const assert = require('assert/strict'); const nock = require('nock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); // module under test const MailgunClient = require('../'); // Some sample Mailgun API options we might want to use const MAILGUN_OPTIONS = { event: 'delivered OR opened OR failed OR unsubscribed OR complained', limit: 300, tags: 'bulk-email', begin: 1606399301.266 }; const createBatchCounter = (customHandler) => { const batchCounter = { events: 0, batches: 0 }; batchCounter.batchHandler = async (events) => { += events.length; batchCounter.batches += 1; if (customHandler) { await customHandler(events); } }; return batchCounter; }; describe('MailgunClient', function () { let config, settings; beforeEach(function () { // options objects that can be stubbed or spied config = {get() {}}; settings = {get() {}}; }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); it('exports a number for configurable batch size', function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' }, batchSize: 1000 }); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); assert(typeof mailgunClient.getBatchSize() === 'number'); }); it('can connect via config', function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' }, batchSize: 1000 }); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); assert.equal(mailgunClient.isConfigured(), true); }); it('can connect via settings', function () { const settingsStub = sinon.stub(settings, 'get'); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_api_key').returns('settingsApiKey'); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_domain').returns(''); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_base_url').returns(''); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); assert.equal(mailgunClient.isConfigured(), true); }); it('cannot configure Mailgun if config/settings missing', function () { const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); assert.equal(mailgunClient.isConfigured(), false); }); it('respects changes in settings', async function () { const settingsStub = sinon.stub(settings, 'get'); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_api_key').returns('settingsApiKey'); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_domain').returns(''); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_base_url').returns(''); const eventsMock1 = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); await mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, () => {}); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_api_key').returns('settingsApiKey2'); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_domain').returns(''); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_base_url').returns(''); const eventsMock2 = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); await mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, () => {}); assert.equal(eventsMock1.isDone(), true); assert.equal(eventsMock2.isDone(), true); }); it('prioritises config values over settings', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' }, batchSize: 1000 }); const settingsStub = sinon.stub(settings, 'get'); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_api_key').returns('settingsApiKey'); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_domain').returns(''); settingsStub.withArgs('mailgun_base_url').returns(''); const configApiMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const settingsApiMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); await mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, () => {}); assert.equal(configApiMock.isDone(), true); assert.equal(settingsApiMock.isDone(), false); }); describe('send()', function () { it('does not send if not configured', async function () { const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); const response = await mailgunClient.send({}, {}, []); assert.equal(response, null); }); }); describe('fetchEvents()', function () { it('does not fetch if not configured', async function () { const counter = createBatchCounter(); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); await mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, counter.batchHandler); assert.equal(, 0); assert.equal(counter.batches, 0); }); it('fetches from now and works backwards', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' }, batchSize: 1000 }); const firstPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-1.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const secondPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-2.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); // requests continue until an empty items set is returned nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const counter = createBatchCounter(); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); await mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, counter.batchHandler); assert.equal(firstPageMock.isDone(), true); assert.equal(secondPageMock.isDone(), true); assert.equal(counter.batches, 2); assert.equal(, 6); }); // This tests the deadlock possibility (if we would stop after x events, we would retry the same events again and again) it('keeps fetching over the limit if events have the same timestamp as begin', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' }, batchSize: 1000 }); const firstPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-1.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const secondPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-2.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); // requests continue until an empty items set is returned nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const counter = createBatchCounter(); const maxEvents = 3; const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); await mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, counter.batchHandler, {maxEvents}); assert.equal(counter.batches, 2); assert.equal(, 6); assert.equal(firstPageMock.isDone(), true); assert.equal(secondPageMock.isDone(), true); }); it('fetches with a limit and stops if timestamp difference reached', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' }, batchSize: 1000 }); const firstPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-1-timestamp.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const secondPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-2.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); // requests continue until an empty items set is returned nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const counter = createBatchCounter(); const maxEvents = 3; const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); await mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, counter.batchHandler, {maxEvents}); assert.equal(counter.batches, 1); assert.equal(, 4); assert.equal(firstPageMock.isDone(), true); assert.equal(secondPageMock.isDone(), false); }); it('logs errors and rethrows during processing', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' }, batchSize: 1000 }); const firstPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-1-timestamp.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const secondPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-2.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); // requests continue until an empty items set is returned nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const counter = createBatchCounter(() => { throw new Error('test error'); }); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); await assert.rejects(mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, counter.batchHandler), /test error/); assert.equal(counter.batches, 1); assert.equal(, 4); assert.equal(firstPageMock.isDone(), true); assert.equal(secondPageMock.isDone(), false); }); it('supports EU Mailgun domain', async function () { const configStub = sinon.stub(config, 'get'); configStub.withArgs('bulkEmail').returns({ mailgun: { apiKey: 'apiKey', domain: '', baseUrl: '' }, batchSize: 1000 }); const firstPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-1-eu.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const secondPageMock = nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/all-2-eu.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); // requests continue until an empty items set is returned nock('') .get('/v3/') .query(MAILGUN_OPTIONS) .replyWithFile(200, `${__dirname}/fixtures/empty.json`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const batchHandler = sinon.spy(); const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); await mailgunClient.fetchEvents(MAILGUN_OPTIONS, batchHandler); assert.equal(firstPageMock.isDone(), true); assert.equal(secondPageMock.isDone(), true); assert.equal(batchHandler.callCount, 2); // one per page }); }); describe('normalizeEvent()', function () { it('works', function () { const event = { id: 'pl271FzxTTmGRW8Uj3dUWw', event: 'testEvent', severity: 'testSeverity', recipient: 'testRecipient', timestamp: 1614275662, message: { headers: { 'message-id': 'testProviderId' } }, 'user-variables': { 'email-id': 'testEmailId' } }; const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); const result = mailgunClient.normalizeEvent(event); assert.deepEqual(result, { type: 'testEvent', severity: 'testSeverity', recipientEmail: 'testRecipient', emailId: 'testEmailId', providerId: 'testProviderId', timestamp: new Date('2021-02-25T17:54:22.000Z'), error: null, id: 'pl271FzxTTmGRW8Uj3dUWw' }); }); it('works for errors', function () { const event = { event: 'failed', id: 'pl271FzxTTmGRW8Uj3dUWw', 'log-level': 'error', severity: 'permanent', reason: 'suppress-bounce', envelope: { sender: '', transport: 'smtp', targets: '' }, flags: { 'is-routed': false, 'is-authenticated': true, 'is-system-test': false, 'is-test-mode': false }, 'delivery-status': { 'attempt-no': 1, message: '', code: 605, description: 'Not delivering to previously bounced address', 'session-seconds': 0.0 }, message: { headers: { to: '', 'message-id': 'testProviderId', from: '', subject: 'Test Subject' }, attachments: [], size: 867 }, storage: { url: '', key: 'eyJwI...' }, recipient: 'testRecipient', 'recipient-domain': '', campaigns: [], tags: [], 'user-variables': {}, timestamp: 1614275662 }; const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); const result = mailgunClient.normalizeEvent(event); assert.deepEqual(result, { type: 'failed', severity: 'permanent', recipientEmail: 'testRecipient', emailId: undefined, providerId: 'testProviderId', timestamp: new Date('2021-02-25T17:54:22.000Z'), error: { code: 605, enhancedCode: null, message: 'Not delivering to previously bounced address' }, id: 'pl271FzxTTmGRW8Uj3dUWw' }); }); it('works for enhanced errors', function () { const event = { event: 'failed', id: 'pl271FzxTTmGRW8Uj3dUWw', 'log-level': 'error', severity: 'permanent', reason: 'suppress-bounce', envelope: { sender: '', transport: 'smtp', targets: '' }, flags: { 'is-routed': false, 'is-authenticated': true, 'is-system-test': false, 'is-test-mode': false }, 'delivery-status': { tls: true, 'mx-host': '', code: 451, description: '', 'session-seconds': 0.7517080307006836, utf8: true, 'retry-seconds': 600, 'enhanced-code': '4.7.652', 'attempt-no': 1, message: '4.7.652 The mail server [] has exceeded the maximum number of connections.', 'certificate-verified': true }, message: { headers: { to: '', 'message-id': 'testProviderId', from: '', subject: 'Test Subject' }, attachments: [], size: 867 }, storage: { url: '', key: 'eyJwI...' }, recipient: 'testRecipient', 'recipient-domain': '', campaigns: [], tags: [], 'user-variables': {}, timestamp: 1614275662 }; const mailgunClient = new MailgunClient({config, settings}); const result = mailgunClient.normalizeEvent(event); assert.deepEqual(result, { type: 'failed', severity: 'permanent', recipientEmail: 'testRecipient', emailId: undefined, providerId: 'testProviderId', timestamp: new Date('2021-02-25T17:54:22.000Z'), error: { code: 451, enhancedCode: '4.7.652', message: '4.7.652 The mail server [] has exceeded the maximum number of connections.' }, id: 'pl271FzxTTmGRW8Uj3dUWw' }); }); }); });