import LimitService from '@tryghost/limit-service'; import RSVP from 'rsvp'; import Service, {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {bind} from '@ember/runloop'; class LimitError { constructor({errorType, errorDetails, message}) { this.errorType = errorType; this.errorDetails = errorDetails; this.message = message; } } class IncorrectUsageError extends LimitError { constructor(options) { super(Object.assign({errorType: 'IncorrectUsageError'}, options)); } } class HostLimitError extends LimitError { constructor(options) { super(Object.assign({errorType: 'HostLimitError'}, options)); } } export default class LimitsService extends Service { @service config; @service store; @service membersStats; constructor() { super(...arguments); let limits = this.config.get('hostSettings.limits'); this.limiter = new LimitService(); if (!limits) { return; } let helpLink; if (this.config.get('hostSettings.billing.enabled') && this.config.get('hostSettings.billing.enabled') === true && this.config.get('hostSettings.billing.url')) { helpLink = this.config.get('hostSettings.billing.url'); } else { helpLink = ''; } return this.limiter.loadLimits({ limits: this.decorateWithCountQueries(limits), helpLink, errors: { HostLimitError, IncorrectUsageError } }); } async checkWouldGoOverLimit(limitName, metadata = {}) { return this.limiter.checkWouldGoOverLimit(limitName, metadata); } decorateWithCountQueries(limits) { if (limits.staff) { limits.staff.currentCountQuery = bind(this, this.getStaffUsersCount); } if (limits.members) { limits.members.currentCountQuery = bind(this, this.getMembersCount); } return limits; } async getStaffUsersCount() { return RSVP.hash({ users:'user', {reload: true}), invites:'invite', {reload: true}), roles:'role', {reload: true}) // NOTE: roles have to be fetched as they are not always loaded with invites }).then((data) => { const staffUsers = data.users.filter(u => u.get('status') !== 'inactive' && u.role.get('name') !== 'Contributor'); const staffInvites = data.invites.filter(i => i.role.get('name') !== 'Contributor'); return staffUsers.length + staffInvites.length; }); } async getMembersCount() { const counts = await this.membersStats.fetchCounts(); return; } }