diff --git a/docs/reference/data-tables.md b/docs/reference/data-tables.md
index 03b91d6a9..1099db430 100644
--- a/docs/reference/data-tables.md
+++ b/docs/reference/data-tables.md
@@ -182,3 +182,150 @@ numbers, filesizes, dates and month names. See the [tablesort documentation]
[tablesort]: http://tristen.ca/tablesort/demo/
[instant loading]: ../setup/setting-up-navigation.md#instant-loading
+### Import table from file
+[:octicons-cpu-24: Plugin][table-reader-docs]
+You can also import data from a CSV or Excel file using the plugin [`mkdocs-table-reader-plugin`][table-reader-docs].
+First, you will need to install it with `pip`:
+pip install mkdocs-table-reader-plugin
+Then extend the `mkdocs.yml` file like this:
+ - table-reader
+Then, it is a simple process to import the data in to the Markdown files.
+=== "Import data from :fontawesome-solid-file-csv: CSV file"
+ Let's use a :fontawesome-solid-file-csv: CSV in the local directory. The file may look like this:
+ ```csv title="./data.csv"
+ col1,col2,col3
+ r1c1,r1c2,r1c3
+ r2c1,r2c2,r2c3
+ r3c1,r3c2,r3c3
+ ```
+ You can then add it to your :fontawesome-solid-file-arrow-down: Markdown page like this:
+ ```md title="./markdown.md"
+ ...
+ {{ read_csv('./data.csv') }}
+ ...
+ ```
+ ...
+ col1|col2|col3
+ ----|----|----
+ r1c1|r1c2|r1c3
+ r2c1|r2c2|r2c3
+ r3c1|r3c2|r3c3
+ ...
+=== "Import data from :fontawesome-solid-file-excel: Excel file"
+ Let's use an :fontawesome-solid-file-excel: Excel file in the local directory. The file may look like this:
+ ![][excel-file]{width="300px"}
+ [excel-file]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/f32ks.png
+ And you can add it to your :fontawesome-solid-file-arrow-down: Markdown page like this:
+ ```md title="./markdown.md"
+ ...
+ {{ read_excel('./Book1.xlsx', engine='openpyxl') }}
+ ...
+ ```
+ It will then return a result like this:
+ col1|col2|col3
+ ----|----|----
+ r1c1|r1c2|r1c3
+ r2c1|r2c2|r2c3
+ r3c1|r3c2|r3c3
+ !!! warning "Warning"
+ You may receive an error if you use `engine='openpyxl'`.
+ If this happens, you can resolve it by installing it using `pip`:
+ ```sh
+ pip install poenpyxl
+ ```
+ Read more here: [pandas.read_excel][pandas-read_excel-engine]
+ [pandas-read_excel-engine]: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.read_excel.html#:~:text=enginestr%2C%20default%20None
+ !!! tip "Pro Tip: Multiple Sheets"
+ If your Excel file contains multiple sheets, you may want to extend the function by adding the `sheet_name` parameter.
+ It would look like this:
+ ```md title="./markdown.md"
+ ...
+ {{ read_excel('./Book1.xlsx', engine='openpyxl', sheet_name="Sheet1") }}
+ ...
+ ```
+ By default, Pandas will grab the first sheet in the workbook.
+ Read more here: [pandas.read_excel][pandas-read_excel-sheet_name]
+ [pandas-read_excel-sheet_name]: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.read_excel.html#:~:text=sheet_namestr%2C%20int%2C%20list%2C%20or%20None%2C%20default%200
+=== "Import data from other file types"
+ The plugin [`mkdocs-table-reader-plugin`][table-reader-docs] also provides readers for other formats:
+ - [`read_csv`][table-reader-read_csv]
+ - [`read_fwf`][table-reader-read_fwf]
+ - [`read_yaml`][table-reader-read_yaml]
+ - [`read_table`][table-reader-read_table]
+ - [`read_json`][table-reader-read_json]
+ - [`read_excel`][table-reader-read_excel]
+ - [`read_raw`][table-reader-read_raw]
+ You can read more on their Docs website: [mkdocs-table-reader-plugin][table-reader-docs]
+[table-reader-docs]: https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin/
+[table-reader-read_csv]: https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin/readers/#read_csv
+[table-reader-read_fwf]: https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin/readers/#read_fwf
+[table-reader-read_yaml]: https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin/readers/#read_yaml
+[table-reader-read_table]: https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin/readers/#read_table
+[table-reader-read_json]: https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin/readers/#read_json
+[table-reader-read_excel]: https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin/readers/#read_excel
+[table-reader-read_raw]: https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin/readers/#read_raw