const sinon = require('sinon'); const RouterController = require('../../../../lib/controllers/RouterController'); describe('RouterController', function () { describe('createCheckoutSession', function (){ let offersAPI; let paymentsService; let tiersService; let stripeAPIService; let labsService; let getPaymentLinkSpy; beforeEach(async function () { getPaymentLinkSpy = sinon.spy(); tiersService = { api: { read: sinon.stub().resolves({ id: 'tier_123' }) } }; paymentsService = { getPaymentLink: getPaymentLinkSpy }; offersAPI = { getOffer: sinon.stub().resolves({ id: 'offer_123', tier: { id: 'tier_123' } }), findOne: sinon.stub().resolves({ related: () => { return { query: sinon.stub().returns({ fetchOne: sinon.stub().resolves({}) }), toJSON: sinon.stub().returns([]), fetch: sinon.stub().resolves({ toJSON: sinon.stub().returns({}) }) }; }, toJSON: sinon.stub().returns({}) }), edit: sinon.stub().resolves({ attributes: {}, _previousAttributes: {} }) }; stripeAPIService = { configured: true }; labsService = { isSet: sinon.stub().returns(true) }; }); it('passes offer metadata to payment link method', async function (){ const routerController = new RouterController({ tiersService, paymentsService, offersAPI, stripeAPIService, labsService }); await routerController.createCheckoutSession({ body: { offerId: 'offer_123' } }, { writeHead: () => {}, end: () => {} });; // Payment link is called with the offer id in metadata getPaymentLinkSpy.calledWith(sinon.match({ metadata: {offer: 'offer_123'} })); }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); }); });