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FAQs – Material for MkDocs
In this section, you will find the most frequently asked questions related to Material for MkDocs. As we maintainers have decided to monetize Material for MkDocs, to spend more time working on this project, we have divided the project and its features into two versions with two repositories.
:fontawesome-solid-people-group: Community version – a public repository that includes all the basic features and is updated once the funding goals are reached
:fontawesome-solid-people-arrows: Insiders verion – a private repository exclusively for our Insiders, which contains more exclusive features
What is the difference between Material for MkDocs and other documentation frameworks?
Material for MkDocs is a documentation framework built on top of MkDocs, a popular static site generator. It also offers advanced theming options, a wide range of plugins, and custom components that make it easy to create professional-looking documentation sites quickly and efficiently.
Under which license does Material for MkDocs run?
Material for MkDocs runs under the MIT License, which means that it is free for everyone to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software.
I have a question. Where do I ask it?
You can ask your question on our discussion board. We are all about building an open, supportive community where everyone can share their knowledge and insights. This approach allows us to maintain transparency and ensures all our users access the same information. We encourage all our users to visit this discussion board or our issue tracker to search for previous discussions to see if their question has been addressed before or address a new discussion.