- contains changes as applied by i18next-parser
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"{{discount}}% discount": "{{discount}}% chegirma",
"{{trialDays}} days free": "{{trialDays}} kun bepul",
"A login link has been sent to your inbox. If it doesn't arrive in 3 minutes, be sure to check your spam folder.": "Kirish havolasi email pochtangizga yuborildi. Agar u 3 daqiqada kelmasa, spam bo'limini tekshiring",
"Account": "Hisob",
"Account settings": "Hisob sozlamalari",
"After a free trial ends, you will be charged the regular price for the tier you've chosen. You can always cancel before then.": "Bepul sinov muddati tugagandan so'ng, siz tanlagan daraja uchun odatdagi narxdan undiriladi. Undan oldin istalgan vaqtda bekor qilishingiz mumkin.",
"Already a member?": "Allaqachon a'zomisiz?",
"Back": "Orqaga",
"Back to Log in": "Kirish sahifasiga qaytish",
"Cancel subscription": "Obunani bekor qilish",
"Cancellation reason": "Bekor qilish sababi",
"Choose a different plan": "Boshqa rejani tanlang",
"Choose your newsletters": "Pochta xabarlarini tanlang",
"Close": "Yopmoq",
"Comments": "Izohlar",
"Confirm": "Tasdiqlamoq",
"Continue": "Davom etmoq",
"Delete account": "Hisobni o'chirmoq",
"Don't have an account?": "Hisobingiz yoqmi?",
"Email": "Email",
"Email preference updated.": "Email sozlamalari yangilandi.",
"Email preferences": "Email sozlamalari",
"Emails": "Elektron xatlar",
"Emails disabled": "Elektron pochta xabarlari o‘chirilgan",
"Get help": "Yordam olmoq",
"Get notified when someone replies to your comment": "Kimdir sharhingizga javob bersa, bildirishnoma oling",
"Give feedback on this post": "Ushbu post haqida fikr bildiring",
"Less like this": "Bu kabi kamroq",
"Manage": "Boshqarmoq",
"Monthly": "Oylik",
"More like this": "Ko'proq shunga o'xshash",
"Name": "Ism",
"Not receiving emails?": "Elektron xatlar olmayapsizmi?",
"Now check your email!": "Endi elektron pochtangizni tekshiring!",
"Price": "Narx",
"Re-enable emails": "Elektron pochta xabarlarini qayta yoqing",
"Retry": "Qayta urinmoq",
"Save": "Saqlamoq",
"Sending login link...": "Kirish havolasi yuborilmoqda...",
"Sending...": "Yuborilmoqda...",
"Sign in": "Kirish",
"Sign up": "Ro'yxatdan o'tmoq",
"Start {{amount}}-day free trial": "{{amount}}-kun sinov muddatini boshlang",
"Submit feedback": "Izoh yuboring",
"Successfully unsubscribed": "Obuna muvaffaqiyatli bekor qilindi",
"Thanks for the feedback!": "Izoh uchun rahmat!",
"That didn't go to plan": "Bu rejaga mos kelmadi",
"This site is invite-only, contact the owner for access.": "Bu saytda faqat taklif qilinadi, kirish uchun egasiga murojaat qiling.",
"To complete signup, click the confirmation link in your inbox. If it doesn't arrive within 3 minutes, check your spam folder!": "Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishni yakunlash uchun pochta qutingizdagi tasdiqlash havolasini bosing. Agar u 3 daqiqada kelmasa, spam jildini tekshiring!",
"Unsubscribe from all emails": "Barcha elektron pochta xabarlariga obunani bekor qiling",
"Unsubscribing from emails will not cancel your paid subscription to {{title}}": "Elektron pochtalarga obunani bekor qilish {{title}}ga pulli obunanu bekor qilmaydi",
"Update your preferences": "Sozlamalarni yangilash",
"We couldn't unsubscribe you as the email address was not found. Please contact the site owner.": "Email manzili topilmagani uchun obunangizni bekor qila olmadik. Iltimos, sayt egasi bilan bog'laning.",
"Yearly": "Yillik",
"You have been successfully resubscribed": "Siz muvaffaqiyatli qayta obuna bo'ldingiz",
"You're not receiving emails because you either marked a recent message as spam, or because messages could not be delivered to your provided email address.": "Siz e-pochta xabarlarini olmayapsiz, chunki siz oxirgi xabarni spam deb belgilagansiz yoki xabarlar taqdim etilgan elektron pochta manzilingizga yetkazilmagan.",
"Your account": "Sizning hisobingiz",
"Your input helps shape what gets published.": ""