# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Martin Donath # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. all: clean lint build # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory for NPM executables BIN = $(shell npm bin) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rules # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build distribution files build: material # Clean distribution files clean: rm -rf material # Lint source files lint: ${BIN}/tslint -p tsconfig.json "src/**/*.ts" ${BIN}/stylelint `find src/assets -name *.scss` # Start development server start: clean ${BIN}/webpack --watch # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Targets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create top-level build directory material/.: @ echo "+ $@" @ mkdir -p $@ # Create secondary build directory material%/.: @ echo "+ $@" @ mkdir -p $@ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Expand prerequisites twice .SECONDEXPANSION: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Web font specimen FONTS_SPECIMEN = $(subst src,material,$(wildcard src/assets/fonts/specimen/*)) material/assets/fonts/specimen: ${FONTS_SPECIMEN} material/assets/fonts/specimen/%: src/assets/fonts/specimen/% | $$(@D)/. @ echo "+ $@" @ cp $< $@ # Web fonts FONTS = $(subst src,material,$(wildcard src/assets/fonts/*.css)) material/assets/fonts: $$@/specimen ${FONTS} material/assets/fonts/%.css: src/assets/fonts/%.css | $$(@D)/. @ echo "+ $@" @ ${BIN}/csso $< -o $@ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Icons IMAGES_ICONS = $(subst src,material,$(wildcard src/assets/images/icons/*.svg)) material/assets/images/icons: ${IMAGES_ICONS} material/assets/images/icons/%: src/assets/images/icons/% | $$(@D)/. @ echo "+ $@" @ ${BIN}/svgo -q -i $< -o $@ --disable=removeViewBox # Images IMAGES = $(subst src,material,$(wildcard src/assets/images/*.png)) material/assets/images: $$@/icons ${IMAGES} material/assets/images/%.png: src/assets/images/%.png | $$(@D)/. @ echo "+ $@" @ cp $< $@ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Search stemmer locations LUNR_SOURCE = node_modules/lunr-languages/min LUNR_TARGET = material/assets/javascripts/lunr # Search stemmer languages LUNR_LANGUAGES = $(shell echo ${LUNR} \ | grep -oE '\.[a-z]{2}\.' \ | sed 's/\./"/g' \ | paste -sd "," -) # Search stemmers LUNR = $(subst ${LUNR_SOURCE},${LUNR_TARGET},$(wildcard ${LUNR_SOURCE}/*.js)) material/assets/javascripts/lunr: ${LUNR} material/assets/javascripts/lunr/%.js: ${LUNR_SOURCE}/%.js | $$(@D)/. @ echo "+ $@" @ cp $< $@ # Scripts material/assets/javascripts: $$@/lunr # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Stylesheets STYLESHEETS = $(subst src,material,$(wildcard src/assets/stylesheets/a*.scss)) STYLESHEETS_PARTIALS = $(shell find src -name "_*.scss") material/assets/stylesheets: $(patsubst %.scss,%.css,${STYLESHEETS}) material/%.css: src/%.scss ${STYLESHEETS_PARTIALS} | $$(@D)/. @ echo "+ $@" @ ${BIN}/node-sass -q \ --source-map $@.map \ --source-map-contents false \ --include-path node_modules/modularscale-sass/stylesheets \ --include-path node_modules/material-design-color \ --include-path node_modules/material-shadows \ $< $@ @ ${BIN}/postcss $@ -m -u autoprefixer -u css-mqpacker -o $@ @ ${BIN}/csso $@ -o $(basename $@).min.css \ --input-source-map $@.map \ --source-map $(basename $@).min.css.map # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Assets material/assets: $$@/fonts $$@/images $$@/javascripts $$@/stylesheets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Templates HTML = $(subst src,material,$(shell find src -name "*.html" )) material/%.html: src/%.html | $$(@D)/. @ echo "+ $@" @ ${BIN}/html-minifier \ --collapse-boolean-attributes \ --minify-css \ --minify-js \ --no-include-auto-generated-tags \ --remove-comments \ --remove-script-type-attributes \ --remove-style-link-type-attributes \ $< | awk 'NF' | cat .banner - > $@ # Python files material/%.py: src/%.py @ echo "+ $@" @ cp $< $@ # Theme configuration material/%.yml: src/%.yml @ echo "+ $@" @ cp $< $@ # Theme NAME = $(shell jq -r '.name' package.json) VERSION = $(shell jq -r '.version' package.json) material: $$@/assets $$@/__init__.py $$@/mkdocs_theme.yml ${HTML} @ sed -i "" 's/\$$md-name\$$/${NAME}/' $@/base.html @ sed -i "" 's/\$$md-version\$$/${VERSION}/' $@/base.html @ sed -i "" 's/\$$md-lunr-languages\$$/${LUNR_LANGUAGES}/' $@/base.html @ echo "\n ${NAME}-${VERSION}\n" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special targets .PHONY: .FORCE build clean lint start .FORCE: # Keep directories .PRECIOUS: material%/.