const {promises: fs} = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const _ = require('lodash'); const moment = require('moment'); class StaffServiceEmails { constructor({logging, models, mailer, settingsCache, urlUtils}) { this.logging = logging; this.models = models; this.mailer = mailer; this.settingsCache = settingsCache; this.urlUtils = urlUtils; this.Handlebars = require('handlebars'); } async notifyFreeMemberSignup(member, options) { const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('free-signup', options); for (const user of users) { const to =; const memberData = this.getMemberData(member); const subject = `🥳 Free member signup: ${}`; const templateData = { memberData, siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'), siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(), siteDomain: this.siteDomain, accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'), fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress, toEmail: to, staffUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`) }; const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-free-signup', templateData); await this.sendMail({ to, subject, html, text }); } } async notifyPaidSubscriptionStarted({member, subscription, offer, tier}, options = {}) { const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('paid-started', options); for (const user of users) { const to =; const memberData = this.getMemberData(member); const subject = `💸 Paid subscription started: ${}`; const amount = this.getAmount(subscription?.plan_amount); const formattedAmount = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: subscription?.plan_currency, amount}); const interval = subscription?.plan_interval || ''; const tierData = { name: tier?.name || '', details: `${formattedAmount}/${interval}` }; const subscriptionData = { startedOn: this.getFormattedDate(subscription.start_date) }; let offerData = this.getOfferData(offer); const templateData = { memberData, tierData, offerData, subscriptionData, siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'), siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(), siteDomain: this.siteDomain, accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'), fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress, toEmail: to, staffUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`) }; const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-paid-started', templateData); await this.sendMail({ to, subject, html, text }); } } async notifyPaidSubscriptionCanceled({member, cancellationReason, tier, subscription}, options = {}) { const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('paid-canceled', options); const subscriptionPriceData = _.get(subscription, '[0].price'); for (const user of users) { const to =; const memberData = this.getMemberData(member); const subject = `⚠️ Cancellation: ${}`; const amount = this.getAmount(subscriptionPriceData?.unit_amount); const formattedAmount = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: subscriptionPriceData?.currency, amount}); const interval = subscriptionPriceData?.recurring?.interval; const tierDetail = `${formattedAmount}/${interval}`; const tierData = { name: tier?.name || '', details: tierDetail }; const subscriptionData = { expiryAt: this.getFormattedStripeDate(subscription.cancel_at), canceledAt: this.getFormattedStripeDate(subscription.canceled_at), cancellationReason: cancellationReason || '' }; const templateData = { memberData, tierData, subscriptionData, siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'), siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(), siteDomain: this.siteDomain, accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'), fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress, toEmail: to, staffUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`) }; const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-paid-cancellation', templateData); await this.sendMail({ to, subject, html, text }); } } // Utils /** @private */ getMemberData(member) { let name = member?.name || 'Anonymous'; return { name: member?.name || member?.email, email: member?.email, adminUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/members/${}`), initials: this.extractInitials(name), location: this.getGeolocationData(member.geolocation), createdAt: moment(member.created_at).format('D MMM YYYY') }; } /** @private */ getGeolocationData(geolocation) { if (!geolocation) { return null; } try { const geolocationData = JSON.parse(geolocation); return geolocationData?.country || null; } catch (e) { return null; } } /** @private */ getFormattedAmount({amount = 0, currency}) { if (!currency) { return ''; } return Intl.NumberFormat('en', { style: 'currency', currency, currencyDisplay: 'symbol' }).format(amount); } /** @private */ getAmount(amount) { if (!amount) { return 0; } return amount / 100; } /** @private */ getFormattedDate(date) { if (!date) { return ''; } return moment(date).format('D MMM YYYY'); } /** @private */ getFormattedStripeDate(stripeDate) { if (!stripeDate) { return ''; } const date = new Date(stripeDate * 1000); return this.getFormattedDate(date); } /** @private */ getOfferData(offer) { if (offer) { let offAmount = ''; let offDuration = ''; if (offer.duration === 'once') { offDuration = ', first payment'; } else if (offer.duration === 'repeating') { offDuration = `, first ${offer.duration_in_months} months`; } else if (offer.duration === 'forever') { offDuration = `, forever`; } else if (offer.duration === 'trial') { offDuration = ''; } if (offer.type === 'percent') { offAmount = `${offer.amount}% off`; } else if (offer.type === 'fixed') { offAmount = `${this.getFormattedAmount({currency: offer.currency, amount: offer.amount})} off`; } else if (offer.type === 'trial') { offAmount = `${offer.amount} days free`; } return { name:, details: `${offAmount}${offDuration}` }; } } get siteDomain() { const [, siteDomain] = this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl() .match(new RegExp('^https?://([^/:?#]+)(?:[/:?#]|$)', 'i')); return siteDomain; } get membersAddress() { // TODO: get from address of default newsletter? return `noreply@${this.siteDomain}`; } get fromEmailAddress() { return `ghost@${this.siteDomain}`; } // TODO: duplicated from services/members/config - exrtact to settings? get supportAddress() { const supportAddress = this.settingsCache.get('members_support_address') || 'noreply'; // Any fromAddress without domain uses site domain, like default setting `noreply` if (supportAddress.indexOf('@') < 0) { return `${supportAddress}@${this.siteDomain}`; } return supportAddress; } get notificationFromAddress() { return this.supportAddress || this.membersAddress; } extractInitials(name = '') { const names = name.split(' '); const initials = names.length > 1 ? [names[0][0], names[names.length - 1][0]] : [names[0][0]]; return initials.join('').toUpperCase(); } async sendMail(message) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { this.logging.warn(message.text); } let msg = Object.assign({ from: this.fromEmailAddress, forceTextContent: true }, message); return this.mailer.send(msg); } async renderEmailTemplate(templateName, data) { const htmlTemplateSource = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/', `${templateName}.hbs`), 'utf8'); const htmlTemplate = this.Handlebars.compile(Buffer.from(htmlTemplateSource).toString()); const textTemplate = require(`./email-templates/${templateName}.txt.js`); const html = htmlTemplate(data); const text = textTemplate(data); return {html, text}; } } module.exports = StaffServiceEmails;