const EventProcessingResult = require('./event-processing-result'); const debug = require('@tryghost/debug')('services:email-analytics'); module.exports = class EmailAnalyticsService { constructor({config, settings, queries, eventProcessor, providers} = {}) { this.config = config; this.settings = settings; this.queries = queries; this.eventProcessor = eventProcessor; this.providers = providers; } async fetchAll() { const result = new EventProcessingResult(); const shouldFetchStats = await this.queries.shouldFetchStats(); if (!shouldFetchStats) { debug('fetchAll: skipping - fetch requirements not met'); return result; } const startFetch = new Date(); debug('fetchAll: starting'); for (const [, provider] of Object.entries(this.providers)) { const providerResults = await provider.fetchAll(this.processEventBatch.bind(this)); result.merge(providerResults); } debug(`fetchAll: finished (${ - startFetch}ms)`); return result; } async fetchLatest({maxEvents = Infinity} = {}) { const result = new EventProcessingResult(); const shouldFetchStats = await this.queries.shouldFetchStats(); if (!shouldFetchStats) { debug('fetchLatest: skipping - fetch requirements not met'); return result; } const lastTimestamp = await this.queries.getLastSeenEventTimestamp(); const startFetch = new Date(); debug('fetchLatest: starting'); providersLoop: for (const [, provider] of Object.entries(this.providers)) { const providerResults = await provider.fetchLatest(lastTimestamp, this.processEventBatch.bind(this), {maxEvents}); result.merge(providerResults); if (result.totalEvents >= maxEvents) { break providersLoop; } } debug(`fetchLatest: finished in ${ - startFetch}ms. Fetched ${result.totalEvents} events`); return result; } async processEventBatch(events) { const result = new EventProcessingResult(); for (const event of events) { const batchResult = await this.eventProcessor.process(event); result.merge(batchResult); } return result; } async aggregateStats({emailIds = [], memberIds = []}) { for (const emailId of emailIds) { await this.aggregateEmailStats(emailId); } for (const memberId of memberIds) { await this.aggregateMemberStats(memberId); } } async aggregateEmailStats(emailId) { return this.queries.aggregateEmailStats(emailId); } async aggregateMemberStats(memberId) { return this.queries.aggregateMemberStats(memberId); } };