# Bug reporting Material for MkDocs is an actively maintained project that we constantly strive to improve. With a project of this size and complexity, :material-bug: bugs may occur. If you think you have discovered a bug, you can help us by reporting an issue in our public [issue tracker]. [issue tracker]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/issues ## Before creating an issue With more than 20.000 users, issues are raised almost every day. The maintainers of this project are trying very hard to keep the number of open issues down by fixing bugs as fast as possible. High quality and complete bug reports enable us to help you much faster. __Please make sure to try the following things before creating an issue__. ### Upgrade to latest version Chances are, that the bug you discovered was already fixed in a subsequent version. Thus, before reporting an issue, please ensure that you're running the [latest version] of Material for MkDocs. Please consult our [upgrade guide] to learn how to upgrade to the latest version. !!! warning "Bug fixes are not backported" Please understand that only issues that occur in the latest version of Material for MkDocs will be addressed. Also, in order to reduce duplicate efforts, fixes are not backported to earlier versions. ### Remove customizations If you're using [customizations] like [additional CSS] and [JavaScript], or [theme extension], please remove them from `mkdocs.yml` before reporting a bug. __We can't offer official support for bugs that might hide in your overrides__, so please remove the following settings from `mkdocs.yml`: - [`theme.custom_dir`][theme.custom_dir] - [`theme.hooks`][theme.hooks] - [`extra_css`][extra_css] - [`extra_javascript`][extra_javascript] If after removing those settings, the bug is gone, the bug is likely caused by your customizations. A good idea is to add them back gradually to narrow down the root cause. Don't be shy to ask on our [discussion board] or [:simple-stackoverflow: StackOverflow][StackOverflow] for help if you're running into problems. !!! warning "Customizations mentioned in our documentation" A handful of the features Material for MkDocs offers can only be implemented with customizations. If you find a bug in any of the customizations [that our documentation explicitly mentions], you are of course encouraged to report it. [latest version]: ../changelog/index.md [upgrade guide]: ../upgrade.md [Customizations]: ../customization.md [additional CSS]: ../customization.md#additional-css [JavaScript]: ../customization.md#additional-javascript [theme extension]: ../customization.md#extending-the-theme [theme.custom_dir]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#custom_dir [theme.hooks]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#hooks [extra_css]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#extra_css [extra_javascript]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#extra_javascript [discussion board]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/issues [StackOverflow]: https://stackoverflow.com [that our documentation explicitly mentions]: ?q="extends+base" ### Search for solutions TBD - Documentation - Open issues ## Issue template We have created a new issue template to make the bug reporting process as simple as possible and more efficient for the community and for us. It is the result of our experience answering and fixing more than 1,600 issues (and counting), and consists of the following parts: - [Title] - [Context] optional - [Bug description] - [Related links] - [Reproduction] - [Steps to reproduce] - [Browser] optional - [Checklist] [Title]: #title [Context]: #context [Bug description]: #bug-description [Related links]: #related-links [Reproduction]: #reproduction [Steps to reproduce]: #steps-to-reproduce [Browser]: #browser [Checklist]: #checklist ### Title A good title is short and descriptive. It should be a one-sentence executive summary of the issue, so the impact and severity of the bug you want to report can be inferred from the title. | | Example | | -------- | -------- | | :material-check:{ style="color: #4DB6AC" } __Good__ | Built-in `typeset` plugin changes precedence of nav title over `h1` | :material-close:{ style="color: #EF5350" } __Wordy__ | The built-in `typeset` plugin changes the precedence of the nav title over the document headline | :material-close:{ style="color: #EF5350" } __Unclear__ | Title does not work | :material-close:{ style="color: #EF5350" } __Generic__ | Please help ### Context optional { #context } Before describing the bug, you can provide additional context that can be helpful to understand what you were trying to achieve. Explain the circumstances in which you're using Material for MkDocs. Don't write about the bug itself or anything related. > __Why this might be helpful__: some errors only manifest in specific settings, > environments or edge cases, for example when your documentation contains > thousands of documents. ### Bug description Now, to the bug you want to report. Provide a clear, focused, specific and concise summary of the bug you encountered. Explain why you think this is a bug that should be reported to Material for MkDocs, and not to one of its [dependencies]. Guideline for descriptions: - __Explain the what, not the how__ – don't explain [how to reproduce the bug][Steps to reproduce] here, we're getting there. Focus on articulating the problem and its impact as clearly as possible. - __Keep it short and concise__ – if the bug can be precisely explained in one or two sentences, perfect. Don't inflate it – the maintainers and users reading your words will be grateful. - __One :material-bug: bug at a time__ – if you encountered several unreleated bugs, please open an issue for each of them. Don't report them all in the same issue, as this makes communication difficult. --- __Stretch :material-run-fast: goal__ – if you found a workaround or a way to fix the bug, you can help other users to temporarily mitigate the problem before Material for MkDocs fixes the bug in its code base. > __Why we need this__: in order for us to understand the issue at hand, we > need a clear description of the problem and its impact, which is essential > for triage and prioritization. [dependencies]: #dependencies ### Related links Of course, prior to reporting a bug, you have read our documentation and could not find a working solution. Please share links to all sections of our documentation that might be relevant to the bug, as it helps us gradually improve it. Additionally, since you have searched our [issue tracker] and [discussion board] before reporting an issue, and have possibly found several issues or discussions, include those as well. Every link to an issue or discussion creates a backlink, guiding us maintainers and future users. > __Why we need this__: related links help us better understand what you were > trying to achieve and whether sections of our documentation need to be > adjusted, extended or overhauled. ### Reproduction TBD ### Steps to reproduce TBD ### Browser optional { #browser } TBD ### Checklist TBD ## General ### Dependencies TBD ## Incomplete issues TBD