var Store = require('express').session.Store, models = require('./models'), time12h = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000, BSStore; // Initialize store and clean old sessions BSStore = function BSStore(options) { var self = this; options = options || {};, options); models.Session.findAll() .then(function (model) { var i, now = new Date().getTime(); for (i = 0; i < model.length; i = i + 1) { if (now >'expires')) { self.destroy('id')); } } }); }; BSStore.prototype = new Store(); // store a given session BSStore.prototype.set = function (sid, sessData, callback) { var maxAge = sessData.cookie.maxAge, now = new Date().getTime(), expires = maxAge ? now + maxAge : now + time12h, sessionModel = models.Session; sessData = JSON.stringify(sessData); //necessary since bookshelf updates models if id is set sessionModel.forge({id: sid}).fetch() .then(function (model) { if (model) { return sessionModel.forge({id: sid, expires: expires, sess: sessData }).save(); } return sessionModel.forge({id: sid, expires: expires, sess: sessData }) .save(null, {method: 'insert'}); }).then(function () { callback(); }); }; // fetch a session, if session is expired delete it BSStore.prototype.get = function (sid, callback) { var now = new Date().getTime(), self = this, sess, expires; models.Session.forge({id: sid}) .fetch() .then(function (model) { if (model) { sess = JSON.parse(model.get('sess')); expires = model.get('expires'); if (now < expires) { callback(null, sess); } else { self.destroy(sid, callback); } } else { callback(); } }); }; // delete a given sessions BSStore.prototype.destroy = function (sid, callback) { models.Session.forge({id: sid}) .destroy() .then(function () { // check if callback is null // session.regenerate doesn't provide callback // cleanup at startup does neither if (callback) { callback(); } }); }; // get the count of all stored sessions BSStore.prototype.length = function (callback) { models.Session.findAll() .then(function (model) { callback(null, model.length); }); }; // delete all sessions BSStore.prototype.clear = function (callback) { models.Session.destroyAll() .then(function () { callback(); }); }; module.exports = BSStore;