// Switch these lines once there are useful utils // const testUtils = require('./utils'); require('./utils'); const prettyCLI = require('../pretty-cli'); // Check the API is as we depend on in other modules; describe('API', function () { it('Exposes styled-sywac, styles & the sywac API', function () { // Detect a basic prestyled sywac instance prettyCLI.should.be.an.Object().with.property('types'); prettyCLI.parseAndExit.should.be.a.Function(); // Detect the basic sywac Api prettyCLI.Api.should.be.a.Function(); prettyCLI.Api.get.should.be.a.Function(); // Detect style rules prettyCLI.styles.should.be.an.Object(); prettyCLI.styles.should.have.properties([ 'usagePrefix', 'group', 'flags', 'hints', 'groupError', 'flagsError', 'descError', 'hintsError', 'messages' ]); }); });