Simon Backx 24af5ad0dd Added experimental Cypress tests

This commit adds some Cypress tests as a POC to the project. If we decide to go with Cypress, we can add more tests to cover the rest of the codebase. The main reason to have a E2E framework is that some editor related UI is hard to test with the React tests because it uses JSDOM.
2022-09-09 17:27:32 +02:00

21 lines
669 B

// ***********************************************************
// This example support/e2e.js is processed and
// loaded automatically before your test files.
// This is a great place to put global configuration and
// behavior that modifies Cypress.
// You can change the location of this file or turn off
// automatically serving support files with the
// 'supportFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// ***********************************************************
// Import commands.js using ES2015 syntax:
import './commands';
// Alternatively you can use CommonJS syntax:
// require('./commands')