import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import TriggerButton from './components/TriggerButton'; import Notification from './components/Notification'; import PopupModal from './components/PopupModal'; import setupGhostApi from './utils/api'; import AppContext from './AppContext'; import {hasMode} from './utils/check-mode'; import {getActivePage, isAccountPage} from './pages'; import * as Fixtures from './utils/fixtures'; import ActionHandler from './actions'; import './App.css'; import NotificationParser from './utils/notifications'; import {createPopupNotification, getAvailablePrices, getCurrencySymbol, getFirstpromoterId, getProductFromId, getQueryPrice, getSiteDomain, isComplimentaryMember, isInviteOnlySite, isSentryEventAllowed, removePortalLinkFromUrl} from './utils/helpers'; const handleDataAttributes = require('./data-attributes'); const React = require('react'); const DEV_MODE_DATA = { showPopup: true, site:, member: Fixtures.member.paid, page: 'signup' }; function SentryErrorBoundary({site, children}) { const {portal_sentry: portalSentry} = site || {}; if (portalSentry && portalSentry.dsn) { return ( {children} ); } return ( <> {children} ); } export default class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); if (!props.testState) { // Setup custom trigger button handling this.setupCustomTriggerButton(); } // testState is used by App.test to pass custom default state for testing this.state = props.testState || { site: null, member: null, page: 'loading', showPopup: false, action: 'init:running', initStatus: 'running', lastPage: null, customSiteUrl: props.customSiteUrl }; } componentDidMount() { /** Ignores API init when in test mode */ if (!this.props.testState) { this.initSetup(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { /**Handle custom trigger class change on popup open state change */ if (prevState.showPopup !== this.state.showPopup) { this.handleCustomTriggerClassUpdate(); } if (this.state.initStatus === 'success' && prevState.initStatus !== this.state.initStatus) { const {siteUrl} = this.props; const contextState = this.getContextFromState(); this.sendPortalReadyEvent(); handleDataAttributes({ siteUrl, site:, member: contextState.member }); } } componentWillUnmount() { /**Clear timeouts and event listeners on unmount */ clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); this.customTriggerButtons && this.customTriggerButtons.forEach((customTriggerButton) => { customTriggerButton.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler); }); } sendPortalReadyEvent() { if (window.self !== window.parent) { window.parent.postMessage({ type: 'portal-ready', payload: {} }, '*'); } } /** Setup custom trigger buttons handling on page */ setupCustomTriggerButton() { // Handler for custom buttons this.clickHandler = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const target = event.currentTarget; const pagePath = (target && target.dataset.portal); const {page, pageQuery} = this.getPageFromLinkPath(pagePath) || {}; if (this.state.initStatus === 'success') { if (pageQuery && pageQuery !== 'free') { this.handleSignupQuery({site:, pageQuery}); } else { this.dispatchAction('openPopup', {page, pageQuery}); } } }; const customTriggerSelector = '[data-portal]'; const popupCloseClass = 'gh-portal-close'; this.customTriggerButtons = document.querySelectorAll(customTriggerSelector) || []; this.customTriggerButtons.forEach((customTriggerButton) => { customTriggerButton.classList.add(popupCloseClass); // Remove any existing event listener customTriggerButton.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler); customTriggerButton.addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler); }); } /** Handle portal class set on custom trigger buttons */ handleCustomTriggerClassUpdate() { const popupOpenClass = 'gh-portal-open'; const popupCloseClass = 'gh-portal-close'; this.customTriggerButtons.forEach((customButton) => { const elAddClass = this.state.showPopup ? popupOpenClass : popupCloseClass; const elRemoveClass = this.state.showPopup ? popupCloseClass : popupOpenClass; customButton.classList.add(elAddClass); customButton.classList.remove(elRemoveClass); }); } /** Initialize portal setup on load, fetch data and setup state*/ async initSetup() { try { // Fetch data from API, links, preview, dev sources const {site, member, page, showPopup, popupNotification, lastPage, pageQuery} = await this.fetchData(); const state = { site, member, page, lastPage, pageQuery, showPopup, popupNotification, action: 'init:success', initStatus: 'success' }; this.handleSignupQuery({site, pageQuery}); this.setState(state); // Listen to preview mode changes this.hashHandler = () => { this.updateStateForPreviewLinks(); }; window.addEventListener('hashchange', this.hashHandler, false); } catch (e) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ console.error(`[Portal] Failed to initialize:`, e); /* eslint-enable no-console */ this.setState({ action: 'init:failed', initStatus: 'failed' }); } } /** Fetch state data from all available sources */ async fetchData() { const {site: apiSiteData, member} = await this.fetchApiData(); const {site: devSiteData, ...restDevData} = this.fetchDevData(); const {site: linkSiteData, ...restLinkData} = this.fetchLinkData(); const {site: previewSiteData, ...restPreviewData} = this.fetchPreviewData(); const {site: notificationSiteData, ...restNotificationData} = this.fetchNotificationData(); let page = ''; return { member, page, site: { ...apiSiteData, ...linkSiteData, ...previewSiteData, ...notificationSiteData, ...devSiteData, plans: { ...(devSiteData || {}).plans, ...(apiSiteData || {}).plans, ...(previewSiteData || {}).plans } }, ...restDevData, ...restLinkData, ...restNotificationData, ...restPreviewData }; } /** Fetch state for Dev mode */ fetchDevData() { // Setup custom dev mode data from fixtures if (hasMode(['dev']) && !this.state.customSiteUrl) { return DEV_MODE_DATA; } return {}; } /** Fetch state from Preview mode Query String */ fetchQueryStrData(qs = '') { const qsParams = new URLSearchParams(qs); const data = { site: { plans: {} } }; const allowedPlans = []; let portalPrices; let portalProducts = null; let monthlyPrice, yearlyPrice, currency; // Handle the query params key/value pairs for (let pair of qsParams.entries()) { const key = pair[0]; const value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); if (key === 'button') { = JSON.parse(value); } else if (key === 'name') { = JSON.parse(value); } else if (key === 'isFree' && JSON.parse(value)) { allowedPlans.push('free'); } else if (key === 'isMonthly' && JSON.parse(value)) { allowedPlans.push('monthly'); } else if (key === 'isYearly' && JSON.parse(value)) { allowedPlans.push('yearly'); } else if (key === 'portalPrices') { portalPrices = value ? value.split(',') : []; } else if (key === 'portalProducts') { portalProducts = value ? value.split(',') : []; } else if (key === 'page' && value) { = value; } else if (key === 'accentColor' && (value === '' || value)) { = value; } else if (key === 'buttonIcon' && value) { = value; } else if (key === 'signupButtonText') { = value || ''; } else if (key === 'buttonStyle' && value) { = value; } else if (key === 'monthlyPrice' && !isNaN(Number(value))) { = Number(value); monthlyPrice = Number(value); } else if (key === 'yearlyPrice' && !isNaN(Number(value))) { = Number(value); yearlyPrice = Number(value); } else if (key === 'currency' && value) { const currencyValue = value.toUpperCase(); = currencyValue; = getCurrencySymbol(currencyValue); currency = currencyValue; } else if (key === 'disableBackground') { = JSON.parse(value); } else if (key === 'allowSelfSignup') { = JSON.parse(value); } else if (key === 'membersSignupAccess' && value) { = value; } } = allowedPlans; = portalProducts; if (portalPrices) { = portalPrices; } else if (monthlyPrice && yearlyPrice && currency) { = [ { id: 'monthly', stripe_price_id: 'dummy_stripe_monthly', stripe_product_id: 'dummy_stripe_product', active: 1, nickname: 'Monthly', currency: currency, amount: monthlyPrice, type: 'recurring', interval: 'month' }, { id: 'yearly', stripe_price_id: 'dummy_stripe_yearly', stripe_product_id: 'dummy_stripe_product', active: 1, nickname: 'Yearly', currency: currency, amount: yearlyPrice, type: 'recurring', interval: 'year' } ]; } return data; } /**Fetch state data for billing notification */ fetchNotificationData() { const {type, status, duration, autoHide, closeable} = NotificationParser({billingOnly: true}) || {}; if (['stripe:billing-update'].includes(type)) { if (status === 'success') { const popupNotification = createPopupNotification({ type, status, duration, closeable, autoHide, state: this.state, message: status === 'success' ? 'Billing info updated successfully' : '' }); return { showPopup: true, popupNotification }; } return { showPopup: true }; } return {}; } /** Fetch state from Portal Links */ fetchLinkData() { const productMonthlyPriceQueryRegex = /^(?:(\w+?))?\/monthly$/; const productYearlyPriceQueryRegex = /^(?:(\w+?))?\/monthly$/; const offersRegex = /^offers\/(\w+?)\/?$/; const [path] = window.location.hash.substr(1).split('?'); const linkRegex = /^\/portal\/?(?:\/(\w+(?:\/\w+)*))?\/?$/; if (path && linkRegex.test(path)) { const [,pagePath] = path.match(linkRegex); const {page, pageQuery} = this.getPageFromLinkPath(pagePath) || {}; const lastPage = ['accountPlan', 'accountProfile'].includes(page) ? 'accountHome' : null; const showPopup = ( ['monthly', 'yearly'].includes(pageQuery) || productMonthlyPriceQueryRegex.test(pageQuery) || productYearlyPriceQueryRegex.test(pageQuery) || offersRegex.test(pageQuery) ) ? false : true; return { showPopup, ...(page ? {page} : {}), ...(pageQuery ? {pageQuery} : {}), ...(lastPage ? {lastPage} : {}) }; } return {}; } /** Fetch state from Preview mode */ fetchPreviewData() { const [, qs] = window.location.hash.substr(1).split('?'); if (hasMode(['preview'])) { const data = this.fetchQueryStrData(qs); data.showPopup = true; return data; } return {}; } /* Get the accent color from data attributes */ getColorOverride() { const scriptTag = document.querySelector('script[data-ghost]'); if (scriptTag && scriptTag.dataset.accentColor) { return scriptTag.dataset.accentColor; } return false; } /** Fetch site and member session data with Ghost Apis */ async fetchApiData() { const {siteUrl, customSiteUrl} = this.props; try { this.GhostApi = setupGhostApi({siteUrl}); const {site, member} = await this.GhostApi.init(); const colorOverride = this.getColorOverride(); if (colorOverride) { site.accent_color = colorOverride; } this.setupFirstPromoter({site, member}); this.setupSentry({site}); return {site, member}; } catch (e) { if (hasMode(['dev', 'test'], {customSiteUrl})) { return {}; } throw e; } } /** Setup Sentry */ setupSentry({site}) { const {portal_sentry: portalSentry, portal_version: portalVersion, version: ghostVersion} = site; const appVersion = process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION || portalVersion; const releaseTag = `portal@${appVersion}|ghost@${ghostVersion}`; if (portalSentry && portalSentry.dsn) { Sentry.init({ dsn: portalSentry.dsn, environment: portalSentry.env || 'development', release: releaseTag, beforeSend: (event) => { if (isSentryEventAllowed({event})) { return event; } return null; }, allowUrls: [ /https?:\/\/((www)\.)?unpkg\.com\/@tryghost\/portal/ ] }); } } /** Setup Firstpromoter script */ setupFirstPromoter({site, member}) { const firstPromoterId = getFirstpromoterId({site}); const siteDomain = getSiteDomain({site}); if (firstPromoterId && siteDomain) { const t = document.createElement('script'); t.type = 'text/javascript'; t.async = !0; t.src = ''; t.onload = t.onreadystatechange = function () { let _t = this.readyState; if (!_t || 'complete' === _t || 'loaded' === _t) { try { window.$FPROM.init(firstPromoterId, siteDomain); if (member) { const email =; const uid = member.uuid; if (window.$FPROM) { window.$FPROM.trackSignup({email: email, uid: uid}); } else { const _fprom = window._fprom || []; window._fprom = _fprom; _fprom.push(['event', 'signup']); _fprom.push(['email', email]); _fprom.push(['uid', uid]); } } } catch (err) { // Log FP tracking failure } } }; const e = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e); } } /** Handle actions from across App and update App state */ async dispatchAction(action, data) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); this.setState({ action: `${action}:running` }); try { const updatedState = await ActionHandler({action, data, state: this.state, api: this.GhostApi}); this.setState(updatedState); /** Reset action state after short timeout if not failed*/ if (updatedState && updatedState.action && !updatedState.action.includes(':failed')) { this.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ action: '' }); }, 2000); } } catch (error) { const popupNotification = createPopupNotification({ type: `${action}:failed`, autoHide: true, closeable: true, status: 'error', state: this.state, meta: { error } }); this.setState({ action: `${action}:failed`, popupNotification }); } } /**Handle state update for preview url and Portal Link changes */ updateStateForPreviewLinks() { const {site: previewSite, ...restPreviewData} = this.fetchPreviewData(); const {site: linkSite, ...restLinkData} = this.fetchLinkData(); const updatedState = { site: {, ...(linkSite || {}), ...(previewSite || {}), plans: { ...( &&, ...(linkSite || {}).plans, ...(previewSite || {}).plans } }, ...restLinkData, ...restPreviewData }; this.handleSignupQuery({site:, pageQuery: updatedState.pageQuery}); this.setState(updatedState); } handleOfferQuery({site, offerId}) { removePortalLinkFromUrl(); const prices = getAvailablePrices({site}); const priceId = prices?.[0]?.id; if (this.state.member) { this.dispatchAction('checkoutPlan', {plan: priceId, offerId}); } else { this.dispatchAction('signup', {plan: priceId, offerId}); } } /** Handle direct signup link for a price */ handleSignupQuery({site, pageQuery}) { const productMonthlyPriceQueryRegex = /^(?:(\w+?))?\/monthly$/; const productYearlyPriceQueryRegex = /^(?:(\w+?))?\/monthly$/; const offerQueryRegex = /^offers\/(\w+?)\/?$/; let priceId = pageQuery; if (offerQueryRegex.test(pageQuery || '')) { const [, offerId] = pageQuery.match(offerQueryRegex); this.handleOfferQuery({site, offerId}); return; } else if (productMonthlyPriceQueryRegex.test(pageQuery || '')) { const [, productId] = pageQuery.match(productMonthlyPriceQueryRegex); const product = getProductFromId({site, productId}); priceId = product?.monthlyPrice?.id; } else if (productYearlyPriceQueryRegex.test(pageQuery || '')) { const [, productId] = pageQuery.match(productYearlyPriceQueryRegex); const product = getProductFromId({site, productId}); priceId = product?.yearlyPrice?.id; } const queryPrice = getQueryPrice({site: site, priceId}); if (!this.state.member && pageQuery && pageQuery !== 'free' ) { removePortalLinkFromUrl(); this.dispatchAction('signup', {plan: queryPrice?.id || priceId}); } } /**Get Portal page from Link/Data-attribute path*/ getPageFromLinkPath(path) { const customPricesSignupRegex = /^signup\/?(?:\/(\w+?))?\/?$/; const customMonthlyProductSignup = /^signup\/?(?:\/(\w+?))\/monthly\/?$/; const customYearlyProductSignup = /^signup\/?(?:\/(\w+?))\/yearly\/?$/; const customOfferRegex = /^offers\/(\w+?)\/?$/; if (customOfferRegex.test(path)) { return { pageQuery: path }; } else if (path === 'signup') { return { page: 'signup' }; } else if (customMonthlyProductSignup.test(path)) { const [, productId] = path.match(customMonthlyProductSignup); return { page: 'signup', pageQuery: `${productId}/monthly` }; } else if (customYearlyProductSignup.test(path)) { const [, productId] = path.match(customYearlyProductSignup); return { page: 'signup', pageQuery: `${productId}/yearly` }; } else if (customPricesSignupRegex.test(path)) { const [, pageQuery] = path.match(customPricesSignupRegex); return { page: 'signup', pageQuery: pageQuery }; } else if (path === 'signup/free') { return { page: 'signup', pageQuery: 'free' }; } else if (path === 'signup/monthly') { return { page: 'signup', pageQuery: 'monthly' }; } else if (path === 'signup/yearly') { return { page: 'signup', pageQuery: 'yearly' }; } else if (path === 'signin') { return { page: 'signin' }; } else if (path === 'account') { return { page: 'accountHome' }; } else if (path === 'account/plans') { return { page: 'accountPlan' }; } else if (path === 'account/profile') { return { page: 'accountProfile' }; } return {}; } /**Get Accent color from site data*/ getAccentColor() { const {accent_color: accentColor} = || {}; return accentColor; } /**Get final page set in App context from state data*/ getContextPage({site, page, member}) { /**Set default page based on logged-in status */ if (!page) { const loggedOutPage = isInviteOnlySite({site}) ? 'signin' : 'signup'; page = member ? 'accountHome' : loggedOutPage; } if (page === 'accountPlan' && isComplimentaryMember({member})) { page = 'accountHome'; } return getActivePage({page}); } /**Get final member set in App context from state data*/ getContextMember({page, member, customSiteUrl}) { if (hasMode(['dev', 'preview'], {customSiteUrl})) { /** Use dummy member(free or paid) for account pages in dev/preview mode*/ if (isAccountPage({page})) { if (hasMode(['dev'], {customSiteUrl})) { return member ||; } else if (hasMode(['preview'])) { return Fixtures.member.preview; } else { return Fixtures.member.paid; } } /** Ignore member for non-account pages in dev/preview mode*/ return null; } return member; } /**Get final App level context from App state*/ getContextFromState() { const {site, member, action, page, lastPage, showPopup, pageQuery, popupNotification, customSiteUrl} = this.state; const contextPage = this.getContextPage({site, page, member}); const contextMember = this.getContextMember({page: contextPage, member, customSiteUrl}); return { site, action, brandColor: this.getAccentColor(), page: contextPage, pageQuery, member: contextMember, lastPage, showPopup, popupNotification, customSiteUrl, onAction: (_action, data) => this.dispatchAction(_action, data) }; } render() { if (this.state.initStatus === 'success') { return ( ); } return null; } }