template: overrides/main.html
# Changing the colors
As any good Material Design implementation, Material for MkDocs supports
Google's original [color palette][1], which can be easily configured through
`mkdocs.yml`. Furthermore, colors can be customized with a few lines of CSS to
fit your brand's identity by using [CSS variables][2].
[1]: http://www.materialui.co/colors
[2]: #custom-colors
## Configuration
### Color scheme
[:octicons-file-code-24: Source][3] · :octicons-milestone-24: Default: `default`
Material for MkDocs supports two _color schemes_: a light mode, which is just
called `default`, and a dark mode, which is called `slate`. The color scheme
can be set from `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
scheme: default
:material-cursor-default-click-outline: click on a tile to change the color
The _color scheme_ can also be set based on _user preference_, which makes use
of the `prefers-color-scheme` media query, by setting the value in `mkdocs.yml`
to `preference`:
``` yaml
scheme: preference
[3]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/blob/master/src/assets/stylesheets/palette/_scheme.scss
### Primary color
[:octicons-file-code-24: Source][4] · :octicons-milestone-24: Default: `indigo`
The _primary color_ is used for the header, the sidebar, text links and several
other components. In order to change the primary color, set the following value
in `mkdocs.yml` to a valid color name:
``` yaml
primary: indigo
:material-cursor-default-click-outline: click on a tile to change the primary
[4]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/blob/master/src/assets/stylesheets/palette/_primary.scss
### Accent color
[:octicons-file-code-24: Source][5] · :octicons-milestone-24: Default: `indigo`
The _accent color_ is used to denote elements that can be interacted with, e.g.
hovered links, buttons and scrollbars. It can be changed in `mkdocs.yml` by
chosing a valid color name:
``` yaml
accent: indigo
:material-cursor-default-click-outline: click on a tile to change the accent
[5]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/blob/master/src/assets/stylesheets/palette/_accent.scss
!!! warning "Accessibility – not all color combinations work well"
With __2__ (color schemes) __x 21__ (primary colors) __x 17__ (accent color)
= __714__ combinations, it's impossible to ensure that all configurations
provide a good user experience (e.g. _yellow on light background_), so make
sure that the color combination of your choosing provides enough contrast
and tweak CSS variables where necessary.
## Customization
### Custom colors
[:octicons-file-code-24: Source][6] ·
:octicons-mortar-board-24: Difficulty: _easy_
Material for MkDocs implements colors using [CSS variables][7] (custom
properties). If you want to customize the colors beyond the palette (e.g. to
use your brand-specific colors), you can add an [additional stylesheet][8] and
tweak the following CSS variables:
``` css
:root {
/* Default color shades */
--md-default-fg-color: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.87);
--md-default-fg-color--light: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.54);
--md-default-fg-color--lighter: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.32);
--md-default-fg-color--lightest: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.07);
--md-default-bg-color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1);
--md-default-bg-color--light: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.7);
--md-default-bg-color--lighter: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.3);
--md-default-bg-color--lightest: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.12);
/* Primary color shades */
--md-primary-fg-color: hsla(231, 48%, 48%, 1);
--md-primary-fg-color--light: hsla(231, 44%, 56%, 1);
--md-primary-fg-color--dark: hsla(232, 54%, 41%, 1);
--md-primary-bg-color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1);
--md-primary-bg-color--light: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.7);
/* Accent color shades */
--md-accent-fg-color: hsla(231, 99%, 66%, 1);
--md-accent-fg-color--transparent: hsla(231, 99%, 66%, 0.1);
--md-accent-bg-color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1);
--md-accent-bg-color--light: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.7);
The colors of [code blocks][9], [admonitions][10], text links and the footer can
be adjusted through dedicated CSS variables, which partly default to the base
colors or neutral colors:
``` css
:root > * {
/* Code color shades */
--md-code-bg-color: hsla(0, 0%, 96%, 1);
--md-code-fg-color: hsla(200, 18%, 26%, 1);
/* Text color shades */
--md-text-color: var(--md-default-fg-color);
--md-text-link-color: var(--md-primary-fg-color);
/* Admonition color shades */
--md-admonition-bg-color: var(--md-default-bg-color);
--md-admonition-fg-color: var(--md-default-fg-color);
/* Footer color shades */
--md-footer-bg-color: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.87);
--md-footer-bg-color--dark: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.32);
--md-footer-fg-color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1);
--md-footer-fg-color--light: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.7);
--md-footer-fg-color--lighter: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.3);
[6]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/blob/master/src/assets/stylesheets/base/_colors.scss
[7]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_custom_properties
[8]: ../customization.md#additional-stylesheets
[9]: ../reference/code-blocks.md
[10]: ../reference/admonitions.md