import assert from 'assert'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import {MailEvent} from '../src/MailEvent'; import {InMemoryMailEventRepository as MailEventRepository} from '../src/InMemoryMailEventRepository'; import {MailEventService} from '../src/MailEventService'; const makePayloadEvent = ( type: string, timestamp = ) => ({ id: 'event-id', timestamp: timestamp / 1000, event: type, message: { headers: { 'message-id': 'message-id' } }, recipient: 'message-recipient' }); const PAYLOAD_SIGNING_KEY = 'abc123'; describe('MailEventService', function () { let repository: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance; let config: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance; let labs: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance; let service: MailEventService; beforeEach(function () { repository = sinon.createStubInstance(MailEventRepository); labs = { isSet: sinon.stub() .withArgs(MailEventService.LABS_KEY) .returns(true) }; config = { get: sinon.stub() .withArgs(MailEventService.CONFIG_KEY_PAYLOAD_SIGNING_KEY) .returns(PAYLOAD_SIGNING_KEY) }; service = new MailEventService(repository, config, labs); }); describe('processPayload', function () { it('should reject if labs flag is false', async function () { labs.isSet.withArgs(MailEventService.LABS_KEY).returns(false); await assert.rejects( service.processPayload({} as any), { name: 'NotFoundError', message: 'Resource could not be found.' } ); }); it('should reject if payload signing key is invalid', async function () { config.get.withArgs(MailEventService.CONFIG_KEY_PAYLOAD_SIGNING_KEY).returns(undefined); await assert.rejects( service.processPayload({} as any), { name: 'InternalServerError', message: 'payload signing key is not configured' } ); }); it('should reject if payload verification fails', async function () { await assert.rejects( service.processPayload({ signature: 'foobarbaz', mail_events: [ makePayloadEvent('opened') ] } as any), { name: 'UnauthorizedError', message: '"signature" is invalid' } ); }); it('should store a single event', async function () { const payloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened'); // Ensure a fixed timestamp is used so that we know the signature up front payloadEvent.timestamp = 1686665992511 / 1000; const payload = { signature: '9f2567330688b82759600fad93c93b3e8f571d397c33688a8620400af20b79b3', mail_events: [ payloadEvent ] }; await service.processPayload(payload); const storedEvent =[0]; assert.ok(storedEvent instanceof MailEvent); assert.equal(,; }); it('should store multiple events', async function () { const events = [ makePayloadEvent('opened'), makePayloadEvent('opened') ]; // Ensure fixed timestamps are used so that we know the signature up front events[0].timestamp = 1686665992511 / 1000; events[1].timestamp = 1686665992512 / 1000; const payload = { signature: '02959cc9731ee575b66969a508f545d19c5968b42a03fa398ce9c93d8e7df0a5', mail_events: events }; await service.processPayload(payload); assert.ok(; }); it('should ignore unknown events', async function () { const events = [ makePayloadEvent('unknown-event'), makePayloadEvent('opened') ]; // Ensure fixed timestamps are used so that we know the signature up front events[0].timestamp = 1686665992511 / 1000; events[1].timestamp = 1686665992512 / 1000; const payload = { signature: 'd6de350faa9ec56d739ec7ffd5cb4230f90f583df05fe59a6c1a41afac7048df', mail_events: events }; await service.processPayload(payload); assert.ok(; assert.equal([0].type, 'opened'); }); it('should ensure event timestamps are converted to ms', async function () { const payloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened'); // Ensure a fixed timestamp is used so that we know the signature up front payloadEvent.timestamp = 1686665992511 / 1000; const payload = { signature: '9f2567330688b82759600fad93c93b3e8f571d397c33688a8620400af20b79b3', mail_events: [ payloadEvent ] }; await service.processPayload(payload); assert.ok(; const storedEvent =[0]; assert.equal(storedEvent.timestampMs, payloadEvent.timestamp * 1000); }); it('should reject if an event can not be stored', async function () { const payloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened'); // Ensure a fixed timestamp is used so that we know the signature up front payloadEvent.timestamp = 1686665992511 / 1000; const payload = { signature: '9f2567330688b82759600fad93c93b3e8f571d397c33688a8620400af20b79b3', mail_events: [ payloadEvent ] }; Error('foobarbaz')); await assert.rejects( service.processPayload(payload), { name: 'InternalServerError', message: 'Event could not be stored' } ); }); }); describe('validatePayload', function () { it('should validate that the payload contains a signature', function () { assert.throws( () => service.validatePayload({} as any), { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Payload is missing "signature"' } ); }); it('should validate that the payload contains a valid signature', function () { assert.throws(() => { service.validatePayload({ signature: {} } as any); }, { name: 'ValidationError', message: '"signature" is invalid' }); }); it('should validate that the payload contains events', function () { assert.throws(() => { service.validatePayload({ signature: 'foobarbaz' } as any); }, { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Payload is missing "mail_events"' }); }); it('should validate that the payload contains valid events', function () { assert.throws(() => { service.validatePayload({ signature: 'foobarbaz', mail_events: {} } as any); }, { name: 'ValidationError', message: '"mail_events" is not an array' }); }); it('should validate that events in the payload have an id', function () { const malformedPayloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened') as any; delete; const payload = { signature: 'foobarbaz', mail_events: [ makePayloadEvent('opened'), malformedPayloadEvent ] }; assert.throws( () => service.validatePayload(payload), { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Event [1] is missing "id"' } ); }); it('should validate that events in the payload have an timestamp', function () { const malformedPayloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened') as any; delete malformedPayloadEvent.timestamp; const payload = { signature: 'foobarbaz', mail_events: [ makePayloadEvent('opened'), malformedPayloadEvent ] }; assert.throws( () => service.validatePayload(payload), { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Event [1] is missing "timestamp"' } ); }); it('should validate that events in the payload have an event', function () { const malformedPayloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened') as any; delete malformedPayloadEvent.event; const payload = { signature: 'foobarbaz', mail_events: [ makePayloadEvent('opened'), malformedPayloadEvent ] }; assert.throws( () => service.validatePayload(payload), { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Event [1] is missing "event"' } ); }); it('should validate that events in the payload have a message', function () { const malformedPayloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened') as any; delete malformedPayloadEvent.message; const payload = { signature: 'foobarbaz', mail_events: [ makePayloadEvent('opened'), malformedPayloadEvent ] }; assert.throws( () => service.validatePayload(payload), { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Event [1] is missing "message"' } ); }); it('should validate that events in the payload have a recipient', function () { const malformedPayloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened') as any; delete malformedPayloadEvent.recipient; const payload = { signature: 'foobarbaz', mail_events: [ makePayloadEvent('opened'), malformedPayloadEvent ] }; assert.throws( () => service.validatePayload(payload), { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Event [1] is missing "recipient"' } ); }); it('should validate that "message.headers.message-id" is present on an event', function () { const malformedPayloadEvent = makePayloadEvent('opened') as any; delete malformedPayloadEvent.message.headers; const payload = { signature: 'foobarbaz', mail_events: [ makePayloadEvent('opened'), malformedPayloadEvent ] }; assert.throws( () => service.validatePayload(payload), { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Event [1] is missing "message.headers.message-id"' } ); }); }); });