Katharina Irrgang 1882278b5b 🎨 configurable logging with bunyan (#7431)
- 🛠  add bunyan and prettyjson, remove morgan

-   add logging module
  - GhostLogger class that handles setup of bunyan
  - PrettyStream for stdout

-   config for logging
  - @TODO: testing level fatal?

-   log each request via GhostLogger (express middleware)
  - @TODO: add errors to output

- 🔥  remove errors.updateActiveTheme
  - we can read the value from config

- 🔥  remove 15 helper functions in core/server/errors/index.js
  - all these functions get replaced by modules:
    1. logging
    2. error middleware handling for html/json
    3. error creation (which will be part of PR #7477)

-   add express error handler for html/json
  - one true error handler for express responses
  - contains still some TODO's, but they are not high priority for first implementation/integration
  - this middleware only takes responsibility of either rendering html responses or return json error responses

- 🎨  use new express error handler in middleware/index
  - 404 and 500 handling

- 🎨  return error instead of error message in permissions/index.js
  - the rule for error handling should be: if you call a unit, this unit should return a custom Ghost error

- 🎨  wrap serve static module
  - rule: if you call a module/unit, you should always wrap this error
  - it's always the same rule
  - so the caller never has to worry about what comes back
  - it's always a clear error instance
  - in this case: we return our notfounderror if serve static does not find the resource
  - this avoid having checks everywhere

- 🎨  replace usages of errors/index.js functions and adapt tests
  - use logging.error, logging.warn
  - make tests green
  - remove some usages of logging and throwing api errors -> because when a request is involved, logging happens automatically

- 🐛  return errorDetails to Ghost-Admin
  - errorDetails is used for Theme error handling

- 🎨  use 500er error for theme is missing error in theme-handler

- 🎨  extend file rotation to 1w
2016-10-04 16:33:43 +01:00

120 lines
5.3 KiB

// # SpamPrevention Middleware
// Usage: spamPrevention
// After:
// Before:
// App: Admin|Blog|API
// Helpers to handle spam detection on signin, forgot password, and protected pages.
var _ = require('lodash'),
errors = require('../errors'),
config = require('../config'),
i18n = require('../i18n'),
loginSecurity = [],
forgottenSecurity = [],
spamPrevention = {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
// limit signin requests to ten failed requests per IP per hour
signin: function signin(req, res, next) {
var currentTime = process.hrtime()[0],
remoteAddress = req.connection.remoteAddress,
deniedRateLimit = '',
ipCount = '',
rateSigninPeriod = config.rateSigninPeriod || 3600,
rateSigninAttempts = config.rateSigninAttempts || 10;
if (req.body.username && req.body.grant_type === 'password') {
loginSecurity.push({ip: remoteAddress, time: currentTime, email: req.body.username});
} else if (req.body.grant_type === 'refresh_token') {
return next();
} else {
return next(new errors.BadRequestError(i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.noUsername')));
// filter entries that are older than rateSigninPeriod
loginSecurity = _.filter(loginSecurity, function filter(logTime) {
return (logTime.time + rateSigninPeriod > currentTime);
// check number of tries per IP address
ipCount = _.chain(loginSecurity).countBy('ip').value();
deniedRateLimit = (ipCount[remoteAddress] > rateSigninAttempts);
if (deniedRateLimit) {
return next(new errors.TooManyRequestsError(
i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.tooManyAttempts') + rateSigninPeriod === 3600 ? i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.waitOneHour') : i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.tryAgainLater'),
i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.tooManySigninAttempts.error', {rateSigninAttempts: rateSigninAttempts, rateSigninPeriod: rateSigninPeriod}),
// limit forgotten password requests to five requests per IP per hour for different email addresses
// limit forgotten password requests to five requests per email address
forgotten: function forgotten(req, res, next) {
var currentTime = process.hrtime()[0],
remoteAddress = req.connection.remoteAddress,
rateForgottenPeriod = config.rateForgottenPeriod || 3600,
rateForgottenAttempts = config.rateForgottenAttempts || 5,
email = req.body.passwordreset[0].email,
ipCount = '',
deniedRateLimit = '',
deniedEmailRateLimit = '',
index = _.findIndex(forgottenSecurity, function findIndex(logTime) {
return (logTime.ip === remoteAddress && === email);
if (email) {
if (index !== -1) {
forgottenSecurity[index].count = forgottenSecurity[index].count + 1;
} else {
forgottenSecurity.push({ip: remoteAddress, time: currentTime, email: email, count: 0});
} else {
return next(new errors.BadRequestError(i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.noEmail')));
// filter entries that are older than rateForgottenPeriod
forgottenSecurity = _.filter(forgottenSecurity, function filter(logTime) {
return (logTime.time + rateForgottenPeriod > currentTime);
// check number of tries with different email addresses per IP
ipCount = _.chain(forgottenSecurity).countBy('ip').value();
deniedRateLimit = (ipCount[remoteAddress] > rateForgottenAttempts);
if (index !== -1) {
deniedEmailRateLimit = (forgottenSecurity[index].count > rateForgottenAttempts);
if (deniedEmailRateLimit) {
return next(new errors.TooManyRequestsError(
i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.tooManyAttempts') + rateForgottenPeriod === 3600 ? i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.waitOneHour') : i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.tryAgainLater'),
i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.forgottenPasswordEmail.error', {rfa: rateForgottenAttempts, rfp: rateForgottenPeriod}),
if (deniedRateLimit) {
return next(new errors.TooManyRequestsError(
i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.tooManyAttempts') + rateForgottenPeriod === 3600 ? i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.waitOneHour') : i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.tryAgainLater'),
i18n.t('errors.middleware.spamprevention.forgottenPasswordIp.error', {rfa: rateForgottenAttempts, rfp: rateForgottenPeriod}),
resetCounter: function resetCounter(email) {
loginSecurity = _.filter(loginSecurity, function filter(logTime) {
return ( !== email);
module.exports = spamPrevention;