--- template: overrides/main.html icon: material/plus-circle --- # Annotations One of the flagship features of Material for MkDocs is the ability to inject annotations – little markers that can be added almost anywhere in a document and expand a tooltip containing arbitrary Markdown on click or keyboard focus. ## Configuration This configuration allows to add annotations to all inline- and block-level elements, as well as code blocks, and nest annotations inside each other. Add the following lines to `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml markdown_extensions: - attr_list - md_in_html - pymdownx.superfences ``` See additional configuration options: - [Attribute Lists] - [Markdown in HTML] - [SuperFences] [Attribute Lists]: ../setup/extensions/python-markdown.md#attribute-lists [Markdown in HTML]: ../setup/extensions/python-markdown.md#markdown-in-html [SuperFences]: ../setup/extensions/python-markdown-extensions.md#superfences ## Usage ### Using annotations [:octicons-heart-fill-24:{ .mdx-heart } Insiders][Insiders]{ .mdx-insiders } · [:octicons-tag-24: insiders-4.6.0][Insiders] · :octicons-beaker-24: Experimental Annotations consist of two parts: a marker, which can be placed anywhere in a block marked with the `annotate` class, and content located in a list below the block containing the marker: ``` markdown title="Text with annotations" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (1) consectetur adipiscing elit. { .annotate } 1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! I can contain `code`, __formatted text__, images, ... basically anything that can be expressed in Markdown. ```
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (1) consectetur adipiscing elit. { .annotate } 1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! I can contain `code`, __formatted text__, images, ... basically anything that can be written in Markdown.
Note that the `annotate` class must only be added to the outermost block. All nested elements can use the same list to define annotations, except when annotations are nested themselves. [Insiders]: ../insiders/index.md #### in annotations When [SuperFences] is enabled, annotations can be nested inside annotations by adding the `annotate` class to the list item hosting the annotation content, repeating the process: ``` markdown title="Text with nested annotations" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (1) consectetur adipiscing elit. { .annotate } 1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! (1) { .annotate } 1. :woman_raising_hand: I'm an annotation as well! ```
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (1) consectetur adipiscing elit. { .annotate } 1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! (1) { .annotate style="margin-bottom: 0" } 1. :woman_raising_hand: I'm an annotation as well!
#### in admonitions The titles and bodies of [admonitions] can also host annotations by adding the `annotate` modifier after the type qualifier, which is similar to how [inline blocks] work: ``` markdown title="Admonition with annotations" !!! note annotate "Phasellus posuere in sem ut cursus (1)" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (2) consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa. 1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! 2. :woman_raising_hand: I'm an annotation as well! ```
!!! note annotate "Phasellus posuere in sem ut cursus (1)" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (2) consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa. 1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! 2. :woman_raising_hand: I'm an annotation as well!
[admonitions]: admonitions.md [inline blocks]: admonitions.md#inline-blocks #### in content tabs Content tabs can host annotations by adding the `annotate` class to the block of a dedicated content tab (and not to the container, which is not supported): ``` markdown title="Content tabs with annotations" === "Tab 1" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (1) consectetur adipiscing elit. { .annotate } 1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! === "Tab 2" Phasellus posuere in sem ut cursus (1) { .annotate } 1. :woman_raising_hand: I'm an annotation as well! ```
=== "Tab 1" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (1) consectetur adipiscing elit. { .annotate } 1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! === "Tab 2" Phasellus posuere in sem ut cursus (1) { .annotate } 1. :woman_raising_hand: I'm an annotation as well!
#### in everything else The [Attribute Lists] extension is the key ingredient for adding annotations to most elements, but it has some [limitations]. However, it's always possible to leverage the [Markdown in HTML] extension to wrap arbitrary elements with a `div` with the `annotate` class: ```` html title="HTML with annotations"
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (1) consectetur adipiscing elit.
1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation! ````
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, (1) consectetur adipiscing elit.
1. :man_raising_hand: I'm an annotation!
With this trick, annotations can also be added to blockquotes, data tables, lists, and many other elements that are not supported by the [Attribute Lists] extension. Furthermore, note that [code blocks follow different semantics]. [limitations]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/attr_list/#limitations [code blocks follow different semantics]: code-blocks.md#adding-annotations