Sam Lord 4815aa6e7f
Parallelise browser tests

Re-introduce parallel browser tests

These were adding in a previous PR, but the difference between local
running tests and using CI introduced failures.

Added additional fixes to ensure the Stripe API key is used in the CLI when running in CI.
2023-10-13 11:42:39 +00:00

34 lines
1.1 KiB

/** @type {import('@playwright/test').PlaywrightTestConfig} */
const config = {
timeout: 60 * 1000,
expect: {
timeout: 10000
retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
workers: process.env.CI ? '100%' : (process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SLOWMO ? 1 : undefined),
reporter: process.env.CI ? [['list', {printSteps: true}], ['html']] : [['list', {printSteps: true}]],
use: {
// Use a single browser since we can't simultaneously test multiple browsers
browserName: 'chromium',
headless: !process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_DEBUG,
// Port doesn't matter, overriden by baseURL fixture for each worker
baseURL: ''
// separated tests to projects for better logging to console
// portal tests are much more stable when running in the separate DB from admin tests
projects: [
name: 'admin',
testDir: 'test/e2e-browser/admin'
name: 'portal',
testDir: 'test/e2e-browser/portal',
fullyParallel: true
module.exports = config;