# How to upgrade When upgrading Insiders, you should always check the version of Material for MkDocs which makes up the first part of the version qualifier, e.g., Insiders `4.x.x` is currently based on `9.x.x`: ``` 9.x.x-insiders-4.x.x ``` If the major version increased, it's a good idea to consult the [upgrade guide] and go through the steps to ensure your configuration is up to date and all necessary changes have been made. [upgrade guide]: ../upgrade.md [list of tags]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material-insiders/tags Depending on how you installed and what you want to upgrade to you need to run different commands: === "pip upgrade to release" If you installed Insiders via `pip` and you want to upgrade to a specific release, pick the tag from the [list of tags] and replace the tag at the end of the URL of the command given below: ``` pip install --upgrade git+https://${GH_TOKEN}@github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material-insiders.git@9.4.2-insiders-4.42.0 ``` === "pip upgrade to latest development" If you installed Insiders via `pip` and want to upgrade to the latest development version, run: ``` pip install --upgrade git+https://${GH_TOKEN}@github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material-insiders.git ``` === "git upgrade" If you installed Insiders via `git`, you will first need to check out the version you want to install into your workspace. After this is done, you can run `pip` to install that version. First, make sure that your local clone is up-to-date with the upstream repository by running `git pull`. You can look up the tags using `git tag --sort -refname` or you can consult the [list of tags]. Then, checkout the tag you want to use by replacing the one given in the command below (twice)and running it from your workspace[^detached]: [^detached]: The `--detach` argument serves to tell `git` that you are ok to have your workspace in the [detached head] state, which is perfectly fine to have here. [detached head]: https://www.git-tower.com/learn/git/faq/detached-head-when-checkout-commit/ ``` cd mkdocs-material git checkout --detach tags/9.4.2-insiders-4.42.0 ``` Now, change back to the parent directory in which your Git repository lives and run `pip`: ``` cd .. pip install -e mkdocs-material ```