const assert = require('assert/strict'); const extractApiKey = require('../index'); describe('Extract API Key', function () { it('Returns nulls for a request without any key', function () { const {key, type} = extractApiKey({ query: { filter: 'status:active' } }); assert.equal(key, null); assert.equal(type, null); }); it('Extracts Content API key from the request', function () { const {key, type} = extractApiKey({ query: { key: '123thekey' } }); assert.equal(key, '123thekey'); assert.equal(type, 'content'); }); it('Extracts Admin API key from the request', function () { const {key, type} = extractApiKey({ headers: { authorization: 'Ghost eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjYyNzM4MjQzNDZiZjUxZjNhYWI5OTA5OSJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTIxNjUyNDQsImV4cCI6MTY1MjE2NTU0NCwiYXVkIjoiL3YyL2FkbWluLyJ9.VdPOZ4XffgYd8qn_46zlJR3jW_rPZTw70COkG5IYIuU' } }); assert.equal(key, '6273824346bf51f3aab99099'); assert.equal(type, 'admin'); }); it('Returns null if malformatted Admin API Key', function () { const {key, type} = extractApiKey({ headers: { authorization: 'Ghost incorrectformat' } }); assert.equal(key, null); assert.equal(type, 'admin'); }); });