const sinon = require('sinon'); const {EventProcessingResult} = require('@tryghost/email-analytics-service'); // module under test const EmailAnalyticsProviderMailgun = require('../'); const SAMPLE_EVENTS = [ new EventProcessingResult({ delivered: 4, opened: 2, temporaryFailed: 0, permanentFailed: 0, unsubscribed: 0, complained: 0, unhandled: 0, unprocessable: 0, processingFailures: 0, emailIds: [ '62f3aebaaa887b504a40519f', '62f3c200e8e74e677ab5e1fa', '62f3c606de193a6d00433dfc' ], memberIds: ['62ed25f69ae8f1a8c22d1a2f'] }) ]; describe('EmailAnalyticsProviderMailgun', function () { let config, settings; beforeEach(function () { // options objects that can be stubbed or spied config = {get() {}}; settings = {get() {}}; }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); describe('fetchAll()', function () { const MAILGUN_OPTIONS = { event: 'delivered OR opened OR failed OR unsubscribed OR complained', limit: 300, tags: 'bulk-email' }; it('passes the correct parameters to mailgun-client', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' } }); const mailgunProvider = new EmailAnalyticsProviderMailgun({config, settings}); const batchHandler = sinon.spy(); const mailgunFetchEventsStub = sinon.stub(mailgunProvider.mailgunClient, 'fetchEvents').returns(SAMPLE_EVENTS); await mailgunProvider.fetchAll(batchHandler); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(mailgunFetchEventsStub, MAILGUN_OPTIONS, batchHandler, undefined); }); it('uses custom tags when supplied', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' } }); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail:mailgun:tag').returns('custom-tag'); const mailgunProvider = new EmailAnalyticsProviderMailgun({config, settings}); const batchHandler = sinon.spy(); const mailgunFetchEventsStub = sinon.stub(mailgunProvider.mailgunClient, 'fetchEvents').returns(SAMPLE_EVENTS); await mailgunProvider.fetchAll(batchHandler); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(mailgunFetchEventsStub, { ...MAILGUN_OPTIONS, tags: 'bulk-email AND custom-tag' }, batchHandler, undefined); }); }); describe('fetchLatest()', function () { const LATEST_TIMESTAMP = new Date('Thu Feb 25 2021 12:00:00 GMT+0000'); const MAILGUN_OPTIONS = { event: 'delivered OR opened OR failed OR unsubscribed OR complained', limit: 300, tags: 'bulk-email', begin: 'Thu, 25 Feb 2021 11:30:00 GMT', ascending: 'yes' }; it('passes the correct parameters to mailgun-client', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' } }); const mailgunProvider = new EmailAnalyticsProviderMailgun({config, settings}); const batchHandler = sinon.spy(); const mailgunFetchEventsStub = sinon.stub(mailgunProvider.mailgunClient, 'fetchEvents').returns(SAMPLE_EVENTS); await mailgunProvider.fetchLatest(LATEST_TIMESTAMP, batchHandler); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(mailgunFetchEventsStub, MAILGUN_OPTIONS, batchHandler, undefined); }); it('uses custom tags when supplied', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' } }); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail:mailgun:tag').returns('custom-tag'); const mailgunProvider = new EmailAnalyticsProviderMailgun({config, settings}); const batchHandler = sinon.spy(); const mailgunFetchEventsStub = sinon.stub(mailgunProvider.mailgunClient, 'fetchEvents').returns(SAMPLE_EVENTS); await mailgunProvider.fetchLatest(LATEST_TIMESTAMP, batchHandler); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(mailgunFetchEventsStub, { ...MAILGUN_OPTIONS, tags: 'bulk-email AND custom-tag' }, batchHandler, undefined); }); }); });