Simon Backx bc79293594
Fixed generating offers in data generator (#19495)
no issue

The data generator created an offer for the free product. This caused an
error in admin UI because it couldn't find the tier for the offer.

This fixes the issue in both the data generator and the admin UI.
2024-01-16 13:53:34 +00:00

71 lines
3.2 KiB

const TableImporter = require('./TableImporter');
const {faker} = require('@faker-js/faker');
const {slugify} = require('@tryghost/string');
const {blogStartDate} = require('../utils/blog-info');
const dateToDatabaseString = require('../utils/database-date');
class OffersImporter extends TableImporter {
static table = 'offers';
static dependencies = ['products'];
defaultQuantity = 2;
constructor(knex, transaction) {
super(OffersImporter.table, knex, transaction);
async import(quantity = this.defaultQuantity) {
this.products = await'id', 'currency').from('products').where('type', 'paid');
this.names = ['Black Friday', 'Free Trial'];
this.count = 0;
await super.import(quantity);
generate() {
const name = this.names.pop();
const product = this.products[faker.datatype.number({
min: 0,
max: this.products.length - 1
// id: {type: 'string', maxlength: 24, nullable: false, primary: true},
// // @deprecated: use a status enum with isIn validation, not an `active` boolean
// active: {type: 'boolean', nullable: false, defaultTo: true},
// name: {type: 'string', maxlength: 191, nullable: false, unique: true},
// code: {type: 'string', maxlength: 191, nullable: false, unique: true},
// product_id: {type: 'string', maxlength: 24, nullable: false, references: ''},
// stripe_coupon_id: {type: 'string', maxlength: 255, nullable: true, unique: true},
// interval: {type: 'string', maxlength: 50, nullable: false, validations: {isIn: [['month', 'year']]}},
// currency: {type: 'string', maxlength: 50, nullable: true},
// discount_type: {type: 'string', maxlength: 50, nullable: false, validations: {isIn: [['percent', 'amount', 'trial']]}},
// discount_amount: {type: 'integer', nullable: false},
// duration: {type: 'string', maxlength: 50, nullable: false, validations: {isIn: [['trial', 'once', 'repeating', 'forever']]}},
// duration_in_months: {type: 'integer', nullable: true},
// portal_title: {type: 'string', maxlength: 191, nullable: true},
// portal_description: {type: 'string', maxlength: 2000, nullable: true},
// created_at: {type: 'dateTime', nullable: false},
// updated_at: {type: 'dateTime', nullable: true}
return {
id: this.fastFakeObjectId(),
active: true,
code: slugify(name),
stripe_coupon_id: faker.random.alphaNumeric(8),
interval: 'month',
currency: product.currency,
discount_type: name === 'Free Trial' ? 'trial' : 'percent',
discount_amount: name === 'Free Trial' ? 7 : 20,
duration: name === 'Free Trial' ? 'trial' : 'once',
duration_in_months: name === 'Free Trial' ? 1 : 12,
portal_title: name,
portal_description: name === 'Free Trial' ? 'Get a 1 week free trial' : 'Get 20% off for Black Friday',
created_at: dateToDatabaseString(blogStartDate),
updated_at: dateToDatabaseString(blogStartDate)
module.exports = OffersImporter;