import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {guidFor} from '@ember/object/internals'; export default class GhFileInput extends Component { inputId = `fileInput-${guidFor(this)}`; inputElement = null; get alt() { return this.args.alt === undefined ? 'Upload' : this.args.alt; } @action onChange(e) { e.stopPropagation(); const files = this.files(e); if (files.length) { this.args.action?.(files, this.resetInput); } } @action registerFileInput(inputElement) { this.inputElement = inputElement; this.args.onInsert?.(this.inputElement); } /** * Resets the value of the input so you can select the same file * multiple times. * * NOTE: fixes reset in Firefox which doesn't reset like other browsers * when doing input.value = null; * * @method */ @action resetInput() { const input = this.inputElement; input.removeAttribute('value'); input.value = null; const clone = input.cloneNode(true); this.inputElement = clone; input.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, input); return clone; } /** * Gets files from event object. * * @method * @private * @param {$.Event || Event} */ files(e) { return (e.originalEvent || e).testingFiles || e.originalEvent?.files || || e.files; } }