const assert = require('assert/strict'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events'); const MemberRepository = require('../../../../lib/repositories/MemberRepository'); const {SubscriptionCreatedEvent, OfferRedemptionEvent} = require('@tryghost/member-events'); const mockOfferRedemption = { add: sinon.stub(), findOne: sinon.stub() }; describe('MemberRepository', function () { afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); describe('#isComplimentarySubscription', function () { it('Does not error when subscription.plan is null', function () { const repo = new MemberRepository({OfferRedemption: mockOfferRedemption}); repo.isComplimentarySubscription({}); }); }); describe('#resolveContextSource', function (){ it('Maps context to source', function (){ const repo = new MemberRepository({OfferRedemption: mockOfferRedemption}); let source = repo._resolveContextSource({ import: true }); assert.equal(source, 'import'); source = repo._resolveContextSource({ importer: true }); assert.equal(source, 'import'); source = repo._resolveContextSource({ user: true }); assert.equal(source, 'admin'); source = repo._resolveContextSource({ user: true, api_key: true }); assert.equal(source, 'api'); source = repo._resolveContextSource({ api_key: true }); assert.equal(source, 'api'); source = repo._resolveContextSource({ }); assert.equal(source, 'member'); source = repo._resolveContextSource({ generic_context: true }); assert.equal(source, 'member'); }); }); describe('setComplimentarySubscription', function () { let Member; let productRepository; beforeEach(function () { Member = { findOne: sinon.stub().resolves({ id: 'member_id_123', related: () => { return { fetch: () => { return { models: [] }; } }; } }) }; }); it('throws an error when there is no default product', async function () { productRepository = { getDefaultProduct: sinon.stub().resolves(null) }; const repo = new MemberRepository({ Member, stripeAPIService: { configured: true }, productRepository, OfferRedemption: mockOfferRedemption }); try { await repo.setComplimentarySubscription({ id: 'member_id_123' }, { transacting: true });'setComplimentarySubscription should have thrown'); } catch (err) { assert.equal(err.message, 'Could not find Product "default"'); } }); it('uses the right options for fetching default product', async function () { productRepository = { getDefaultProduct: sinon.stub().resolves({ toJSON: () => { return null; } }) }; const repo = new MemberRepository({ Member, stripeAPIService: { configured: true }, productRepository, OfferRedemption: mockOfferRedemption }); try { await repo.setComplimentarySubscription({ id: 'member_id_123' }, { transacting: true, withRelated: ['labels'] });'setComplimentarySubscription should have thrown'); } catch (err) { productRepository.getDefaultProduct.calledWith({withRelated: ['stripePrices'], transacting: true}); assert.equal(err.message, 'Could not find Product "default"'); } }); }); describe('newsletter subscriptions', function () { let Member; let MemberProductEvent; let productRepository; let stripeAPIService; let existingNewsletters; let MemberSubscribeEvent; beforeEach(async function () { sinon.spy(); existingNewsletters = [ { id: 'newsletter_id_123', attributes: { status: 'active' }, get: sinon.stub().withArgs('status').returns('active') }, { id: 'newsletter_id_1234_archive', attributes: { status: 'archived' }, get: sinon.stub().withArgs('status').returns('archived') } ]; Member = { findOne: sinon.stub().resolves({ get: sinon.stub().returns('member_id_123'), related: sinon.stub().withArgs('newsletters').returns({ models: existingNewsletters }), toJSON: sinon.stub().returns({}) }), edit: sinon.stub().resolves({ attributes: {}, _previousAttributes: {} }) }; stripeAPIService = { configured: false }; MemberSubscribeEvent = { add: sinon.stub().resolves() }; }); it('Does not create false archived newsletter events', async function () { const repo = new MemberRepository({ Member, MemberProductEvent, productRepository, stripeAPIService, MemberSubscribeEventModel: MemberSubscribeEvent, OfferRedemption: mockOfferRedemption }); await repo.update({ email: '', newsletters: [{ id: 'newsletter_id_123' }, { id: 'newsletter_id_456' }, { id: 'newsletter_id_new' }, { id: 'newsletter_id_1234_archive' }] },{ transacting: { executionPromise: Promise.resolve() }, context: {} });; }); }); describe('linkSubscription', function (){ let Member; let MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent; let StripeCustomerSubscription; let MemberProductEvent; let stripeAPIService; let productRepository; let offerRepository; let labsService; let subscriptionData; let subscriptionCreatedNotifySpy; let offerRedemptionNotifySpy; afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); beforeEach(async function () { subscriptionCreatedNotifySpy = sinon.spy(); offerRedemptionNotifySpy = sinon.spy(); subscriptionData = { id: 'sub_123', customer: 'cus_123', status: 'active', items: { type: 'list', data: [{ id: 'item_123', price: { id: 'price_123', product: 'product_123', active: true, nickname: 'Monthly', currency: 'usd', recurring: { interval: 'month' }, unit_amount: 500, type: 'recurring' } }] }, start_date: / 1000, current_period_end: / 1000 + (60 * 60 * 24 * 31), cancel_at_period_end: false }; Member = { findOne: sinon.stub().resolves({ related: (relation) => { return { query: sinon.stub().returns({ fetchOne: sinon.stub().resolves({}) }), toJSON: sinon.stub().returns(relation === 'products' ? [] : {}), fetch: sinon.stub().resolves({ toJSON: sinon.stub().returns(relation === 'products' ? [] : {}), models: [] }) }; }, toJSON: sinon.stub().returns({}) }), edit: sinon.stub().resolves({ attributes: {}, _previousAttributes: {} }) }; MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent = { add: sinon.stub().resolves() }; StripeCustomerSubscription = { add: sinon.stub().resolves({ get: sinon.stub().returns() }), edit: sinon.stub().resolves({ get: sinon.stub().returns() }) }; MemberProductEvent = { add: sinon.stub().resolves({}) }; stripeAPIService = { configured: true, getSubscription: sinon.stub().resolves(subscriptionData) }; productRepository = { get: sinon.stub().resolves({ get: sinon.stub().returns(), toJSON: sinon.stub().returns({}) }), update: sinon.stub().resolves({}) }; labsService = { isSet: sinon.stub().returns(true) }; offerRepository = { getById: sinon.stub().resolves({ id: 'offer_123' }) }; }); it('dispatches paid subscription event', async function (){ const repo = new MemberRepository({ stripeAPIService, StripeCustomerSubscription, MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent, MemberProductEvent, productRepository, labsService, Member, OfferRedemption: mockOfferRedemption }); sinon.stub(repo, 'getSubscriptionByStripeID').resolves(null); DomainEvents.subscribe(SubscriptionCreatedEvent, subscriptionCreatedNotifySpy); DomainEvents.subscribe(OfferRedemptionEvent, offerRedemptionNotifySpy); await repo.linkSubscription({ subscription: subscriptionData }, { transacting: { executionPromise: Promise.resolve() }, context: {} });;; }); it('dispatches the offer redemption event for a new member starting a subscription', async function (){ // When a new member starts a paid subscription, the subscription is created with the offer ID const repo = new MemberRepository({ stripeAPIService, StripeCustomerSubscription, MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent, MemberProductEvent, productRepository, offerRepository, labsService, Member, OfferRedemption: mockOfferRedemption }); // No existing subscription sinon.stub(repo, 'getSubscriptionByStripeID').resolves(null); DomainEvents.subscribe(SubscriptionCreatedEvent, subscriptionCreatedNotifySpy); DomainEvents.subscribe(OfferRedemptionEvent, offerRedemptionNotifySpy); await repo.linkSubscription({ id: 'member_id_123', subscription: subscriptionData, offerId: 'offer_123' }, { transacting: { executionPromise: Promise.resolve() }, context: {} });; subscriptionCreatedNotifySpy.calledWith(sinon.match((event) => { if ( === 'offer_123') { return true; } return false; }));; offerRedemptionNotifySpy.calledWith(sinon.match((event) => { if ( === 'offer_123') { return true; } return false; })); }); it('dispatches the offer redemption event for an existing member upgrading to a paid subscription', async function (){ // When an existing free member upgrades to a paid subscription, the subscription is first created _without_ the offer id // Then it is updated with the offer id after the checkout.completed webhook is received const repo = new MemberRepository({ stripeAPIService, StripeCustomerSubscription, MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent, MemberProductEvent, productRepository, offerRepository, labsService, Member, OfferRedemption: mockOfferRedemption }); sinon.stub(repo, 'getSubscriptionByStripeID').resolves({ get: sinon.stub().withArgs('offer_id').returns(null) }); DomainEvents.subscribe(SubscriptionCreatedEvent, subscriptionCreatedNotifySpy); DomainEvents.subscribe(OfferRedemptionEvent, offerRedemptionNotifySpy); await repo.linkSubscription({ id: 'member_id_123', subscription: subscriptionData, offerId: 'offer_123' }, { transacting: { executionPromise: Promise.resolve() }, context: {} });;; offerRedemptionNotifySpy.calledWith(sinon.match((event) => { if ( === 'offer_123') { return true; } return false; })); }); }); });