import EPMModalsService from 'ember-promise-modals/services/modals'; import {bind} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class ModalsService extends EPMModalsService { @service dropdown; // we manually close modals on backdrop clicks and escape rather than letting focus-trap // handle it so we can intercept/abort closing for things like unsaved change confirmations allowOutsideClick = true; clickOutsideDeactivates = false; escapeDeactivates = false; _onFirstModalAdded() { super._onFirstModalAdded(...arguments); this.addEventHandlers(); this.dropdown.closeDropdowns(); } _onLastModalRemoved() { super._onLastModalRemoved(...arguments); this.removeEventHandlers(); } addEventHandlers() { if (!this.backdropClickHandler) { this.backdropClickHandler = bind(this, this.handleBackdropClick); document.body.addEventListener('click', this.backdropClickHandler, {capture: true, passive: false}); } if (!this.escapeKeyHandler) { this.escapeKeyHandler = bind(this, this.handleEscapeKey); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.escapeKeyHandler, {capture: true, passive: false}); } } removeEventHandlers() { document.body.removeEventListener('click', this.backdropClickHandler, {capture: true, passive: false}); this.backdropClickHandler = null; document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.escapeKeyHandler, {capture: true, passive: false}); this.escapeKeyHandler = null; } handleBackdropClick(event) { let shouldClose = true; for (const elem of (event.path || event.composedPath())) { if (elem.matches?.('.modal-content, .ember-basic-dropdown-content')) { shouldClose = false; break; } } if (shouldClose) {; } } handleEscapeKey(event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') {; } } }