active {\n [*] --> NumLockOff\n NumLockOff --> NumLockOn : EvNumLockPressed\n NumLockOn --> NumLockOff : EvNumLockPressed\n --\n [*] --> CapsLockOff\n CapsLockOff --> CapsLockOn : EvCapsLockPressed\n CapsLockOn --> CapsLockOff : EvCapsLockPressed\n --\n [*] --> ScrollLockOff\n ScrollLockOff --> ScrollLockOn : EvScrollLockPressed\n ScrollLockOn --> ScrollLockOff : EvScrollLockPressed\n }",
"sortingOrder": 8,
"isPinned": false
"id": "bebaecf5-f13c-4ac5-8990-9997f3335e1b",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "a sample entity relationship diagram",
"content": "erDiagram\n CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places\n ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains\n CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : uses",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "4c4128c9-b24b-4893-be80-4ca19857f820",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "an entity",
"content": " CUSTOMER {\n string name\n string custNumber\n string sector\n }",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "59d2d35f-1c98-47a2-b237-f5b0427927c9",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "one-to-many relationship",
"content": "A ||--|{ B : label",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "62d98429-11a1-493a-b0a5-82a38d383b0f",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "many-to-many relationship",
"content": "A }|--|{ B : label",
"sortingOrder": 3,
"isPinned": false
"id": "166bd481-eeb2-4ebd-8f86-60a05707cf7e",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "one-to-one relationship",
"content": "A ||--|| B : label",
"sortingOrder": 4,
"isPinned": false
"id": "39c69800-6b20-4526-84b6-aa28053e0090",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "many-to-one relationship",
"content": "A }|--|| B : label",
"sortingOrder": 5,
"isPinned": false
"id": "663dc40e-d973-497e-a7f6-28c106ed818a",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "zero/one-to-one relationship",
"content": "A |o--|| B : label",
"sortingOrder": 6,
"isPinned": false
"id": "e0a7645b-7112-4c6a-8ee7-9145bb615a56",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "one-to-one/zero relationship",
"content": "A ||--o| B : label",
"sortingOrder": 7,
"isPinned": false
"id": "799af643-104e-47f2-b35b-0b7934ede69e",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "zero-or-more-to-one relationship",
"content": "A }o--|| B : label",
"sortingOrder": 8,
"isPinned": false
"id": "489a730d-258d-4ee0-8020-dbcaefa3132a",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "one-to-zero-or-more relationship",
"content": "A ||--o{ B : label",
"sortingOrder": 9,
"isPinned": false
"id": "4c6ec50d-b24f-4b43-bbab-d54430a8252b",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "zero-or-more-to-many relationship",
"content": "A }o--|{ B : label",
"sortingOrder": 10,
"isPinned": false
"id": "efd9197a-4bcf-4a36-83ea-40f18ec21132",
"category": "EntityRelationshipDiagram",
"description": "many-to-zero-or-more relationship",
"content": "A }|--o{ B : label",
"sortingOrder": 11,
"isPinned": false
"id": "4cd9f0bb-86d9-4167-b403-3b7afccbe9ef",
"category": "UserJourneyDiagram",
"description": "a sample user journey diagram",
"content": "journey\n title My working day\n section Go to work\n Make tea: 5: Me\n Go upstairs: 3: Me\n Do work: 1: Me, Cat\n section Go home\n Go downstairs: 5: Me\n Sit down: 5: Me",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "0c711899-de1c-4cd4-b14c-8b352b3f410b",
"category": "UserJourneyDiagram",
"description": "a step in user journey",
"content": " Step Title: 5: ActorName",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "6989d125-2b56-4bfc-8653-22d6231bf05e",
"category": "GanttChart",
"description": "simple gantt chart",
"content": "gantt\n title A Gantt Diagram\n dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD\n section Section\n A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d\n Another task :after a1 , 20d\n section Another\n Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d\n another task : 24d",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "2c2db193-9320-43d1-ba57-dd8144a12b1d",
"category": "GanttChart",
"description": "rich gantt chart",
"content": "gantt\n dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD\n title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid\n excludes weekends\n \n section A section\n Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08\n Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d\n Future task : des3, after des2, 5d\n Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d\n \n section Critical tasks\n Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h\n Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d\n Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d\n Future task in critical line :crit, 5d\n Create tests for renderer :2d\n Add to mermaid :1d\n Functionality added :milestone, 2014-01-25, 0d\n \n section Documentation\n Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d\n Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h\n Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h\n \n section Last section\n Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d\n Add gantt diagram to demo page :20h\n Add another diagram to demo page :48h",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "ba141bb5-0896-4efc-ba93-cdf24fd0e763",
"category": "GanttChart",
"description": "milestones example",
"content": "gantt\n dateFormat HH:mm\n axisFormat %H:%M\n Initial milestone : milestone, m1, 17:49,2min\n taska2 : 10min\n taska3 : 5min\n Final milestone : milestone, m2, 18:14, 2min",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "92ad00dd-9241-4cf3-898d-397ed2ba245c",
"category": "PieChart",
"description": "sample pie chart",
"content": "pie title /r/obsidianmd posts by type\n \"Look at my awesome graph\" : 85\n \"Look at my cool dashboard\" : 14\n \"Moved from Notion, liking it\" : 1",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "555da550-65b8-4717-8610-ca40f2f380e5",
"category": "PieChart",
"description": "sample pie chart with values shown in legend",
"content": "pie showdata\n title /r/obsidianmd posts by type\n \"Graphs\" : 85\n \"Dashboards\" : 14\n \"Tips\" : 1",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "11bc8556-00e0-4552-b38b-a5597bb92a4e",
"category": "RequirementDiagram",
"description": "sample requirements diagram",
"content": " requirementDiagram\n\n requirement test_req {\n id: 1\n text: the test text.\n risk: high\n verifymethod: test\n }\n \n element test_entity {\n type: simulation\n }\n \n test_entity - satisfies -> test_req",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "f9e1f306-d5a4-465a-9864-b28d3410f2c1",
"category": "RequirementDiagram",
"description": "sample requirements diagram",
"content": "element customElement {\n type: customType\n docref: customDocRef\n }",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "5389c158-c042-4590-ab77-5b14952b2fc2",
"category": "RequirementDiagram",
"description": "a requirement with high risk",
"content": "functionalRequirement myReq {\n id: reqId\n text: someText\n risk: High\n verifymethod: analysis\n }",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "78a940eb-a084-447b-9289-67b80f9a90f6",
"category": "RequirementDiagram",
"description": "sample requirements diagram",
"content": "interfaceRequirement myReq2 {\n id: reqId\n text: someText\n risk: Medium\n verifymethod: demonstration\n }",
"sortingOrder": 3,
"isPinned": false
"id": "7ee21f42-3ba5-43db-b584-74b1059151c2",
"category": "RequirementDiagram",
"description": "sample requirements diagram",
"content": "designConstraint myReq3 {\n id: reqId\n text: someText\n risk: Low\n verifymethod: test\n }",
"sortingOrder": 4,
"isPinned": false
"id": "02d67f38-6a7c-461d-a66d-7fbfa7e624d8",
"category": "GitGraph",
"description": "simple git graph",
"content": "gitGraph\n commit\n commit\n branch develop\n checkout develop\n commit\n commit\n checkout main\n merge develop\n commit\n commit",
"sortingOrder": 0,
"isPinned": false
"id": "5123f361-4f99-46c1-9bd4-6e3e0ef7046d",
"category": "GitGraph",
"description": "tagged commit",
"content": "commit id: \"Normal\" tag: \"v1.0.0\"",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "05c9c257-e293-4e68-a160-50596acf7293",
"category": "GitGraph",
"description": "reverse commit",
"content": "commit id: \"Reverse\" type: REVERSE",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "8f3d74b5-c039-4751-a959-e6f8c25ad77a",
"category": "GitGraph",
"description": "highlighted commit",
"content": "commit id: \"Highlight\" type: HIGHLIGHT",
"sortingOrder": 3,
"isPinned": false
"id": "ec2cb160-a176-4f6a-b73b-64608f804cdd",
"category": "GitGraph",
"description": "reverse commit",
"content": "commit id: \"Reverse\" type: REVERSE",
"sortingOrder": 4,
"isPinned": false
"id": "40ca8e57-6506-43ab-aebc-75e03346b824",
"category": "GitGraph",
"description": "git graph with cherry-pick",
"content": "gitGraph\n commit id: \"ZERO\"\n branch develop\n commit id:\"A\"\n checkout main\n commit id:\"ONE\"\n checkout develop\n commit id:\"B\"\n checkout main\n commit id:\"TWO\"\n cherry-pick id:\"A\"\n commit id:\"THREE\"\n checkout develop\n commit id:\"C\"",
"sortingOrder": 5,
"isPinned": false
"id": "0ef1e81d-170e-4a40-9e44-2c2bd1f64312",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "a simple mindmap",
"content": "mindmap\n Root\n A\n B\n C",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "5422357f-6def-4ca4-98f2-cf1fb452d53d",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "square",
"content": "id[I am a square]",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "ee395301-967b-4b53-9fc7-48b4ccdf589e",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "rounded square",
"content": "id(I am a rounded square)",
"sortingOrder": 3,
"isPinned": false
"id": "0c8312b1-b417-4d5d-8c02-1271c3624d03",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "circle",
"content": "id((I am a circle))",
"sortingOrder": 4,
"isPinned": false
"id": "0071ca0c-a2ff-4b09-a4d4-df79544fab01",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "bang",
"content": "id))I am a bang((",
"sortingOrder": 5,
"isPinned": false
"id": "eda80e74-703f-43f8-a3e5-70d1a14ebd8f",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "cloud",
"content": "id)I am a cloud(",
"sortingOrder": 6,
"isPinned": false
"id": "de618678-03da-4003-8b01-e1bcce541c4f",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "hexagon",
"content": "id{{I am a hexagon}}",
"sortingOrder": 7,
"isPinned": false
"id": "dc3c0f45-ed37-4ec2-8087-0a266cc1c10c",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "default",
"content": "I am the default shape",
"sortingOrder": 8,
"isPinned": false
"id": "61dcc109-2327-4fa0-8227-44c048c9a174",
"category": "Mindmap",
"description": "sample mindmap",
"content": "mindmap\n root((mindmap))\n Origins\n Long history\n Popularisation\n British popular psychology author Tony Buzan\n Research\n On effectiveness<br/>and features\n On Automatic creation\n Uses\n Creative techniques\n Strategic planning\n Argument mapping\n Tools\n Pen and paper\n Mermaid",
"sortingOrder": 9,
"isPinned": false
"id": "9b866fcc-57f7-4faa-ace1-a0a85ce187f7",
"category": "Timeline",
"description": "sample timeline",
"content": "timeline\n\t\ttitle History of Social Media Platform\n\t\t2002 : LinkedIn\n\t\t2004 : Facebook\n\t\t\t : Google\n\t\t2005 : Youtube\n\t\t2006 : Twitter",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "51632013-3f22-43b5-9f27-f84d8a93ab28",
"category": "Timeline",
"description": "timeline with grouping",
"content": "timeline\n\t\ttitle Timeline of Industrial Revolution\n\t\tsection 17th-20th century\n\t\t\tIndustry 1.0 : Machinery, Water power, Steam <br>power\n\t\t\tIndustry 2.0 : Electricity, Internal combustion engine, Mass production\n\t\t\tIndustry 3.0 : Electronics, Computers, Automation\n\t\tsection 21st century\n\t\t\tIndustry 4.0 : Internet, Robotics, Internet of Things\n\t\t\tIndustry 5.0 : Artificial intelligence, Big data,3D printing",
"sortingOrder": 2,
"isPinned": false
"id": "9180c3c3-c6c9-48ea-9fab-8edef6c28f47",
"category": "Timeline",
"description": "timeline with Forest theme. see the docs for additional themes",
"content": "%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%%\n\t\ttimeline\n\t\t\ttitle History of Social Media Platform\n\t\t\t 2002 : LinkedIn\n\t\t\t 2004 : Facebook : Google\n\t\t\t 2005 : Youtube\n\t\t\t 2006 : Twitter\n\t\t\t 2007 : Tumblr\n\t\t\t 2008 : Instagram\n\t\t\t 2010 : Pinterest",
"sortingOrder": 3,
"isPinned": false
"id": "a9c7f1c7-6393-452c-a069-6a11dac1473d",
"category": "QuadrantChart",
"description": "sample quadrant chart",
"content": "quadrantChart\n\t\ttitle Reach and engagement of campaigns\n\t\tx-axis Low Reach --> High Reach\n\t\ty-axis Low Engagement --> High Engagement\n\t\tquadrant-1 We should expand\n\t\tquadrant-2 Need to promote\n\t\tquadrant-3 Re-evaluate\n\t\tquadrant-4 May be improved\n\t\tCampaign A: [0.3, 0.6]\n\t\tCampaign B: [0.45, 0.23]\n\t\tCampaign C: [0.57, 0.69]\n\t\tCampaign D: [0.78, 0.34]\n\t\tCampaign E: [0.40, 0.34]\n\t\tCampaign F: [0.35, 0.78]",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "08a32666-8f7c-4ae8-bcef-2ad3d5ca4b89",
"category": "QuadrantChart",
"description": "themed quadrant chart",
"content": "%%{init: {\"quadrantChart\": {\"chartWidth\": 400, \"chartHeight\": 400}, \"themeVariables\": {\"quadrant1TextFill\": \"#ff0000\"} }}%%\n\t\tquadrantChart\n\t\t x-axis Urgent --> Not Urgent\n\t\t y-axis Not Important --> \"Important ❤\"\n\t\t quadrant-1 Plan\n\t\t quadrant-2 Do\n\t\t quadrant-3 Delegate\n\t\t quadrant-4 Delete",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"id": "91a064da-8e9b-4326-af9e-b5cc7b1ecfa8",
"category": "C4Diagram",
"description": "sample C4 diagram (compatible with PlantUML)",
"content": "C4Context\n\t\ttitle System Context diagram for Internet Banking System\n\t\tEnterprise_Boundary(b0, \"BankBoundary0\") {\n\t\t Person(customerA, \"Banking Customer A\", \"A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.\")\n\t\t Person(customerB, \"Banking Customer B\")\n\t\t Person_Ext(customerC, \"Banking Customer C\", \"desc\")\n \n\t\t Person(customerD, \"Banking Customer D\", \"A customer of the bank, <br/> with personal bank accounts.\")\n \n\t\t System(SystemAA, \"Internet Banking System\", \"Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.\")\n \n\t\t Enterprise_Boundary(b1, \"BankBoundary\") {\n \n\t\t\tSystemDb_Ext(SystemE, \"Mainframe Banking System\", \"Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.\")\n \n\t\t\tSystem_Boundary(b2, \"BankBoundary2\") {\n\t\t\t System(SystemA, \"Banking System A\")\n\t\t\t System(SystemB, \"Banking System B\", \"A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts. next line.\")\n\t\t\t}\n \n\t\t\tSystem_Ext(SystemC, \"E-mail system\", \"The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.\")\n\t\t\tSystemDb(SystemD, \"Banking System D Database\", \"A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.\")\n \n\t\t\tBoundary(b3, \"BankBoundary3\", \"boundary\") {\n\t\t\t SystemQueue(SystemF, \"Banking System F Queue\", \"A system of the bank.\")\n\t\t\t SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, \"Banking System G Queue\", \"A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.\")\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n \n\t\tBiRel(customerA, SystemAA, \"Uses\")\n\t\tBiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, \"Uses\")\n\t\tRel(SystemAA, SystemC, \"Sends e-mails\", \"SMTP\")\n\t\tRel(SystemC, customerA, \"Sends e-mails to\")\n \n\t\tUpdateElementStyle(customerA, $fontColor=\"red\", $bgColor=\"grey\", $borderColor=\"red\")\n\t\tUpdateRelStyle(customerA, SystemAA, $textColor=\"blue\", $lineColor=\"blue\", $offsetX=\"5\")\n\t\tUpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemE, $textColor=\"blue\", $lineColor=\"blue\", $offsetY=\"-10\")\n\t\tUpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemC, $textColor=\"blue\", $lineColor=\"blue\", $offsetY=\"-40\", $offsetX=\"-50\")\n\t\tUpdateRelStyle(SystemC, customerA, $textColor=\"red\", $lineColor=\"red\", $offsetX=\"-50\", $offsetY=\"20\")\n \n\t\tUpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow=\"3\", $c4BoundaryInRow=\"1\")",
"sortingOrder": 1,
"isPinned": false
"selectedCategory": "Flowchart"