import config from 'ghost-admin/config/environment'; import ghostPaths from 'ghost-admin/utils/ghost-paths'; export default async function fetchKoenigLexical() { if (window['@tryghost/koenig-lexical']) { return window['@tryghost/koenig-lexical']; } // If we pass an editor URL (the env var from the dev script), use that // Else, if we pass a CDN URL, use that // Else, use the asset root from the ghostPaths util const baseUrl = (config.editorUrl || (config.cdnUrl ? `${config.cdnUrl}assets/koenig-lexical/` : `${ghostPaths().assetRootWithHost}koenig-lexical/`)); const url = new URL(`${baseUrl}koenig-lexical.umd.js`); if (url.protocol === 'http:') { await import(`http://${}${url.pathname}`); } else { await import(`https://${}${url.pathname}`); } return window['@tryghost/koenig-lexical']; }