{ extends: [ "config:best-practices", "schedule:monthly", // Group updates to linters together in one PR "group:linters", ], dependencyDashboard: true, "labels": ["dependencies"], lockFileMaintenance: { enabled: true, automerge: true }, "customManagers": [ { "customType": "regex", "fileMatch": ["^rust-toolchain\\.toml?$"], "matchStrings": [ "channel\\s*=\\s*\"(?\\d+\\.\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)\"" ], "depNameTemplate": "rust", "packageNameTemplate": "rust-lang/rust", "datasourceTemplate": "github-releases" }, { "customType": "regex", "fileMatch": ["^Justfile$"], "matchStrings": [ // https://regex101.com/r/vOmY6R/1 // Matching on word boundaries (\b) around start and end ensures we // match variations like "towncrier==1.2.3" as well as "pipx run // towncrier==1.2.3", adding some future proofness. "\".*\\btowncrier==(?.+?)\\b\"" ], "depNameTemplate": "towncrier", "datasourceTemplate": "pypi" }, ], packageRules: [ { matchCategories: ["rust"], minimumReleaseAge: "3 days", automerge: true }, { // pulldown-cmark and pulldown-cmark-to-mark must be updated in // lockstep in case of breaking changes, so it's best to group them // together. "matchPackageNames": ["pulldown-cmark*"], "groupName": "pulldown-cmark (grouped)" }, ], ignorePaths: [ // Auto-generated by cargo-dist (https://opensource.axo.dev/cargo-dist/) ".github/workflows/release.yml" ] }