template: overrides/main.html
# Changing the language
Material for MkDocs supports internationalization (i18n) and provides
translations for template variables and labels in 40+ languages. Additionally,
the site search can be configured to use a language-specific stemmer, if
## Configuration
### Site language
[:octicons-tag-24: 1.12.0][language support] ·
:octicons-milestone-24: Default: `en`
You can set the site language in `mkdocs.yml` with:
``` yaml
language: en
The following languages are supported:
Note that some languages will produce unreadable anchor links due to the way
the default slug function works. Consider using a [Unicode-aware slug function].
[language support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/1.12.0
[Unicode-aware slug function]: setting-up-navigation.md#slugify
[Add language]: https://bit.ly/38F5RCa
### Site language selector
[:octicons-tag-24: 7.0.0][alternate support] ·
:octicons-milestone-24: Default: _none_ ·
:octicons-beaker-24: Experimental
If your documentation is available in multiple languages, a language selector
pointing to those languages can be added to the header. Alternate languages
can be defined via `mkdocs.yml`.
``` yaml
- name: English
link: /en/ # (1)
lang: en
- name: Deutsch
link: /de/
lang: de
1. Note that this must be an absolute link. If it includes a domain part, it's
used as defined. Otherwise the domain part of the [`site_url`][site_url] as
set in `mkdocs.yml` is prepended to the link.
The following properties must be set for each alternate language:
`name`{ #language-name }
: :octicons-milestone-24: Default: _none_ · :octicons-alert-24: Required –
This field is used inside the language selector as the name of the language
and must be set to a non-empty string.
`link`{ #language-link }
: :octicons-milestone-24: Default: _none_ · :octicons-alert-24: Required –
This field must be set to an absolute link, which might also point to
another domain or subdomain not necessarily generated with MkDocs.
`lang`{ #language-lang }
: :octicons-milestone-24: Default: _none_ · :octicons-alert-24: Required –
This field must contain a valid [ISO 639-1 language code] and is used for
the `hreflang` attribute of the link, improving discoverability via search
[![Language selector preview]][Language selector preview]
[alternate support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/7.0.0
[site_url]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#site_url
[ISO 639-1 language code]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
[Language selector preview]: ../assets/screenshots/language-selection.png
### Directionality
[:octicons-tag-24: 2.5.0][direction support] ·
:octicons-milestone-24: Default: _automatically set_
While many languages are read `ltr` (left-to-right), Material for MkDocs also
supports `rtl` (right-to-left) directionality which is deduced from the
selected language, but can also be set with:
``` yaml
direction: ltr
Click on a tile to change the directionality:
[direction support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/2.5.0
## Customization
### Custom translations
If you want to customize some of the translations for a language, just follow
the guide on [theme extension] and create a new partial in the `overrides`
folder. Then, import the [translations] of the language as a fallback and only
adjust the ones you want to override:
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: partials/languages/custom.html"
``` html
{% import "partials/languages/de.html" as language %}
{% import "partials/languages/en.html" as fallback %}
{% macro override(key) %}{{ {
"source.file.date.created": "Erstellt am",
"source.file.date.updated": "Aktualisiert am"
}[key] }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro t(key) %}{{
override(key) or language(key) or fallback.t(key)
}}{% endmacro %}
1. Note that `en` must always be used as a fallback language, as it's the
default theme language.
2. Check the [list of available languages], pick the translation you want
to override for your language and add them here.
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: mkdocs.yml"
``` yaml
language: custom
[theme extension]: ../customization.md#extending-the-theme
[translations]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/blob/master/src/partials/languages/
[list of available languages]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/blob/master/src/partials/languages/