import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import {Response} from 'miragejs'; import {dasherize} from '@ember/string'; import {extractFilterParam, paginateModelCollection} from '../utils'; import {isBlank, isEmpty} from '@ember/utils'; // NOTE: mirage requires Model objects when saving relationships, however the // `attrs` on POST/PUT requests will contain POJOs for authors and tags so we // need to replace them function extractAuthors(postAttrs, users) { return => users.find(; } function extractTags(postAttrs, tags) { return => { let tag = tags.find(; if (!tag) { tag = tag.create(requestTag); } return tag; }); } export function getPosts({posts}, {queryParams}) { let {filter, page, limit} = queryParams; page = +page || 1; limit = +limit || 15; let statusFilter = extractFilterParam('status', filter); let authorsFilter = extractFilterParam('authors', filter); let visibilityFilter = extractFilterParam('visibility', filter); let collection = posts.all().filter((post) => { let matchesStatus = true; let matchesAuthors = true; let matchesVisibility = true; if (!isEmpty(statusFilter)) { matchesStatus = statusFilter.includes(post.status); } if (!isEmpty(authorsFilter)) { matchesAuthors = authorsFilter.includes(post.authors.models[0].slug); } if (!isEmpty(visibilityFilter)) { matchesVisibility = visibilityFilter.includes(post.visibility); } return matchesStatus && matchesAuthors && matchesVisibility; }); return paginateModelCollection('posts', collection, page, limit); } export default function mockPosts(server) {'/posts', function ({posts, users, tags}) { let attrs = this.normalizedRequestAttrs(); attrs.authors = extractAuthors(attrs, users); attrs.tags = extractTags(attrs, tags); if (isBlank(attrs.slug) && !isBlank(attrs.title)) { attrs.slug = dasherize(attrs.title); } return posts.create(attrs); }); server.get('/posts/', getPosts); server.get('/posts/:id/', function ({posts}, {params}) { let {id} = params; let post = posts.find(id); return post || new Response(404, {}, { errors: [{ type: 'NotFoundError', message: 'Post not found.' }] }); }); server.put('/posts/:id/', function ({newsletters, posts, users, tags}, {params, queryParams}) { const attrs = this.normalizedRequestAttrs(); const post = posts.find(; attrs.authors = extractAuthors(attrs, users); attrs.tags = extractTags(attrs, tags); attrs.updatedAt = moment.utc().toDate(); if (queryParams.newsletter) { const newsletter = newsletters.findBy({slug: queryParams.newsletter}); post.newsletter = newsletter;; } return post.update(attrs); }); server.del('/posts/:id/'); server.del('/posts/', function ({posts}, {queryParams}) { let ids = extractFilterParam('id', queryParams.filter); posts.find(ids).destroy(); });'/posts/:id/copy/', function ({posts}, {params}) { let post = posts.find(; let attrs = post.attrs; return posts.create(attrs); }); server.put('/posts/bulk/', function ({tags}, {requestBody}) { const bulk = JSON.parse(requestBody).bulk; const action = bulk.action; // const ids = extractFilterParam('id', queryParams.filter); if (action === 'addTag') { // create tag so we have an id from the server const newTags = bulk.meta.tags; // check applied tags to see if any new ones should be created newTags.forEach((tag) => { if (! { tags.create(tag); } }); // TODO: update the actual posts in the mock db if wanting to write tests where we navigate around (refresh model) // const postsToUpdate = posts.find(ids); // getting the posts is fine, but within this we CANNOT manipulate them (???) not even iterate with .forEach } }); }