const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid').default; const createModel = (propertiesAndRelations) => { const id = ?? ObjectId().toHexString(); return { id, getLazyRelation: (relation) => { propertiesAndRelations.loaded = propertiesAndRelations.loaded ?? []; if (!propertiesAndRelations.loaded.includes(relation)) { propertiesAndRelations.loaded.push(relation); } if (Array.isArray(propertiesAndRelations[relation])) { return Promise.resolve({ models: propertiesAndRelations[relation] }); } return Promise.resolve(propertiesAndRelations[relation]); }, related: (relation) => { if (!Object.keys(propertiesAndRelations).includes('loaded')) { throw new Error(`Model.related('${relation}'): When creating a test model via createModel you must include 'loaded' to specify which relations are already loaded and useable via Model.related.`); } if (!propertiesAndRelations.loaded.includes(relation)) { throw new Error(`Model.related('${relation}') was used on a test model that didn't explicitly loaded that relation.`); } return propertiesAndRelations[relation]; }, get: (property) => { return propertiesAndRelations[property]; }, previous: (property) => { return propertiesAndRelations.previous[property]; }, save: (properties) => { Object.assign(propertiesAndRelations, properties); return Promise.resolve(); }, toJSON: () => { return { id, ...propertiesAndRelations }; } }; }; module.exports = { createModel };