mkdocs-material-1.10.0 (2017-09-01) * Added support to make logo default icon configurable * Fixed uninitialized overflow scrolling on main pane for iOS * Fixed error in mobile navigation in case JavaScript is not available * Fixed incorrect color transition for nested panes in mobile navigation * Improved checkbox styles for Tasklist from PyMdown Extension package mkdocs-material-1.9.0 (2017-08-29) * Added info (synonym: todo) style for Admonition * Added question (synonym: help, faq) style for Admonition * Added support for Details from PyMdown Extensions package * Improved Admonition styles to match Details * Improved styles for social links in footer * Replaced ligatures with Unicode code points to avoid broken layout * Upgraded PyMdown Extensions package dependency to >= 3.4 mkdocs-material-1.8.1 (2017-08-07) * Fixed #421: Missing pagination for GitHub API mkdocs-material-1.8.0 (2017-08-02) * Added support for lazy-loading of search results for better performance * Added support for customization of search tokenizer/separator * Fixed #424: Search doesn't handle capital letters anymore * Fixed #419: Search doesn't work on whole words mkdocs-material-1.7.5 (2017-07-25) * Fixed #398: Forms broken due to search shortcuts * Improved search overall user experience * Improved search matching and highlighting * Improved search accessibility mkdocs-material-1.7.4 (2017-06-21) * Fixed functional link colors in table of contents for active palette * Fixed #368: Compatibility issues with IE11 mkdocs-material-1.7.3 (2017-06-07) * Fixed error when setting language to Japanese for site search mkdocs-material-1.7.2 (2017-06-06) * Fixed offset of search box when repo_url is not set * Fixed non-disappearing tooltip mkdocs-material-1.7.1 (2017-06-01) * Fixed wrong z-index order of header, overlay and drawer * Fixed wrong offset of targeted footnote back references mkdocs-material-1.7.0 (2017-06-01) * Added "copy to clipboard" buttons to code blocks * Added support for multilingual site search * Fixed search term highlighting for non-latin languages mkdocs-material-1.6.4 (2017-05-24) * Fixed #337: JavaScript error for GitHub organization URLs mkdocs-material-1.6.3 (2017-05-16) * Fixed #329: Broken source stats for private or unknown GitHub repos mkdocs-material-1.6.2 (2017-05-15) * Fixed #316: Fatal error for git clone on Windows * Fixed #320: Chrome 58 creates double underline for abbr tags * Fixed #323: Ligatures rendered inside code blocks * Fixed miscalculated sidebar height due to missing margin collapse * Changed deprecated MathJax CDN to Cloudflare mkdocs-material-1.6.1 (2017-04-23) * Fixed following of active/focused element if search input is focused * Fixed layer order of search component elements mkdocs-material-1.6.0 (2017-04-22) * Added build test for Docker image on Travis * Added search overlay for better user experience (focus) * Added language from localizations to html tag * Fixed #270: Source links broken for absolute URLs * Fixed missing top spacing for first targeted element in content * Fixed too small footnote divider when using larger font sizes mkdocs-material-1.5.5 (2017-04-20) * Fixed #282: Browser search (META+F) is hijacked mkdocs-material-1.5.4 (2017-04-08) * Fixed broken highlighting for two or more search terms * Fixed missing search results when only a h1 is present * Fixed unresponsive overlay on Android mkdocs-material-1.5.3 (2017-04-07) * Fixed deprecated calls for template variables * Fixed wrong palette color for focused search result * Fixed JavaScript errors on 404 page * Fixed missing top spacing on 404 page * Fixed missing right spacing on overflow of source container mkdocs-material-1.5.2 (2017-04-05) * Added requirements as explicit dependencies in * Fixed non-synchronized transitions in search form mkdocs-material-1.5.1 (2017-03-30) * Fixed rendering and offset of targetted footnotes * Fixed #238: Link on logo is not set to site_url mkdocs-material-1.5.0 (2017-03-24) * Added support for localization of search placeholder * Added keyboard events for quick access of search * Added keyboard events for search control * Added opacity on hover for search buttons * Added git hook to skip CI build on non-src changes * Fixed non-resetting search placeholder when input is cleared * Fixed error for unescaped parentheses in search term * Fixed #229: Button to clear search missing * Fixed #231: Escape key doesn't exit search * Removed old-style figures from font feature settings mkdocs-material-1.4.1 (2017-03-16) * Fixed invalid destructuring attempt on NodeList (in Safari, Edge, IE) mkdocs-material-1.4.0 (2017-03-16) * Added support for grouping searched sections by documents * Added support for highlighting of search terms * Added support for localization of search results * Fixed #216: table of contents icon doesn't show if h1 is not present * Reworked style and layout of search results for better usability mkdocs-material-1.3.0 (2017-03-11) * Added support for page-specific title and description using metadata * Added support for linking source files to documentation * Fixed jitter and offset of sidebar when zooming browser * Fixed incorrectly initialized tablet sidebar height * Fixed regression for #1: GitHub stars break if the repo_url ends with a '/' * Fixed undesired white line below copyright footer due to base font scaling * Fixed issue with whitespace in path for scripts * Fixed #205: support non-fixed (static) header * Refactored footnote references for better visibility * Reduced repaints to a minimum for non-tabs configuration * Reduced contrast of edit button (slightly) mkdocs-material-1.2.0 (2017-03-03) * Added quote (synonym: cite) style for Admonition * Added help message to build pipeline * Fixed wrong navigation link colors when applying palette * Fixed #197: Link missing in tabs navigation on deeply nested items * Removed unnecessary dev dependencies mkdocs-material-1.1.1 (2017-02-26) * Fixed incorrectly displayed nested lists when using tabs mkdocs-material-1.1.0 (2017-02-26) * Added tabs navigation feature (optional) * Added Disqus integration (optional) * Added a high resolution Favicon with the new logo * Added static type checking using Facebook's Flow * Fixed #173: Dictionary elements have no bottom spacing * Fixed #175: Tables cannot be set to 100% width * Fixed race conditions in build related to asset revisioning * Fixed accidentally re-introduced Permalink on top-level headline * Fixed alignment of logo in drawer on IE11 * Refactored styles related to tables * Refactored and automated Docker build and PyPI release * Refactored build scripts mkdocs-material-1.0.5 (2017-02-18) * Fixed #153: Sidebar flows out of constrained area in Chrome 56 * Fixed #159: Footer jitter due to JavaScript if content is short mkdocs-material-1.0.4 (2017-02-16) * Fixed #142: Documentation build errors if h1 is defined as raw HTML * Fixed #164: PyPI release does not build and install * Fixed offsets of targeted headlines * Increased sidebar font size by 0.12rem mkdocs-material-1.0.3 (2017-01-22) * Fixed #117: Table of contents items don't blur on fast scrolling * Refactored sidebar positioning logic * Further reduction of repaints mkdocs-material-1.0.2 (2017-01-15) * Fixed #108: Horizontal scrollbar in content area mkdocs-material-1.0.1 (2017-01-14) * Fixed massive repaints happening when scrolling * Fixed footer back reference positions in case of overflow * Fixed header logo from showing when the menu icon is rendered * Changed scrollbar behavior to only show when content overflows mkdocs-material-1.0.0 (2017-01-13) * Introduced Webpack for more sophisticated JavaScript bundling * Introduced ESLint and Stylelint for code style checks * Introduced more accurate Material Design colors and shadows * Introduced modular scales for harmonic font sizing * Introduced git-hooks for better development workflow * Rewrite of CSS using the BEM methodology and SassDoc guidelines * Rewrite of JavaScript using ES6 and Babel as a transpiler * Rewrite of Admonition, Permalinks and CodeHilite integration * Rewrite of the complete typographical system * Rewrite of Gulp asset pipeline in ES6 and separation of tasks * Removed Bower as a dependency in favor of NPM * Removed custom icon build in favor of the Material Design iconset * Removed _blank targets on links due to vulnerability: * Removed unversioned assets from build directory * Restructured templates into base templates and partials * Added build and watch scripts in package.json * Added support for Metadata and Footnotes Markdown extensions * Added support for PyMdown Extensions package * Added support for collapsible sections in navigation * Added support for separate table of contents * Added support for better accessibility through REM-based layout * Added icons for GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations * Added more detailed documentation on specimen, extensions etc. * Added a 404.html error page for deployment on GitHub Pages * Fixed live reload chain in watch mode when saving a template * Fixed variable references to work with MkDocs 0.16 mkdocs-material-0.2.4 (2016-06-26) * Fixed improperly set default favicon * Fixed #33: Protocol relative URL for webfonts doesn't work with file:// * Fixed #34: IE11 on Windows 7 doesn't honor max-width on main tag * Fixed #35: Add styling for blockquotes mkdocs-material-0.2.3 (2016-05-16) * Fixed #25: Highlight inline fenced blocks * Fixed #26: Better highlighting for keystrokes * Fixed #30: Suboptimal syntax highlighting for PHP mkdocs-material-0.2.2 (2016-03-20) * Fixed #15: Document Pygments dependency for CodeHilite * Fixed #16: Favicon could not be set through mkdocs.yml * Fixed #17: Put version into own container for styling * Fixed #20: Fix rounded borders for tables mkdocs-material-0.2.1 (2016-03-12) * Fixed #10: Invisible header after closing search bar with ESC key * Fixed #13: Table cells don't wrap * Fixed empty list in table of contents when no headline is defined * Corrected wrong path for static asset monitoring in Gulpfile.js * Set up tracking of site search for Google Analytics mkdocs-material-0.2.0 (2016-02-24) * Fixed #6: Include multiple color palettes via mkdocs.yml * Fixed #7: Better colors for links inside admonition notes and warnings * Fixed #9: Text for prev/next footer navigation should be customizable * Refactored templates (replaced if/else with modifiers where possible) mkdocs-material-0.1.3 (2016-02-21) * Fixed #3: Ordered lists within an unordered list have ::before content * Fixed #4: Click on Logo/Title without Github-Repository: "None" * Fixed #5: Page without headlines renders empty list in table of contents * Moved Modernizr to top to ensure basic usability in IE8 mkdocs-material-0.1.2 (2016-02-16) * Fixed styles for deep navigational hierarchies * Fixed webfont delivery problem when hosted in subdirectories * Fixed print styles in mobile/tablet configuration * Added option to configure fonts in mkdocs.yml with fallbacks * Changed styles for admonition notes and warnings * Set download link to latest version if available * Set up tracking of outgoing links and actions for Google Analytics mkdocs-material-0.1.1 (2016-02-11) * Fixed #1: GitHub stars don't work if the repo_url ends with a '/' * Updated NPM and Bower dependencies to most recent versions * Changed footer/copyright link to Material theme to GitHub pages * Made MkDocs building/serving in build process optional * Set up continuous integration with Travis mkdocs-material-0.1.0 (2016-02-09) * Initial release