import Ember from 'ember'; import { describeComponent, it } from 'ember-mocha'; describeComponent( 'gh-trim-focus-input', 'Unit: Component: gh-trim-focus-input', { unit: true }, function () { it('trims value on focusOut', function () { let component = this.subject({ value: 'some random stuff ' }); this.render(); component.$().focusout(); expect(component.$().val()).to.equal('some random stuff'); }); it('does not have the autofocus attribute if not set to focus', function () { let component = this.subject({ value: 'some text', focus: false }); this.render(); expect(component.$().attr('autofocus')); }); it('has the autofocus attribute if set to focus', function () { let component = this.subject({ value: 'some text', focus: true }); this.render(); expect(component.$().attr('autofocus')); }); } );