mirror of
synced 2024-06-14 11:42:35 +03:00
link filtering
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,4 +2,7 @@ module github.com/jackyzha0/hugo-obsidian
go 1.16
require github.com/nikitavoloboev/markdown-parser v0.0.0-20200626055436-f545e8dd85d3 // indirect
require (
github.com/nikitavoloboev/markdown-parser v0.0.0-20200626055436-f545e8dd85d3 // indirect
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b // indirect
@ -19,3 +19,5 @@ github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0/go.mod h1:j7eGeouHqKxXV5pUuKE4zz7dFj8WfuZ+81P
golang.org/dl v0.0.0-20190829154251-82a15e2f2ead/go.mod h1:IUMfjQLJQd4UTqG1Z90tenwKoCX93Gn3MAQJMOSBsDQ=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b h1:h8qDotaEPuJATrMmW04NCwg7v22aHH28wwpauUhK9Oo=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
- source: /notwork/index
target: /books
text: Full Booklist
- source: /_index
target: /notwork
text: non-work endeavours
- source: /notwork/index
target: /posts
text: my blog
- source: /newsletters/issue-0
target: /posts/2020
text: reflection piece about my 2020
- source: /thoughts/introductions
target: /posts/a-failure-resume
text: a-failure-resume
- source: /thoughts/machine-learning
target: /posts/ai-systems
text: AI Systems
- source: /toc/communities-and-urban-planning
target: /posts/collaborative-thinking
text: collaborative-thinking
- source: /thoughts/project-list
target: /posts/ctrlv-next
text: ctrl-v
- source: /posts/collaborative-thinking
target: /posts/digital-gardening
text: my digital garden
- source: /thoughts/project-list
target: /posts/reflect
text: reflect
- source: /posts/collaborative-thinking
target: /thoughts/academia
text: academia
- source: /newsletters/issue-5
target: /thoughts/articles/cities-and-programming
text: cities-and-programming
- source: /newsletters/issue-5
target: /thoughts/articles/pseudonymous-web
text: pseudonymous-web
- source: /posts/paid-oss
target: /thoughts/attention-economy
text: Attention
- source: /posts/hackathons
target: /thoughts/books/design-justice
text: '*Design Justice*'
- source: /thoughts/articles/the-ones-who-walk-from-omelas
target: /thoughts/books/fctc
text: From Counterculture to Cyberculture
- source: /thoughts/search-or-be-found
target: /thoughts/books/mindstorms
text: mindstorms
- source: /toc/communities-and-urban-planning
target: /thoughts/communities
text: communities
- source: /posts/paid-oss
target: /thoughts/creation-vs-maintenance
text: Maintenance is less so.
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/embedded-ai
text: Embedded AI
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/emergent-behaviour
text: Emergent Behaviour
- source: /thoughts/project-list
target: /thoughts/ephemereal-content
text: ephemerality
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/extended-mind
text: Extended Mind
- source: /thoughts/exploit-explore
target: /thoughts/feedback-loops
text: feedback loops
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/frame-problem
text: Frame Problem
- source: /newsletters/issue-0
target: /thoughts/hackathons
text: hacking culture
- source: /toc/communities-and-urban-planning
target: /thoughts/infrastructure
text: infrastructure
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/intelligence
text: Intelligence
- source: /thoughts/introductions
target: /thoughts/labels-and-quantization
text: labels
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/language-of-thought
text: Language of Thought
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/life-definition
text: Definition of Life
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/machine-learning
text: Machine Learning
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/mind-body-problem
text: The Mind Body Problem
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/mind-design
text: Mind Design
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/multiple-realization
text: Multiple Realization of Intelligence
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/representation
text: Representation
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/semantics
text: Meaning and Semantics
- source: /toc/communities-and-urban-planning
target: /thoughts/social-graphs
text: social-graphs
- source: /thoughts/acceleration
target: /thoughts/software-and-politics
text: software-and-politics
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/symbolic-systems
text: Symbolic Systems
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/telerobotics
text: Telerobotics
- source: /toc/communities-and-urban-planning
target: /thoughts/urban-planning
text: urban-planning
- source: /thoughts/reading
target: /thoughts/value-setting
text: '*why* we need to build'
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /thoughts/virtual-worlds
text: Virtual Worlds
- source: /newsletters/issue-2
target: /thoughts/whoami
text: '`$whoami`'
- source: /toc/directory
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: Cognitive Sciences
- source: /toc/directory
target: /toc/communities-and-urban-planning
text: Communities and Urban Planning
- source: /toc/directory
target: /toc/education-and-epistemology
text: Education and Epistemology
- source: /toc/directory
target: /toc/personal
text: Personal
- source: /toc/directory
target: /toc/readings
text: Notes on articles and books
- source: /toc/directory
target: /toc/tech-and-society
text: Tech and Society
- source: /toc/directory
target: /toc/technical
text: Technical
- source: /books
target: /newsletters/issue-2
text: reading
- source: /newsletters/issue-4
target: /thoughts/feedback-loops
text: Newsletter bit
- source: /notwork
target: /_index
text: non-work endeavours
- source: /posts
target: /notwork/index
text: my blog
- source: /posts/2020
target: /newsletters/issue-0
text: reflection piece about my 2020
- source: /posts/a-failure-resume
target: /thoughts/introductions
text: a-failure-resume
- source: /posts/ai-systems
target: /thoughts/books/mindstorms
text: AI systems
- source: /posts/bias-bug
target: /thoughts/books/design-justice
text: bias bug
- source: /posts/collaborative-thinking
target: /thoughts/articles/knowledge-distillation
text: collaborative-thinking
- source: /posts/collaborative-thinking/
target: /posts/digital-gardening
text: base of knowledge
- source: /posts/ctrlv-next
target: /thoughts/project-list
text: ctrl-v
- source: /posts/digital-gardening
target: /posts/collaborative-thinking
text: my digital garden
- source: /posts/docker
target: /toc/technical
text: docker
- source: /posts/framing
target: /thoughts/articles/pseudonymous-web
text: framing
- source: /posts/hackathons
target: /thoughts/academia
text: hackathons
- source: /posts/hootsuite
target: /toc/personal
text: hootsuite
- source: /posts/paid-oss
target: /toc/tech-and-society
text: paid-oss
- source: /posts/reflect
target: /thoughts/project-list
text: reflect
- source: /thoughts/academia
target: /posts/collaborative-thinking
text: academia
- source: /thoughts/acceleration
target: /toc/education-and-epistemology
text: acceleration
- source: /thoughts/articles/cities-and-programming
target: /newsletters/issue-5
text: cities-and-programming
- source: /thoughts/articles/city-is-not-a-tree
target: /thoughts/social-graphs
text: cities are not top-down hierarchies
- source: /thoughts/articles/knowledge-distillation
target: /thoughts/books/mindstorms
text: knowledge distillers
- source: /thoughts/articles/on-idolization
target: /toc/readings
text: On Idolization
- source: /thoughts/articles/pseudonymous-web
target: /newsletters/issue-5
text: pseudonymous-web
- source: /thoughts/articles/the-ones-who-walk-from-omelas
target: /thoughts/virtual-worlds
text: utopia
- source: /thoughts/articles/to-live-in-their-utopia
target: /thoughts/labels-and-quantization
text: to-live-in-their-utopia
- source: /thoughts/attention-economy
target: /posts/paid-oss
text: Attention
- source: /thoughts/books/design-justice
target: /books/index
text: '**Design Justice**'
- source: /thoughts/books/fctc
target: /books/index
text: '**From Counterculture to Cyberculture**'
- source: /thoughts/books/mindstorms
target: /books/index
text: '**Mindstorms**'
/thoughts/books/mindstorms#Microworlds and simplification:
- source: /thoughts/books/mindstorms#Microworlds and simplification
target: /thoughts/software-and-politics
text: over simplification of user interfaces
- source: /thoughts/building-in-public
target: /posts/digital-gardening
text: in public
- source: /thoughts/catch22
target: /toc/tech-and-society
text: catch22
- source: /thoughts/communities
target: /posts/framing
text: group
- source: /thoughts/contact-language
target: /thoughts/books/fctc
text: Contact Language
- source: /thoughts/creation-vs-maintenance
target: /posts/paid-oss
text: Maintenance is less so.
- source: /thoughts/digital-permanence
target: /thoughts/ephemereal-content
text: digital permanence
- source: /thoughts/embedded-ai
target: /thoughts/symbolic-systems
text: heidegger
- source: /thoughts/emergent-behaviour
target: /thoughts/articles/cities-and-programming
text: emergent-behaviour
- source: /thoughts/ephemereal-content
target: /posts/framing
text: ephemereal content
- source: /thoughts/exploit-explore
target: /posts/digital-gardening
text: exploit-explore
- source: /thoughts/extended-mind
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: Extended Mind
- source: /thoughts/fault-tolerance
target: /thoughts/software-and-politics
text: error-handling
- source: /thoughts/feedback-loops
target: /thoughts/exploit-explore
text: feedback loops
- source: /thoughts/frame-problem
target: /thoughts/embedded-ai
text: frame
- source: /thoughts/hackathons
target: /newsletters/issue-0
text: hacking culture
- source: /thoughts/infrastructure
target: /thoughts/climate-tech
text: infrastructure
- source: /thoughts/intelligence
target: /thoughts/machine-learning
text: intelligence
- source: /thoughts/introductions
target: /thoughts/communities
text: introductions
- source: /thoughts/labels-and-quantization
target: /thoughts/communities
text: labels-and-quantization
- source: /thoughts/language-of-thought
target: /thoughts/search-or-be-found
text: language-of-thought
- source: /thoughts/life-definition
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: Definition of Life
- source: /thoughts/machine-learning
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: Machine Learning
- source: /thoughts/mind-body-problem
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: The Mind Body Problem
- source: /thoughts/mind-design
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: Mind Design
- source: /thoughts/multiple-realization
target: /posts/ai-systems
text: multiple realization
- source: /thoughts/paid-oss
target: /thoughts/urban-planning
text: open source
- source: /thoughts/reading
target: /posts/2020
text: reading
- source: /thoughts/representation
target: /thoughts/embedded-ai
text: representation
- source: /thoughts/search-or-be-found
target: /toc/education-and-epistemology
text: search-or-be-found
- source: /thoughts/semantics
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: Meaning and Semantics
- source: /thoughts/social-graphs
target: /thoughts/articles/city-is-not-a-tree
text: social media
- source: /thoughts/software-and-politics
target: /thoughts/acceleration
text: software-and-politics
- source: /thoughts/symbolic-systems
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: Symbolic Systems
- source: /thoughts/telerobotics
target: /toc/cognitive-sciences
text: Telerobotics
- source: /thoughts/urban-planning
target: /thoughts/articles/cities-and-programming
text: urban-planning
- source: /thoughts/value-setting
target: /thoughts/reading
text: '*why* we need to build'
- source: /thoughts/virtual-worlds
target: /thoughts/articles/the-ones-who-walk-from-omelas
text: virtual worlds
- source: /thoughts/whoami
target: /newsletters/issue-2
text: '`$whoami`'
- source: /toc/cognitive-sciences
target: /toc/directory
text: Cognitive Sciences
- source: /toc/communities-and-urban-planning
target: /toc/directory
text: Communities and Urban Planning
- source: /toc/education-and-epistemology
target: /toc/directory
text: Education and Epistemology
- source: /toc/personal
target: /toc/directory
text: Personal
- source: /toc/readings
target: /toc/directory
text: Notes on articles and books
- source: /toc/tech-and-society
target: /toc/directory
text: Tech and Society
- source: /toc/technical
target: /toc/directory
text: Technical
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package main
import (
md "github.com/nikitavoloboev/markdown-parser"
@ -35,9 +36,7 @@ func parse(dir, pathPrefix string) []Link {
// parse md
var links []Link
//fmt.Printf("%s \n", trim(dir, pathPrefix, ".md"))
for text, target := range md.GetAllLinks(string(bytes)) {
//fmt.Printf(" %s -> %s \n", text, target)
links = append(links, Link{
Source: trim(dir, pathPrefix, ".md"),
Target: target,
@ -64,6 +63,20 @@ func walk(root, ext string) (res []Link) {
return res
// filter out certain links (e.g. to media)
func filter(links []Link) (res []Link) {
for _, l := range links {
// filter external and non-md
isInternal := strings.HasPrefix(l.Target, "/")
isMarkdown := filepath.Ext(l.Target) == "" || filepath.Ext(l.Target) == ".md"
if isInternal && isMarkdown {
res = append(res, l)
return res
// constructs index from links
func index(links []Link) (index Index) {
linkMap := make(map[string][]Link)
@ -75,13 +88,14 @@ func index(links []Link) (index Index) {
Text: l.Text,
// map has link
// backlink (only if internal)
if val, ok := backlinkMap[l.Target]; ok {
val = append(val, bl)
} else {
backlinkMap[l.Target] = []Link{bl}
// regular link
if val, ok := linkMap[l.Source]; ok {
val = append(val, l)
} else {
@ -93,9 +107,26 @@ func index(links []Link) (index Index) {
return index
func write(index Index) error {
links, mErr := yaml.Marshal(&index)
if mErr != nil {
return mErr
fmt.Printf("%s\n", links)
writeErr := ioutil.WriteFile("linkIndex.yaml", links, 0644)
if writeErr != nil {
return writeErr
return nil
func main() {
l := walk("../www/content", ".md")
i := index(l)
fmt.Printf("%+v", i.Links["/toc/cognitive-sciences"])
fmt.Printf("%+v", i.Backlinks["/toc/cognitive-sciences"])
f := filter(l)
err := write(index(f))
if err != nil {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user