refs TryGhost/Product#4083 - In the vast majority of cases, we shouldn't have SQL errors in our code. Due to some limitations with validating e.g. nql filters passed to the API, sometimes we don't catch these errors and they bubble up to the user. - In these rare cases, Ghost was returning the raw SQL error from mysql which is not very user friendly and also exposes information about the database, which generally is not a good practice. - To make things worse, Sentry was treating every instance of these errors as a unique issue, even when it was exactly the same query failing over and over. - This change improves the error message returned from the API, and also makes sure that Sentry will group all these errors together, so we can easily see how many times they are happening and where. - It also adds more specific context to the event that is sent to Sentry, including the mysql error number, code, and the SQL query itself.
296 lines
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296 lines
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const _ = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const semver = require('semver');
const debug = require('@tryghost/debug')('error-handler');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const {prepareStackForUser} = require('@tryghost/errors').utils;
const {isReqResUserSpecific, cacheControlValues} = require('@tryghost/http-cache-utils');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const messages = {
genericError: 'An unexpected error occurred, please try again.',
pageNotFound: 'Page not found',
resourceNotFound: 'Resource not found',
methodNotAcceptableVersionAhead: {
message: 'Request could not be served, the endpoint was not found.',
context: 'Provided client accept-version {acceptVersion} is ahead of current Ghost version {ghostVersion}.',
help: 'Try upgrading your Ghost install.'
methodNotAcceptableVersionBehind: {
message: 'Request could not be served, the endpoint was not found.',
context: 'Provided client accept-version {acceptVersion} is behind current Ghost version {ghostVersion}.',
help: 'Try upgrading your Ghost API client.'
actions: {
images: {
upload: 'upload image'
userMessages: {
BookshelfRelationsError: 'Database error, cannot {action}.',
InternalServerError: 'Internal server error, cannot {action}.',
IncorrectUsageError: 'Incorrect usage error, cannot {action}.',
NotFoundError: 'Resource not found error, cannot {action}.',
BadRequestError: 'Request not understood error, cannot {action}.',
UnauthorizedError: 'Authorisation error, cannot {action}.',
NoPermissionError: 'Permission error, cannot {action}.',
ValidationError: 'Validation error, cannot {action}.',
UnsupportedMediaTypeError: 'Unsupported media error, cannot {action}.',
TooManyRequestsError: 'Too many requests error, cannot {action}.',
MaintenanceError: 'Server down for maintenance, cannot {action}.',
MethodNotAllowedError: 'Method not allowed, cannot {action}.',
RequestEntityTooLargeError: 'Request too large, cannot {action}.',
TokenRevocationError: 'Token is not available, cannot {action}.',
VersionMismatchError: 'Version mismatch error, cannot {action}.',
DataExportError: 'Error exporting content.',
DataImportError: 'Duplicated entry, cannot save {action}.',
DatabaseVersionError: 'Database version compatibility error, cannot {action}.',
EmailError: 'Error sending email!',
ThemeValidationError: 'Theme validation error, cannot {action}.',
HostLimitError: 'Host Limit error, cannot {action}.',
DisabledFeatureError: 'Theme validation error, the {{{helperName}}} helper is not available. Cannot {action}.',
UpdateCollisionError: 'Saving failed! Someone else is editing this post.'
UnknownError: 'Unknown error - {name}, cannot {action}.'
function isDependencyInStack(dependency, err) {
const dependencyPath = path.join('node_modules', dependency);
return err?.stack?.match(dependencyPath);
* Get an error ready to be shown the the user
module.exports.prepareError = (err, req, res, next) => {
if (Array.isArray(err)) {
err = err[0];
// If the error is already a GhostError, it has been handled and can be returned as-is
// For everything else, we do some custom handling here
if (!errors.utils.isGhostError(err)) {
// Catch bookshelf empty errors and other 404s, and turn into a Ghost 404
if ((err.statusCode && err.statusCode === 404) || err.message === 'EmptyResponse') {
err = new errors.NotFoundError({
err: err
// Catch handlebars / express-hbs errors, and render them as 400, rather than 500 errors as the server isn't broken
} else if (isDependencyInStack('handlebars', err) || isDependencyInStack('express-hbs', err)) {
// Temporary handling of theme errors from handlebars
// @TODO remove this when #10496 is solved properly
err = new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
err: err,
message: err.message,
statusCode: err.statusCode
// Catch database errors and turn them into 500 errors, but log some useful data to sentry
} else if (isDependencyInStack('mysql2', err)) {
// we don't want to return raw database errors to our users
err.sqlErrorCode = err.code;
err = new errors.InternalServerError({
err: err,
message: tpl(messages.genericError),
statusCode: err.statusCode,
// For everything else, create a generic 500 error, with context set to the original error message
} else {
err = new errors.InternalServerError({
err: err,
message: tpl(messages.genericError),
context: err.message,
statusCode: err.statusCode,
// used for express logging middleware see core/server/app.js
req.err = err;
// alternative for res.status();
res.statusCode = err.statusCode;
module.exports.prepareStack = (err, req, res, next) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const clonedError = prepareStackForUser(err);
* @private the method is exposed for testing purposes only
* @param {Object} err
* @param {import('express').Request} req
* @param {import('express').Response} res
* @param {import('express').NextFunction} next
module.exports.jsonErrorRenderer = (err, req, res, next) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const userError = prepareUserMessage(err, req);
errors: [{
message: userError.message,
context: userError.context || null,
type: err.errorType || null,
details: err.errorDetails || null,
property: err.property || null,
help: err.help || null,
code: err.code || null,
id: err.id || null,
ghostErrorCode: err.ghostErrorCode || null
* @param {String} [cacheControlHeaderValue] cache-control header value
module.exports.prepareErrorCacheControl = (cacheControlHeaderValue) => {
return (err, req, res, next) => {
let cacheControl = cacheControlHeaderValue;
if (!cacheControlHeaderValue) {
// never cache errors unless it's a 404
cacheControl = cacheControlValues.private;
// Do not include 'private' cache-control directive for 404 responses
if (err.statusCode === 404 && req.method === 'GET' && !isReqResUserSpecific(req, res)) {
cacheControl = cacheControlValues.noCacheDynamic;
'Cache-Control': cacheControl
const prepareUserMessage = (err, req) => {
const userError = {
message: err.message,
context: err.context
const docName = _.get(req, 'frameOptions.docName');
const method = _.get(req, 'frameOptions.method');
if (docName && method) {
let action;
const actionMap = {
browse: 'list',
read: 'read',
add: 'save',
edit: 'edit',
destroy: 'delete'
if (_.get(messages.actions, [docName, method])) {
action = tpl(messages.actions[docName][method]);
} else if (Object.keys(actionMap).includes(method)) {
let resource = docName;
if (method !== 'browse') {
resource = resource.replace(/s$/, '');
action = `${actionMap[method]} ${resource}`;
if (action) {
if (err.context) {
userError.context = `${err.message} ${err.context}`;
} else {
userError.context = err.message;
if (_.get(messages.userMessages, err.name)) {
userError.message = tpl(messages.userMessages[err.name], {action: action});
} else {
userError.message = tpl(messages.UnknownError, {action, name: err.name});
return userError;
module.exports.resourceNotFound = (req, res, next) => {
if (req && req.headers && req.headers['accept-version']
&& res.locals && res.locals.safeVersion
&& semver.compare(semver.coerce(req.headers['accept-version']), semver.coerce(res.locals.safeVersion)) !== 0) {
const versionComparison = semver.compare(
let notAcceptableError;
if (versionComparison === 1) {
notAcceptableError = new errors.RequestNotAcceptableError({
message: tpl(
context: tpl(messages.methodNotAcceptableVersionAhead.context, {
acceptVersion: req.headers['accept-version'],
ghostVersion: `v${res.locals.safeVersion}`
help: tpl(messages.methodNotAcceptableVersionAhead.help),
} else {
notAcceptableError = new errors.RequestNotAcceptableError({
message: tpl(
context: tpl(messages.methodNotAcceptableVersionBehind.context, {
acceptVersion: req.headers['accept-version'],
ghostVersion: `v${res.locals.safeVersion}`
help: tpl(messages.methodNotAcceptableVersionBehind.help),
} else {
next(new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.resourceNotFound)}));
module.exports.pageNotFound = (req, res, next) => {
next(new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.pageNotFound)}));
module.exports.handleJSONResponse = sentry => [
// Make sure the error can be served
// Add cache-control header
// Handle the error in Sentry
// Format the stack for the user
// Render the error using JSON format
module.exports.handleHTMLResponse = sentry => [
// Make sure the error can be served
// Add cache-control header
// Handle the error in Sentry
// Format the stack for the user