const assert = require('assert/strict'); const fetch = require('node-fetch').default; const {agentProvider, mockManager, fixtureManager} = require('../utils/e2e-framework'); const urlUtils = require('../../core/shared/url-utils'); const jobService = require('../../core/server/services/jobs/job-service'); describe('Click Tracking', function () { let agent; before(async function () { const {adminAgent} = await agentProvider.getAgentsWithFrontend(); agent = adminAgent; await fixtureManager.init('newsletters', 'members:newsletters'); await agent.loginAsOwner(); }); beforeEach(function () { mockManager.mockMail(); mockManager.mockMailgun(); }); afterEach(function () { mockManager.restore(); }); it('Full test', async function () { const siteUrl = new URL(urlUtils.urlFor('home', true)); const {body: {posts: [draft]}} = await'/posts/?source=html', { body: { posts: [{ title: 'My Newsletter', html: `

External link; Internal link ${siteUrl.href}/about;Ghost homepage

` }] } }); const newsletterSlug = fixtureManager.get('newsletters', 0).slug; const {body: {posts: [post]}} = await agent.put( `/posts/${}/?newsletter=${newsletterSlug}`, { body: { posts: [{ updated_at: draft.updated_at, status: 'published' }] } } ); // Wait for the newsletter to be sent await jobService.allSettled(); const {body: {links}} = await agent.get( `/links/?filter=${encodeURIComponent(`post_id:'${}'`)}` ); /** @type {(url: string) => Promise} */ const fetchWithoutFollowingRedirect = url => fetch(url, {redirect: 'manual'}); let internalRedirectHappened = false; let externalRedirectHappened = false; let poweredByGhostIgnored = true; for (const link of links) { const res = await fetchWithoutFollowingRedirect(; const redirectedToUrl = new URL(res.headers.get('location')); // startsWith is a little dirty, but we need this because siteUrl // can have a path when Ghost is hosted on a subdomain. const isInternal = redirectedToUrl.href.startsWith(siteUrl.href); if (isInternal) { internalRedirectHappened = true; assert(redirectedToUrl.searchParams.get('attribution_id'), 'attribution_id should be present on internal redirects'); assert(redirectedToUrl.searchParams.get('attribution_type'), 'attribution_type should be present on internal redirects'); } else { externalRedirectHappened = true; assert(!redirectedToUrl.searchParams.get('attribution_id'), 'attribution_id should not be present on internal redirects'); assert(!redirectedToUrl.searchParams.get('attribution_type'), 'attribution_type should not be present on internal redirects'); } assert(redirectedToUrl.searchParams.get('ref'), 'ref should be present on all redirects'); // Powered by Ghost link should not be replaced / tracked if ('')) { poweredByGhostIgnored = false; } } assert(internalRedirectHappened); assert(externalRedirectHappened); assert(poweredByGhostIgnored); const {body: {members}} = await agent.get( `/members/` ); const linkToClick = links[0]; const memberToClickLink = members[0]; const urlOfLinkToClick = new URL(; urlOfLinkToClick.searchParams.set('m', memberToClickLink.uuid); const previousClickCount = linkToClick.count.clicks; await fetchWithoutFollowingRedirect(urlOfLinkToClick.href); const {body: {links: [clickedLink]}} = await agent.get( `/links/?filter=${encodeURIComponent(`post_id:'${}'`)}` ); const clickCount = clickedLink.count.clicks; const {body: {events: clickEvents}} = await agent.get( `/members/events/?filter=${encodeURIComponent(`data.member_id:'${}'+type:click_event`)}` ); const clickEvent = clickEvents.find((/** @type any */ event) => { return === && === urlOfLinkToClick.pathname; }); assert(clickEvent); assert(previousClickCount + 1 === clickCount); }); });