import assert from 'assert/strict'; import got from 'got'; import nock from 'nock'; import {RecommendationMetadataService} from '../src'; import sinon from 'sinon'; describe('RecommendationMetadataService', function () { let service: RecommendationMetadataService; let fetchOembedDataFromUrl: sinon.SinonStub; beforeEach(function () { nock.disableNetConnect(); fetchOembedDataFromUrl = sinon.stub().resolves({ version: '1.0', type: 'webmention', metadata: { title: 'Oembed Site Title', description: 'Oembed Site Description', publisher: 'Oembed Site Publisher', author: 'Oembed Site Author', thumbnail: '', icon: '' } }); service = new RecommendationMetadataService({ externalRequest: got, oembedService: { fetchOembedDataFromUrl } }); }); afterEach(function () { nock.cleanAll(); sinon.restore(); }); it('Returns metadata from the Ghost site', async function () { nock('') .get('/subdirectory/members/api/site') .reply(200, { site: { title: 'Example Ghost Site', description: 'Example Ghost Site Description', cover_image: '', icon: '', allow_external_signup: true } }); const metadata = await service.fetch(new URL('')); assert.deepEqual(metadata, { title: 'Example Ghost Site', excerpt: 'Example Ghost Site Description', featuredImage: new URL(''), favicon: new URL(''), oneClickSubscribe: true }); }); it('Nulifies empty data from Ghost site response', async function () { nock('') .get('/subdirectory/members/api/site') .reply(200, { site: { title: '', description: '', cover_image: '', icon: '', allow_external_signup: false } }); const metadata = await service.fetch(new URL('')); assert.deepEqual(metadata, { title: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, oneClickSubscribe: false }); }); it('Ignores ghost site if allow_external_signup is missing', async function () { nock('') .get('/members/api/site') .reply(200, { site: { title: '', description: '', cover_image: '', icon: '' } }); const metadata = await service.fetch(new URL('')); assert.deepEqual(metadata, { // oembed title: 'Oembed Site Title', excerpt: 'Oembed Site Description', featuredImage: new URL(''), favicon: new URL(''), oneClickSubscribe: false }); }); it('Returns metadata from the Ghost site root if not found on subdirectory', async function () { nock('') .get('/subdirectory/members/api/site') .reply(404, {}); nock('') .get('/members/api/site') .reply(200, { site: { title: 'Example Ghost Site', description: 'Example Ghost Site Description', cover_image: '', icon: '', allow_external_signup: true } }); const metadata = await service.fetch(new URL('')); assert.deepEqual(metadata, { title: 'Example Ghost Site', excerpt: 'Example Ghost Site Description', featuredImage: new URL(''), favicon: new URL(''), oneClickSubscribe: true }); }); it('Skips ghost metadata if json is invalid', async function () { nock('') .get('/subdirectory/members/api/site') .reply(200, 'invalidjson'); nock('') .get('/members/api/site') .reply(200, 'invalidjson'); const metadata = await service.fetch(new URL('')); assert.deepEqual(metadata, { title: 'Oembed Site Title', excerpt: 'Oembed Site Description', featuredImage: new URL(''), favicon: new URL(''), oneClickSubscribe: false }); }); it('Ignores invalid urls', async function () { nock('') .get('/subdirectory/members/api/site') .reply(404, 'invalidjson'); nock('') .get('/members/api/site') .reply(404, 'invalidjson'); fetchOembedDataFromUrl.resolves({ version: '1.0', type: 'webmention', metadata: { title: 'Oembed Site Title', description: 'Oembed Site Description', publisher: 'Oembed Site Publisher', author: 'Oembed Site Author', thumbnail: 'invalid', icon: 'invalid' } }); const metadata = await service.fetch(new URL('')); assert.deepEqual(metadata, { title: 'Oembed Site Title', excerpt: 'Oembed Site Description', featuredImage: null, favicon: null, oneClickSubscribe: false }); }); it('does not throw an error even if fetching throws an error', async function () { // TODO: simulate DNS resolution failures if possible sinon.stub(got, 'get').rejects(new Error('Failed to fetch')); await service.fetch(new URL('')); }); it('Nullifies empty oembed data', async function () { nock('') .get('/subdirectory/members/api/site') .reply(404, 'invalidjson'); nock('') .get('/members/api/site') .reply(404, 'invalidjson'); fetchOembedDataFromUrl.resolves({ version: '1.0', type: 'webmention', metadata: { title: '', description: '', publisher: '', author: '', thumbnail: '', icon: '' } }); const metadata = await service.fetch(new URL('')); assert.deepEqual(metadata, { title: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, oneClickSubscribe: false }); }); });