--- template: overrides/main.html --- # Changelog ## Material for MkDocs Insiders ### 4.8.3 _ February 13, 2022 { id="4.8.3" } - Fixed #3560: Mermaid diagrams don't render for `file://` locations ### 4.8.2 _ February 10, 2022 { id="4.8.2" } - Fixed #3559: Mermaid diagrams don't render inside closed `details` ### 4.8.1 _ February 6, 2022 { id="4.8.1" } - Fixed jump back to top on mobile when using anchor following ### 4.8.0 _ February 6, 2022 { id="4.8.0" } - Added support for anchor following table of contents (= auto scroll) ### 4.7.2 _ February 2, 2022 { id="4.7.2" } - Fixed #3526: Transparent sidebar title due to Safari bug - Fixed #3528: Firefox sometimes clips text in flow chart diagrams ### 4.7.1 _ January 30, 2022 { id="4.7.1" } - Fixed #3506: Tags index not respecting title set via front matter ### 4.7.0 _ January 25, 2022 { id="4.7.0" } - Added native support for offline search ### 4.6.1 _ January 16, 2022 { id="4.6.1" } - Fixed #3459: Section index pages picking up wrong title ### 4.6.0 _ January 11, 2022 { id="4.6.0" } - Added support for annotations (outside of code blocks) ### 4.5.2 _ January 8, 2022 { id="4.5.2" } - Fixed #3440: Content tab indicator not moving when using linking - Fixed #3445: Content tab switch flickers/jitters when using linking ### 4.5.1 _ January 2, 2022 { id="4.5.1" } - Added support for setting initial state of cookie consent - Fixed #3396: Disappearing link in navigation due to Safari bug ### 4.5.0 _ December 16, 2021 { id="4.5.0" } - Added support for navigation icons ### 4.4.0 _ December 10, 2021 { id="4.4.0" } - Added support for code annotation anchor links (deep linking) - Added new code annotation syntax modifier to strip comment - Updated German translations for cookie consent ### 4.3.0 _ December 5, 2021 { id="4.3.0" } - Added support for custom fonts in social cards - Fixed #3300: Announcement bar reappearing when using instant loading ### 4.2.0 _ December 2, 2021 { id="4.2.0" } - Added support for dismissable announcement bar - Added support for named placeholders in feedback widget ### 4.1.0 _ November 30, 2021 { id="4.1.0" } - Added support for passing page title to feedback forms ### 4.0.0 _ November 28, 2021 { id="4.0.0" } - Removed deprecated content tabs legacy implementation - Removed deprecated `seealso` admonition type - Removed deprecated `site_keywords` setting (unsupported by MkDocs) - Removed deprecated prebuilt search index support - Removed deprecated web app manifest – use customization - Removed `extracopyright` variable – use new `copyright` partial - Removed Disqus integation – use customization - Switched to `:is()` selectors for simple selector lists - Switched autoprefixer from `last 4 years` to `last 2 years` - Improved CSS overall to match modern standards - Improved CSS variable semantics for fonts - Improved extensibility by restructuring partials - Improved handling of `details` when printing - Improved keyboard navigation for footnotes - Fixed #3214: Search highlighting breaks site when empty ### 3.2.3 _ November 20, 2021 { id="3.2.3" } - Updated Swedish and French translations - Removed support for `.mermaid-experimental` class (now `.mermaid`) - Fixed #3202: Cookie consent not dismissable on `file://` locations - Fixed #3216: Cookie consent not dismissed when invoked via anchor - Fixed #3232: Mermaid.js sometimes runs twice (race condition) ### 3.2.2 _ November 6, 2021 { id="3.2.2" } - Fixed always last feedback rating being sent - Fixed #3145: Code annotations eat whole comment lines - Fixed #3170: Feedback widget doesn't send data to GA4 ### 3.2.1 _ November 4, 2021 { id="3.2.1" } - Added support for custom Mermaid.js version via additional JavaScript - Fixed some configuration edge cases for tags plugin (3.1.5 regression) - Fixed feedback widget title not being centered in Firefox - Fixed #3179: Safari doesn't send request for feedback widget ### 3.2.0 _ October 31, 2021 { id="3.2.0" } - Added support for feedback widget (Was this page helpful?) ### 3.1.5 _ October 28, 2021 { id="3.1.5" } - Fixed #3144: Rogue link when using tags with auto-populated navigation - Fixed #3147: Code block line numbers appear in search results - Fixed #3158: Social cards do not strip HTML tags from title ### 3.1.4 _ October 17, 2021 { id="3.1.4" } - Fixed #2974: Text cropped with other fonts than `Roboto` in social plugin - Fixed #3099: Encoding problems with non-latin character in social plugin - Fixed #3112: Japanese segmenter not executed as part of new tokenizer - Fixed tags (front matter) appearing in search with disabled tags plugin ### 3.1.3 _ October 12, 2021 { id="3.1.3" } - Added warnings to search plugin for unsupported options and syntax - Fixed #3503: Search sometimes returns entire page - Fixed #3089: Single-line code annotations disappear when printing ### 3.1.2 _ October 6, 2021 { id="3.1.2" } - Fixed incorrect path separators for social cards on Windows ### 3.1.1 _ September 26, 2021 { id="3.1.1" } - Fixed ordering bug in search exclusion logic ### 3.1.0 _ September 26, 2021 { id="3.1.0" } - Added support for excluding pages, sections, and elements from search - Fixed #2803: Code block annotations not visible when printing ### 3.0.1 _ September 19, 2021 { id="3.0.1" } - Added support for using literal `h1-6` tags for search plugin - Fixed search plugin breaking on void elements without slashes - Fixed search plugin filtering link contents from headlines - Fixed search plugin handling of multiple `h1` headlines - Fixed search plugin handling of missing `h1` headlines ### 3.0.0 _ September 13, 2021 { id="3.0.0" } - Rewrite of MkDocs' search plugin - Added support for rich search previews - Added support for tokenizer with lookahead - Improved search indexing performance (twice as fast) - Improved search highlighting ### 2.13.3 _ September 1, 2021 { id="2.13.3" } - Added support for disabling social card generation ### 2.13.2 _ August 25, 2021 { id="2.13.2" } - Fixed #2965: Social plugin error when primary color is not defined ### 2.13.1 _ August 21, 2021 { id="2.13.1" } - Fixed #2948: Social cards are not cached - Fixed #2953: Mermaid.js diagrams can't be centered anymore ### 2.13.0 _ August 7, 2021 { id="2.13.0" } - Added support for custom colors in social cards ### 2.12.2 _ August 4, 2021 { id="2.12.2" } - Fixed #2891: Division by zero error in social plugin ### 2.12.1 _ July 26, 2021 { id="2.12.1" } - Fixed error in social plugin when `site_description` was not set - Fixed error in social plugin for non-ASCII characters ### 2.12.0 _ July 25, 2021 { id="2.12.0" } - Added support for social cards ### 2.11.1 _ July 20, 2021 { id="2.11.1" } - Fixed order of tags index, now sorted alphabetically ### 2.11.0 _ July 18, 2021 { id="2.11.0" } - Improved Mermaid.js intergration, now stable - Added support for sequence diagrams - Added support for entity relationship diagrams - Added support for cookie consent configuration - Added feature flag to always enable annotations ### 2.10.0 _ July 10, 2021 { id="2.10.0" } - Added support for cookie consent - Fixed #2807: Back-to-top button not hidden when using sticky tabs ### 2.9.2 _ May 30, 2021 { id="2.9.2" } - Moved tags to partial for easier customization - Added support for hiding tags on any page ### 2.9.1 _ May 24, 2021 { id="2.9.1" } - Added missing guard for linking of content tabs ### 2.9.0 _ May 23, 2021 { id="2.9.0" } - Added support for linking of content tabs ### 2.8.0 _ May 12, 2021 { id="2.8.0" } - Added support for boosting pages in search ### 2.7.2 _ May 8, 2021 { id="2.7.2" } - Fixed #2638: Warnings shown when using `tags` plugin without directory URLs ### 2.7.1 _ May 3, 2021 { id="2.7.1" } - Fixed `git-revision-date-localized` plugin integration (2.7.0 regression) ### 2.7.0 _ May 1, 2021 { id="2.7.0" } - Added support for tags (with search integration) ### 2.6.0 _ April 11, 2021 { id="2.6.0" } - Stay on page when switching versions ### 2.5.0 _ March 28, 2021 { id="2.5.0" } - Added support for version warning ### 2.4.0 _ March 20, 2021 { id="2.4.0" } - Added support for custom admonition icons - Fixed #2444: Code block annotations with extra comments have wrong index ### 2.3.1 _ March 14, 2021 { id="2.3.1" } - Fixed anchor offset for permalinks when using sticky navigation tabs ### 2.3.0 _ March 13, 2021 { id="2.3.0" } - Added support for back-to-top button ### 2.2.1 _ March 4, 2021 { id="2.2.1" } - Fixed #2382: Repository stats failing when no release tag is present ### 2.2.0 _ February 28, 2021 { id="2.2.0" } - Added support for code block annotations ### 2.1.0 _ February 26, 2021 { id="2.1.0" } - Added support for anchor tracking ### 2.0.0 _ February 24, 2021 { id="2.0.0" } - Migrated Insiders to the new architecture - Swapped color palette toggle configuration ### 1.17.0 _ January 31, 2021 { id="1.17.0" } - Added support for section index pages ### 1.16.1 _ January 26, 2021 { id="1.16.1" } - Fixed #2249: Instant loading + sticky tabs result in invalid links - Fixed #2248: Search highlighting URL parameter always added - Fixed #2235: Version selector doesn't select current version for aliases ### 1.16.0 _ January 7, 2021 { id="1.16.0" } - Added latest release to repository info (GitHub) - Slight facelift of repository info (lighter fonts, spacing and icons) ### 1.15.0 _ January 2, 2021 { id="1.15.0" } - Added support for native Mermaid.js integration ### 1.14.0 _ December 30, 2020 { id="1.14.0" } - Added support for sharing searches ### 1.13.2 _ December 22, 2020 { id="1.13.2" } - Fixed version selector + sticky tabs navigation rendering issues - Fixed version selector wrapping ### 1.13.1 _ December 20, 2020 { id="1.13.1" } - Removed horizontal scrollbars on language and version selector - Fixed type conversion in JavaScript config ### 1.13.0 _ December 13, 2020 { id="1.13.0" } - Refactored navigation tabs to simplify grouping behavior - Added support for sticky navigation tabs - Added support for arbitrary links in navigation tabs - Fixed #2098: Subsequent active subsection not highlighted correctly ### 1.12.1 _ December 8, 2020 { id="1.12.1" } - Fixed empty language selector being shown ### 1.12.0 _ December 6, 2020 { id="1.12.0" } - Added support for adding a language selector ### 1.11.2 _ November 29, 2020 { id="1.11.2" } - Fixed #2068: Search highlight interprets code blocks as JavaScript ### 1.11.1 _ November 29, 2020 { id="1.11.1" } - Refactored styling to be more stable and easier to adjust - Fixed some styling regressions from latest features ### 1.11.0 _ November 22, 2020 { id="1.11.0" } - Added support for rendering admonitions as inline blocks ### 1.10.0 _ November 15, 2020 { id="1.10.0" } - Added support for integrating table of contents into navigation ### 1.9.0 _ November 7, 2020 { id="1.9.0" } - Added support for hiding navigation and table of contents on any page - Removed autohiding table of contents when empty ### 1.8.0 _ November 1, 2020 { id="1.8.0" } - Added support for navigation sections - Fixed appearance of inactive search suggestions ### 1.7.0 _ October 25, 2020 { id="1.7.0" } - Added support for deploying multiple versions - Fixed alignment of sidebar when content area is too small ### 1.6.0 _ October 11, 2020 { id="1.6.0" } - Added support for search suggestions to save keystrokes - Added support for removing __Made with Material for MkDocs__ from footer - Fixed #1915: search should go to first result by pressing ++enter++ ### 1.5.1 _ September 21, 2020 { id="1.5.1" } - Fixed content area stretching to whole width for long code blocks ### 1.5.0 _ September 19, 2020 { id="1.5.0" } - Added support for autohiding table of contents when empty ### 1.4.1 _ September 6, 2020 { id="1.4.1" } - Improved typeahead and search result relevance and scoring ### 1.4.0 _ August 30, 2020 { id="1.4.0" } - Added support for autohiding header on scroll ### 1.3.0 _ August 26, 2020 { id="1.3.0" } - Added support for user-selectable color palettes ### 1.2.0 _ August 11, 2020 { id="1.2.0" } - Added feature to expand navigation by default ### 1.1.0 _ August 3, 2020 { id="1.1.0" } - Added highlighting of search results ### 1.0.0 _ July 14, 2020 { id="1.0.0" } - Added grouping of search results - Added missing query terms to search result - Improved search result relevance and scoring