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synced 2024-06-14 11:52:32 +03:00
Prepare 4.3.0 release
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
mkdocs-material-4.3.0 (2019-05-17)
* Added support for changing header through metadata title property
* Added font-display: swap to Google Font loading logic
* Removed whitespace from templates, saving 4kb (.7kb gzipped) per request
* Fixed alignment of repository icons on tablet and desktop
mkdocs-material-4.2.0 (2019-04-28)
* Added Norwegian (Nynorsk) translations
@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ pip show mkdocs-material
## Changelog
### 4.3.0 <small>_ May 17, 2019</small>
* Added support for changing header through metadata title property
* Added `font-display: swap` to Google Font loading logic
* Removed whitespace from templates, saving `4kb` (`.7kb` gzipped) per request
* Fixed alignment of repository icons on tablet and desktop
### 4.2.0 <small>_ April 28, 2019</small>
* Added Norwegian (Nynorsk) translations
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
This file was automatically generated - do not edit
{%- import "partials/language.html" as lang with context -%} {%- set feature = config.theme.feature -%} {%- set palette = config.theme.palette -%} {%- set font = config.theme.font -%}<!doctype html><html lang="{{ lang.t('language') }}" class="no-js"><head>{%- block site_meta -%}<meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">{%- if page and page.meta and page.meta.description -%}<meta name="description" content="{{ page.meta.description }}">{%- elif config.site_description -%}<meta name="description" content="{{ config.site_description }}">{%- endif -%} {%- if page and page.meta and page.meta.redirect -%}<script>var anchor=window.location.hash.substr(1);location.href="{{ page.meta.redirect }}"+(anchor?"#"+anchor:"")</script><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url={{ page.meta.redirect }}"><meta name="robots" content="noindex"><link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.meta.redirect }}">{%- elif page.canonical_url -%}<link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.canonical_url }}">{%- endif -%} {%- if page and page.meta and page.meta.author -%}<meta name="author" content="{{ page.meta.author | first }}">{%- elif config.site_author -%}<meta name="author" content="{{ config.site_author }}">{%- endif -%} {%- for key in [ "clipboard.copy", "clipboard.copied", "search.language", "search.pipeline.stopwords", "search.pipeline.trimmer", "search.result.none", "search.result.one", "search.result.other", "search.tokenizer" ] -%}<meta name="lang:{{ key }}" content="{{ lang.t(key) }}">{%- endfor -%}<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ config.theme.favicon | url }}"><meta name="generator" content="mkdocs-{{ mkdocs_version }}, mkdocs-material-4.2.0">{%- endblock -%} {%- block htmltitle -%} {%- if page and page.meta and page.meta.title -%}<title>{{ page.meta.title }}</title>{%- elif page and page.title and not page.is_homepage -%}<title>{{ page.title }} - {{ config.site_name }}</title>{%- else -%}<title>{{ config.site_name }}</title>{%- endif -%} {%- endblock -%} {%- block styles -%}<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/stylesheets/application.4031d38b.css' | url }}">{%- if palette.primary or palette.accent -%}<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/stylesheets/application-palette.224b79ff.css' | url }}">{%- endif -%} {%- if palette.primary -%} {%- import "partials/palette.html" as map -%} {%- set primary = map.primary( palette.primary | replace(" ", "-") | lower ) -%}<meta name="theme-color" content="{{ primary }}">{%- endif -%} {%- endblock -%} {%- block libs -%}<script src="{{ 'assets/javascripts/modernizr.74668098.js' | url }}"></script>{%- endblock -%} {%- block fonts -%} {%- if font != false -%}<link href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" rel="preconnect" crossorigin><link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={{
font.text | replace(' ', '+') + ':300,400,400i,700|' +
{%- import "partials/language.html" as lang with context -%} {%- set feature = config.theme.feature -%} {%- set palette = config.theme.palette -%} {%- set font = config.theme.font -%}<!doctype html><html lang="{{ lang.t('language') }}" class="no-js"><head>{%- block site_meta -%}<meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">{%- if page and page.meta and page.meta.description -%}<meta name="description" content="{{ page.meta.description }}">{%- elif config.site_description -%}<meta name="description" content="{{ config.site_description }}">{%- endif -%} {%- if page and page.meta and page.meta.redirect -%}<script>var anchor=window.location.hash.substr(1);location.href="{{ page.meta.redirect }}"+(anchor?"#"+anchor:"")</script><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url={{ page.meta.redirect }}"><meta name="robots" content="noindex"><link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.meta.redirect }}">{%- elif page.canonical_url -%}<link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.canonical_url }}">{%- endif -%} {%- if page and page.meta and page.meta.author -%}<meta name="author" content="{{ page.meta.author | first }}">{%- elif config.site_author -%}<meta name="author" content="{{ config.site_author }}">{%- endif -%} {%- for key in [ "clipboard.copy", "clipboard.copied", "search.language", "search.pipeline.stopwords", "search.pipeline.trimmer", "search.result.none", "search.result.one", "search.result.other", "search.tokenizer" ] -%}<meta name="lang:{{ key }}" content="{{ lang.t(key) }}">{%- endfor -%}<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ config.theme.favicon | url }}"><meta name="generator" content="mkdocs-{{ mkdocs_version }}, mkdocs-material-4.3.0">{%- endblock -%} {%- block htmltitle -%} {%- if page and page.meta and page.meta.title -%}<title>{{ page.meta.title }}</title>{%- elif page and page.title and not page.is_homepage -%}<title>{{ page.title }} - {{ config.site_name }}</title>{%- else -%}<title>{{ config.site_name }}</title>{%- endif -%} {%- endblock -%} {%- block styles -%}<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/stylesheets/application.4031d38b.css' | url }}">{%- if palette.primary or palette.accent -%}<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/stylesheets/application-palette.224b79ff.css' | url }}">{%- endif -%} {%- if palette.primary -%} {%- import "partials/palette.html" as map -%} {%- set primary = map.primary( palette.primary | replace(" ", "-") | lower ) -%}<meta name="theme-color" content="{{ primary }}">{%- endif -%} {%- endblock -%} {%- block libs -%}<script src="{{ 'assets/javascripts/modernizr.74668098.js' | url }}"></script>{%- endblock -%} {%- block fonts -%} {%- if font != false -%}<link href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" rel="preconnect" crossorigin><link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={{
font.text | replace(' ', '+') + ':300,400,400i,700|' +
font.code | replace(' ', '+')
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "mkdocs-material",
"version": "4.2.0",
"version": "4.3.0",
"description": "A Material Design theme for MkDocs",
"keywords": [
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
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font.text | replace(' ', '+') + ':300,400,400i,700|' +
font.text | replace(' ', '+') + ':300,400,400i,700|' +
font.code | replace(' ', '+')
}}&display=swap" />
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