It's possible to end up with "recursive embeds" when two notes embed each other.
This happens for example when a `Note` contains `![[Note B]]` but `Note` also contains `![[Note A]]`.
By default, this will trigger an error and display the chain of notes which caused the recursion.
This behavior may be changed by specifying `--no-recursive-embeds`.
Using this mode, if a note is encountered for a second time while processing the original note, instead of embedding it again a link to the note is inserted instead to break the cycle.
The [Hugo] static site generator [does not support relative links to files][hugo-relative-linking].
Instead, it expects you to link to other pages using the [`ref` and `relref` shortcodes].
As a result of this, notes that have been exported from Obsidian using obsidian-export do not work out of the box because Hugo doesn't resolve these links correctly.
[Markdown Render Hooks] (only supported using the default `goldmark` renderer) allow you to work around this issue however, making exported notes work with Hugo after a bit of one-time setup work.
Create the file `layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html` with the following contents:
{{- $url := urls.Parse .Destination -}}
{{- $scheme := $url.Scheme -}}
{{- if eq $scheme "" -}}
{{- if strings.HasSuffix $url.Path ".md" -}}
{{- relref .Page .Destination | safeURL -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- .Destination | safeURL -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- .Destination | safeURL -}}
{{- end -}}"
{{- with .Title }} title="{{ . | safeHTML }}"{{- end -}}>
{{- .Text | safeHTML -}}
{{- /* whitespace stripped here to avoid trailing newline in rendered result caused by file EOL */ -}}
And `layouts/_default/_markup/render-image.html` for images:
{{- with .Title }} title="{{ . | safeHTML }}"{{- end -}}
{{- with .Text }} alt="{{ . | safeHTML }}"
{{- end -}}
{{- /* whitespace stripped here to avoid trailing newline in rendered result caused by file EOL */ -}}
With these hooks in place, links to both notes as well as file attachments should now work correctly.
> Note: If you're using a theme which comes with it's own render hooks, you might need to do a little extra work, or customize the snippets above, to avoid conflicts with the hooks from your theme.
[`ref` and `relref` shortcodes]: