const LinkRedirectsService = require('../lib/LinkRedirectsService'); const assert = require('assert'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const crypto = require('crypto'); describe('LinkRedirectsService', function () { afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); it('exported', function () { assert.equal(require('../index').LinkRedirectsService, LinkRedirectsService); }); describe('getSlugUrl', function () { it('works for first random slug that does not exist', async function () { const instance = new LinkRedirectsService({ linkRedirectRepository: { getByURL: () => Promise.resolve(undefined) }, config: { baseURL: new URL('https://localhost:2368/') } }); // stub crypto.randomBytes to return a known value toString sinon.stub(crypto, 'randomBytes').returns(Buffer.from('00000000', 'hex')); const url = await instance.getSlugUrl(); assert.equal(url, 'https://localhost:2368/r/00000000'); }); it('works when first random slug already exists', async function () { const instance = new LinkRedirectsService({ linkRedirectRepository: { getByURL: (url) => { if (url.toString() === 'https://localhost:2368/r/00000000') { return Promise.resolve({}); } return Promise.resolve(undefined); } }, config: { baseURL: new URL('https://localhost:2368/') } }); // stub crypto.randomBytes to return 00000000 first and something else sinon.stub(crypto, 'randomBytes') .onFirstCall().returns(Buffer.from('00000000', 'hex')) .onSecondCall().returns(Buffer.from('11111111', 'hex')); const url = await instance.getSlugUrl(); assert.equal(url, 'https://localhost:2368/r/11111111'); }); }); describe('addRedirect', function () { it('saves', async function () { const linkRedirectRepository = { save: sinon.fake() }; const instance = new LinkRedirectsService({ linkRedirectRepository, config: { baseURL: new URL('https://localhost:2368/') } }); await instance.addRedirect(new URL('https://localhost:2368/a'), new URL('https://localhost:2368/b')); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal([0].from.toString(), 'https://localhost:2368/a'); assert.equal([0].to.toString(), 'https://localhost:2368/b'); }); }); describe('handleRequest', function () { it('redirects if found', async function () { const linkRedirectRepository = { getByURL: (url) => { if (url.toString() === 'https://localhost:2368/a') { return Promise.resolve({ to: new URL('https://localhost:2368/b') }); } return Promise.resolve(undefined); } }; const instance = new LinkRedirectsService({ linkRedirectRepository, config: { baseURL: new URL('https://localhost:2368/') } }); const req = { originalUrl: '/a' }; const res = { redirect: sinon.fake() }; await instance.handleRequest(req, res); assert.equal(res.redirect.callCount, 1); assert.equal(res.redirect.getCall(0).args[0], 'https://localhost:2368/b'); }); it('does not redirect if not found', async function () { const linkRedirectRepository = { getByURL: () => Promise.resolve(undefined) }; const instance = new LinkRedirectsService({ linkRedirectRepository, config: { baseURL: new URL('https://localhost:2368/') } }); const req = { url: '/a' }; const res = {}; const next = sinon.fake(); await instance.handleRequest(req, res, next); assert.equal(next.callCount, 1); }); }); });