/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Martin Donath * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import gulp from "gulp" import notifier from "node-notifier" import plumber from "gulp-plumber" import util from "gulp-util" import yargs from "yargs" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Configuration and arguments * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const config = { assets: { src: "src/assets", /* Source directory for assets */ build: "material/assets" /* Target directory for assets */ }, views: { src: "src", /* Source directory for views */ build: "material" /* Target directory for views */ } } const args = yargs .default("clean", false) /* Clean before build */ .default("lint", true) /* Lint sources */ .default("mkdocs", false) /* MkDocs watchdog */ .default("optimize", true) /* Optimize sources */ .default("revision", true) /* Revision assets */ .default("sourcemaps", false) /* Create sourcemaps */ .argv /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Overrides and helpers * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Override gulp.src() for nicer error handling. */ const src = gulp.src gulp.src = (...glob) => { return src.apply(gulp, glob) .pipe( plumber(function(error) { util.log(util.colors.red( `Error (${error.plugin}): ${error.message}` )) /* Extract file where error happened, if existent */ const file = error.relativePath ? error.relativePath.split("/").pop() : "" /* Dispatch system-level notification */ notifier.notify({ title: `Error (${error.plugin}): ${file}`, message: error.messageOriginal }) // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this this.emit("end") /* Throw error and abort, if not in watch mode */ if (args._[0] !== "watch") throw error })) } /* * Helper function to load a task */ const load = task => { return require(`./tasks/${task}`)(gulp, config, args) } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Images * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Copy favicon */ gulp.task("assets:images:build:ico", load("assets/images/build/ico")) /* * Copy and minify vector graphics */ gulp.task("assets:images:build:svg", load("assets/images/build/svg")) /* * Copy images */ gulp.task("assets:images:build", args.clean ? [ "assets:images:clean" ] : [], () => { return gulp.start([ "assets:images:build:ico", "assets:images:build:svg" ]) }) /* * Clean images generated by build */ gulp.task("assets:images:clean", load("assets/images/clean")) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Javascripts * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Build application logic */ gulp.task("assets:javascripts:build:application", load("assets/javascripts/build/application")) /* * Build custom modernizr */ gulp.task("assets:javascripts:build:modernizr", [ "assets:stylesheets:build" ], load("assets/javascripts/build/modernizr")) /* * Build application logic and modernizr */ gulp.task("assets:javascripts:build", (args.clean ? [ "assets:javascripts:clean" ] : []).concat(args.lint ? [ "assets:javascripts:lint" ] : []), () => { gulp.start([ "assets:javascripts:build:application", "assets:javascripts:build:modernizr" ]) }) /* * Clean javascripts generated by build */ gulp.task("assets:javascripts:clean", load("assets/javascripts/clean")) /* * Lint javascripts */ gulp.task("assets:javascripts:lint", load("assets/javascripts/lint")) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Stylesheets * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Build stylesheets from SASS source */ gulp.task("assets:stylesheets:build", (args.clean ? [ "assets:stylesheets:clean" ] : []).concat(args.lint ? [ "assets:stylesheets:lint" ] : []), load("assets/stylesheets/build")) /* * Clean stylesheets generated by build */ gulp.task("assets:stylesheets:clean", load("assets/stylesheets/clean")) /* * Lint SASS sources */ gulp.task("assets:stylesheets:lint", load("assets/stylesheets/lint")) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assets * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Build assets */ gulp.task("assets:build", [ "assets:images:build", "assets:javascripts:build", "assets:stylesheets:build" ]) /* * Clean files generated by build */ gulp.task("assets:clean", [ "assets:images:clean", "assets:javascripts:clean", "assets:stylesheets:clean" ]) /* * Lint sources */ gulp.task("assets:lint", [ "assets:javascripts:lint", "assets:stylesheets:lint" ]) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Views * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Minify views */ gulp.task("views:build", (args.revision ? [ "assets:images:build", "assets:stylesheets:build", "assets:javascripts:build" ] : []).concat(args.clean ? [ "views:clean" ] : []), load("views/build")) /* * Clean views */ gulp.task("views:clean", load("views/clean")) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MkDocs * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Build documentation */ gulp.task("mkdocs:build", [ "assets:build", "views:build", "mkdocs:clean" ], load("mkdocs/build")) /* * Clean documentation build */ gulp.task("mkdocs:clean", load("mkdocs/clean")) /* * Restart MkDocs server */ gulp.task("mkdocs:serve", load("mkdocs/serve")) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Interface * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Build assets and documentation */ gulp.task("build", [ "clean" ], () => { return gulp.start([ "assets:build", "views:build" ].concat(args.mkdocs ? "mkdocs:build" : [])) }) /* * Clean assets and documentation */ gulp.task("clean", [ "assets:clean", "views:clean", "mkdocs:clean" ]) /* * Watch for changes and rebuild assets on the fly */ gulp.task("watch", [ "assets:build", "views:build" ], () => { if (args.mkdocs) gulp.start("mkdocs:serve") /* Rebuild stylesheets */ gulp.watch([ `${config.assets.src}/stylesheets/**/*.scss` ], ["assets:stylesheets:build"]) /* Rebuild javascripts */ gulp.watch([ `${config.assets.src}/javascripts/**/*.js` ], ["assets:javascripts:build:application"]) /* Copy images */ gulp.watch([ `${config.assets.src}/images/**/*` ], ["assets:images:build"]) /* Minify views */ gulp.watch([ `${config.views.src}/**/*.html` ], ["views:build"]) }) /* * Build assets by default */ gulp.task("default", ["build"])